Chapter 67: Side
Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 22nd, 2017
Time: 5:46 a.m.
Protocol Afton Active
"You cannot hide forever. Though this game will end with me winning for certain," said Afton's voice that echoed throughout the room that was next to me. I didn't bother to peek my head over the glass window in the main area where I had proceeded to hide at for the moment, mainly because I couldn't reach Shadow Saber in the office. I had no clue if he was fairing any better than me at the moment. Sooner or later, Afton was either going to find me, or I had to change spots to avoid getting spotted. 'I have to move when he's not paying attention to the area I'm at, or find a plan to reach Shadow Saber,' I thought.
'Of course you end up in a position where you are compromised already. No surprise.'
"What?" I said aloud softly, as I turned to look around for Hand Unit's voice. Yet, it sounded like it was in my head. 'I would advise easing the risk of being noticed,' said his voice again. 'I've tapped into your mind, considering your mind can be connected with mine. It's wise to not speak, since I can listen to your thoughts. And don't complain that this is an invasion of privacy at a time like this,' he continued. 'Right. Is Shadow Saber alright? Did that other shadow version of that animatronic chase after him, since I noticed how she disappeared once I was separated from Shadow,' I asked him in my thoughts. 'He's fine. Mostly. But to my surprise, he and that Shadow Mangle, he calls her, made amends and joined forces together. An anticlimactic event that ended as quick as it was started. I prefer the outcome without denial,' he responded. 'What? Alright, then. I'll ask him later. What's our current status on getting out of this situation, because I have no solution at the moment,' I responded. 'Fortunately yes. Though it's one I choose to not advocate for. Shadow Saber wants you to head towards the elevator and leave him to handle Afton himself,' said Hand Unit. "What?" I exclaimed softly. Suddenly, I heard the approaching sound of the animatronics drawing towards my position now, knowing my time was running out now. 'It was his decision, not mine. I don't know what's in his head but it sounds like suicide, which it probably is in his case,' said Hand Unit. "Shit! I have to reach him!" I exclaimed softly in response. The sudden hand that smashed the window above me made my instincts kick in and cover my head from the shattering glass that fell on top of me. I stood up quickly and took a quick glance at the sight of the Funtime Freddy animatronic towering over the broken window along with the other animatronics that stood behind him. Circus Baby, Funtime Foxy, Ballora, Minireena, Bidybab, and Ennard all waited for my next move, as I ran towards the vent. As I got on my hands and knees to manage my way through the vent, I stopped to the sounds of Freddy approaching me, which only urged the fear I had to continue on, even if it meant leaving behind Shadow. I crawled as fast as I could; reaching the end of the vent and walked towards the elevator to activate it. Just hearing the animatronics manage their way through the vent all at once made me click the button as fast as I could to open the doors and leave this traumatic nightmare, only the doors proceeded to stay closed. "No, no, no! Fuck!" I exclaimed as I turned behind me to the sight of Funtime Freddy getting out of the vent and standing on his feet now. I continued to press the button, only repeatedly now as it stayed shut to leave my doom closed for good. One by one, I heard most of the animatronics stand on their feet now, all while feeling their presences stalk my doom behind me. "I told you I would win this little game of yours in the end," said Afton's voice, as I turned around now to find him and the rest of the animatronics staring down upon me, as if I was a tiny creature they could easily dominate me with their superiority they held firmly. "I gave you a chance to join me and you refused. This is the price you pay." "So you locked the door to prevent me from leaving, huh? What the hell happened to you; this legacy people praised for, which turned out to be false in the end. I thought the side you looked at was right," I said. "This? The side I see is right. What I'm doing is for the better. I am changing the world for the better," he responded with the same smile he seemed to hold with pride. "What? Killing children is for the better?" I asked. "A minor piece of the puzzle that the subjects were necessary for in the end. Using our souls and converting it with technology can provide a stable future for a long time. Immortality can be a term to honor for the continuation of our society," he explained. "I am defining what the future is, and sacrifices were bound to be made and were for the better. My ideas have been declined for years and now it is the time for me take charge and authority, where our government has failed to do." "Are you fucking crazy!? You want to change everyone in the world to be a robot when they die?! People die for a reason!" I exclaimed at him. "Maybe. But those that deserve to transfer into the next life will see a brighter future in the end. This is for the better," he responded. "I hope you're grateful for the shitty life you have then. You're a fucking murderer and lunatic," I responded. "I hope Shadow Saber kicks your ass to the ground." His smile disappeared almost immediately after my words, as all the animatronics walked up to me. Without hesitation I punched the closest one that was in view, which managed to be Funtime Freddy. The hit had no effect on him, as the other animatronics followed behind and approached me, as I did my best to push them away. Multiple fists managed to make contact with my face and body, as I feel on the ground because of the pain I was receiving to the point where I couldn't defend myself anymore. "Even my own creation has left behind the life I granted him. And so you must be disposed of," said Afton's voice.
