Chapter 1: NJPW to NXT
(NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 13)
Kenji Cruz was set to defend his IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship against fellow CHAOS brother and best friend, the Aerial Assassin Will Ospreay in his last match for NJPW as his contract is expiring. The Filipino Samurai finished taping his wrists before Will walked in.
Will: I heard this is your last match for the company, mate
Kenji: yeah, it will be really sad to leave, but when a door closes, another opens
Will: speak like a true Samurai
Kenji: let's put on a hell of a show
Will: let's do it
The two friends bro hugged until the leader of CHAOS, Kenji's mentor, the Rainmaker Kazuchika Okada came in.
Kazuchika: ウィリアム、賢治と一人で話してもいいですか。(Will, can I talk with Kenji alone please?)
Will: はい (yes)
The Aerial Assassin patted Kenji on the shoulder before taking his leave. The Rainmaker talked with his student.
Kazuchika: 私はこれがNJPWとのあなたの最後の戦いだと聞いた(I heard this is your last fight for NJPW)
Kenji: はい (yes)
He nodded.
Kazuchika: 私はあなたのことを誇りに思っており、それがあなたのメンターであり友人であることを光栄に思っています。(I just want to say that I'm proud of you and it's been an honor to be your mentor and friend)
The master and apprentice hugged each other. Then they bow at one another.
Kazuchika: 今行き、家を取り壊す(now go and tear the house down)
Kenji: yes sensei
Kenji grabbed his title and went out of the locker room while Kazuchika looked on with a proud look on his face.
(In the ring)
Will and Kenji already made their entrances while the Tokyo Dome was loud with the crowd cheering. The Filipino Samurai and the Aerial Assassin shook hands before locking up.
(End of match)
Will hit Pip Pip Cheerio on Kenji, but it was only good enough for a two count. The Aerial Assassin admired his best friend's never say die attitude. He picked Kenji up and he ran to the ropes to hit the Oscutter, but Kenji used his strength to stop the move's execution.
The Filipino Samurai got Will in the powerbomb position and hit his finisher, Gojira (Canadian Destroyer). The two were laying in the middle of the ring from fatigue. Kenji crawled to Will's body for the count, but Will managed to get his shoulder up.
Kenji picked up Will to hit another Gojira, but the Aerial Assassin got out of it and hits a step up enziguri, fazing the Filipino Samurai. Will then ran to the ropes and hits the Oscutter on Kenji.
The Aerial Assassin pinned him, and the match was over. The referee handed Will the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title; then Will helped his best friend to his feet.
Will and Kenji shared a emotional embrace while confetti rained down. The rest of CHAOS came out to give Kenji a proper send off. The whole stable group hugged in the middle of the ring as they have a brotherhood with each other. After that, they leave Kenji, so the Filipino Samurai can soak in his final moments in the NJPW ring. He bowed to the crowd while they give him a standing ovation.
He got out of the ring and went to the ramp before giving one last bow and a wave before disappearing behind the curtain.
(A few weeks later)
Kenji got a call from WWE COO Triple H that they are offering a contract to the Filipino Samurai to be apart of the NXT brand. He immediately accepted the offer as he remembered that another one of his friends from NJPW, KUSHIDA has signed with the black and yellow brand.
He boarded a plane to Orlando, Florida to meet with the Game himself.
(A few hours later)
Kenji's plane touched down at Orlando International Airport, and the Filipino Samurai was already excited.
He grabbed his bags and he walked out to the beautiful sight until he got a phone call.
Kenji: hello?
Hunter: Kenji, it's Hunter
Kenji: oh hello sir
Hunter: Kenji, let's meet up at the Performance Center, so you can sign your contract
Kenji: okay sir, I'll be there
He ended the call and he called taxi.
A few minutes later, the cab arrived and picked up Kenji from the airport.
(30 minutes later)
The cab stopped in front of the WWE Performance Center. Kenji handed the driver his fare and he exited the car. The Filipino Samurai was at awe of the building.
Kenji: the next step of my wrestling career
He smiled and he walked into the facility where he saw Triple H and the NXT General Manager William Regal.
Hunter: welcome Kenji
Kenji: great to finally meet you sir
The two shook hands.
Hunter: Kenji, I like you to meet the General Manager of NXT, William Regal
Kenji: it's an honor to meet you sir
William: pleasure is all mine
The two shook hands.
Hunter: alright Kenji, follow us to the conference room and we'll make your signing official
Kenji: okay sir
The three walked to the conference room where they were met by a group of photographers witnessing the signing of one of Japan's top wrestling stars. Kenji put ink to paper followed by Triple H and William's signatures. The three took a picture and then Kenji shook William and Triple H's hand.
Hunter: welcome to the WWE family
Kenji: thank you sir
William: you'll make your debut in two weeks, but you're welcome to come and visit the Full Sail Arena to get a glimpse of what NXT is about
Kenji: thank you, Mr. Regal
(2 days later)
NXT was going live at the Full Sail Arena, and Kenji was excited of how things run on the black and yellow brand. He wasn't scheduled to make his debut, so he watched and scouted his possible competition.
At catering he was welcomed with open arms by three of the brand's top stars, Aleister Black, Johnny Gargano and a man who Kenji's friend Will was familiar with, Ricochet.
