44. I Will Find A Way To Kill You Myself
Well, well, well... I went to bed early so I was up early enough to give yall another lil sumtin sumtin ;)
Enjoyyy, lovelies!
And just an fyi, the playlist is on Spotify under my full name Wambui Muiruri titled:
The Pirate King
Warning: Explicit Content
I awoke to Caspian tangled comfortably in my arms at my side, both his hands resting on my naked chest as he laid against me. My left arm was tucked under the pillow both his and my own head slept on, whilst my right held his bare waist.
I hadn't known what time it was, but darkness had still engulfed the vast majority of this room, eluding to the earliness of dawn.
My right hand slowly touched his soft skin, dragging my rough fingers up the indent of his spine, before slowly dragging it down that curve until they reached his soft arse. It took nothing for my arousal to build again, just the feeling of his skin against mine, and whilst I didn't want to wake the man who was sleeping so soundly, just the feeling of his own manhood starting to grow, pushing against mine, begged for me to relinquish whatever control I possibly still had.
When my fingers dipped between that crease, I felt the wetness of my seed still dripping from his entrance. And when my first finger entered his swollen, tight hole, Caspian's eyes finally drew themselves open.
There was just enough light left in this room to capture his immensely handsome features. Just enough to see the flushing of his face as I curled that finger into him, feeling more of my liquid inside him. And his first word to me was the softest moan. "A-Alistair." I heard him whisper. His voice was still overcome with the raspiness from sleep, but all it did was further entice my already burning need.
A simple thought of what we had done the night before. Of how I had filled him completely, urged a second finger into him now, and his hands gripped at my bare chest from that feeling. I could hear his heartbeat, how it had quickened immediately and with no prior warnings, much like my actions this very morning.
"I hadn't meant to wake you." I found myself murmuring to this beautiful man.
"For some reason," he replied with heavier pants, some fanning the face of my chin, "I don't believe that."
The chuckle I responded with came out far more hoarse than I intended, causing Caspian's body to shiver against me. His eyes slowly closed a moment before he curled his bottom lip in, attempting to muffle another moan. I wanted to hear him, however. And so my left arm slipped down from under that pillow and forced that bottom lip out with my thumb.
Then I brought those same lips to mine, allowing whatever moans that fell past his lips to be silenced with my own. His cock pushed against mine harder as his own arousal started to take flight. That third finger which slowly buried itself into him was a promise we'd find no sleep again. That, I was sure of.
"A-Alist-" a fraction of my name was all he managed to get out against my lips before I deepened this kiss, pushing damn near all of me against him. His now shaking hands slid up from my chest to my neck as he gently held me, kissing me back with his building, growing need. The only time he separated this kiss was when this drowning became all too much for him, and he had to come up for air.
Then he asked me a question... well, sort of.
"C-Can we-"
"Yes." I whispered back immediately.
His soft chuckle made my body grow even warmer than what I had grown so used to. Then another less polite moan fell past his lips as my fingers continued to work him, stretching him. "You..." he started, pausing in an attempt to gather himself. "You didn't let me finish."
"I don't care." My head dipped lower for run the tip of my nose against the bridge of his before I concluded with "the answer is yes."
That made Caspian's already eloquent features, flush an even deeper red. In such a small amount of time, he had brought so much color to his otherwise pale skin. Seeing him like this... I buried my fingers in even deeper.
And that was when I felt his hands slip back to my chest, and he started to push me back. I didn't understand what he was doing until he had me flush against my back, before slowly climbing on top of me. My fingers refused to pull themselves out of him, which resulted in feeling more of my liquid start to drip from him and back onto my own cock that was now positioned near his entrance.
He struggled to hold my darkening gaze, a gaze I knew was only to intensify, and did once I caught sight of the marks left on his naked body. For a man who was apparently as quick to heal as myself, these ones had somehow remained. And they pulled one devilish smile across my lips.
His long, now dry hair fell against his gorgeous frame, and I longed to run my hands through those white strands, but they had otherwise been sent on tasks of their own. One still had three fingers inside him, while the other gripped the living hell out of that waist of his.
Using one hand against my chest to steady his large frame, he used his other to reach behind him before taking hold of the length of me, and for a moment that simple action forced my eyes closed.
I had finally slipped my three fingers out of him to make room for something else, allowing more of my seed to drip from him, to which his body shuddered against me. The tip of his own solid manhood was starting to leak onto my bare stomach. Another simple action that forced my eyes closed again.
He was painstakingly slow as he very gently eased me past his unbelievably taut entrance, but I forced myself to exercise some patience. He was more than likely sore from my actions of the previous night. When his eyes found mine however, and he pushed me all the way in, my grip on his waist intensified. Both hands were at either side of him now, questioning what this man's limits were. And just how far I could possibly push them.
"Can I-"
"Yes." Caspian nodded with more eagerness than I was expecting, forcing my smile to widen as his eyelids grew heavier.
Good fucking grief, this man was utterly stunning.
I slid my length out only slightly before I slowly thrust back through his tight entrance. I could feel the clenching of his walls. My seed working as lubrication to slip more of myself out, before thrusting into him again.
My hands were creating marks on his waist from how hard in place I held him, but I had to. This was to keep myself from taking more from him than I intended to. I didn't want to hurt him in that way.
Both his hands were planted firmly, palm down on my chest, yet it was he who escalated this once he started to meet my thrusts, pushing back against them and burying me so deep inside him, my cock could feel the rhythm of his heartbeat pounding against his inner walls.