"Let him go."
The animatronics stopped punching me to turn around now, as I tried my best to lift my head to the sound of Shadow Saber's voice. He was standing only inches away from Afton, all but waiting for a reaction from those he was opposing. "Ah. I was expecting for you to show up, sooner or later. Where is Mangle?" said Afton staring at him with his sinister smile. "Off to leave the horror you've given off from the time you've been here. She knows now better to associate herself with a lunatic like you now. Let him go right now or this won't end well for you... One of our sides are going to emerge victorious after this is over," said Shadow Saber. "Is that so?" asked Afton as all of the animatronics all turned their bodies fully around to face him. "It's a certainty," responded Shadow Saber. Out of nowhere, he ducked to the side as I blast emerged from the vent, which was directed at Afton. He ducked quick enough that it managed to hit a little portion of Funtime Freddy's left side of his head, as Funtime Freddy only stood still; seeming unaffected from the attack. Out of nowhere, Mangle appeared out of nowhere, as her set of words were clear enough once spoken and allowed my next action to be rewarding.
The doors for the elevator opened on their own, as she kicked both Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy in the elevator. I was able to pick up on what her actions were allowing for us in the end, as I managed to pick up Bidybab and Minireena and throw them both in the elevator as well. Mangle managed to grab Ballora and throw her in the elevator as well, as both Ennard and Circus Baby approached us. From behind them, Afton tried his best to assist his minions, but was hindered by the might of Shadow Saber, who was attempting to keep him off us by punching him in the face. "This was Shadow Saber's plan!?" I exclaimed as both me and Mangle bumped Ennard and Circus Baby into each other. "Who else would have a plan this crazy," responded Mangle, as we pushed Ennard and Baby into the elevator. Once they both landed inside, the doors shut in an instant. Shadow Saber ran to us, as Mangle held both of our arms. "Hold on for a second," she said. In an instant, we were inside the office, all while I looked around dazed from what had just happened. "Man. I'll never get used to that," said Shadow Saber as he walked up to the door and turned the lock to seal ourselves in. "What the fuck was that?" I asked as I turned towards Mangle. "Teleportation," she responded as she turned towards Shadow Saber. "I know you have questions but we have to find a solution to this problem. We already have the animatronics locked in the elevator, but we still have to deal with Afton," said Shadow Saber. "Perhaps reasoning with him is a viable option," said his good side. "Fuck that! Let's just kill him!" exclaimed his bad side. "The decision must be made, sooner or later. I cannot detect his signal, most likely being blocked by him," said Hand Unit. "We could teleport out of here, but it's a lot harder than it looks. Not only that, but I'm not familiar with the pizzeria to be able to get us out of here. Besides, leaving him down here won't do anyone any good," said Mangle. "We have to either kill or prevent him from leaving this place." "Aren't both the same thing?" I asked. "By I mean preventing him from leaving, I mean stopping him without taking his life," she responded. We all turned to look at each other, unsure of a formal way of ending this for good. All of a sudden, the door slid open to show Afton standing in front of the door. And just seeing his wicked smile was enough to present to answer on stopping him for good. I grabbed the bag of Doritos I had laying on the desk and pulled out the thing that was going to change my life forever. I was going to change. Shadow's eyes widened at the sight of the 9mm I had the other night, as I aimed it at Afton and wrapped my pointer fingers around the trigger.