Aleister: you're Kenji Cruz, one of Japan's top stars
Kenji: I am
Ricochet: I know your best friend well
Kenji: Will can be a bit reckless sometimes
Aleister: I'm Aleister by the way
Ricochet: name's Ricochet, but you can call me by my real name Trevor
Johnny: and I'm Johnny Gargano
Kenji: nice to meet you all; wow, my first day and I have friends
Ricochet: the NXT roster is like a big happy family
Johnny: unlike the main roster
Kenji: oh, I heard some stuff about them
Aleister: it's not their fault that they're bad; it's just the person who's in charge
Kenji: McMahon
Ricochet: if Triple H was running things, everything will be well
Johnny: well Kenji, we've watched some of your stuff in Japan
Aleister: and I've gotta say; you've got some great stuff
Ricochet: you and Will tore the house down at the Dome
Kenji: thanks guys
Johnny: mind if I ask, but are you full Japanese?
Kenji: oh no, I'm half Japanese and half Filipino
Ricochet: that's impressive
The four guys continued to talk and got to know more of Kenji's NJPW career; from his singles career to his membership with CHAOS along with his parental bond with Kazuchika. The three NXT stars were amazed of how Kenji's wrestling career took off.
Ricochet: you have a hell of a career, man
Kenji: thanks Trevor, now that I'm part of the biggest wrestling company in the world, I want to make the most of it while it lasts
Johnny: I can see a championship opportunity down the road for you dude
Kenji: thanks Johnny
Just then, three of NXT's female stars Dakota Kai, Io Shirai and the NXT Women's Champion Kairi Sane walked into catering and sat down at a table next to the guys. The Pirate Princess immediately caught the attention of the Filipino Samurai.
Kenji: whoa, who is she?
Ricochet: who?
Kenji: the girl over there
Johnny: which one?
Kenji: the one wearing the pirate hat
Ricochet: oh, that's the NXT Women's Champion Kairi Sane
Kenji: Kairi Sane?
Aleister: she was the winner of the 2017 Mae Young Classic
Kenji: yes, I remember watching that when I was in Japan; she's got some good stuff and she's...
Johnny: she's what?
Ricochet: spit it out dude
Kenji: she's cute
The guys nodded in agreement.
Aleister: Kenji, if you don't mind me asking, but have you had any girlfriends back in Japan?
Kenji: unfortunately not, it seems the girls who wanted to be with me just wanted me for the fame and money
Johnny: ouch dude
Ricochet: probably you'll get your chance of finding the right girl for you
Johnny: and she's sitting right over there
Johnny Wrestling pointed where Kairi's table is.
Kenji: you guys are crazy
The guys shared a laugh.
(At the girls' table)
The three girls were talking with each other until someone caught Kairi's eye.
Dakota: Kairi, you okay?
The Pirate Princess had her eyes glued to the new guy sitting with Aleister, Johnny and Ricochet.
Io: Kairi-san?
Kairi: huh? Yes?
Dakota: you were staring at something
Io: or someone
Dakota: can you tell us?
Kairi: sorry guys, but who's that guy sitting with Aleister, Johnny and Ricochet? I haven't seen him before
Io and Dakota turned to see Kenji.
Dakota: what I heard from Johnny who told Candice is that he's one of the newest signees to NXT
Io: I think his name is Kenji Cruz
Kairi: Kenji Cruz?
She took out her phone and went to NJPW's website and saw it was the same guy who was a member of CHAOS. Kairi was surprised to see who trained the Filipino Samurai.
Kairi: no way
Dakota: what is it, Kairi?
Kairi: Kenji was trained by the Rainmaker himself
Dakota and Io were surprised of hearing Kazuchika's nickname. Kairi showed pictures of Kenji's NJPW career including his match with Will at Wrestle Kingdom.
Io: he's well known in Japan
Kairi: and he's handsome
Dakota: what was that, Kairi?
Kairi instantly blushed and took back what she said.
Kairi: I didn't say anything!
Io: is the Pirate Princess crushing on the Samurai?
Kairi: no, I'm not!
Dakota: did you just say he's handsome?
Kairi smiled and blushed as she hid her face in Io's shoulder.
Dakota: she's crushing on Kenji
Kairi: shh, he might hear you!
(At the guys' table)
Kenji: well guys, I'm gonna go settle in my locker room, and it was great meeting you
Johnny: pleasure is all ours, man; don't be a stranger
Ricochet: I can't wait for your debut
Kenji: thanks guys, I gotta go
Kenji waved the guys goodbye and he stood up and walked out of the catering area. As he was leaving, he past by the girls' table and saw Kairi. He gave her a little wave and wink before leaving. The Pirate Princess acknowledged the Filipino Samurai with a cute smile and wave.
Io and Dakota looked at Kairi with teasing grins.
Dakota: do I see a first mate coming?
Io: Kenji and Kairi, a nice ring don't you think?
Kairi: you guys are crazy
She looked at Dakota and Io with a serious face, but it turned into a cute blushing smile.
Dakota: there's that cute smile
Io: you like Kenji!
Kairi: okay guys, but I want to get to know him
Dakota: the first step to a loving relationship
Kairi: stop!
She blushed heavily. Then Kairi daydreamed of her relationship with Kenji before thinking to herself.
Kairi's mind: I may have found my first mate
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