He took us to an abandoned part of the city. Rats, crumbling buildings-the whole shebang that makes abounded parts of cities...well, rundown and abandoned. Yet, when we entered a building, it seemed pretty stable except for what the smell was doing to my stomach.
"Of course you would pick this place. You are a rat after all. Got any cousins you want me to meet?" I teased a bit to try and get any sort of reaction. There was nothing but the utter silence as we entered a room.
"Is there a reason you picked this place besides for hiding?" I asked.
"Does my, Princess want a bedtime story. How adorkable," he teased. He was definitely hiding something. He is a very good actor but I can see right through that facade of his. I gave him a bit of a serious glare telling him that I wasn't playing around anymore.
"What's wrong and don't you dare play it off like nothing is wrong cause I can see right through your little facade," I demanded. Rouge's eyes widened then quickly changed back into his flirty face.
"Whatever do you mean, Starlight?" I asked. Another shrimping name!! I felt my eye twitch but calmed myself. He was just trying to mess with me to get off of topic. I can't let him get to me that easily.
Instead, I grabbed my comm and turned it on.
"Zeb, do you copy?" I asked. There was a bit of static until a reply came.
"Where are ya, kids?" His gravel-like voice came over the communicator.
"The mission was a fail and the Empire is on our tails because of a little detail someone didn't mention," I said, the last part loud enough for Rouge to hear. There was a bit of a shuffling behind me before it was quiet again.
"Ok..." Zeb replied, seeming confused by the sound of his voice.
"So, what's the plan?"
"Stay low for a while until things clear up. We'll have to find a new rendezvous point to meet up at and get out of here asap. We'll discuss it in the morning," I said. A gruff 'okay,' was the last thing before I put my comm back on my belt.
I turned back around to see Rouge laid out on the couch, back facing me.
"This conversation is not over," I said, not expecting a reply.
"Ok, mom."
I rolled my eyes and sat on the old, torn chair. I stared out the small window on the other side of the room before drifting off into the sea of slumber.
I could feel it.
The fear.
The hate.
I could feel cold eyes barrow into my very soul. A chill ran up and down my spine. A suffocating feeling overwhelming me. Lust for blood and sweet, sweet revenge.
The heat. It was rising.
Smoke filling my lungs making me choke while fire tauntingly danced all around. My vision was blurry and an echoey voice calling out in the distance ahead.
A snap.
I glanced up to see a giant beam coming down to crush me.
I almost fell out of the chair when sitting up and gasping for air. Sweat laced my forehead and my went mouth dry, a craving for water heightened.
I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see that everything was okay. Or as okay as it was going to get. Rouge squirmed on the couch a bit and shaky breathing filled the thick air. I stood up and quietly walked over, minding the squeaky boards beneath my boots.
Once I was close enough, my eyes caught Rouge's form shaking and his hands clenching the couch. I couldn't see his face very well but deep down, I didn't have to know that he was about to cry. I began to shake him awake.
"Wake up, you idiot. Wake up," I said.
Finally, his shaking ceased and grip loosened. It took him awhile to take in his surroundings before sitting up. He didn't speak and let the silence engulf us for a bit.
"What brings you over to my side of the room," he asked, flirtatious as usual. He's trying to hide it under that mask of his. The fact that I saw his weak point and changing to a different subject.
I immediately knew that this was something more than a nightmare right away. Possibly a memory. Or maybe he didn't want to seem weak in front of me.
"What was it about?" I asked, concerned. He didn't say anything.
"Rouge," I said, sternly.
"Princess, keep it to yourself. I don't need your pity, just go back to bed and get your beauty sleep," he said before laying back down, back facing me. I huffed in annoyance before shaking my head and going back to the chair.
I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. In the morning, I felt exhausted as I rose from the comfort of the old chair. Rouge was already up, examining and cleaning his blaster. I rubbed my eyes and wouldn't show the surprise seeing the pirate awake.
"Since when do you wake up early?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
He jumped a bit as if he was in deep thought then looked over at me. His blank face quickly morphed into one with that knowing smirk.
"Early bird catches the worm. I would expect a princess to get some beauty sleep. Though, she doesn't need it to look as beautiful and stunning like always," he said. I gave a small playful glare before rolling my eyes. He was still hiding something but seemed to be more relaxed than yesterday.
"Well luckily, I'm a pilot and pilots need to get up early," I retorted, standing up and stretching.
"To me, alls I see is a princess," he said, standing up and joining my side.
"Well, I slay like a queen if that's the case. Now, we need to find a way to get off this planet with some fuel," I said, changing the subject. My mind reeled to contacting Chopper or Zeb but I still haven't thought up a plan yet or where to meet them.
Suddenly, my comm whistled to life and my hand snatched it from my belt.
"Are you two still alive?" Came Zeb's first question.
"Yes, very much alive," I answered back.
"So where are we meeting?"
"I don't quite know yet," I replied, sheepishly. Zeb sighed before saying, " The Gh-ship is almost out of fuel so we betta make it quick."
"Got it and what were you abou-"
The signal was cut off and I raised an eyebrow. Well, that was weird. I shrugged it off then turned back to Rouge.
"Do you know any places we can meet them and get fuel?" I asked. He began to think over the possibilities before their was a flicker in his eyes.
"What?" I asked, seeing the change.
"Whatever do you mean?" He asked, slyly.
"Rouge," I warned, not in the mood for his games. We need to get off this planet and he obviously wants to as well. So why is he stalling?
After a little stare down, the pirate sighed.
"I know a good place we can meet with Zeb but we'll have to make it quick and quietly," he explained. I nodded, liking those words and gathered my things along with him.
While he began to gather his things, I quickly took a peek at his wanted poster. My eyes caught a few words before shoving it back into my pocket. The main one that caught my attention was 'murdered.'
"Are you ready?" He asked. I studied his steeled face for a moment before saying, "Lead the way."
Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
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