Chapter 33: That Electric Feeling
Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 19th, 2017
Time: 7:25 p.m.
Four Days Before Protocol Afton
Waking up peacefully was the best thing , since all the trouble I've had to deal with every other day. Going to bed was one of the few things I did after coming home from Target, since I was tired earlier. I turned to the side to read the clock that said "seven twenty-six" on it, as I got up from my bed and walked towards the kitchen. I was starving, since I hadn't had much since the morning when I came home. I also had some time to relax, since I didn't have to head to the pizzeria until twelve. I walked in the kitchen and towards the fridge to grab something for dinner, all while passing the counter top that had nothing on top of it anymore. I had the time to clean the mess from the break in and have everything back the way they were before; it was better to not be reminded of what happened around me. I opened the fridge and looked around to decided what to have, even though I didn't have much. "I gotta get more food at some point," I said while grabbing a frozen cheeseburger I had. I opened the package and pulled it out, while I walked over to the cabinets and opened them to get a plate. I could feel my stomach making weird noises as I grabbed a plate and set my food on it; I needed something for today before I had to leave for tonight. And I knew my snacks I was going to bring would not last or help my hunger. I walked over to the microwave and placed my food in it, all while I set the time to start it. As I hit the start button, I turned to the table where I had the items I bought this morning, where they were laying there since I didn't know what to do with them. "What the fuck am I supposed do with these things?" I asked. "Maybe I should call Star Cluster and ask her. She's the one that suggested these things, so she has to know." Finally, after a minute my food was done, as I opened the microwave and grabbed my food. I walked over and grabbed the phone and pressed the buttons to call Star Cluster, all while I was eating my burger. Once I was done, I put the phone to my ear and let the phone ring, all while continued to eat. "Hello? Saber, is that you?" answered Star Cluster. "Yeah, its me," I responded while walking towards the table and sitting down. "Shit. Sorry I didn't get your call and call back, got fucked by paperwork and the damn company wanting shipments," she said immediately. "It's fine," I responded. "How's it been?" she asked. "Fine. Nothing's happened, thankfully. I got around to buying those things finally you told me about the first time we met," I responded. "Oh? You did? That's fucking what I'm talking about!" she responded. "Uh. Do you know what I do with these things you told me about?" I asked. "Well shit. Guess I should've expected that one, eh?" she responded. "Yeah. So what do I do?" I asked finishing my burger. "Alright. To start shit off and play the game and movies, you need to hook up that Xbox One to the TV," she said. I grabbed the box with the Xbox One and walked on over to the living room, all while I still had the phone on me. "Is it hard?" I asked. "Nah! A damn fetus could have the brain to hook everything up. Not unless you're retarded, which I'm sorry for," she responded as I set the box on the table in the living room and opened it up. "So how's the job going?" "Fine. The usual with Hand Unit being a dick, and the animatronics are now starting to roam," I responded. "Oh that's normal, if you're afraid they're going to do something weird. Like, I don't know. Try to fuck ya?" she responded. "Yeah. The job is going well, though I kinda wish I had other people to talk to," I said. "You getting lonely?" she asked. "I do feel like it. Hand Unit is dick. Like we've both said. And you're always busy tending to your responsibilities so you don't have the time to really chat with me. I wish I had a friend I could talk to daily without being busy all day," I said. "Well. I wish I could do something for ya, but I'm sure we can figure some stuff out when the pizzeria opens. Besides, you'll have the chance to talk to some of the others workers who will be attending there," she explained. "Oh! That'll be good," I responded as I took everything out of the box now. I had managed to pull out the Xbox itself, which was how it looked on the box. And it came with two cords with it that I guessed had to start and power the thing. "Alright. I got the thing out and some cords, so what do you do now?" I asked. "Easy. You want to plug the one cord with the ends that look like two circles on the back that fits in the plug for the Xbox," said Star Cluster. "Ok," I responded finding the plug she mentioned and looked for where it plugged in at the back. It was on the right end of the back, as I plugged it in. I had to push it a little for it to fit in, and thankfully it didn't take that long. "Ok. What now?" I asked. "Take the other plug and put it in the slot that reads 'HDMI' on it. Don't plug it into anything else that doesn't say that or you'll fuck it up probably, and I hate to something like that go to waste," she responded. "Alright," I responded as I turned the