"This. Is the answer."
The loud and alarming bang emerged after the shot was fired, all while hitting Afton in the chest. Afton stared at the hole he had in his chest now, and yet looked up with his cold smile still. I stared bewildered at what I was witnessing, as he started walking towards me now. Five more shots managed to hit him the chest, and still achieved nothing as he continued to walk towards us. Two beams hit him in the chest, as I turned to the side to see Shadow and Mangle with their hands up now and the shots they had just taken. I turned back around to face the damage Afton had taken now, and the amount of resilience that was keeping him going. He had two giant holes that had been formed from Shadow and Mangle, all while still standing and staring at the damage. He looked up at all of us now, all but holding no smile and look that centered around his emotion of a power hungry individual. "Keep trying," he responded as he continued to approach us now. We were at the point where he couldn't be killed; he was impervious to all of our attacks. But as he edged closer to us, I realized killing him wasn't the solution. Only stopping him with the answer. I looked down at his legs, as I aimed my gun at him and knowing I had only two bullets and one chance for the others to comprehend the idea I had.
"No more trying anymore."
I shot at his leg and than the last bullet at his head. He staggered from the shot that managed to pierce his head, as Shadow and Mangle's attacks were directed at his legs now. He stumbled onto the ground, right as both of his legs collapsed and broke; feeling defeat after all he had done. All of us stared at the current state he was in, almost in joy to be victorious. After all this time. Shadow and Mangle walked up to my side, all staring down upon this side of evil that refused to be extinguished. "We did it. We defeated him," I said as Afton struggled to get up and look at us. "He can't be kept alive. That's a certainty," said Shadow. "So. Who's willing to end this," said Mangle. We all looked up and turned to look at each other, all but awaiting for one of us to nominate ourselves to go down a dark path we might forget.
"I'll enact what must be done."
We all looked up to the sound of Hand Unit's voice, which managed to grasp our surprise. "What! Hand Unit, you can't! How will you even kill him?!" I exclaimed. "I'll send this place out with a bang. I will destabilize the generator that provides power throughout this place so that it will overload and destroy this location," he responded. "No! You don't have to!" I exclaimed. "Saber, I already mentioned to you that my purpose was never existent in the first place. Even if Star Cluster was able to get me a position and stay active, I rather accept my demise than live my life alongside a company as dark as the night... This is my purpose," responded Hand Unit. "None of you deserve to hold the guilt and pain from reaching in one's life and extracting it into nothing." "Hand Unit. You don't have to... Don't..." I tried to say. "It will all be fine. My job is done here. Now, you have the life you've always dreamed to own, so let me leave this futile life behind and these forgettable memories... At least a being like you could be the most memorable thing out of all my experiences. One I'll gladly accept," he responded. "I advise that you destroy the chip Afton has on the back of his head, which has been the source of his commands and power over our technology." Shadow Saber walked over to Afton, as felt around on the back of his head and eventually pulled out a chip. It was covered in blood, but was clear enough to appear it was a flash drive. "No more of your doing," said Shadow Saber as he threw it on the ground and aimed his hand at it. He shot it almost immediately, all but allowing Afton to stare at the broken bits and pieces of his device he valued his life and dedication towards. "Hand Unit wouldn't do this unless he wanted it. We should head to the elevator before he does what needs to be done to end the flawed legacy of this pizzeria," said Shadow Saber as he and Mangle walked past me and Afton on the ground. They opened the door and walked out, all but leaving it open when they walked away. "The preparations are already imminent. I suggest following your friends to the elevator and leave this life behind," said Hand Unit. I stared at the ceiling for a moment, as finally I started to walked towards the door and leave. But as I passed by Afton, I felt something grab me leg, which lead me to look down and see his hand wrapped around it along with the little bit of life left in him. "You think you can leave this life behind? All but the things you have been tangled in by the pizzerias and company? Fazbear Entertainment always strives to continue," he said as I managed to tug my leg and release his grasp on me. "And what about you? All that you have done for your goals and you came close enough to touch the thing layer of it. And yet you failed in the end... You die here," I said turning to look at him. "True. My last moments here are near and my plan saw the light of day for only just a moment. But in the end, my legacy lives and what follows after... You can't ever leave this life behind," he said. "Maybe. But I can leave you behind," I responded as I walked outside and grabbed the door to close it, all but hearing the last of Afton for good.
