Chapter 8
I am back with another chapter of 'TPT&TPOA'.
Dipper's POV
I climbed on the train & looked for a seat. Damn, these people are fast as hell! A witch or wizard would always take the seat right before I could! How ironic. I was on a massive train with like thousands of seats yet I could not find one. I could feel the Express moving yet I was still with out a seat. I kept walking until I found a compartment that was basically empty. The only people in there were an adult man sleeping, presumably a professor at Hogwarts, and the three students I saw before, I think their names were Harry, Ron & Hermione. Seriously, Fate!?
Fate, Destiny, Karma,... they are just the bitchiest bitches around.
Agree. I mentally responded. As I walked pass the teacher (?).
A-Alcor... H-He's a werewolf...
What!? I mentally screamed. Oh no. Mabel must never hear of this. If she does, she would fangirl to dead & annoy me with her fangirling till one of us dies! And that one would most likely be me!
I continued walking towards the three students. Normally, I would just go find a completely empty seat but I needed more info about the wizarding word so I decided to seat with those three.
"Hello?" I politely asked. "Do you mind if I seat here?"
"No, not at all." The boy with glasses said.
I sat down & introduced myself. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mason Pines, but you can call me Alcor."
"Hermione Granger." The girl introduced herself. "Pleasure to meet you."
Hermit crab.
"This here is Crookshanks." She said, pointing at her cat in a basket.
"Ron Weasley." The red head said while still holding a rat, no, animagus. "This is Scrabbers."
"Hi. I'm Harry Potter." The boy with glasses said.
"Oh, so you're the one who defeated that lame dark lord." I commented. "What was his name again? Voldemort, was is?"
Y-Yes... I-I believe so...
I looked at the trio and they all seemed very surprised.
"Ugh... Did I say something wrong?..." I asked.
"Dude!" Ron exclaimed. "You just said the name of He-who-shall-not-be-named and you called him lame!"
"A powerful dark lord being defeated by a baby. If that's not lame then I don't know what is." I replied. "Also, He-who-shall-not-be-named? That's reminds me of Zalgo in a fanfic I've read. Ooh! New ship! Zaldemort!" (A/N: It's not new.)
Oh my nachos! That's perfect! Ahahahahahahaha!
I looked at the trio & they seemed really really shocked.
"What?" I asked.
"You are muggle born, aren't you?" Hermione asked.
"Yes." I answered. "Got a problem with that?"
"No. I just thought that maybe you were muggle born since you aren't really afraid of Him. Don't worry, I am one too."
"So, which house are you in?" Harry asked.
"None yet." I replied. "You could say that I'm an exchange student."
"You're a late bloomer. Even if you are from some other magic school, you would have still already known who He is. And no, I don't have a problem with that." Hermione said.
"Well, I could still be considered an exchange student from my muggle school with Hogwarts."
"I guess you're right."
"I just hope you don't get Slytherin." Ron said.
"Most Slytherins are evil. Even He was a Slytherin when he was still a Hogwarts student."
"You can't judge the entire house just because of some people!"
"Believe us, we talk from experience." Harry said, remembering a certain snake (A/N: *cough**cough* Malfoy *cough**cough*)
"Won't it be nice to get out of school for a bit and explore Hogsmeade?" Hermione said.
"'Spect it will." Harry said heavily. "You'll have to tell me when you've found out."
"What d'you mean?"Ron asked.
"I can't go. The Dursleys didn't sign my permission form, and Fudge wouldn't either."
Ron looked horrified.
"You're not allowed to come? But -- no way -- McGonagall or someone will give you permission --"
Harry gave a hollow laugh.Maybe Professor McGonagall was very strict.
"¨C or we can ask Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle --"
"Ron!" Hermionesaid sharply. "I don't think Harry should be sneaking out of the school with Black on the loose --"
"Yeah, I expect that's what McGonagall will say when I ask of permission,"Harry said bitterly.
"But if we're with him," Ron said spiritedly to Hermione. "Black wouldn't dare --"
"Oh, Ron, don't talk rubbish,"Hermione snapped . "Black's already murdered a whole bunch of people in the middle of a crowded street, do you really think he's going to worry about attacking Harry just because we're there?"
She was fumbling with the straps of Crookshanks's basket as she spoke.
"Don't let that thing out!" Ron said, but too late; Crookshanks leapt lightly from the basket, stretched, yawned, and sprang onto Ron's knees; the lump in Ron's pocket trembled and he shoved Crookshanks angrily away.
"Get out of it!"
"Ron, don't!" Hermionesaid angrily.
Ron was about to answer back when Professor Lupin stirred. They watched him apprehensively, but he simply turned his head the other way, mouth slightly open, and slept on.
"I love how you three talk like I'm not even here." I said sarcastically while still looking at cute and/or cool 'httyd' & 'The Mortal Instruments' (A/N: *wink**wink*) pictures on my phone. "My invisibility skills must have improved."
... *awkward silence*
The Hogwarts Express moved steadily north and the scenery outside the window became wilder and darker while the clouds overhead thickened overhead. People were chasing backwards and forwards past the door of their compartment. Crookshanks had now settled in an empty seat, his squashed face turned towards Ron, his yellow eyes on Ron's top pocket.
At one o'clock the plump witch with the food cart arrived at the compartment door.
