Chapter 21: The Walking Uncertainty
Saber The Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 18th, 2017
Time: 6:14 p.m.
Five Days Before Protocol Afton
Waking up to light going through the window nearby was a pleasure for once, and a reminder that I had awakened during the day. I turned to look at what time it was at the moment as the clock read six fourteen, while I turned back and got up. Already I could feel my hunger, letting me know I needed food. I got out of bed and walked on over to the kitchen slowly, all while trying to decide how to prepare for my shift for tonight. "Thank god I'm well rested," I said while walking in the kitchen and on over towards the freezer. I soon as I opened it I grabbed one of the frozen burgers and checked the box for what time I had to put it in for. The box read for about a minute; giving me all the information I needed to prepare my food. I closed the freezer and walked to the microwave, all while I took the burger out. I opened a cabinet in order to have a plate as I did need something to put my food on. After I had grabbed a plate, I put my food on it and opened the microwave and put it inside. After I had closed the door I reached over to set the time and activate the microwave; it was good I figured out how to operate a microwave on own. After I was done, I walked away from it and walked over to the counter top where I had my snacks at. I didn't bother to put them away when I got him due to me being tired, but it was lucky for me in the end. I grabbed the bag of Goldfish and moved it to the side, since I was planning on bringing it with me for tonight; I had to have something to keep my hunger away for the next six hours this time. I grabbed the box of Granola Bars and opened the top part of it to get one, as I grabbed the first one I found. After I had pulled one out, I took off the wrapper and took and ate it, as I walked back over to the microwave and waited for my food to finish. As soon as I approached it, the timer beeped before I opened the door and grabbed my food. As I had the food in my hands, I walked over to the living room. As I walked in and placed my food at the table I grabbed the remote and sat down. I had six hours to let go by, and I had to do something to keep myself busy. "Alright. Let's see what's on to watch," I said while turning on the TV. As it turned on, I noticed I was still on the news channel from yesterday.
"Thank everyone. I'm Jim Acosta on CNN, and for my honest opinion on Trump's involvement with the Russian Collusion I think it is true. There are many instances where he's stated h-"
I changed the channel as I heard what the guy said, it was like I was annoyed by him and that channel for whatever reason, I didn't even know what a Russian Collusion was. I changed the channel while checking whatever was on that was interesting to me. There were some many channels; different things to explore and get into for the time being. After a couple minutes, I finally stopped at a network called Cartoon Network that was currently playing a show called "Adventure Time." "Well. I'm sure this show will be good," I said to myself while eating my cheeseburger. "Something here has to make sure I don't get bored or else these six hours are going to be worthless."
Time: 11:56 p.m.
"Ah fuck! Why did I bring some many things with me?" I said while walking towards the pizzeria that was in front of me now. Bringing a box of Goldfish wasn't the only thing I felt was needed for tonight: I had brought the Coke bottle and a glass cup as well, just so I wouldn't get thirsty as well. And I tell you how dumb of an idea this was. I had to walked across the parking lot while carrying the box of Goldfish in one hand, the glass cup in another, and the Coke bottle in my armpit. Once I had reached the front doors, I set the glass cup and Coke down, since it was mostly hard to carry. I moved the mat in front of the door as I grabbed the key and put it in the keyhole. Once the door was unlocked and opened, I grabbed the things I had set down and walked in before doing the same thing again. I knew I didn't want to upset Hand Unit and make him act like a dick again. I put the key in my pocket and grabbed the things off the floor before walking back through the pizzeria and towards the elevator. I walked past the stage and the other surroundings near by; I had to manage without light again. "I should've gotten something that provides light before I came here," I said as I found the hallway that lead to the elevator. I was already thinking about how Hand Unit would got after me for tonight for whatever reason, however he was the only person I could talk to during each night. I reached the door for the elevator and opened it; closing it after and walking towards the elevator. I pressed the button to go down as the doors closed, as the elevator started moving and going down now. "Well, I see you didn't make it easy for anyone to break in this place. You're the first one to listen for gods sake," said Hand Unit's voice. "Yeah. Also, where is the light switch to turn on the lights? Every time I try to make my way through the place, I always end having to go slow to not bump into anything," I said. "Really? You could've spared at least a second to find the light switch? You care about this job too much, unfortunately," said Hand Unit. "Yeah, but if I do that I'll be late," I said. "I don't care if your late. The only thing you got to worry about is getting here on time before the elevator is