Chapter 16: Practice Makes Precision
Shadow Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 17th, 2017
Time: 1:17 p.m.
Six Days Before Protocol Afton
"It seems someone is hogging and making the internet go slow right now, which does not help me right now with me making my analysis on the secret story of the prequel trilogy for Star Wars," said Bonnie on his computer. "I haven't watched any of the movies yet, but that sure sounds like something you would delve into," said Toy Bonnie. "If he wants to find other things in material that someone wouldn't normally be looking into, then who's going to stop him," I added in. "I respect what he's doing. The internet on the other hand he always complains about because someone else is using something, like another computer," answered Toy Bonnie. "That's the only device you have here? None of you use a smart phone?" I asked. "No point with one simple device like the computer," responded Bonnie typing something on his laptop. "Yeah. And since we're all here together and don't connect with anyone outside there's no point," added in Toy Bonnie. "Reasonable point," I responded. "I. Think I'm going to leave now," announced RXQ. "Alright. See you later," I said. "Yeah, see you around as well," said Toy Bonnie. "Bye. If you find anyone using the internet, tell them to get off before I cut off the internet from the tower outside," said Bonnie. "Ok? Bye!" said RXQ walking away from us now. "You know, it would be more appropriate to do that later or let, whoever is using the internet, do their thing until they're done," I suggested to Bonnie. "Sorry. If my programming wouldn't be holding me back from making a separate connection line, then I wouldn't have this problem tampering with my work," he responded still staring at his computer. "The way you view work is considered a hobby. And some hobbies aren't meant to be converted into work, they stay as hobbies to be separated from work," said Foxy smoking cigarette between his hook. "Nothing wrong with having to do work and a hobby at the same time. Now. I gotta cover the fight scene from 'Revenge of the Sith' between Anakin and Obi-Wan," said Bonnie. "Three and a ten," said Foxy putting down his cards from the game of Blackjack he and Toy Bonnie were playing. "Eight and a seven," said Toy Bonnie putting down his cards now on the table. "Well played," said Foxy laying back in his chair now. "That's what you get for messing with him white male!" exclaimed Withered Foxy, while slamming his hand on the table next to Toy Bonnie. "Withered Foxy, just chill! Stop defending me!" Toy Bonnie exclaimed back. While they were talking I noticed Funtime Freddy was walking up behind them, meaning only trouble for him to stir up. "Oh no," I said aloud, and loud enough for Foxy and Funtime Foxy to turn towards where he was coming from. "Huh! The big man has shown up," said Foxy chuckling slightly. "Yo, what the fuck you slaves doing!? Huh?! Oh and I can't forget that faggot here!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy staring at Toy Bonnie now. "Would you reframe from using that term?" asked Toy Bonnie. "No cunt! How about you fuck off?! Oh, look! We have the bitch over there, still staying silent as well!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy turning to look at Funtime Foxy, sitting alone at the chair next to Foxy. "C'mon! Don't be a hoe! Get over here so I can fuck you and make you moan so hard forever! You can suck my dick so good and swallow my hot cum, while calling me daddy and you'll be mine bitch!" "You got something better to do than harass her?" I asked. He slowly turned to look at me, almost surprised I had called him out on his actions. "You gotta a problem you fucking orphan? Huh?! You wanna fuck her?!" he exclaimed. "No. Apparently you do from me addressing your behavior," I said. "Oh you wanna fucking go?! I'll whip your ass so hard, it'll look like your dumbass father molested you!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy walking fast at me. "Nice way to look all gangster." We all turned to see Freddy behind Funtime Freddy, as he only stared down upon him like god. "Oh look! The fucking fake g is here!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy. "You really think calling me a fake g is enough to make yourself one? You're not a g. Stop trying to be something you ain't man," said Funtime Freddy. "Fuck you bitch! I'll fight your ass any day now! C'mon! You're a pussy! A fucking pussy!