60. Skull And Bones
Well helloooo there lovelies!
I'm back for one last hurrah, and boy oh boy are y'all getting fed
4600 words on this one, and stay tuned for the preview to the new book that won out the votes on my page :)
I tweaked some things on the one that won so there's an extra element to the story I think you'll enjoy. Judging by the first few chapters I've already written, this new book will be the funniest one I've written yet in my humble opinion :)
Enjoy, lovelies!
Also just fyi, errors could be present but I'm so damn busy today I'll get to it tomorrow
P.S. One last song to cap out this playlist, and it's both above and updated on the Spotify playlist.
I was quick to snatch Caspian's hand, freeing his boots from this fleshy floor before yanking him directly back towards the ship.
I was essentially dragging this man as I managed to make it to through the long flesh lined tunnel and to my ship much faster than his feet could carry him. We wouldn't have much time before this beast of a thing would dislodge us from its throat, and I would very much like to be on the damn ship before that whole ordeal fucking happened.
Caspian followed, allowing me to lift and hoist him above the side of the ship, before he extended a hand to help me up. The darkness of this place was almost completely black, however Caspian's piercing blue eyes glowed much like my red one. I wondered whether he could see better now too.
It was difficult to know for sure considering I had led us back, but once my feet landed safely on the main deck, I could see Caspian navigate the debris ridden deck freely, even amongst this darkness.
"Are we getting a safe passage back or should I make peace with death now?" Cael called to me. The men were still strapped to the beams of the ship signally their hope that I would indeed negotiate our way out of this creature.
"Aye." I replied, my hand slipping into Caspian's before I led us back to the beam we were once strapped to. He lined himself right up against it, his back flush with the wood as I bent down quickly to pick up the rope.
The relieved sigh release amongst my men was profound. Had I not been so focused on strapping Caspian and I down, I would've given them all shit for having so little faith in me.
I had gotten us out of this creature once before, therefore they should've been fairly confident I could do it again.
"Caspian, your ey-" Cael had started, but those words were swiftly cut short.
None of the other pirates got a single word in either, before we all immediately felt it. The rumbling. Once I got the rope tied off, I turned my head forward to Caspian who was now flush against me again, a position I very much preferred, with those beautiful eyes of his finding mine.
"Deep breath in, and close your eyes. Close them tight." I instructed him, to which his brows creased slightly.
"Now?" He asked, unsure.
"Aye." I replied, before I took a breath in myself. Thankfully Caspian didn't protest this time as he did the same.
And that confusion of his was soon answered once we felt liquid quickly shoot across each open deck of the ship. All I could do was pray Caspian shut those eyes tight enough, for the liquid we felt around us wasn't sea water.
It was the remnants of this creatures stomach.
The ship was thrust forward immediately as we felt the skin tissue of this creature move, dislodging the only thing standing between the insides of its stomach, and the sea water itself.
I only knew we had finally made it out of that creatures throat once I felt the disgusting, slime like warmth finally leave, and the cold water of the sea engulfed us instead. There were many things I had wished for over each passing of the sun... but nothing would compare to the simple wish that this sea water would rinse off the vile liquid my men and my ship had all just been submerged in.
As the ship quick rose to the top, the water now started to subside until I finally felt something I had never missed more in my entire existence.
Fresh air.
My first gasp for it once the water levels dipped lower past my neck, almost hurt my lungs with how sharp an intake it was. Caspian was next once he felt his head no longer submerged, and to that I heard him cough up a bit of water he must've accidentally breathed in.
At least, one could hope it was the sea water.
As my eyes panned around my now completely soaked main deck, with the sun from the day almost vanishing into the horizon of the sea, I assessed the damage.
All of the beams had remained intact besides one that had fractures in the wood. We hadn't lost much cargo once we were swept under, which was good, and Ol' Bess had completely sealed any windows, doors, and hatches from water leaking through.
Well done, I found myself saying to her. I felt a slight rumble below the floorboards my feet stood upon, and it made my lips tug up into a slight smile, before I reached around Caspian to the knot I had fastened off.
