Chapter 55: Bad Side
Shadow Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 19th, 2017
Time: 8:30 p.m
Four Days Before Protocol Afton
"Ok! Ok! How can we measure each layout of these buildings properly, if we don't have a decent way to help us in that area? I mean, we can't all estimate man!" shared Freddy. "Just one of us has to think hard enough to create such an item. Not unless you wish to stab yourself with a measuring tape," responded Nightmare Freddy. "Is it even possible?" asked Funtime Foxy. "Who knows," added in RXQ. "Something like that could occur, though I rather not be a witness to that event," I added in as well. "I think this concludes our discussion for tonight. I hope to meet back here tomorrow night with the rest of you," said Fredbear as he stood up now, which permitted the rest of us to stand up as well. "Already? Man, time seems to be flying these days," expressed Freddy as he stood up now. "Just be happy it hasn't caught up yet. Soon it begins to slow down and you wish it stayed the same," I added in as we all proceeded to exit the building. "That good side of your has a mouth it uses for good. Unlike that other side that has a big damn mouth it can't ever shut," said Freddy as we walked outside and back to the pizzeria. "Yeah. It still concerns me that its reaching the point of being more present frequently, which points towards that it is at the verge of complete control over me," I said. "My life is already evolving before I have a chance to prepare for it." "That's why you have us man. No matter what happens from now, to the future, will all be dependent on us when the time comes," said Freddy. "We stuck around for a reason. It's because we work well together, we understand our differences and how we learn to cope with them," added in Funtime Foxy. "Not to forget, we're family in the end. Families live together forever, even in death. It's their legacy that stays active for the incoming years," added in RXQ. "Your group has something I've haven't seen from anyone else or other groups that live among us. An everlasting love for each other, involving those who will do anything for one another and their family," said Fredbear, who had joined in on the conversation now. "It's what I have that keeps me going after all. A small chunk of a larger purpose I have yet to find," I responded as we all approached the entrance to enter back in the pizzeria. "Your group is lucky, I'll say that. I'm stuck with this fool, who makes me want to drop an anvil on my head," said Nightmare Freddy looking at Nightmare Bonnie. "Is there something I did to effect the mood of the conversation? May I recommend listening to the newest raps songs that are recent?" asked Nightmare Bonnie. "No! Don't do that!" Nightmare Freddy exclaimed at him before turning to rest of us, as we opened the door and walked inside. "You see what I mean?" "I'm sure you'll find someone you can call family or at least a friend one day," I said, as he closed the door behind us. "If you can excuse me for the time being, I must tend to a previous situation that requires full attention at the moment," said Fredbear stopping inside the office and turning to look at all of us. "It involves Mangle, doesn't it?" I guessed, causing him to look directly at me now. "If I am to prove to all of you I can learn from my mistakes, I must continue at the position that is currently left unfinished," he responded as he turned away now. "I'm doing this for the better of our society. Until we meet again." "Hold on!" I exclaimed, as he held his position because of me. "I almost forget to give this to you," I said handing him the flash drive. "It contains all the evidence against Funtime Freddy and what he has done. Phantom Freddy spent all the time he had to prove Funtime Freddy is at fault for his actions. "Then I hope to meet your standards," Fredbear responded as he walked out of the room by going through the left hallway, as he disappeared down the hall; leaving the rest of us to decide our next plan for tonight. "So? Who's up for a drink? I'm in the mood for some alcohol," said Freddy as we walked towards the opposite hallways of where Fredbear had exited from. "Oh, I could go for some right about now," agreed Nightmare Freddy as we all proceeded to make our way down the hallway. "I think I'll stick with Powerade," I said in response. "Hey! One of these days, you gotta at least try a shot or something. I ain't saying you have to drink a bottle or something each day, that'll just kill ya," said Freddy as we all exited the hallway and into the main room. My eyes were directed at the kitchen, as I noticed someone's back that was sitting in front of the kitchen window, which looked oddly familiar. The sudden realization of who's back and top hat it was made me stop suddenly and motion for the others to stop as well. "What man?" said Freddy in response as him and the others turned to where I was looking. The impact of what they see just like me was certain they were able to tell who it was as well, just by how their faces turned into concern and anger.