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy while getting into a fighting stance now. Freddy only continued to stare at him, seeing a disappointing person who wasted the potential of his life. "Saber, Fredbear wants you to head towards the target range with him and Withered Freddy as soon as you can. I got a problem now that belongs back in its place," said Freddy to me, still staring at Funtime Freddy. "I'll tell you fuckers what, I'll let this slide! But next time I won't be so hesitant!" Funtime Freddy exclaimed. "And I'll make sure Funtime Foxy will say my name only when I own her pussy!" Just from looking at Funtime Foxy's face I could tell she was intimated by him; she was faced with fear and something else from him. "Funtime Foxy, come with us for now. I doubt you wouldn't want to leave alone with a rapist running around," said Freddy. She slowly got up from her seat, while all the others could do was watch her movements, especially Funtime Freddy. As soon as she walked around the table from the other side, Funtime Freddy tried walking around as well towards her direction, only to be blocked by Freddy. I got up from my seat now as well, while Funtime Freddy turned and looked at me now. "You trying to go and fuck her pussy, huh? Huh?! Asking for her to suck your dick?!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy. "Get a life with the wasted one you have now," I responded as I walked towards Funtime Foxy. "Fuck you beaner!" exclaimed Funtime Freddy back while flipping me off now, while I just ignored his insult. "Fuck all of ya!" He turned around while walking away, still flipping us off. "What a white male," said Withered Foxy breaking the tension now, while Toy Bonnie turned to look at him now. "I'll see you guys later. Just hope he doesn't come back to bother all of you," I said. "Let him. Make his expose his failing identity that can't cover his true fragile state," responded Foxy. "Alright. See you later. And make sure Funtime Foxy is safe," said Toy Bonnie. "We will," responded Freddy as he turned to walk away now, while me and Funtime Foxy trailed behind him. "You ok?" I asked her while we walked towards the same hallway we went to last time. "I doubt she would be. And to think Fredbear hasn't kicked that asshole out from this place yet," said Freddy answering for her. "Well, has he done or inflicted any harm onto someone yet?" I asked. "Not yet. He acts likes he has balls, yet it seems he didn't have any in the first place," he answered. "You know you have a lady here," I said. "Sorry. I'm just frustrated that Fredbear hasn't taken any action on him yet, i know he's going to pull something off and change this pizzeria for good. Or someone else at this point. Just don't know when," responded Freddy. "I think we both know someone is going to commit something drastic at some point; we're all just waiting at every moment to be prepared for when it happens," I said. "We all are, even Fredbear knows it. But's it's still bullshit how we can't do anything about him until he actually does something," he continued. "I do have to agree with you on that. Maybe one of us can keep track of him at all times; whoever is willing to do that," I said. "We'll figure it in a moment, but I do appreciate you for standing up for Funtime Foxy," he congratulated me as we stopped at a door. "It should be me congratulating you for standing up to him as well. I know he would've... You know? Kicked my ass, if you didn't stop him," I said. "Just looking at for others, man," he responded opening the door now, as the three of us walked in. Already I could see the layout of the room to be all covered with bulleyes along with walls that held onto them; all while Fredbear, Mangle, and a weird decaying version of Bonnie were present as well. "You called for me," I said walking in, right when they all turned around to face us. "Oh, yes! Indeed. Though I see you've brought Funtime Foxy," responded Fredbear, as Funtime Foxy and Freddy walked in. "Funtime Freddy tried harassing the others and threatened to rape Funtime Foxy. You better not brush this off, man, this is real business," said Freddy immediately. "Was she or anyone hurt?" asked Fredbear in response. "No. But someone could have if me and Saber didn't confront him," responded Freddy. "Alright. I'll leave immediately and talk to him about this matter," said Fredbear as he started walking towards the door with Mangle. Only, he was stopped from Freddy sticking his hand out to halt him. "I'm being real, man. Punish him or at least acknowledge his actions by restricting what he can do. Hell, expel him for the greater good of this society you've put all your pride on," said Freddy to him. "We'll see what happens. Have her stay with the three of you until I get back," responded Fredbear before walking outside the room with Mangle at his side. "Oh, I see my student has arrived," said Withered Bonnie walking up to me, giving me a better look at him. Parts of him were missing, the same details that Withered Foxy and Withered Freddy had, including his face and his left arm. I slowly looked at Freddy, showing my concern for the term he used for me. "I told you, he's going to be another one to worry about and get on your nerves," he responded. "Now. Let me see the capability your newborn powers were given birth to," said Withered Bonnie walking up to me and grabbing my right arm. "Hmm. Ah, yes! A gift to still hold another arm, unlike me. A very