The rope hadn't even hit the ground yet before Cael appeared at my side.
"Your eyes," Cael noted immediately, pointing to Caspian's. "Did you two fight him? Why are they glowing? What happened?"
Caspian slowly shook his head as I stepped away to give him the slightest bit of space.
"Caspian," I spoke to the slightly shorter man instead of my insistent Navigator. "Go run us a bath. I'll join you shortly."
Caspian's face immediately grew flushed when his sharp eyes found mine, but he nodded, doing his best to conceal the smile forcing its way upon his lips as he turned to leave.
"Please tell me you didn't fight-"
"No," I replied to my Navigator quietly, before my hand grabbed hold of his soaked shirt sleeve and tugged this man along quickly. Cael would've demanded that I unhand him immediately, but something told me his curiosity was overcoming his hatred for my antics. I made sure to pull us fully into the study before I closed and locked the door behind the man.
"I told you to take it easy on the coasts of Az-"
"Davy Jones is King Daedron."
...Cael almost immediately started choking.
I could only watch as he leant himself against the large desk, now determining he needed something to rest against as he almost coughed up his own lungs.
Once that disturbance in his throat finally settled, he spoke words that I honestly shouldn't have been as surprised about.
"I want off this ship." He demanded. "Gaia was right, you're tethered to something unnatural."
I almost laughed at this considering there was nothing about me that was natural... but it took no thinking at all to know Cael's next course of action if I did laugh, would be to cut my tongue out. Gaelick might not have thought of it, but this man surely would.
"Now hold on," I insisted, "it isn't all bad. Someway, somehow, I think we've gained an additional asset to our crew."
Cael's eyes peered over at me. They were slightly pink now from all the strained coughing. "Who?" He asked.
"Caspian." I replied. His face scrunched up in confusion immediately.
"Caspian has already joined the ship and its crew."
"Aye," I nodded, "but this Caspian... he's different."
Cael still looked like he had question after question on the tip of his tongue, but as he sat with his thoughts a moment, I watched as some of that confusion started to fade.
"His eyes?" The taller man questioned, to which I nodded.
"Daedron did something to him. I can feel it when I look at him. He now has the same immortality as I, however that demented old man had to strip his mortality for it. Those once pale eyes went with it."
The confusion that had once faded, returned to Cael's face with a swiftness.
"I don't quite understand."
"Neither do I," I insisted. "I just know that when I look at him now, I know I do not hold the capability to kill him."
"Well that's... good.. I suppose? Especially considering the devil himself is that man's fucking grandfather. We'll soon need a chart to sketch all this on if more of his family continues to fall into our path of fate. Given these last few days, I personally would prefer to never cross paths with another Lockeheart again. Ever again. This has been more than enough, hell it's been plenty."
I often found myself disagreeing with Cael on most things... however I echoed the same sentiments as he. I wasn't sure if there were other Lockehearts out there, but now that Caspian and I had boarded this ship successfully, I had every plan of asking him myself.
And though I too would prefer not to find out his great-great-grandfather hung the very moon or something, I would support his wishes if they were to try and find more of his family.
We would just have to fit all this exploration into our tight schedule of looting and pillaging.
"Aye," I nodded to this man. "And while I treasure each and every moment we spend together to discuss these things, I have a sinfully beautiful man waiting in a tub for me." I took a step away from the man who was probably going to spend the rest of this evening in this study waiting for my return. "I smell foul and would prefer to rectify that."
My hand reached for the handle of the door, unlocking it and turning the knob, but I did glace back at Cael before I opened it.
"I promise you a very detailed report. One that will cover all that we discovered whilst walking amongst the depth of hell." Cael's gaze shifted from the floor to mine with those words, breaking his concentration as he started to lose himself to his thoughts. "Then perhaps you might feel willing enough to explain a few things of your own. Like for instance, how long you have known what Gaia truly is."
Cael's eyebrows slowly furrowed, but it was only momentarily before I eventually saw those eyes of his widen at my words. I didn't give him the opportunity to defend these accusations however, I instead opened that door and walked directly out of it.
