Chapter 41: Trapped With Myself
Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 20th, 2017
Time: 5:56 a.m.
Three Days Before Protocol Afton
"Ah shit. It's close to six," I said aloud while swiveling around the chair, as Springbonnie was hovering to the side of me. "What does that mean?" he asked. "It means I have to leave in a couple minutes for tonight," I responded while getting up and walking out of the office. "Will you return," said Springbonnie as I walked towards the room with the fridge. "Yeah. I will," I said back as I walked into the room and opened the fridge to grab the Coke bottle. "Are you sure you want to leave him here?" I asked Hand Unit. "It is best to not risk your safety with such an entity we have limited knowledge of, and considering the amount of knowledge you have taught him, no thanks to you. I'll be more than capable to handle myself with this entity," said Hand Unit's voice above me. "Alright. I just hope he doesn't get into any trouble or be too much of an issue," I responded as I grabbed the Coke bottle and closed the fridge. "Remember. Do not inform Star Cluster of our discovery of him, we can't trust anyone that works at the head of the company or any involved, except you of course," he said reassuring me. "I know. I just hope she isn't involved," I responded as I walked out and back towards the office. As I walked back in, I found Springbonnie waiting at the left door I had exited from, while I walked past him and over to the table and grabbed the bag of Doritos I had brought with me. "I'm leaving now. I hope to see you here tomorrow," I said turning around. "Will I be alone?" he asked. "Nope. Hand Unit here will assist your needs and answer any questions you have," I responded. "I'll be back when the computer reads twelve on it. I hope to see you tomorrow night. Goodbye," I responded as I walked towards the door. "Goodbye," repeated Springbonnie in response, as I walked out the door and closed it behind me. "Really? The best description you can give him for the clock is 'when it reads twelve on it?' I would suggest improving that aspect of your speech before engaging into a conversation and describing something in the future," said Hand Unit. "Better remind him as well when the same scenario occurs. Besides, what happened to promising not to teach him anything at all, and rather have me take your position?" I responded while walking towards the vent door. "A proper term I would use to answer your question is 'substitute.' It's only temporary, though I will advise myself to be wary of answering too many questions and providing necessary skills to advance his intelligence," responded Hand Unit. "If it's for the benefit of our safety, then do what must be necessary," I responded as I entered the vent door and got onto the other side. "I've continued my search on identifying the body inside the suit; still no results to aid our question, no surprise. The endless nature of running into dead ends over-and-over is advocating alongside my annoyance. This exposition we've involuntarily embarked upon continues to drive into the brink of something else we're unaware of," said Hand Unit as I got out of the vent I managed to crawl through and approach the elevator. "Well. I'm sure you'll find something when I arrive tomorrow night. And at least you're not trapped with yourself, for once. See you tomorrow," I responded as I proceeded to walk in the elevator. "One more thing to mention. Hope you find the right solution to the gang problem and decide what the best option is for you," said Hand Unit. "Thanks," I responded with a smile before hitting the button to shut the doors and activate the elevator. "We're both in each other's debts."
Time: 7:07 a.m.
It felt like yesterday all over again. Me checking every corner and turning around constantly to see if I was being followed or watched, all just to ensure that I was safe on my way back home. Nobody was out walking around this time, which did relieve my stress that wouldn't get away any time soon. It was just me with myself. I approached my house, all while looking and behind me before I moved my hand to grab the house key I had on me and inserted it into the keyhole. Once I unlocked it and opened the door, I did one more look around and check my surroundings before I finally walked inside and closed the door behind me. I turned back around to the surroundings in my house, as I walked in the living room and looked around to see if there were any signs of entry or a break in. I checked every spot to see if something was out of place, as I then proceeded to walk into the kitchen and check around and continue my observations. Everything seemed to belong in their places and without having any signs of tampering, though I needed to check one more thing before I could conclude I was safe. I walked over to the sliding glass door and checked the lock, which appeared to still be locked when I had insured it was that way before I'd left. I was safe, for now. I turned over to where the phone was; sitting on it's stand and waiting to be used. I walked over to it and grabbed it off the stand, while I dialed Star Cluster's number. I had to call her to reassure her once more I was safe, for the time being. As soon I was finished setting up the call I held it up to my ear while hearing the ringing on the other end, which now resulted in me waiting for a response.
