Chapter 19
HAHAHAHAHA! I'M BACK! *gets hit in the head & falls unconscious*
Hell nah! I've taken down this part & you are not bringing it back! *drags Bill out*
Also, new chapter. Yay!
Dipper's POV
Soon, Defense Against the Dark Arts had become most people's favorite class. Only Draco Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins had anything bad to say about Professor Lupin.
"Look at the state of his robes." Malfoy would say in a loud whisper as Professor Lupin passed. "He dresses like our old house elf."
But no one else cared that Professor Lupin's robes were patched and frayed. His next few lessons were just as interesting as the first. After Boggarts, we studied Red Caps, little goblin-like creatures that lurked wherever there had been bloodshed like in the dungeons of castles and the potholes of deserted battlefields, waiting to bludgeon those who had gotten lost. Bill seemed to really like them while Will says that Kill will like them even more. From Red Caps we moved on to Kappas, creepy, yet somehow kinda cute, water-dwellers that looked like the answer to 'What if a scaly monkey & a turtle had a child who has webbed hands itching to strangle unwitting waders in their ponds but in actuality they are feverishly trying to reach inside your butt & steal your living essence?'. Yeah... I'm not even joking. It's messed up.
The other classes are alright buuut Care of Magical Creatures sucked. Hard.
After the action-packed first class, it had become extremely dull. Hagrid seemed to have lost his confidence. We were now spending lesson after lesson learning how to look after flobberworms, which had to be some of the most boring creatures in existence.
So, I decided to do the only logical thing: Going into the Forbidden Forest to study the creatures residing in there. At midnight so no one knows I'm breaking the rules of course. Got a reputation to keep.
So, how are we gonna do this? How are you gonna avoid the ghosts & the teachers?
Easy. We'll go through the Mindscape.
Y-You really shouldn't be doing this... Wh-What if we get caught?
Geez, Will. You worry too much.
Never thought I would say or think this but I agree with Bill.
Yeah! What could go wrong?
Damn it, Bill. You just jinxed it.
And with that we left for the Forest.
When we were out of the Mindscape, we had to be extremely quiet in order not to alert Fang or Hagrid.
We kept walking until we were deep inside the Forest. Suddenly, I heard something moved in the bushes nearby. I readied my wand, preparing for whatever creature that could come out. Sadly, it was just a teen. He has messy jet black hair, a "Mediterranean" complexion, and sea-green eyes. He seemed completely normal, except for the fact that he was running for his life and his eyes were those of someone who had seen hell and worse.
"Please... Help... I d... don't know where... I am but... I've just escape a... hellhole..." He said as he panted. "He's... coming..."
Suddenly, something else moved in the bushes nearby. The teen took out a pen which turned into a sword & stood in a battle stand. All I could thing at that moment is:
Damn! I want that pen!
So do I!
I-Is it safe to let Bill near a sharp object?
Anyway, back to the teen, he seemed stressed up as he eyed around cautiously.
All of a sudden, black tendrills rose up from the teens shadow, capturing him. Footsteps can be heard. I turned around to see a boy coming out of the shadows. The Ravenclaw boy whose mind Bill couldn't read to be exact.
"No! I am not going back to that hellhole!" The teen protested as he tried to struggle out of the tendrills grab. Key word: 'tried'. No matter what he did, he couldn't escape.
"Oh, c'mon. The place where I keep the characters I'm gonna use for the next fanfics isn't that bad." The Ravenclaw said. "I think is petty nice, actually."
"When was the last time you were there?" The green-sea-eyed teen asked with anger.
"Idk. A couple years?" The Ravenclaw said. "You're going back there anyway."
And with that, the tendrills dragged the teen into his own shadow. I prepared for the worst as I pointed my wand at the weird Ravenclaw.
The fuck are you doing here!?
"Capturing an escaped victim." He said.
"Wait! You can hear Bill!?" I asked, surprised.
O-Of course he can. H-He's The Author... The Creator...
Say wha? You're Chess!?
Why are you here?
"I was bored & I thought wynaut." He replied. "I'm The Author. I can do whatever I want."
A sudden chill ran down my spine. When I looked around, I saw that we were surrounded by Dementors. Chess didn't even flinch. He snapped his fingers & the black tendrills came out of his shadow & pierce through the Dementors. They were immediately absorbed.
"Author Ex Machina." A voice echoed through the Forest, followed by a loud 'Ding'.
"What was that?" I asked.
"CinemaSins." Chess replied. "Welp, see you around."
And with that, he disappeared.
I shrugged off the incident & continued exploring until I found a cute marshmallow bunny thing.
"Awwwww... You're so cute that I could just bite your head off!" I exclaimed.
"How about I bite your head off!?" It growled back in a deep, manly voice, showing rows of sharp teeth.
"Oh, you're so on." I responded.
Spongebob narrator's French friend's POV
Ze next morning...
Ron's POV
We were eating breakfast when we saw Mason walking into the Hall, walking to us. He was picking his teeth with a toothpick.
"Why do you need a toothpick?" I asked. "You didn't even eat breakfast."
"Oh. Last night, I bit off the head of cute a marshmallow bunny thing which had sharp fangs & a deep, manly voice." He replied casually.
Wait what!?
I was bored and I didn't want to skip to Halloween which is when something happened. So, you have this filler.
Chess_Cat away! *disappears into the shadows*
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