Making it through my main deck took time as each pirate stopped a moment to thank me. I was still struggling to determine when it would be best to tell them about Caspian. It was something I wanted to discuss with that man first considering it wasn't my secret to share, however I also took into consideration the fact that my men had been willing to fight for Caspian. To kill for him. I believed they deserved to know the whole truth.
I didn't need to give commands, for my crew knew exactly where we were setting sail to now. If there was ever a time for ship repairs, we had chosen the perfect opportunity upon being swallowed then spit back up by the fucking Kraken.
I could still see a layer of that rancid slime coating my floorboards, which my men had already started to clean.
Something I was going to reward heavily, for I'm sure my men didn't expect to be the first swallowed by the Kraken and live, let alone to test our chances twice.
My feet carried me swiftly as I made my way up to our private chambers. Once that door swung open, my eyes found the one thing I had been craving since he boarded this ship come dawn. It was bizarre to recount how much had happened, and all before nightfall.
Those bewitching blue eyes of his found mine easily. I could see him clearly now, for I hadn't bothered to cover my left eye again after having been thrown out of the Kraken, and when his blue hues met my red one, those lips slowly twitched up into a smile.
He was submerged in the tub almost completely, much like how I had found him last time I requested a bath be drawn. The only difference now was that necklace which was fastened around his neck. And I wasted no time removing the straps to my weapons and the weapons themselves, before I started pulling off these soaking wet clothes.
Caspian's eyes didn't leave my body, instead I watched the blue hue in them intensify as more skin revealed itself to him... and it was almost terrifying how much I was drawn to it. To him.
Daedron, that fucking imbecile, had been right. I should've known this before. And I definitely felt it now.
The water was warm as I slowly lowered my naked body in. Caspian adjusted to allow my slightly bent legs in between both of his as we sat across from each other now. This warmth from the water felt absolutely spectacular after I just experienced the longest day of my existence. So much so, a content sigh was unintentionally released and it made Caspian's smile widen.
His next choice of words that followed it, surprised me.
"Thank you." he said.
I returned it with a smile of my own. "I should be thanking you. Even with all my wild, unfiltered thoughts, I'd never have imagined you would be the piece that could hold over a man like Davy Jones."
"Neither had I." Caspian admitted more openly. "There's just... there's just so much I don't kn-"
Caspian's word were cut off by the quick tug I gave his right leg, almost slipping him completely under the water.
"You're too far from me. I can't hear a single thing you're saying." I lied.
Caspian's voice broke out into a warm chuckle, opting to roll his eyes at my comment as he lifted himself back up above the water, but I watched as he shifted himself closer. Both hands of mine went out to the outer side of both thighs and gripped the soft skin there before I pulled him onto my lap, his body now straddling me.
I could see him now. The warm light from the burning lantern's giving this white skin of his a beautiful glow. I could see his eyes clearly again, taking note of every speck that made up such gorgeous irises.
"I was saying," the man teased with that smile still on his lips, but his hands rested themselves on my chest, partially submerged in the water while partially exposed to the elements of air. "There is still so much I'm piecing together. So much about my family that I didn't know."
I nodded slowly at his words before I found myself responding. "The burning of the palace. That being your father's sacrifice. I thought it would shift my perspective on things, but my hatred for what The Holy Men did... what they forced his hand to do... and how they reported it to the citizens of Azul.... I'm even more enraged."
Caspian nodded, though I watched as his concentration faltered a moment when my tongue sip passed my mouth to slowly coat my bottom lip. My hands had unintentionally gripped his thighs tighter by that simple act alone.
"My father never hated them. Even right up until the very end." Caspian whispered as he attempted to focus.
"Aye," I nodded. "But I'm not him. And I will willingly inherit the hatred for both he and I."
There was nowhere Caspian could turn to hide the redness creeping upon his face.
"I like that," he spoke quietly. "That you aren't like him."
I couldn't help myself when I pulled Caspian closer now, brushing a part of me against him that had longed for his touch since it last had it. Caspian's breathing hitched immediately, but he didn't push me away.