Funtime Foxy was filled with fear, just by the thought that the same person that had threatened to rape her was present in her sights again.
RXQ was faced with concern, just by the way his face painted that image if you were to look at him. A feeling that seemed to shine from both Nightmare Freddy and Nightmare Bonnie included. You tell Funtime Freddy intimidated him.
Freddy was consumed with anger, and he had all the reason to be, considering the confrontation they had last time. Freddy was just dying to get back at him or at least something to repay for all the trouble he had caused us.
All I felt was confidence and yet a little concern of what we would do once he started antagonizing us. He was clearly waiting for us to show up.
Funtime Freddy finally turned around from his seat and looked at us, all while a huge grin formed from his mouth. "What up bitches!" he exclaimed getting up from his seat now, all while still looking at all of us. I looked at RXQ and Funtime Foxy, all while they both did the same before we all turned to look back at him. Freddy however, did not dare to break his gaze with Funtime Freddy. "Did all of you think I would come back to kick your asses and rape them?! Especially her!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy pointing at Funtime Foxy, as RXQ turned to look at her. "You four motherfuckers are fucked!" "Leave now. Or things are going to get ugly!" exclaimed Freddy keeping his stare directed at him. "Ugly?! Huh! The only thing that's going to be ugly is when I suck the fucking blood out of you and rape Funtime Foxy until she's drenched in cum!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy. "If you don't back off it'll be over for you! It already is!" I exclaimed back. "Hell no! I get to beat you cunts off until I die!" he exclaimed back. "This is my fucking place now hoes!" "Fuck you bitch! I own this world motherfucker!" I said without my control. "Dammit, no! Not now!" I exclaimed softly as the others turned to look at me now, all while knowing things were about to turn into the worst. "You fucking asked for it!" Without warning, Funtime Freddy shot a Shadow Beam that was directed at all of us, while we all ducked to the side. "This is why you should never got on my bad side whores!" he yelled while multiple lasers passed over our heads, forcing us to all duck under the tables, where Toy Bonnie and his group were sitting at. "Jesus, this guy really is crazy from what I've heard!" exclaimed Nightmare Freddy as we all held our position behind the table. Toy Bonnie and the others around this area had already flied fled from the starting point of the massacre, most likely to get help and save themselves of course. The problem was if we would receive help by then. "What do we do?!" exclaimed RXQ as a blast flew past over the table and all around. "We stop him before he hurts anyone else," responded Freddy, as he started to get up to hop over the table and charge into battle. "No! You won't last a second out there! We have to find another solution!" I exclaimed back as he held his position now. "Because I'm the fucking solution!" exclaimed my bad side now as I got up and jumped over the table as well. "SABER!" yelled Funtime Foxy as I charged at Funtime Freddy. Before he had a chance to react, he turned to the sight of something down the hallway he was nearby; causing me to do the same. Even with my limited controls my face and mouth turned to horror to find Fredbear running from down the hall, which urged me to run faster at Funtime Freddy when I saw him motion his hand and directed it at him. I jumped up at Funtime Freddy before he had a chance to react, while we both tumbled to the ground, like someone doing their best to keep a football from falling out of their hands. "You fucking gay, huh?!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy grabbing my face and doing his best to get me off him. "Shut the fuck up!" my bad side exclaimed as we both continued to struggle to gain the upper hand in this current situation. To be fair, I only included myself because I was still present in this event, only my body was being inhabited by the bad side of my mind. It wanted to end Funtime Freddy more than me. My bad side forced my head to knock on Funtime Freddy's, causing the both of us to break free now. I got up instantly, while Funtime Freddy did the same, only slower than me due to the injury he had received in return. "Is that all you got beaner?!