D'you think we should wake him up?" Ron asked awkwardly, nodding towards Professor Lupin. "He looks like he could do with some food."
Hermione approached Professor Lupin cautiously.
"Er -- Professor?" she said. "Excuse me -- Professor?"
He didn't move.
"Don't worry, dear," the witchsaid as she handed a large stack of cauldron cakes. "If he's hungry when he wakes, I'll be up front with the driver."
"I suppose he is asleep?" Ronsaid quietly, as the witch slid the compartment door closed. "I mean -- he hasn't died, has he?"
"No, no, he's breathing,"Hermione whispered, taking the cauldron cake Harry passed her.
I stared at the cart. There were all sort of delicious looking treats. I wanted to buy them all but I didn't think I have enough money...
Harry must have notice my stare since he asked: "Do you want something from the cart? Don't worry, I'll pay."
"Are you sure?"
"Don't worry, I have enough to buy everything."
"Then I would like one of each!"
Harry bought me one of each. I took a box that said 'Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans' & ate like 1/8 of the box. I looked at the three wizards. Again, they looked surprised.
"What now?" I asked.
"Dude. You just ate a handful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans! When they say every flavour, they mean every flavour - you know you get all the ordinary ones like chocolate and peppermint and marmalade, but then you can get spinach and liver and tripe. My brother George reckons he had a bogey-flavoured one once." Ron exclaimed.
"Meh, I've tasted worse..." I said as I remembered all my mom's & Mabel's cooking fail... Let's just say that there's a reason why dad's always the one who cooks...
(Le time skip, brought to you by Mabel juice)
Mid-afternoon, just as it had started to rain, the other students walked in. There was a boy with a pale, pointed, sneering face whose face & walking style screamed 'I am a spoiled rich brat' at your face. The 2 other boys were both wide & muscly but it didn't look like they had any brain... at all. They walked besides the spoiled rich brat as if they were his bodyguards. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they really were his body guards. Harry, Ron & Hermione looked like they hated those guys and I am not surprised.
"Well, look who it is," Rich brat said in a lazy drawl, pulling open the compartment door. "Potty and the Weasel."
All-brawn & Gorilla Arms chuckled trollishly.
"I heard your father finally got his hands on some gold this summer, Weasley," said Malfoy. "Did your mother die of shock?"
Ron stood up so quickly he knocked Crookshanks's basket to the floor. I had to pull him down.
"Oh, it looks like another loser joined the loser squad." Spoiled brat said as the other two chuckled trollishly again.
That's the best this guy can come up with? I was expecting so much more. How disappointing.
I'm not really in the mood to do this. I mentally said. Can Bipper handle this?
With pleasure...
Ron's POV
"Oh, it looks like another loser joined the loser squad." Malfoy said as Crabbe and Goyle chuckled trollishly again.
I looked at Alcor. He seemed surprisingly calm, he even seemed disappointed, like he was expecting more.
Suddenly, Mason closed his eyes and smiled, a friendly yet creepy smile. He started talking in a strange voice, kinda echoey.
"Oh, really? Hey, listen, you spoiled rich brat. Right now, I would love to tie you up so tight that you can't breathe, tie you to the train and throw you out and let gravity and the ground do the work. But I won't because your girly scream will wake up Professor Remus Lupin, who's sleeping over there. I'm just gonna say this once so mark my words: You will leave us alone or I will *beeeeeeeeeeeeeep* (A/N: Content has been censored due to safety reasons). Trust me when I say I do not joke about these kind of things."
"My father is gonna hear about this!" Draco said, clearly shocked and scared. I don't blame him, I am scared too. I mean, who would thought that someone who seemed as nice as Mason could say these things. He even said the name of that Professor who was sleeping all this time. How did he know that?
"Oh no, he won't. You won't tell him about this or else I will make sure you can't. I'll tranq you and tie you to a chair and break your mind. Or maybe I'll just stab you. Yeah, that'd be nice. Or maybe just a quick 'Avada Kedavra'. Dead man can't speak, can he. Oh, maybe I'll tell the Ministry about that secret basement under your house. It was in the living room, wasn't it? Would you like that, little dragon? Or should I say..." Alcor said as he opened his eyes. They weren't normal anymore. They were completely yellow with a black slit and on top of that, they were glowing. The bloody hell!? And how did he find out about that basement? We had to infiltrate the Slytherin common room as Malfoy's bodyguards to know that! Anyway, the last words Alcor said with a voice that made a chill run down my spine. "... Draco Malfoy?"
And with that, Draco, Crabbe & Goyle left the compartment, scared for their life.
Suddenly, Pines turned to us. His eyes were already back to normal.
"What?" He asked innocently as if what had just happened is completely normal. I may not be the brightest of the group but I know that this guy is hiding something.
Nah, it's probably just my imagination.
Yep. Nothing out of the ordinary here.
Wait, what!? Why did I just think that?
Meh, who cares.
Let's just forget about this.
So, I was gonna do the Dementor thing in this chapter but this is getting way too long... The guest appearance will have to wait at least 2 more chapters...
Anyway, regarding the video, I found it on YouTube couple months ago but I forgot about it. When you look at things from this perspective, you actually feel sorry for Petunia. I actually shed some tears... (Anybody else?)
Welp, Chess_Cat out. See you guys in the next chapter. Laters!
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