Chapter 57: Out Of The Family
Shadow Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 20th, 2017
Time: 10:51 a.m.
Three Days Before Protocol Afton
It seemed at every moment, I was always lost in my own thoughts for as long as they were present. All but digging for the only thing I had left to remember me by, if there was anything left. I was lost in the sight of what was left to remember the family that I was soon to be out of. The picture I had made yesterday had only just been hung up for not even two full days, all with the purpose to show the life I had. And the life I had lost. I grabbed the picture off the nail I had rested it on to hold it, as I looked down upon it. I had nothing else to bring with me, let alone remember the others by. I had nothing else to be remembered by, except these people who were family to me. I turned around to where I had Freddy's phone charging by the wall, as I walked over to it and unplugged the phone and charger from each other, all while grabbing them and putting them both in the left pocket. I already had the other phone I had made on my own in the other pocket, and Freddy needed his returned. It was the least I could do to thank him for everything. I finally walked towards the door and opened it, all but looking back at it for a moment. Just by looking at it, I realized I never had a chance to make it something to have me be remembered by. Nothing at all. It just looked like an average bedroom, which had no value or any trace of anyone being here. At least if someone were to move you could tell someone had once lived in an area, prier to you arriving. No matter what they did, they still left traces of their presence around that area for however long. There was nothing here but a normal reset for anyone to take my room. I finally closed the door, as I walked outside and towards the portal room, which was where I had to meet up with the others at. I took my phone out of my pocket to check the time, which read "ten fifty-three" on it. My departure was scheduled alongside with Mangle at eleven, which meant I didn't have a decent amount of time until I had to leave. It was unfortunate I had to leave a life I had just started so soon, considering I was starting to get settled into it. I had found my purpose, only it involved a purpose I didn't seek, only received. My life was all about being a murderer now. I finally reached the door for the portal room, taking one last look at the picture of me and my friends in the picture frame, knowing this was going to be the last moments of my life here for good. And I had to have a proper ending to conclude this short journey. Finally, I looked back up, all while letting out a long exhale of air, as I opened the door and walked inside now. Immediately, I found myself upon the many faces of those who chose to show up for my departure. Freddy, RXQ, Funtime Foxy, Chica, Toy Bonnie and his group, Withered Bonnie, Nightmare Freddy and Nightmare Bonnie, and Fredbear. However, I noticed that standing next to Fredbear was Mangle and Phantom Freddy, who even had the will to show up for my departure. None of these people were here for Mangle. I walked up to all of them, staring at the many faces present to show their appreciation for me changing their lives. "You all really decided to show up, even in spite of what I've done to show what I'm capable of to this pizzeria?" I asked all of them. "They're here, just as the same reason we're here; because we're people that know what you did was not done intentionally," answered Freddy for everyone. "And the decision has been decided for you," said Fredbear walking up to me, alongside with Mangle and Phantom Freddy. "After many considerations and time to process a solution. I've concluded that you will be eligible to return, once we find a solution to your condition. We don't know when that will be, but you will have to make due with being out in the real world. You get to stay with the family," said Fredbear. "See man, everything isn't lost!" exclaimed Freddy patting my back, as everyone else present all turned to me, expecting a response to the news. But as much as the news carried the glee it held, it didn't light anything from this. Only rejection.
"I'm not returning."