set to be inactive during your time here each night for six hours," he responded. "You don't control the elevator?" I asked. "I wish. That's beyond my control for whoever set the settings to that state, whoever the hell it was, though I wouldn't be surprised to know Star Cluster herself had the settings set to this for convenience," he responded. "Why would she have the settings like that?" I asked. "Don't know. Don't care. I have little interest to control a elevator anyways, excluding the desire to destroy it purposely for the sake of it," he responded as the elevator stopped now. "You're lucky it's about eleven fifty-nine, otherwise you would be stuck here for however long and starve; I know your capabilities are lackluster and I do not intend to incentivise you," he said. "What does 'incentivise' mean?" I asked as the doors opened and walked out. "Take the time and look it up in a dictionary; I'm not going to call myself one for you," he responded as I got on my hands and knees to crawl through the small vent. "Why are you so mean? You don't have to be a dick every second," I asked. "I see the only word you've learned that is science related is a body part, though I highly doubt you know the scientific definition for it as well," said Hand Unit. "There's another term for dick?" I asked. "A shame I'm to forcefully educate you because of your desire to learn more," he said as I got out of the vent. I walked over to where the two glass window, as I turned to go though the vent door. "Who else is going to educate me? Though I'm not sure you can," I said. "You cower over my attitude towards you, grow up and accept what's in the world. The occurrences of this attitude will be present throughout your life; resorting to be a coward and taking offence isn't going to get you through life, it's going only going to paint a image over you to everyone you encounter throughout your life," he said. I didn't have the courage to respond, he had a fair point. However, this whole time I had not noticed how the fox animatronic in the room, was looking at me. I only stared at it for a moment, as I expected to continue staring. Though, I was proven wrong. The animatronic turned away and instead walked off the stage and away from me; all leaving me confused on what I had just seen. "Stay still long enough and I'm sure your circuits will rust enough to leak out oil to oblivion," said Hand Unit's voice, causing me to look up. I got the urge to move now, as I walked on over to the office door and opened it as I walked inside and closed the door. "You didn't tell me the animatronics here could move on their own," I said leaving the office and walking towards to where the refrigerator was. "I never stated they could during this point in time," responded Hand Unit. "So they can move on their own whenever they want to? But how come they stayed still last night?" I asked. "I mentioned already they are more active as the week progresses. Our course anything I tell to someone working here proves their hearing capabilities are weak and poor," he said. "So... What do they do exactly then? Just walk around?" I asked. "Yeah. What else would they do? Teach you how to properly work at a job?" he said as I put my bottle of Coke in the fridge. "I also hope you know I'm aware of the beverage you've brought, which you have no reason to bring unless you want to feel comfortable," he said. "I thought you wouldn't care for that," I responded. "I don't. But your insolence only feels like another human is working here again. You're indirectly turning into a lazy and futile being; one that holds no value to this world or to himself," he said as I walked back towards the room. "Well, I find it odd that they become active later during the week, if you ask me. Fuck, I'm just asking," I said. "If you really want to know, these animatronics have been walking longer than your lifespan that I'm sure will deplete by your actions," he responded. "Ok? How long?" I asked. "Since nineteen eighty-three," he responded. "That long? The company was able to do something like that during that current time?" I asked. "Huh! At least you know how human evolution works. And yes, that is a long time. They were only permitted to walk during the day to interact with children and others throughout the day. During the night they were shut off to save energy; who could blame them? I would not waste a dime for a product to be running around," he explained as I got back in the office. "But. Why are they walking around now? Seems like a walking uncertainty is up at night that could anything they want," I said concerned. "Relax, they're harmless. We got them running for me to test out and take note of any last minute problems before opening day. Not a smart move on the company's part, but whatever. Let them put money into their own problems," he said. "So they can't do anything harmful?" I asked sitting in my chair. "Nope. The only thing they're capable of doing is opening simple doors but that's it. If you're asking for a rub, then how about you get off your ass and use your money to get a massage. Better for you to blow your money on something for your health, rather than drugs or dope," said Hand Unit. "Jesus. This company sure is smart," I said spinning in my chair. "But because I'm capable of having the same relatable things as humans, that could make me just as unpredictable as those animatronics here. I guess that why humans dislikes robots."
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