Chapter 6: Joy With The Devil
Shadow Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 16th, 2017
Time: 11:37 p.m.
One Week Before Protocol Afton
"Wow! I must say this steak was well cooked," I said eating the last piece of steak and swallowing it. "I don't lie when I hold such pride in my statements," said Shadow Fredbear. "Right on man. I could go for another pizza. Maybe even a joint about now," said Shadow Freddy. "You smoke," I said sounding a little disappointed. "Dope is dope man. Its apart of my life, but it only does so much to make your life the fullest," responded Shadow Freddy. "Don't we have that event where everyone is going to take part in?" asked RXQ. "Indeed. Considering someone like me that could forget when someone's birthday was," responded Shadow Fredbear. "That sounds like an actual problem that needs to be investigated," I said sharing my concern. "It sure is. I've visited Shadow Baby, who is the doctor here, to help my with that problem," said Fredbear taking a sip from his glass filled with water to finish it. "After all, not all of us are perfect leaders." "Hey dudes!" We all turned to see an animatronic bear that looked like a different version of Shadow Freddy, while also appearing to be a little overweight, as he stopped to approach us. "We going to start this celebration for the new guy yet? I'm already starving from not having Pop-Tarts in a while," continued the bear. "Yes. We will in time. Though I think it's best to stray away from food that while make you f- I mean increase your size," said Shadow Fredbear. "What was that? You stopped at one part when you were talking," said the bear. "It's nothing. I just stuttered a little, that's all," responded Shadow Fredbear. "Oh. Ok! Make sure to bring the brownies as well. You can't deny those," said the bear as he walked away. "Wow. I'm pretty sure I heard you almost say 'fat' towards his face as a way to insult him," I said. "It's a habit. Sometimes I want to directly point out his health, but I must act appropriate and not like a child," responded Shadow Fredbear. "Sometimes it is hard being a leader and remembering to act like one. You can't play into the habit of fully becoming yourself again, while also fully masking yourself with a fake identity to seem civilized." "Who was that anyways?" I asked. "That was Toy Freddy; a different version of the original created alongside others that live here as a family. And if it wasn't obvious, he has a tendency for eating snacks and sweets often. Or on a regular and frequent schedule if I'm being completely honest," answered Shadow Fredbear. "Come on. The others are most certainly all gathered by now because of your arrival," said Shadow Fredbear as he got up from his chair that was in front of the table we were sitting at. "Should've known why there were people all gathered around the table feet away from us," I said looking behind me as I got up, along with Shadow Freddy and RXQ doing the same. "I just hope they haven't had all the beer already," said Shadow Freddy as we all walked over to the group. "So do you set up these celebrations often?" I asked Fredbear. "It depends how many new members we add to the family. We celebrate new people that join us to make them feel like they matter to our family forever. No matter how they turn out," responded Shadow Fredbear as we all approached the group of the others. "Can't forget that recently we've been receiving a lot of shadow versions of animatronics," added in RXQ. "Like Shadow Springtrap for example." I turned to look at the animatronic RXQ was staring at, in which he was not what I was expecting to see from the citizens here. His model was based off a bunny, but his actual body had holes and looked to be be old and withered, assuming something happened with the real Springtrap, whoever he really is in the other world. "Hello! It's good to see a new person join us," said Shadow Springtrap happily with a smile to further support his gratitude, as he stuck out his hand for me to shake. Just based on his appearance, he seemed like the type of person who would be rude to everyone around him. But the way he acted just seem to differentiate himself from that image I viewed him. "Thanks," I said responding and finally shaking his hand. "Shadow Springtrap is most certainly the kindest and nicest person to be around here. Not trying to discourage anyone here," said Shadow Fredbear. "It sure is obvious," I responded. "I know. My appearance throws others off, it's happened before. But trust Fredbear when even he states I wouldn't hurt a fly," responded Shadow Springtrap. "I'll take his word. He hasn't lied as for as I know," I responded. "Any of you got the Bud Light? I was promised some after all," said Shadow Freddy. "We got more than that gringo!" We all turned to the sound of an animatronics voice, as I could see another weird version of Shadow Freddy walking over to us with Shadow Chica. "We got negros for days!" He walked over to us as he slammed the box filled with beer on the table we all sat at. "Don't mind him. That's Shadow Funtime Freddy. He has a tendency of being extremely offensive to add in with all his words," said Shadow Fredbear said to me. "Some of us have a side that makes offensive comments. Others more than others use that to reform their personality and make it theirs," I responded. "Chill man. I may want some beer but you gotta tone down the racism. Can you even go one day without adding comments like that man?" said Shadow Freddy. "You just walked yourself into another whole fight again," said Shadow Chica walking over to the table and setting down plates of food. "Bitch go back to being a pornstar for all that I care! At least Toy Chica did something worth being known for as a slut!" exclaimed Shadow Funtime Freddy at her. "I think it's best that you settle down before we exclude you from the party," said Shadow Fredbear getting up to stand, just as a way to seem firm about his instructions. "Fuck you all then and the new guy! Change into a Jew so I have a reason to become a German!" exclaimed Shadow Funtime Freddy as he walked away while flipping us all off. "I see what you mean when you state not everyone is perfect," I said to Shadow Fredbear. "For sure. These animatronics were born this way, and that's the problem; they never change. There is no foresight for them to adapt into something else. They are stuck like this forever. It's the life they were born with, and the life they will die with," said Shadow Fredbear. "Then what about me? What am I? What is my personality?" I asked. "To be honest, I'm unsure. Only time will tell what your life is set to belong with," responded Shadow Fredbear. "In the darkest of hours that wither over the earth, we still celebrate, as if the devil takes the time to rejoice himself with joy for one night. One spite of happiness that is stirred around to make it last as long as possible." "Cheers then!" exclaimed Shadow Freddy as he held out a bottle of Bud Light for me to take, as I only stared at it. "Beer's not my thing," I responded as I grabbed my Coke can that I hadn't finished from earlier, while raising it. "But cheers anyways. To a night to remember permanently."
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