"W-What do you mean?" asked Freddy confused. "I can't return to this place, not after what happened," I responded. "Saber, just because you killed someone that may have been partially your responsibility, doesn't mean you have to punish yourself more than what you've already faced," said Funtime Foxy. "Didn't you hear what Fredbear said last night? Everyone else wants me gone from here, they see me as a menace that has too much power. They want me out of the family," I responded. "The only thing they're going to remember me by is the fact that I killed someone because of a mind that has no control." "Fuck you!" my bad side exclaimed in response, as everyone stared at the untainted creation I had become. "You see? I can't stay here with this thing present, and even after I get my condition cured, nobody will forget the incident. They don't deserve to live here in fear, that's not what a society is. That fear has to be stopped, or else the people will stop trusting in their leader," I said. "I don't know if I can even return. I don't know who I am anymore. I have to find out what I'm really am... All I see myself as is a murderer." "Not to us," said Freddy. "The way others visualize you either ignores or adds on to how you view yourself," I responded looking at him. "Then this is it," said RXQ. "Yeah. This is it for who I once was. And now the new me has taken it's place," I responded. "You don't have to do this to yourself. You can return to this, or least something similar," said Freddy. "If I can, then leaving for good is the only way," I responded. "Then. Whatever happens, we'll all remember you. Just as promised," responded Freddy, as he stuck out his hand for me to shake. "Take care man. You're the second best thing to change my damn life." "I can't forget about this," I said as I pulled out Freddy's phone and held it out for him to take. "I created my own the other day. Thanks for having me borrowing it." He took and held it in his hand, all while smiling as he looked back up at me. "I wouldn't have offered you it if I didn't trust you," he said in response. After he put the phone in his pocket, I looked over at RXQ as I stuck out my hand for him to shake. "You have good intentions. Don't lose them like I did," I said as he shook it. "You haven't lost yourself or your morals yet," he responded as we broke our hand shake. I turned to Funtime Foxy, who give out a faint smile in response. "You told me people could change and evolve, just like I did. You didn't care that I never bothered to talk, you saw me as the others. Or at least someone to change into the others. I can't thank enough for what you've done," said Funtime Foxy as she walked up to me and hugged me. "We really are going to miss you and the goods times we've had." "Me too," I responded. After a moment I broke the hug as I looked down at the picture I had in my hands, as Freddy, RXQ, and Funtime Foxy, seemed to notice it as well. "All of you have something to remember me by. And I got my own thing." I then walked over to where Toy Bonnie and his group, all waiting patiently to speak their mind. "We're going to miss you as well. Just don't let anyone think of you as different from the rest, you are still a living being after all," said Toy Bonnie. "At least I don't have to see someone who disrespects gay people anymore. Maybe now he can be treated properly," added in Withered Foxy. "This scenario is almost painted out like a story. Everyone's life is a story after all," added in Bonnie. "A man can change from what he is once was. But the line is split when most know whether they are really knowing who they are, and accepting what they are," said Foxy, who had a regular cigarette this time in his hook. "Hope you find what you're looking for," said Toy Bonnie. "I don't know what I'm looking for now. But I'm glad to know I found what I was looking for before. A family," I responded as we both nodded at each other, just for the sake of Withered Foxy in case he would react from that action. I then walked up to Chica, who let out a smile as well. "You are the nicest and respectful person I have ever meet. And yet, you allow yourself to be assertive when necessary. You know the balance of being a living being. You are going to be the first I miss not seeing when serving dinner," said Chica. "It's habits I have. They do change you after all," I said as I walked over to Withered Bonnie, who wasn't holding his notebook he usually had most of the time. "You aren't anyone I haven't taught before and has been above average on their training, but a much interesting person to research. I will fix your condition. That's one thing science and the power has taught me," he said. "Thanks. Just a shame I didn't get to complete my training," I responded. "Not all knowledge is unreachable. If you are to finish your training, you must contact the inner forces of your power to receive the help you need. And tapping in the different version of you could help, I might say," he responded. "Then I'll finish what I started," I responded. Next, I walked on over to Nightmare Freddy and Nightmare Bonnie, who were both awaiting my arrival. "Look. I don't know you that well, and I'm sure Nightmare Bonnie thinks he does. But I feel for you because of you not being able to part take in the completion of our society. Just remember, it was built by all of us, including you," said Nightmare Freddy. "You can probably fit in with the others at the other world now, and they might know what the dab is," said Nightmare Bonnie. "Ok, enough of that