"Good," I whispered in return. My fingers had now started to knead and massage the skin of his thighs, and I watched as it created small ripples above the surface from where they were stationed below it. "And I know your grandfather had warned us against fighting a pointless war upon land... but wherever we go after we perform maintenance on this vessel... it's your choice. Considering this necklace won't be making its way back to Finnick, I suggest one of our stops must involve locating something rare to offer up as penance."
Caspian's fingers started to move lightly against my chest, tracing the patterns of my tattoo's as he gently grazed the soft yet firm skin there. I couldn't tell whether it was from how distracting his touch was- how all thoughts immediately vanished when I felt him touch me... but his next question took me by surprise yet again. This man had the tendency to do that.
"What is it that you desire most?" He had asked me. And my first answer was admittedly in line with the only train of thought I could muster.
"You." I answered freely, which only made this white haired man's face all the more flushed.
"You've already laid claim to that." He reminded me, and those words alone forced me to shift him closer again, grinding my hardened lower half into his. The softest moan that escaped those lips sent this burning sensation coursing through my veins. "There are more ways than one to have you, Caspian." my voice lowered itself with these words. "Ways I'd like to show you."
That alone had turned Caspian's face as red as my left eye, but he held this gaze shockingly well.
It was Caspian's next words that stopped me from finally bringing his lips to mine.
"Besides that- me, what is it that you desire?"
I wanted us to pause on this conversation and get back to it after I had pleasured this man, but I stopped myself. This conversation was seemingly important if Caspian was willing to ignore his now completely hard cock to continue it. And so, I forced myself to think a moment.
It didn't take long before I settled on it. "My soul," I replied honestly. "When Daedron made me what I am, he kept it as a promise. A guarantee that I would remain at sea. He should've known I had no reason to leave the sea, but given the power he granted me with, I understood his reasoning. I myself would have done the same."
Caspian's hands had applied a bit of pressure to my chest when he shifted in this position, and when I felt him unintentionally grind himself against me again, the deep guttery groan I released was something I simply couldn't help. Caspian, however, stood his ground.
"My grandfather," he started, forcing myself to regain composure. "He... he showed me things. Memories. There was some he couldn't access, such as the block I have on a memory from when I first traveled to Gatvia."
Caspian continued the patterns he was once tracing, again.
"I was very young then, and my father had instructed Gaia to read my brother's and I's fate. I do not remember what she spoke of to Hodrus for my father and her had done something to pull that memory... but King Daedron still managed to show me other memories. Memories of my family, and the palace the night it burned."
I took a moment myself to process what Caspian was telling me. First, I almost reached around to pat myself on the back for having figured out that Caspian had deeper ties to that irritating fucking island than I originally assumed. But then I did wonder, much like Caspian was now, what Gaia had seen for Hodrus.
Had she seen what he would become? And had she perhaps seen what I would make him?
That old hag would be receiving another visit sooner than she anticipated...
Or perhaps she saw all this too?
"My grandfather revealed the last moments of my father's life. Before he put me to sleep, Lemont had been there. He had asked my father a question about that which held all the Lockeheart secrets. Every scroll written, every map drawn, all of our history that I simply must've been too young at the time to fully understand."
My eyes slightly widened at what I knew he was describing. "The Library of the Lockehearts." I whispered low.
Caspian slowly nodded in return. "Aye. And when asked, my father revealed to him that he had kept it safe. He had locked it away."
That made my eyes enlargen entirely with surprise so sudden I shifted us both up as I slightly raised myself above the water. "Are you serious?" I asked this man, to which he nodded again.
"He had hidden it somewhere he knew very very few could find. And for those who know of its whereabouts, would never dare to enter."
My eyebrows creased slightly, not exactly loving the sound of that. "Where?" I asked.
"Bristol Cove." Caspian replied, to which my eyeballs damned near dislodged themselves from their sockets entirely... yet absolutely nothing could have prepared me when he added "my mother's home."
Those words had successfully stunned me into utter complete silence.
I just stared at Caspian.
