Chapter 6
Yay! Another update!
Spongebob narrator's POV
2 months later...
Dipper's POV
Two months passed quicker than I expected but I still managed to keep up with the studies. I'm almost done learning the second-year books. Apperently, Bill was a surprisingly good teacher even though he couldn't keep a straight face for more than 4 minutes.
I was going through the woods, exploring a bit, relaxing. In the depth of these woods, there are a lot of magical & mythical creatures. I had even got into a fight with a pack(?) of gnomes before. But humans don't see them. They live really deep into the woods, far far away from the townspeople.
We were exploring until I fell into a hole in the ground.
When a the dust cleared, I saw that I was in some kind of ancient temple. By the looks of it, the temple could date back as far as 500 BC. It looks as old as the Mayan temples I saw in books & on TV... But I don't recognize this kind of architecture. Could it be that we stumbled upon the remains of an undiscovered ancient civilization? Meh. I'll worry about that later...
"Bill, Will, can you guys get us out of here?" I asked.
No can do, Pine Tree.
Th-There's something in here that will drain our magic if we used them, Alcor... W-We will have to walk around & find a way out.
"Do you know where that something is?"
Yes. It's in the heart of this temple.
Y-Yes. I-It's in the heart of this temple.
"Let go get that 'something' so we can get out of here."
We walked around looking for any exit or any way to get to the heart of this temple but we fuond none... That is until we stumble upon a huge labyrinth. No, not huge. Gigantic.
It's in there...
Th-The heart of this labyrinth is also the heart of the temple...
"Do you sense anything inside the labyrinth?" I nervously ask.
Only something typical of labyrinth...
A-A minutaur...
With us not being able to use our powers, 'shiet' indeed, Pine Tree... 'Shiet' indeed...
"But can you guys sense it?"
"Can the minotaur get in the middle of a labyrinth?"
N-No. Th-There's an anti-minotaur force field surrounding the heart...
"Good. We can avoid it..."
Then what are we waiting for!? Letsu go!
So, we went into the labyrinth.
... (A/N: You may name... the dots.)
After almost running into the minotaur for over 100 times, we manage to get to the heart of the temple. It looked like a small town square. Heck, it even has a part that looked like a café.
And in the middle of the 'town square', there was a pedestal with a huge crimson gem levitating a bit above it. There's no doubt that that gem was the 'something' that can absorb magic. We walked closer & as soon as I touch it, the gem shattered. No, more like blew up. The force released by the gem threw me into a wall & the next thing I know, I was unconciuos...
(A/N: Yes, You may name the dots)
I woke up to see that I was in a forest full of pine trees. The only odd thing is that everything was black and white. It must be a mindscape but... whose mindscape was this? This isn't Bill's or Will's. So either this mindscape was mine or this was something in the temple's...
After walking for a while, I reached a cabin. Bill & Will were waiting for me outside the door & they seemed very excited. I wonder what's going on...
C-Congratulations, Alcor.
Yeah! Congrats, Pine Tree!
"What's going on?" I ask, confused.
Just take a look in the mirror.
With that, a mirror flew towards me. I looked at myself in the mirror. My reflection looked completely normal except for the fact that I had two horns coming out of my head, my ears were a bit pointy, I had sharp teeth & my eyes were glowing red... Wait, what!?
I immediately touched my head, my teeth & my ears and found out that the mirror was legit. What the...?
W-We've waited for this moment for so long! Y-Your demon powers has finally awaken!
"Oh. So I guess now I have to train my demon powers as well..." I said and Bill & Will nodded. "Welp, more things to add to my to-do list, I guess."
Don't worry too much, Pine Tree. We will be trainning in the mindscape during the night, when you sleep. It would be just like a dream. You won't feel tired the next moring.
U-Unless you stay up late & don't have enough sleep.
"So, this is kinda like a secret?"
"You know, NateWantsToBattle's 'Monster Inside' will probably fit this secret demon thing a lot."
Well, I guess I'll have to start training too then. I should probably learn the charm spell to disguise myself in case I accidentally go demon at Hogwarts. Let's see how things will turn out...
Another chapter finish! A little spoiler: Pine Tree will meet the Trio in the next chapter. Because I can't write much the next week so here's a question for you readers:
What will be Bill's nickname for:
-Harry (I was gonna go with Lightning)
- Ron (Haven't figure it out yet)
- Hermione (Haven't figure it out yet)
Please comment what do you want their nicknames will be.
Thank you for following the development of 'The Pine Tree & The Prisoner of Azkaban'.
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