Chapter 3
Chapter 3 is here!
Dipper's POV
It was Saturday, three days since the teleportation incident. The Cipher brothers & I, we were still looking for an answer to that. I was surfing the Internet while Bill & Will were searching in the mindscapes, mine & theirs. Still nothing so far...
I decided to go downstairs to grab some snacks. I looked around but I only found some packs of 'YandereChips'. I sighed... We had looked for the entire day & still didn't find a thing!
Just then, I heard the door unlock & my parents walked in with my sister. It looked like they have come back from their shopping trip.
"Whazzup, Dipping Sauce!?" Mabel screamed cheerfully.
"Hey, Dipper, do you think you could help us with the bags?" My mother asked.
"Sure." I replied & went to help them... Jeebus! What and how much did they buy!? This bags are heavy as hell!
As soon as we finished putting everything in place, we heard a knock on the door. I looked out the window only to find a completely dark street. What happened to the street lights?
Dad went to open the door to reveal two weird looking people. One was a woman wearing a green witch costume & the other one was an old man with a really really long beard who wore a blue-ish purple wizard costume. I'm pretty sure it's not Halloween yet...
Th-The cat. Sh-She's the strange cat-lady.
I tensed up. So she was the one watching me...
I think my suspicions were correct, Pine Tree. She's an animagus.
"A what?" I quietly ask.
Animagus. A witch, or wizard but in this case is a witch, who can easily morph into a certain animal. Or at least, that's what it says in one of the books in my library in my mindscape...
"Greetings, Mr. & Mrs. Pines. I am Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. I suppose you have received the letter..." The man spoke.
"Letter...?" I murmured...
R-Remember the owl this morning...?
I was in my room, browsing the Internet when suddenly...
Knock. Knock.
I heard a knocking on my window. I turned around to see an owl right outside my window. I opened the window. The owl flew in & I notice there was something attached to his left leg. It was a letter. It reads:
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mr. Pines,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at . Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
Attached to the letter was three lists of books & equipment for first year, second year & third year. I turned towards the owl only to see it flying out of the window. I decided to put the letter aside for the time being. I still have until July 31 to reply, I guess... It's only May 20. I still have plenty of time.
End of flashback
Mabel's POV
Who were these people? Why did they dress up as wizards? Oh! Maybe they celebrate Halloween early that would be fun!
"Greetings, Mr. & Mrs. Pines. I am Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. I suppose you have received the letter..." The man spoke.
Letter? What are they talking about? There was a couple seconds of awkward silence until Dipper broke it.
"Oh! That! Wait a moment, please!" He said as he rushed upstairs, back to his room. A couple minutes later, he came back down with a letter in his hands.
He gave Dad the letter. Dad's face tense up a little when he read it.
"What is this!? Is this some kind of joke!?" Dad shouted. He's clearly a bit irritated.
"I can assure you that everything is the truth." The man calmly replied.
"He's telling the truth. The woman beside him can turn into a cat." Dipper said.
"So, my suspicions were right. You did notice." The woman smiled & turned into a cat in front of our very eyes. There were absolutely no smoke at all. She didn't run away & put a cat in her place, she really turned into a cat!
"Mr. & Mrs. Pines, your son is a wizard. He was gifted with extraordinary powers & we would like to help him master them." The old man calmly explained.
What!? Dipping Sauce was a wizard!? Le gasp!?
Dipper's POV
"See... Told ya I didn't sleep with Will!" I quietly told Bill.
Yeah, yeah,... Whatever you say, Pine Tree...
"S-So, what are we gonna do?" My Dad asked. He's clearly still shocked from the werecat, I mean animagus transforming.
"I think we should let Dipper decide. It's his choice anyway." My Mom answered. "So, Dipper, what's your choice?"
"I think I will go." I replied.
"Splendid!" Professor Dumbledore happily stated. "Professor Mcgonagal will be here tomorrow morning to help you buy everything you need."
I saw the animagus turn back to her human form. "Wonderful." Professor Mcgonagal said. "I will be expecting big things from you."
" We must be off now." Prof. Dumbledore said. And with that, he walked out.
"Goodbye." We said. Mabel is waving her hands rapidly & violently like that time she got a sugar rush.
"Goodbye." They said as they disappear in some sort of portal.
A couple of seconds later, the steet light came back & we got back to our lives...
Th-That was an interesting meeting, right Alcor?
"Yeah... It was." I softly responded.
Are you OK?
"I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you."
Don't worry about it.
Oh, god.Will is such a sweet heart in compare to Bill. Still, I wondered where were we gonna go...
That night, I could sleep at all. I was either excited to go tomorrow or had too mant questions or both... I ended up staying at all night...
Well, this is the end of this chapter. See you in the next update!
Chess_Cat away!
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