Chapter 30: We Built This City
Shadow Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 18th, 2017
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Five Days Before Protocol Afton
"My god, man. I still can't believe we're being tasked to work alongside Fredbear," said Fredbear eating a donut. "I can't agree more. I didn't expect him to pick the four of us out of all people," I added in. "So why choose us then?" added in RXQ. "Who knows? He must have his full reason other than what he stated to everyone," I responded. As we were talking I noticed Toy Bonnie and his group coming up to us; allowing me to acknowledge their presence by turning towards them. The others noticed them as well; forcing themselves to do the same. "I gotta congratulate for your pick. You all deserve it," said Toy Bonnie. "Huh! I could make this city better than them, and to start by getting rid of all maschinists. Including these scum," threatened Withered Foxy. "Withered Foxy! Quiet! Ok? For once, jeez," said Toy Bonnie annoyed with him. "I must also as well give my gratitude and appreciation for the position the four of you are in now. I hope you all do not abuse this rare power to your desire," said Foxy. "Eh. Better candidates could've been chosen. RXQ may have a creative mind but not the experience to perform any task. Freddy has a mind that can easily be driven away by any distraction. Funtime Foxy we don't simply know what she's capable of. Though Saber does have the courage and determination and possible attitude to learn. The other three are completely useless from my calculations," said Bonnie on his phone, before turning to look up at us now. "Did you know the first election took place in 1789, when the first president was elected, which was Geo-" "Bonnie, Bonnie. We get it," said Toy Bonnie stopping him from finishing. "He has a critical type of mind, you know? If you can excuse us, we have plans to attend to. Anyways, good luck to all of you," said Toy Bonnie. "You too," I responded as they all walked away. "Yeah, that's right! Stay away and treat a gay person with respect you c-" "Jesus Withered Foxy! Just shut up already!" responded back Toy Bonnie as they walked away and disappeared into the crowd of people that surround us. "Yeah, fool. Run back to your mama and beg to be her mama's boy bitch," said Freddy looking they way the left. "I see Freddy you've smoked a little too much again," said Fredbear walking up to us with Mangle at his side. "Nah! Can never have too much, man," he responded. "I see. Anyways, I think it's obvious most of you are expecting a full answer as to why I chose the four of you," said Fredbear. "Yeah. It's something that's been lingering in our minds for the past half hour," I responded. "I'll honest, I've seen a spark of something new from the four of you since you've been here Saber," he started off with. "A spark of what exactly?" I asked. "I guess you can say it's something that works with all of you. Chemistry is shared between the four of you, which started when the four of you became a group the other day, almost like a bond shared between each and every one of you," continued Fredbear. "What makes us great then? We have no experience in building cities," said RXQ. "Maybe. But your creative thinking is one of a kind, is it not? No one shares the same mindset. Your skills aren't going to be the thing to construct our society, it will be the heart and thought behind it. That's something you all have," said Fredbear. "Follow me. I think it's time to introduce you to the new type of environment you'll be surrounded by." I noticed how Mangle one again rolled her eyes to his words, and Freddy was quick enough to notice of course. "Hey! I see you rolling your eyes again like the planets!" exclaimed Freddy suddenly. "But don't be dropping on the ground to beg to not be fired when that happens. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" said Freddy followed by his laugh. "Anyways, let us show you what you will be working with," said Fredbear turning back to face us while ignoring Freddy, as he turned and walked away with Mangle. We did the same to catch up with him, as we ended up behind him now. "If you don't mind me asking, and not to sound rude in anyway. But how long do you think think this project will last for?" I said. "However long it takes to complete. There is no estimated time to when it will end," responded Fredbear as we walked down towards the left hallway. "I don't mean to sound ungrateful for the task we've been given, but I feel there are other candidates that are more preferable than us," I said. "You don't think you're eligible for the task?" asked Fredbear. "Well, yes. And also no. You've known Freddy, RXQ, and Funtime Foxy for a long time now, unlike me. You've known me for only a couple days now," I said. "I took time and consideration into who should be apart of our team, even all that factors everyone else had here didn't meet the standards and requirements I wanted. Until you came along. As I've said many times, you're something this place hasn't ever, something refreshing