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy shaking his head to brush off the pain. "How about it bitch!? C'mon, don't be the pussy here!" exclaimed my bad side bad. "Fine!" he exclaimed back before firing a Shadow Blast, which managed to hit my left arm. I groaned a little from the blast, all while holding my hand over the wound. Right as Funtime Freddy was about to walk up to me, a quick dart of purple was seen as he and someone else both fell to the floor. Seeing Funtime Freddy pinned to the ground by Freddy was a sight to be seen, just by the amount of anger Freddy had was shown. "Stay away from him asshole!" exclaimed Freddy still holding him down. "Fuck no queer!" he exclaimed as he kicked Freddy in the stomach, causing him to loosen his grip, which allowed Funtime Freddy to push him off as he wrapped his hands around his throat now in an attempt to choke him to death. "Get off of him!" I yelled as I had control again and managed to push him off Freddy and save his life. "I get to kill you, not play with you fuck face!" my bad side exclaimed taking control again as I swung a punch at him. I managed to hit him the face, all which Funtime Freddy swung a punch back at me. Even Freddy wasn't done with him yet, as he joined back in the fight and managed to hit Funtime Freddy in the face, all while giving me the chance to let another strike hit his face. As I tried coming in for another punch Funtime Freddy grabbed my hand and push it back, while causing me to stumble back as well for a moment. Keeping my position the same didn't help, as Funtime Freddy punch me in the face, causing me to land on my back hard. It didn't help that this wasn't the first time I had received an injury, which only added on the pain to my back that still hadn't full recovered yet from the fight earlier I had with Mangle. While that happened, Freddy tried his best to land a punch Funtime Freddy, only Freddy was able to reverse the outcome he desired, as he was able to punch Freddy hard enough to cause him to fall on his back as well, leaving him vulnerable now. Funtime Freddy towered above now, all while landing any punch he could while not stopping, as the only thing Freddy could do to defend himself was block his punches. "Hey wannabe gangster!" exclaimed my bad side as I managed to stand on my feet now. He turned to look at me, and in one second without being able to blink it was all over for him. A Shadow Blast flew out of my hand that was formed; managing to impel him in the chest in an instant. Even in the moment of satisfaction someone could've received seeing him, I denied being relieved as I ran over to Freddy to see if he was fine. "W-What was that?" he asked as I helped him up, only to stare at the damaged person that was Funtime Freddy, who was on the floor with blood on the floor. Just by noticing how it was black, and instead red still made my stomach clinch in fear, as I walked slowly towards him on the floor. "Ah! Fuck!" Funtime Freddy exclaimed on the floor as I walked up to him, seeing him holding his wound was close enough to his heart to have probably scraped it a little. It was still damage regardless committed by me. "Well, uhhh! Fucking do it then. I couldn't kill so now it's your time. You'll be no better than letting me live anyways, uhhh," said Funtime Freddy looking at me. "Fuck all of you. Fuck you! Fuck Fredbear! Funtime Foxy! Freddy! RXQ... Fuck everyone here! I hope I see you in hell, which will be the day I will be glad to die for!" I stared at him for a moment, unsure of the situation we were still in right now and how to end it. There was no way out.
"Don't do it man."
I turned to the sound of Freddy's voice, all while standing behind me with the bruises he dared not to hide. "I'm talking to you bad side. Killing him isn't going to do a damn thing or even get enjoyment out of it. As much as I wish for him to pay for what he's done... Killing just proves you'e just here to take his place," explained Freddy. I held a face of concern, all but pleading that I could just walk away before it had a chance to act first before me. And just by how I could feel the form of my face change into anger, as I looked back down at Freddy without any instinct, I knew I truly was going to be forgotten. My legacy was going to be changed into something to fear.
"See you in hell bitch."
Just hearing the plead from Freddy as I raised my arm and fired a blast just furthermore consumed me, as I could do nothing more but stare at the hole in Funtime Freddy's head. I looked up now, as I had full control now, only to see the faces of many who had witness the birth of not only a killer, but a broken man. The others that had fled earlier were in the room now: Chica, Toy Bonnie, Foxy, even Funtime Foxy, RXQ, and Fredbear, all but people that had been present at the death of two men. One killed by another, and the same killer that killed himself. The tears I couldn't hold back were starting to stream from my eyes, all but running down my cheeks as I fell on my knees. "It's ok man. It's ok. It wasn't your fault," said Freddy as he walked up to be and patted my back in an attempt to comfort me. Nothing was going to lift this curse that I did not choose to abide my will against. "I just killed a man," I managed to say among the tears and stuffy nose that was beginning. "I'm the danger now. I'm the thing that's going to destroy this society... I've only just continued Funtime Freddy's doing."
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