"You haven't left everything behind."
Hearing the door shut and seeing the last of Afton was enough for me to know his fate was sealed. It was almost over. I walked towards the window that was broken for the main room, as I walked over it since there was no point in going through the vent door anyways. Once I approached the vent and managed to get into it I could see the legs of both Shadow and Mangle, both at the elevator which was open. After all this, I never thought I would want to leave this life behind for good. But here I was; wishing for it to never exist in the first place. The life I had was nothing more but me being a servant to those that wished to control my life. I bet the company never thought I would leave the leash wrapped around my neck at all times. Once I was out of the vent I got on my feet to find Shadow and Mangle trying to make room with the animatronics in the elevator, which all seemed to be inactive now. "Breaking that device Afton had somehow deactivated all of them. Though Hand Unit urged us to bring them back with us," said Shadow as I approached him and Mangle. "He wants us to give the animatronics here a life," said Mangle finishing his sentence. "Indeed. I believe they deserve as much of a life as you do. And if they are still under Afton's influence, then destruction will be necessary," added in Hand Unit. "C'mon. Let's get in the elevator," said Shadow as we all walked in the elevator. "Are you ready Hand Unit?" "Indeed. Everything is prepared and ready to be initiated when the elevator is out of the blast radius," responded Hand Unit, as the elevator doors closed now. "All of you have a life to reset. Shadow Saber, I urge you to proceed and help Saber get through life now. He has much to learn. Mangle, I hope you enact something that repents what was done today and for aligning with Afton. Saber. I want you push away the life you once had, but not the knowledge and lessons learned from it. Alert the authorities of what happened here and the acts of hell committed by Afton once all of you reach the surface, along with leaving the company's authority and their rule, including cutting off contact with Star Cluster. And I finally want the animatronics to be reset by the switch on the back of their heads and to let them live among the pizzeria this location is housed under. The company is bound to leave it behind because of the erupting tension that is to follow after this event. I'm sure they'll be people to feel welcomed with... It is time." The elevator started to move now, as it went up and left behind the place here that wouldn't be entirely forgotten. "Afton isn't going anywhere, and the same will proceed with me. At least I learned a purpose from you Saber, out of all people. Whatever you do; don't destroy the new life you'll earn." A couple seconds later, the elevator shook underneath us that was combined with a large boom. Shadow Saber looked down on the ground, as I could feel a sliver of a tear roll down from my right eye. The elevator stopped, as I Shadow walked up to my side, all but speaking nothing for a moment to allow me to mourn over the loss of someone. "I may have not known him as well as you did, but I can for sure say he wasn't someone that cared little to nothing for you and others. He knew all of our lives mattered more than his. It was over already for him," he said. "Yeah..." I responded whipping the little bit of tears in my eyes. "After what I had did and he still gave me a chance for another life. And he ended it all," said Mangle. "He did. All for this new life now," I responded as I turned to look at the animatronics behind us. "But he did what I thought we could all never do. All of us joining the same side."
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