prestigious force you have. A great one at that." "Withered Bonnie, the target practice, remember?" said Freddy trying to keep his attention. "Hmm? Ah, yes! I almost completely forgot," he said letting go of my hand and walking towards the bullseyes. I looked back Freddy, who then looked at Funtime Foxy, as she did the same for me; all to show our feelings about him. "Now! Target practice, target practice. Yes! Please come over here, uh. What was your name?" he said checking all the bullseyes. "Saber," I responded. "Saber, yes. Saber! Please come over here so we can begin testing out your powers," said Withered Bonnie. I obeyed his command, as I walked over to where he was while waiting for his next instructions. "Now, now! We're going to start and use the basic attack for today; the Shadow Blast. Now, I want you to line up your right hand and aim it at the bullseye and concentrate on focusing that power to channel into your arm. Harbor that power and extract it out on it," he explained. "Alright," I responded lifting up my arm and pointing it at the bullseye, all while Freddy, Funtime Foxy, and Withered Bonnie watched. "Remember, practice makes precision. The phase 'practice makes perfect' is an understatement and misused," said Withered Bonnie. "That's a new one," I responded as I continued to focus on channeling my power into my arm. I could feel a tingle now in my arm, one that was raising like a motor for a boat. Something was being charged up. Now I could feel something happening with my arm, at the brink of releasing the act of a weapon. Finally, a laser shot out of my hand, hitting the bullseye perfectly in the middle. "Hey! That's how you do it man!" exclaimed Freddy cheering me on. "Whoa. That was... That felt weird," I said looking at my hand. "Ah, an intriguing one here. You're one of the few who's managed to use their powers immediately upon receiving and testing them," said Withered Bonnie walking towards the bullseye I managed to hit. "Hmm. A very well accurate shot, indeed. Nice and clean. Yes." "Are you done admiring his shot yet?" asked Freddy. "Hmm? Ah, yes! Yes, yes, yes! The next procedure, yes," he responded as he turned to face me. "You don't mind if I keep this to study on?" "Sure," I responded. He grabbed the bulleyes off the wall, while moving it with him to the other side where he placed it along the wall. "Now. We are mostly done for today, this was just to test out if you obtained your powers without any complications. But I would like to test out one more thing," said Withered Bonnie walking over behind the wall. "Are you sure he's ready? Even without practice?" asked Freddy. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You will be testing out this power, just once for today, to see if you can hit a moving target without any practice," said Withered Bonnie still behind the wall, answering my question. "I doubt I can hit one, but I'll try," I responded. "Good, good. More results to look over," said Withered Bonnie as I could hear him activate something. From above, I could see dummies phase out of the ceiling, as they all started moving around in a circle now. "This is one of the many things our powers can do besides destroy; we can create, build something to last forever. Now, use the same attack on the moving dummies, I'll give you three tries to at least hit one," said Withered Bonnie. "Ok," I responded as I aimed my right hand again at the moving dummies from above. 'Just wait for when the time is perfect to use your attack,' I thought will charging up my attack, all while observing the amounts of target swing by at a steady pace. I used my first attack, only to go between the two dummies at one I was aiming at. 'Dammit,' I thought as charged it up again, waiting to strike again. Though once again, the shot hit only the air that separated the two dummies. "One more," said Withered Bonnie who had a piece of paper with a clipboard on it, while I turned to face Freddy. All he did in response was shrug as I turned back to face the moving dummies again, all while I charged up my attack to repeat the process. 'Just estimate where the attack is going to land, at least get close enough to call for improvement,' I thought. Finally, I unleashed my attack, in spite of it trying to get progress. Though I didn't managed to any target, the attack was close enough to hitting the edge of the moving target I had aimed for. "Good try, though some interesting results to note here. No one has ever hit a moving target without practice, but again one of the few to almost hit one with their first try. Even Funtime Foxy here managed to almost hit one when she first tried it without practice," said Withered Bonnie as we both turned to face her. "I did come close though to say I could improve and learn from my experience," I respond turning to face him. "We aren't all perfect, and neither is our powers. Especially the way we use them."
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