before I throw myself in the portal as well," said Nightmare Freddy to him in response, as he turned to me. "A pleasure working alongside you. You still get the chance to live to be apart of a society after all, even if it isn't ours." "As to you," I responded as I walked over to Fredbear, Mangle, and Phantom Freddy. We all stared at each other for a moment, waiting for one of us to speak for everyone. "I knew a day would come when our society would finally banish those who were a threat here. You were not those who came to mind. But you understand what will happen if you were to stay. You own a different mindset than anyone else here. You're someone that world deserves to be walked upon," said Phantom Freddy breaking the silence now. "You're not the only one that hasn't found his place in this world." "You're a lot closer than me, for sure," I said in response as I turned to Fredbear. I could tell that he had a lot to express about me, and it wasn't by the face he held throughout the time I was talking to the others. He was always known for expressing his thoughts about others endlessly. "You are the most intriguing individual that has ever been apart of this society. Not because of your thinking or the way you act, but because you remind me of a young past self that was once me," said Fredbear. "I wasn't born to lead or even become a leader. I wasn't fit to build a society. And yet, I battled the struggles and obstacles that were holding me down, all leading me the current position I'm in. Perhaps, one day you'll have the opportunity to run your own society." "You don't have to be a leader to run a kingdom or let alone a group. Not even inspiring others to be like you makes you a leader. You learn lessons from them and things that urge you to change, or even to be someone else you look up to. They give you that slight nudge that they are the people that can lead you to where you want to go in life. That's what makes them leaders," I responded. "And what did you learn from me?" asked Fredbear. "That it's going to be a long time before I figure out where I'm going to go in life. But at least I know I'm going to finally stop at my destination somewhere," I responded. "Thanks for giving me a path that I can push away the blur hiding the answer." "I'm doing what I accepted," responded back Fredbear. "What we can offer in return is a cure for your condition, no matter the time that is required to discover it. We will come to you when we have a solution. It's the only thing that can fix the tainted damage." "Thank you. Just remember: Do what you have to do in order to protect this society, but don't also push away what is right," I said. "It is time," Fredbear said turning around and walked over to where the portal, as he stopped and laid his hand on a panel to the right of it. In an instant the portal opened with the sound of a 'boom' that made me jump a little from it's unpredictable acknowledgement to us, all while the glowing purple portal itself showed the hidden nature it had, all but waiting for me to enter another life and live my decaying one behind. "It's ready. You first Mangle," said Fredbear as he turned to her. I turned to Mangle, who slowly walked towards the portal as me and the others all watched. Even though she was leaving herself, she had one thing that felt like she never took into consideration; she wasn't leaving he life behind like me. She was taking the next path for her life. She stopped at the portal, as she turned and directly looked at me, all while ignoring the others eyes gazed upon her. She looked like she was fueled by anger, though she always had that look. This time, it felt like it was directed at me, as if I was to blame for this. Whether my bad side got lucky or even didn't intend her fate; she deserved this. "What you fucking looking at huh?!" exclaimed my bad side. Everyone turned to look at me, as they then turned to look at Mangle, all but expecting a response from her. "I'm looking at what you've become... Hope you're happy for what you've done," she said in response. She walked into the portal slowly; disappearing the next moment from our sight as she had finally departed from this society. She was to be remembered by whatever the people here saw her as. I saw her as someone who didn't appreciate her life. Fredbear then turned to look at me, and the words he spoke couldn't have been more forthcoming.
"You're next."
I slowly walked up to where the portal, all but heading to another life and leaving my previous one behind once I stepped through the portal. I could feel the energy that was pulsating from the portal itself, like mud that only seemed to pull you back down, no matter what you did to run from its grasp. I turned back around as I stared at the many faces that seemed to make up a larger family than previously estimated. They were the people to recall my old life, and to accept my new life. "This baron land gave birth to one of the greatest societies to be part of. A baron land and the people around are how you start a society. I never realized that until now... Thanks for accepting what I was," I said waving to everyone while letting out a smile. I held onto the picture I had in the picture frame, knowing this was something I was not going to lose, as I walked into the portal now. I had stepped out of the old life I had once belonged in and now into the present one. I was now a shadow of a society, and the person that reflected that shadow was now bound to another society.
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