"Caspian-" I found my voice cutting through the low grunts I couldn't help but release. This was the most alive my body had felt in some time, the most any part of me could physically feel in quite some time. It was like he had touched something no one had, or could, since I stepped foot on the shores of Gatvia for the first time.
Somehow he was touching the hollowness left from the harrowing of my soul, and he was doing the opposite of what one should if they were to ever touch that part of me. He wasn't running.
My thrusts became harder, for I couldn't wait. I couldn't hold my needs at bay any longer, and judging by the lack of control with the sounds that fell past Caspian's lips, he had long since given up his own control. When he bent down to capture my lips, angling his body, I felt my manhood hit something inside him that forced his hands from my chest to these sheets below us.
The shaking, struggled moan he let out against my lips forced a thrust from my lower half that coerced another equally as primal. And the. another.
"A-Alistair-" he struggled to get out. "T-There-"
There was no further direction needed after that as I began to pound into him, hitting that same spot with bold accuracy every time. All I could hear was his beautiful sounds against the slapping of our skin, his body no longer capable of focusing on this kiss as he unraveled above me.
Instead, in the interest of not shattering any of his bones, my hands moved from his waist to his neck, pulling his face also slightly away as I continued the ravishing of his body, until his eyes found mine again.
His face was the most delicate I had ever seen it.
His lids forcing themselves open, and behind them were eyes I recognized. They were now a brighter blue, like they'd been on Gaelick's ship. Like that of the sea. The hue of color surrounding his body was stronger. Bolder. I didn't believe in a god, and yet this was how I imagined one would look like...
Which was what set my own body completely ablaze. It was what made my almost impossibly rough thrusts even rougher, to the point that the words that fell past Caspian's lips made entirely no sense at all.
He was reaching his limit. And it was absolutely breathtaking to see.
Then I felt confident enough to push him past that limit, and the shakes his body encompassed as he suddenly spilled himself onto my stomach, wrapped themselves tightly around my manhood, gripping it while still inside him. I pushed as deep as I would go, burying my now burning, spilling seed inside him as my hands tightened around his neck, holding his entire body completely still.
I wasn't sure how to explain it, but I could feel my burning eye burn even brighter. For a moment, I felt energy course through me that in all twenty years of being who I was now. Who that mad man made me... I had never felt this before. Of all those orgasms I experienced from my newfound needs, this one ripped through each vein that connected my magic to my core.
Caspian's body practically collapsed into mine, completely spent, to which I willingly welcomed. My arms wrapped around his still slightly convulsing vessel, holding him tight and steady as he rode out his own pleasure. All I could feel was warmth and tightness as his walls continued to clench down on me, almost begging me to continue.
But I didn't. I couldn't.
Caspian had expelled everything he had in him, the pounding of his heartbeat keeping rhythm like a fast chantey my men would carry a tune to.
He had taken me so unbelievably well, I thought, my hands finally free enough to push the strands of his long hair away from the face that rested itself between my collarbone and the crevice of my neck. I tilted my head up before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. There was now a shimmer of sweat there, much like the light coating covering both our bodies. I hadn't even noticed before now.
"Was that okay?" I whispered to him.
Hell, I didn't even recognize my own voice any longer, but I heard the same rawness of his own as he answered with "that was beyond okay."
My lips pulled up into another smile, one that echoed the feeling coursing through me.
"I want you just like this. Every night and every morning."
Those words forced another shiver through Caspian, but I felt his head against me as he eventually slowly nodded.
If we didn't have duties of our own, I'd take him like this all day.
And that was when I finally remembered we did, in fact, have duties of our own. Duties that moments like this couldn't stop time for, regardless of how desperately I wished they could.
"I need to join Cael in the study this morning, before the sun fully takes hold of the sky." It almost physically pained me to have to separate myself from this man after that. After what we had just done. "Whilst the thought of my seed dripping from you through the day does things to me, it's best you clean up for your duties. I'll start with getting dressed."
I felt that same disappointment radiating from Caspian as he found himself agreeing.
By the time I actually made it out of our private chambers and down to the study, my mood had soured like aged milk.
And the look on Cael's face, his arms crossed tightly across his broad chest as he stood in the very middle of this room, only further spoilt it.
"You look to be in great spirits." I replied sarcastically, to which Cael's distaste with myself greatly intensified.
"Your insanity has cost myself and your men many sleepless night these last few days, and this is how you repay my generosity?"
My eyebrows furrowed deeply at that. My mind was admittedly still back in the room with Caspian, regardless of where my feet had carried me.
"Do you feel these floorboards?" He practically demanded, to which, for the first time since my night with that white haired man, I finally did. Once my feet focused on where they stood, there was a vibration that ran through each piece of wood that was my ship, and to that, embarrassment quickly crept upon my face.
Whatever Caspian and I had done, had awoken Ol' Bess. And I had accidentally revealed the pounding of both her heartbeat and my own to my men.
"For all the countless times I have told you to gather yourself, heed these words and hold them very fucking near when I say: I will find a way to kill you myself if this happens again."
I forced myself to keep a straight face, for Cael would without fail, slice my throat open if I now cracked a grin...
His threats were simply threats however, for he and I knew the actual price for my life, and it was one he'd never be willing to pay.
Cael would take his own life before he ever thought of shouldering the responsibilities for the sea itself. He was perfectly content with night sky being his domain, as the sea was mine.
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