"Hello?," said her voice on the other end. "Star Cluster, it's me Saber," I responded. "Oh, thank fuck you're fine. Anything happen today?" she asked. "No. Nothing came up, thankfully," I responded. "That's a damn relief. Listen, I got the gun situation under control and I've sent the I.D necessary to buy a gun. It should be under your mat," said Star Cluster. I walked away from the kitchen and towards the front door now, in order to follow her instructions. "It may seem like a mobster thing. You know? Scarface, Godfather, all that shit. Had to make sure nobody would steal the info needed, and I had to pay extra to get it put there and be shipped by the end of the day." I opened the front door with the one hand I didn't have holding the phone, all while observing everything that was in view to check if I was clear. Thankfully, it was starting to get light now, which made seeing my surroundings impeccable now. "You did that all in one day? Just for me?" I asked moving the mat up and grabbing an I.D that had an image of me under it that she mentioned. It had my name, date of birth, gender and other information that was valuable to have knowledge of. "I'm, doing what I can for a bro. No, that doesn't sound like a thing a girl would say," responded Star Cluster, as I looked around one more time before going back inside and closing the door behind me. "You just have to head to the nearest gun store tomorrow, which I found the location of one that's in that one store called Big 5 downtown." "I don't if I want to enact this decision," I responded walking in the kitchen. "Having second thoughts?" she asked, which caused me to stop entirely in the hallway. "I don't want to do this. You mentioned there are other options after all," I responded. "Well, damn straight there are. But what happens after won't guarantee safety after all. If they do get found by the police and get sentenced to however long, they could either escape and get revenge for you ratting them out. Like fucking hell, they could not even go to prison for life and could just go after you the minute they get released. You never know. But even if you do choose to kill them, there'll be consequences you'll have to deal with," she responded. "Look. All I'm saying is it's not my call for you to decide what option you tend go with, its not my right to control what you do each day. You decide what's best for you." I sat in silence for a moment, not even bothering to answer immediately. I didn't know what I had to do anymore to ensure nothing major would follow up my decision; each one had a price I had to pay. "You know, Hand Unit was the one who suggested as well on not killing them. He wants out of that place you've positioned in him as an observer for the place. He's a better being than what I made him out to be," I responded. "He has good intentions, he's just tired of being trapped with himself each day. I'm tired of being trapped with myself knowing that at moment I do my own thing or step outside, my life will be abolished. Just. Please. Do me a favor and at least prevent having the company from terminating him for good. Let him stay and work alongside the staff at the new pizzeria. It's the least I could do for him. Don't just do it for him, but for me." There was another brief moment of silence, all while I could hope she had taken my words into consideration. "Alright. Shit. Ok, I'll talk with the company later today and maybe give him a new position when the pizzeria opened up," she responded. "Thanks," I responded smiling a little from those words. "I'll stop by this 'Big 5' tomorrow and buy a gun. I'll kill these savages." "Alright. Well, hope everything goes well. Call me when you get off your shift tomorrow, I got a meeting and some other things that have taken up my schedule for right now," said Star Cluster. "Alright. And thank you again. For everything. Bye," I responded. "Bye," she responded back as well, as I hung up and set the phone back on its stand. I turned back to look at the wall, still written with 'your circuits are ours bitch' on it, reminding me of what I had to do to save my own life. "I have to kill them, I can't change my mind now," I said to myself. "I'm not trading my life to be somewhere else and where I don't belong yet. I don't deserve to be taken away from a life I just started."
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