He remained quiet, waiting patiently for me to find the words, but I could see how well those eyes of his were studying me. He looked to be nervous with how I would accept this revelation.
I admittedly had known close to nothing of the sirens, but I knew of where their home was for that was how I called to them. I had pulled them from their realm in The Cove, to aide in my fight, and swiftly returned them to it. All pirates had heard of the pure mayhem and destruction those creatures caused, and considering I didn't know at the time why the sirens did not take well to Davy Jones, I kept my distance when I could.
There was a name that Daedron spoke of- Delaniora.
He had said so much to Caspian, I hadn't quite understood what he meant about Armoria. Her bloodline, and how it had altered Caspian somehow.
But that name... It was old. Very, very old. I couldn't speak too freely on what shards of memory I still had, but there was a book Cael owned that had mentioned that name. And if my otherwise failing memory with names served me well, that name was related to a true blood. The first sirens created, and what the seas referred to as The Original Sin.
I realized now why I couldn't place Caspian's energy. I couldn't fully decipher his magic... and that was because there was no blood exactly like his. Even Hodrus didn't have that touch of an inexplicable aura mixed into his bloodstream. Something had happened with Caspian and his birth.
"That explains that siren's genuine gesture to you. They smelt something in you that I couldn't."
Caspian's face scrunched up in some slight confusion before he soon remembered the events following the destruction of Azul.
"Aye, I think so... and if that is the case. If they can somehow accept us, I think we can find the library. There would surely be something kept there that Finnik would accept as a replacement for this pendant." Caspian's gaze fell down to the pendant still secured well around his neck. The Azurrite stone was even more mesmerizing when paired with those eyes of his. "There is something else..." The man added hesitantly.
"I'm not sure how much more I can take." I joked with him playfully, pulling a smile well past those nerves of his.
"This one you might like," he assured me. "Once my grandfather had finished readjusting my mind, he whispered something to just me. He hadn't only revealed memories to my mind, he had also placed something there. He locked it away rather, much like the library. And though I do not remember much about the contents of that library, there is something there that could perhaps release it."
"And what is that?" I asked him. "What did that mad man lock away now?"
Caspian paused a moment before he continued. "Something he had, locked away before. And in my humble opinion, something I would like to return."
Those alluring blue eyes found mine again before he spoke these last words more softly.
"Your soul... if you'll still have it."
The silence that immediately followed Caspian's words was fully felt. It occupied every space of air all around us.
Caspian was really doing his best with rendering me at a complete loss for words.
I didn't even know what to say to that. I felt my heartbeat slowly start to accelerate, and yet I couldn't pinpoint which reason it was. The thing he had just revealed to me, or the way he looked... the way his words sounded when he did.
"Why-... why would you-" I struggled to get out, but Caspian offered me a warm smile.
"I understand my grandfathers reasoning... but as I've spent time with you, I've realized something. The sea is not a cage to you. You are not trapped here, and I don't believe you've ever felt that you were. This is your home. And you deserve to feel it in its entirety, for I have never crossed paths with a man that speaks of these blue currents the way you do. You see every inch of their beauty, and not with an arial view, but with the view of what's directly in front of you."
My grip tightened on Caspian, yet I felt one had of mine slowly slide up the surface of his soft wet skin, feeling the curvature of his thighs and arse, before grazing up that beautiful arch of his back and finally settling on the nape of his neck.
"You would do that for me?" I asked this man quietly, searching through the sea of endless blue that were his eyes for any signs of doubt... but I returned empty, for there was none.
"Aye," he whispered in return. "There is no part of this sea I wouldn't search to try and make you whole again."
I could hear his heartbeat now. I could feel it clearly as my thumb pressed against the skin where the edge of his jawbone met his neck.
It was beating quickly, and in synchronization with my own.
"All I ask," Caspian added, his body drawing closer to mine. Or perhaps I was pulling him closer, I couldn't tell anymore. "Is that we keep this from my grandfather. His opinions of you are... well... there is room for improvement there."
I felt a slight chuckle slip past my lips when my eyes unintentionally glanced down to his.