and different among the others that shine," said Fredbear as we approached the office. "I hope I make a difference then," I responded as we all walked in the office. "Everyone will. Including you. Yes, it may seem like I'm choosing you and the others because I may favor the four of you, but not without my valid reasons," said Fredbear as we stopped at a door at the end of the office, which I hadn't noticed until now. Fredbear walked over to it and pulled out a key, using it to unlocked whatever he wanted to show us. And all I could see when he opened the door was darkness, just darkness. "I thought maybe this was where your room was," I said sharing my thought. "I understand where you're coming from. Most people see leaders and higher ups living in separate rooms and away from others. Not me. I feel the need to not drive away from the feeling of not being like everyone here, not a leader," he said. "I can't tell myself each day I'm not one of you." "Can't forget his room is next to Mangle's, man. You know?" said Freddy to me aloud and not really caring about the attention he grabbed from Mangle or Fredbear, as they turned to look at him. "Anyways. Shall we continue?" asked Freddy turning to look at the rest of us. "Yeah. Just. You first," I said. "Scared of what you're seeing? I can't blame you, it would scare me if I didn't know what I was seeing right now," said Fredbear as he walked outside, walking on the darkness like it was actual ground with soil and dirt to make up its concentration. "Hey, man. Am I tripping or his he actually walking on it?" asked Freddy. "No. He's actually doing the impossible," I responded. I took a couple steps forward and stopped at the edge of the door frame, just observing Fredbear and Mangle walking on it. "You're not seriously going to follow them, are you?" asked RXQ sounding nervous. "You don't learn unless you try," I responded taking a step on the darkness. Immediately I could tell the ground was at moderate temperature; it wasn't too hot or too cold, just fine. "It's fine. C'mon," I said turning around and motioning for everyone else to follow. Freddy was the first to follow after me; stepping on the ground and walking towards me. "Huh? I thought it would be like walking on water," he said. "You expected more?" I asked him. "Not really, man. Especially since the weed is wearing off," he responded. Funtime Foxy stepped on the ground as well along with RXQ, both taking it slow as the walked across the ground. "Oh god. It's like were floating," said RXQ breathing heavily. "You're good. We all are," I said reassuring him. "Ok man. Now I think the weed is still having an effect on me, because I see a couple buildings and a road. "What?" I questioned as we all turned around. Indeed he was right and wasn't seeing things, there was a road that lead to a couple buildings that were up ahead, and from the distance I could see Fredbear and Mangle waiting for us. "So this is what Fredbear has been working on," I said as we all walked towards the road. "There's not much though. Just a couple tall buildings," said RXQ. "Kinda expected more, man. But this looks fresh," added in Freddy as we got onto the road and walked towards Fredbear and Mangle. "Getting used to your surroundings?" asked Fredbear as we approached him. "Mostly," I responded as we stopped in front of him and Mangle. "All this darkness can be filled with light; purpose, almost like paper. It was the first thing that was here when I first found this place. Nothing. There was nothing to place to a normal eye, but I saw something more; opportunity, a way to build my own society and place," explained Fredbear. "Um. How are we standing on this darkness though? Should've we've float away?" I asked RXQ. "I'll be honest, it was like how you described it when I was here the first time. But when I discovered my powers, I used it make ground to stand on and even build the pizzeria on as I mentioned. Without it, the pizzeria would float endlessly without any of you knowing about it," Fredbear explained. "Anyways. As you can tell, there are only a couple of buildings that have been built during this time as the same goes for this place that has been present for the past couple of months; it's not my choice to build everything for it. Everyone has a chance to contribute. This is to show what you'll be working with. You will be working alongside with Nightmare Freddy and Nightmare Bonnie as I mentioned, both who have the skill and desire to work alongside with and ask for assistance. We will meet here around seven thirty, after everyone has had dinner. Welcome to the future." "I guess we can say when the project is complete: "We built this city," like that one song," said RXQ. "What one song?" I asked not knowing what he was mentioning. "It was a song made by a rock band called Starship in the 80's," answered RXQ. "Ah the 80's is overrated! The 90's is everything man!" exclaimed Freddy. "Huh. Gotta listen to it some time then," I responded. "I guess that is a title worth being remembered by."
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