Chapter 45: Catering Bee Hive
Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 20th, 2017
Time: 11:57 p.m.
Three Days Before Protocol Afton
Just by feeling the weight of the bag of Doritos and how heavy it was didn't even make up a whole percentage of the current fear I had and the constant shaking of my hands and body, while I walked through the parking lot. I was so focused and scared on what I had to train for that I hadn't realized it took much longer to arrive here than expected. As soon as I approached the door I took out the key for the door and unlocked it as fast as I could, before opening it and walking in. Once I was inside, I reversed the same pattern and locked the door before turning to walk towards the area where the elevator was. What also was present on my mind was the thought of how Hand Unit and Springbonnie fared ever since my last visit from last night, I didn't have a full idea and clear picture of how Hand Unit would handle him properly. There was a handful of missing details we still didn't have for Springbonnie, however that didn't mean I wanted him destroyed or at least detained by us forever. He at least deserved some mercy, or at the very least a life that catered towards him having a decent life. As I walked past the main room and towards the room with the elevator, I couldn't help but think of the life I had here; how it was a future I was given. Springbonnie could have the very same opportunity as me. I walked in the elevator and pressed the button to close the doors and start the thing, all while I sat patiently to discover the outcome of Hand Unit and Springbonnie. As the elevator started to move down, I realized my hands very not only still shaking but I was breathing heavily as well from my paranoia of what would happen when I would encounter the gang that was after me. I slowly opened the Dorito bag, showing the only thing I had left to defend myself with. Covered in some of the Dorito dust and that was surrounded by the chips themselves was the gun and ammo I had brought earlier today, since I knew carrying a gun in public would be a foolish idea and would get me apprehended by the authorities. "I suggest not showing Springbonnie, just to not trigger the curiosity that only habits his mind at the moment," said Hand Unit's voice over the speakers above. "You decided to choose the consequential action. Not surprising." "I know what I'm doing. They don't deserve to take another live so easily," I responded. "I see you brought a 9mm. Effective and resourceful, I'll admit. Though I think it's already been established that you have not had the proper training to learn how to use it," noted Hand Unit. "Can you estimate how long it will take for me to be skilled enough and have the proper knowledge to be able to fire and handle gun?" I asked as the elevator stopped and I walked out of it. "Approximately a week from your standards," answered Hand Unit, as I got down to crawl through the vent. "That's not enough time. Does it involve basics or other skills?" I asked as I crawled through the vent. "Both. Acquiring the basics will take approximately a couple hours if gone through successful attempts that aren't tedious," responded Hand Unit. "Then, you're going to have to teach me tonight. I can't be walking home tonight while wondering if I'll be functioning the next day," I responded as I got out of the vent and walked towards the right vent door. "I highly doubt having limited knowledge of something you fully don't understand will save you. I have no certainty you will even be eligible to fire a gun promptly," he responded. "I have to protect myself somehow, there's no turning back. I want to do this," I responded as I made my way through the vent door and walked towards the office. "How was Springbonnie last night?" "Curious and confused, as expected. Had to force myself to answer the simple questions that were too complex to his mindset. The night was normal as calculated," he responded. "I was able to identity the body present in his suit. I suggest you take a minute to hear this for yourself before entering." I stopped as I approached the door and looked up, waiting for his response. "Who was it?" I asked. "The face of the franchise itself. William Afton," he responded. "The original owner?" I asked surprised. "How the hell did his body end up in the suit?" "I will assume the company never told you what actually happened to him, did they," he said. "Not really," I responded. "Truth is, no one ever discovered the fate of him. Not even I could calculate a proper outcome as to what his demise was entirely. His disappearance became a concern to others when his unannounced absence was noted by the company, prompting a search party and involving the authorities. No one was ever able to unravel any leads or hints as to what happened to him. Everyone assumed something had taken his life away. Until now, of course," Hand Unit explained. "From what I could determine, he was killed by the springlocks apart of the suit. A painful way to perish if I might add. They are what keep the suit locked from the inside and from falling apart into the suit it is." "So, why the fuck was he in the suit before his death?" I asked. "That remains to be a mystery that I cannot conclude. I must also mention the theory I have as to the reason for Springbonnie's life he has been granted. I believe the soul of William Afton now possesses the suit and now decaying body of him," he responded. "What facts to you have to back it up?" I asked. "I mentioned the first time we found him that the suit did not have it's endo-skeleton, despite him moving around freely. Similar incidents have been mentioned by security guards of the years, and how the animatronics at the pizzeria's during the night moved freely without the proper function or order that they were programmed to follow. There was no signs of failure and flaws in theirs systems when inspected by the workers, it was like something else was pulling the strings," he explained. "Something I kept noted was when the first signs of the animatronics were present, they only begun a while after the first murders I mentioned last night. I believe the souls of those children murdered that were purposed to go to heaven where they belonged, instead ended up stuck in the suits and were fueled by anger from their deaths. Something that even our time couldn't have the power or technology to create with their fiddling hands." "I can't believe it. He never died," I said to myself. "Nice way to keep talking to yourself, considering it's advice I suggest you take to mind. His legacy never died. He was the catering bee hive that provided the birth of this pizzeria and provided all the determination he could to keep this company financially stable," he responded. "He changed the world, even if others fail to push away the blindness." Out of nowhere, the door for the office opened as Springbonnie was standing under the doorway, all while looking at me. "Hey," I responded, since I wasn't sure how to respond to his appearance, considering the information I was informed of. "Hey," he responded back. I looked at him for a moment, as all I could think of was what I had to do with the information I was just mentioned. This was for me, him, and Hand Unit, nothing else. I looked up at the ceiling, as if Hand Unit had eyes returning a look back. "I have to tell him." "Then do what you believe is best. You're the bee hive that has to cater for him now. You wanted to be apart of that lifestyle," responded Hand Unit. I looked back down to look at Springbonnie, who was waiting for me to respond. "Springbonnie, we have to tell you something. I know you are. Who you were previously," I said. "You're William Afton." "Who is that? Who is he?" asked Springbonnie. "I don't know much about him but. He was something grand to see and meet, from what I've been told," I responded with a forming smile. "And now I get to see my creator and the person that changed the world forever, even if he is just a reincarnation of his former self. You get to see yourself and the man you once were."
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