Judging by how hard both our hearts now beat, I had an inkling Caspian was ready to put a pause on this conversation himself, but before I captured those soft lips with my own that now ached with need, I answered this handsome man.
"I'll never be opposed to withholding information from that mad man. And to answer your question... Aye," I nodded slowly, pulling him even closer. "I'll still have it."
My fingers massaged the nape of his neck gently, and Caspian's eyes drifted close, unable to resist this touch any longer.
"But right now, I'd rather have you."
And I didn't waste another moment, not another word, before bringing his lips down to mine, and feeling that familiar rush of energy course through me that only he had the ability to give.
In this moment, I realized I had just one more thank you to give that mentally unwell man.
When our paths were fated to cross next, I would need to thank him for choosing to take my soul all those years ago, and not my heart...
For it was seemingly promised, betrothed to another man with long white hair and striking blue eyes.
And perhaps that mad man knew it too.
Perhaps he knew all along when he first pulled me to the very bottom of the fucking sea.
AHHHH where do I start?!?
First off I want to start by saying thank you. Thank you thank you thank you so much for picking up this book and giving it a shot.
Thanks oh so very fucking much for giving it the time, commenting, voting, liking, all the works!
I say this always and I'll never stop saying this:
y'all are the best readers a gal could ask for.
So from the very bottom of my heart, thank you <3
Okay but enough of my sappy shit cause you guys read it at the beginning of each chapter lol, it's finally time I give you the lil intro to the next book I'll literally either start in a few days or a few weeks
I dunno yet lol, y'all know how my work schedule can get by now
Drum roll please...
(Idk how to write a drum roll onomatopoeia lol)
The book that won was:
And because yall know that I don't take shit seriously, it is with great pleasure I bring to you:
I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman
(Cover is subject to change cause I'm a picky bitch lol)
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
The first time Don Whittaker heard those infamous words was on January 26th, 1998, when then president Bill Clinton went on national television to deliver his verbal rejection of the notion that an affair between him and Monica Lewinsky ever took place.
Never in Don's wildest nightmares would he believe these very words could come from his own mouth...
Until one fateful September day when he opened the front door to his high rise penthouse, and he came face to face with an empty hallway...
before his eyes eventually panned down to the small child staring up at him.
And his life was soon changed forever when that child spoke his very first words to a man who should've been a complete stranger.
Carson Lee Jones had done his best to always uphold the law. Having worked in HR for most of his career, there wasn't many who had the ability to get under his skin.
Not many, besides Don Whittaker that it.
And what had started between these two men as a disagreement over a parking spot, suddenly takes one insane turn when Carson's sister requests he puts in temp hours at her elementary school as a guidance counselor.
Agreeing to this rather simple ask was something Carson found simple to do. He had the education background, and was great with children...
That was until he met Dylan, a new transfer student to the school district.
It was in that moment Carson should've known that the only child who could test his usually unwavering limits, had to be the spawn of satan himself.
And to eventually find out just who spawned this heinous creature? Well, everything fit perfectly in place after that.
A story in which Don, a financial advisor for John Terry, finds himself juggling three ominous threats:
A feud over a parking spot with a man that wouldn't go willingly.
An unexpected child he refused to believe was his regardless of their startlingly similar personalities.
And the terror of eventually finding love in both of these pain in the asses.
What do we think, lovelies? I promiseee, the amount of humor I'm throwing in here is unreal. I thought the dynamic of an unexpected child would be just *chefs kiss* coupled with Don's complete innate ability to care for anything other than his work. You'll still see guest appearances from the gang and ofc John Terry
Also P.S. I am one thousand percent on Monica Lewinsky's side with that scandal. Let's remember that that girl was like 22 and a White House Intern while that old ass nigga was the goddamn President of the United States and married
This book title is actually a bit layered because it's going to show the accountability Bill Clinton's bitch ass should've taken as opposed to letting Monica be absolutely crucified in the news outlets and tabloids
I just wanted to make that clear lol
Also if you reached this far, pat yourself on the back cause this whole chapter was 5400 words
A new record
Anywhoooo, I'll see y'all soon :)
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