Xbox back around to find the slot on the back she mentioned. Once I was able to find it, I plugged it in. "Alright, I got them both in. What's next? I still have the end of the cords that are plugged not plugged in as well," I said. "Good. Getting closer to playing to some sweet ass games. There's a cabinet under the TV; I want you to place it on one the shelves and get the cords to go through a hole at the back. Once there, you have to plug the cord in the plug ins in the back," said Star Cluster. "In the back? Ok," I responded as walked on over to the cabinets while carrying the Xbox and opened it immediately. "Are you sure you're ok from yesterday? You've could've gotten destroyed if those gang member were there when you got home." "I don't know what to do... I told Hand Unit it could be possible that they could track that I'm working at the pizzeria, or at least follow me. But he said they couldn't maybe, and it still happened," I responded. "Well, that damn A.I from the sounds of it doesn't care if you get destroyed," she said. "Of course," I responded throwing the cords through the hole I could see, as I placed the Xbox on the shelf. "Did you ever call the police at least?" she asked. "No. There's no point if these gang members could possibly get away with murdering me still," I responded. "If they come from you, you're not going to have much protection. I got an idea. You know what a gun us, right?" she asked. I walked to the back, not answering for a moment from being reminded of that guy killing Aditya. "Yeah..." I finally responded. as I plugged in both of the cords. "Oh... I shouldn't have asked that. Uh. I think I can set up some identification and paperwork so you can buy a gun," she said. "I don't know..." I responded going back around to the front of the TV. "Ok, look. I know your way of seeing guns is fucked now, I get it. But it's the only source of protection you're going to have, I got nothing else. It's the only option that's going to work in the end," she said. I looked down for a moment, since I was not ready to actually use a gun. But if I wanted to survive I had to do something. "Ok. How long will it take?" I asked. "I'd say it should be done by tomorrow. And you should have enough money with your debt card to buy a decent pistol for a fair price," she said. "Alright. So, what now with the Xbox?" I asked. "Alright. Grab the remote for the TV and hit the button that says mode on it and switch it to HDMI 2," she responded. I did what she said as I grabbed the remote and pressed the button, showing HDMI 1, HDMI 2, and HDMI 3. I switched by using the arrows and enter button, since it seemed easy to do. I was then taken to a blank screen, showing me no signal on a bar. "Ok. I got that done. What now?" I asked. "Just hit the power button on the Xbox and turn on the controller by holding the pressing the middle, but don't forget to put in the battery's on the back. I suggest getting a battery charger at some point so you don't have to burn through them," she said. I grabbed the batteries in a bag and opened it, while I opened the back part of the controller. "Make sure you have the batteries in the right way, you can tell by the plus and negative signs," said Star Cluster. "What?" I asked looking at the weird lines on both sides. "The one line that has another going from the opposite side is called a positive, and the one singular line is called a negative," she said. "Oh. How did you find out about this Xbox One and the other movies?" I asked putting the batteries in. "Boredom and curiosity. Had the time back to search the wonders of the internet, and besides discovering what BDSM was. After I found these things I bought them for myself and hooked them up on the house I got myself; can't be leaving out in the streets anyways. It's one of those good feelings you get, but more of an electric feeling for us, you know? These days I barely have time to relax and chill, but when I do, I make the best of playing something like Call Of Duty or Rainbow Six Siege. Still the shit as well," she said. "Well, I do hope this stuff your promised will be worth it," I said. "Oh trust me, you'll be hooked like a fucking fish," she said as I held down the controller middle button. After I held it down for a second, the middle button started to glow, as well a noise came from the Xbox, which the power button was also glowing now. "What happened? Why did the Xbox turn on when I activated the controller?" I asked. "Oh yeah. You can turn on the Xbox by turning the controller on. Can't believe I forget that myself. Dumbass," she responded as the screen was green and the logo for the Xbox was there in the middle. "It works," I said while the thing was still the same on the screen. "Well, what do ya know. Damn thing wasn't screwed up like the Nintendo Switch on launch," she said. Though right after she had said, the screen change to say "system update required" on it. "Oh. The thing needs an update," I said as soon as I noticed it. "What? Oh shit, I forgot about that," said Star Cluster. "I'm sure it won't take too long," I responded. "Besides, I got someone to keep me company this time."
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