Chapter 13: Settled On Comfort
Saber the Bunny's P.O.V
Date: June 18th, 2017
Time: 12:01 a.m.
Five Days Before Protocol Afton
"Ouch! Why did the company have to make confined vents?" I asked hitting my head on top of the vent I was in. "Obviously, because the thinking that circulated throughout the minds of company weren't passing through the right nerves." responded Hand Unit. "That thing is weird," I said to myself while continuing to go through the vents. "It would be wise to think rather than speak out loud. You're no different than the humans that have worked here for the past three months," he said. "Right," I responded as I reached the end of the vent. When I had reached the end, I got up to stand up now while looking around to determine where I was. "Nice job not getting stuck in the vent, otherwise it would've taken a while before help would've arrived, though realistically it be never. Then again, you are an animatronic so that wouldn't really make a difference," said Hand Unit. "You are in the main area. Off to the sides are three vents that lead to different areas of this place. Now, you're job is to watch every animatronic here and to insure they do not break down or damage anything." "Why would they do t-" "There is an office to the room to your right, to access it y-" said Hand Unit not letting me speak. "Hey! I was talking first!" I said cutting him off now. "Why would they damage something? I know they can walk around, but it doesn't explain how they would end up damaging something somehow." "They are mindless robots, nothing to stop their actions or commands. They do whatever they want, like mindless zombies. We have also encountered these things breaking down due to them walking into things and tampering with items harmful to them, for your information," explained Hand Unit. "Not every robot has a mind like you, though yours appears to be underdeveloped. Which provides support as to your lack of awareness." "Well, sorry for offending you. You don't have to be so rude with someone with your smartness," I responded back. This was maybe the first time I had gotten annoyed by someone; though more like something to be exact. "Excluding your attitude and interruption you will find your office in the room to your right, where you can hopefully fill the room with the constant things that occupy such times rely on necessity," said Hand Unit. "I can do my job. No problem," I responded as I turned to my right, while getting on my hands and knees to crawl through the vent door. As I got through and got up, I noticed a stage in front of me with an animatronic standing on it. It appeared to be a fox that was white and pink, which was standing on the stage and not moving at all. "Is this an animatronic?" I asked. "If it wasn't obvious enough. Yes, it is an animatronic; the very machine that fuels and provides the title the company has had for what felt like ages to them, only to be diminished into nothing because of them. Ironically. A word much appropriate to describe the nature of my words," responded Hand Unit."Cool. I wish they could talk as well," I responded. "I do need a trend to be formed from such an experiment that had already been foreseen as a reality," he said. "I think it would still be cool," I responded as I walked to the door he mentioned, opening it as soon as I reached it. Already, I could see the wonders of this room, as my eyes could point at the many things I would be able to use. There was a desk with TVs placed on it, all of them covered in static with nothing else on them. "Here, is one of the many cameras placed throughout the place to observe the actions of the animatronics and insure no unwanted trespassers arrive to disrupt or delay the pizzeria's opening this Saturday," said Hand Unit. "I doubt anyone can get in here," I responded. "Surely they could possibly not, especially with the front door still unlocked," he responded. "Oh fuck. I forgot about that. Wait. What did I just say?" I responded. "That was you swearing. Unless you're christian and take part in religious beliefs in which you're not ok with it. though I wouldn't be surprised by the rules you've set yourself with like a civilized person, in which I know you're far from," he said. "Is there something wrong with saying those words?" I asked. "To some yes. To me, I tend to not factor in if it's acceptable or not. It makes no difference to me," he responded. "Well, going back to things getting in here; at least nobody will find the elevator to get down here," I said. "Certainly. Considering how the door for the room with the elevator appears to be wide open for anyone to walk through," responded Hand Unit. "Now before I initiate a protocol to terminate me own systems because of your nature, I will let you know there is a laptop on the desk in front of you in case you get bored of your tedious performances here." "That reminds me do you have any food or drinks?" I asked. "I see you're most likely going to starve, due to the limited amount of supplies and that fact that it is a necessity to consume and drink liquids" said Hand Unit, who probably saw the one bag of Doritos and a Coke I had. "Yeah. Not much I have here," I responded holding up the bag of Doritos and Coke up. "I hate to disappoint you, in some sense if I had remorse, that we do not store food or beverages here. A fridge is kept down the hall but that is the closet thing you're going to get a cold drink here," he responded. "I guess I'll take it," I responded walking out of the office and down the hallway. Already I was getting a bad feeling from this part of the place, due to there being no light and a lot of wires hanging above, almost giving off an creepy feeling. And the only thing I felt was me being nervous from walking down that hallway in order to find the fridge. Finally, I stopped to see the fridge in an empty room to the left, being the only thing in the small room. "It intrigues me to know the company finally built an animatronic that actually did something besides singing and dancing all day to destroy themselves eternally," said Hand Unit's voice. "I guess 'our' creator Afton wanted one last thing to roam this earth in order to remember us," I responded while opening the fridge. "That's very amusing to hear, and it helps to know he left behind a wasted potential of something indefinitely inhaled a majority of the company's funds; all left for me to watch like a lost and helpless child," he responded. "And why would you think I'm wasted potential?" I asked putting the Coke in the fridge. "All this time and Afton could've programmed more knowledge into you instead of the basics," said Hand Unit as I walked out of the room and back towards the office. "Well, why don't you ask him that when you get the chance," I said walking out of the room. "If my programming dictated I would go to heaven. Then yes, I would ask him why," responded Hand Unit as I walked back into the office and sat on the chair. "I was being serious. If you break down or shut down permanently what happens to you? What happens to robots? What about me?" I asked. "If I knew, I would've lied and claimed heaven is a myth. And to think some believe that. The incompetence of humans sometimes," responded Hand Unit. "Well it's going to be your job to make sure I settle in with comfort with no stress," I responded. "I know I'm going to need someone to talk to when I reach the point of being bored."
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