Chapter 6: Captive
Your PoV
The first thing you were aware of, other than a blinding headache and a smell like Tommy's socks, was that the air was of a stale, dry, musty-dusty quality. The other thing was that you were being watched. You kept your eyes closed, carefully breathing evenly to appear still asleep. A small scrape could be heard outside... where ever you were. The point was, someone was in the direction of your feet. With agonizingly slow movements, you closed your hand around the closest loose object you could find without opening your eyes. As fast as you could, you sat up, whipping the object towards your observer in one fluid movement.
Dream caught the burned stick easily with one hand, the jagged black edge about an inch from his face.
"Oh, FINALLY." He drawled, tossing the stick into a corner. "I was half-hoping the potion George dropped on you had killed you."
You sat up slowly, your whole body aching. You were lying, well, now sitting, on a hard cot with a thin blanket thrown messily over it. Around you, decaying mossy stone bricks formed cold walls, broken only by a small window with bars and iron bars showing Dream sitting on a bench outside your cell. Other than the bed, there was a toilet in the corner and a tiny stone brick table to the side.
"Sorry I'm not so easily killed," you snapped back at him. Your arms hurt the most, feeling like the outer layers of skin had been forcibly removed. You stretched a little, taking your time to annoy Dream.
"Too bad," the green man mused, tapping his fingers against a familiar Netherite blade.
"Get your hands off Orphan Slayer," you hissed, standing up.
Dream's smile stretched wider. "That got you moving." He ran one gloved hand along the carved words. "Mind telling me where you got this?"
You rolled your eyes, annoyed. "None of your business." Walking towards the outside of the cell, you wrapped your hands around the bars, glaring at Dream. "Let me out."
Dream sighed, setting Orphan Slayer onto the bench beside him. "Why?"
"Why not?" you snapped back, exasperated and tired of his stupid games.
"Let's see," Dream said, counting off his fingers. "One, you fought against us. Two, you probably have valuable information on L'ameburg. Three, you've already gathered intel on us you could turn around and give to said L'ameburg. Four, you think I'm going to let a threat like you walk out of here rent-free?" He snorted, settling back onto the bench. "If so, you really are an idiot."
"Now," Dream continued, "I have some questions for you." The tall man stood, mask jostling slightly. "What's your name?"
You glared at him, even though you knew full well he couldn't see it. "Shadow."
Dream held up his hands in annoyance. "Real name please, I don't have much time."
"My name is Shadow." you growled, getting angry by the minute.
"Fine, fine, your stupid name is Shadow," Dream sighed, giving up. "Any family?"
"None that'd I'd tell you," you shot back.
Dream's head tilted back until the mask faced the heavens. "Oh my gosh, are you always this annoying? Whatever. Where did you get this... fine blade?" he asked, pointing to Orphan Slayer.
You turned, walking back to your bed and sitting sulkily facing Dream. "Gift," you mumbled.
"From who?" Dream pressed, wrapping his hands around the cell bars. "Who is it from?"
"A FRIEND, OKAY?" you shouted at him, fricking annoyed.
Dream looked wounded for a minute, and was going to open his big fat mouth again, but George came charging down the hall.
"DREAM- oh. Hey Shadow," the goggled man paused, dipping his head to you.
"See Dream? A true gentleman," you said sarcastically, turning your head towards the window.
George rolled his eyes. "Dream, Eret wants to speak with you."
That got your attention.
"Eret?" you asked, standing so fast you nearly fell over. "That little dog?"
Dream waved you down. "Now isn't the tim-"
"Listen, I want you to give him a message for me," you cut Dream off, hands curling into fists. Dream sighed, turning towards you.
"What's the mes-" your fist swung through the bars, hitting Dream's mask hard enough to send the tall man stumbling back.
"Tell him that if I see him again, I'll break his body bone by bone until there's not even enough for a raven to find," you spat through gritted teeth.
In a flash, the cell door was open and Dream had you pinned against a wall, hand wrapped around your throat. Through the eye slits in the mask, you could see pure rage in his eyes as his grip tightened. "Never touch me again," he hissed. Ayo- y'all in the comments are NASTY LMAO-
You choked, attempting to loosen his grip with your hands.
"Dream!" George cried, tugging on his friend's shoulder. "Dream, calm down."
The hand on your throat loosened, and you sunk to the ground, gasping. Dream looked down at you, wiping his hand across his mouth. "Tell Eret I'll be there." He turned to the goggled man. "Also, tell Sap that your prisoner won't be eating tonight." In a swirl of green and black, Dream disappeared down the hall, taking Orphan Slayer with him.
Once he was gone, George shot you a worried look. "Are you okay?" he asked gently, placing his hand on your shoulder as he had done with the man who had just choked you.
"Yeah, sure." You mumbled quietly, still catching your breath.
George's brow furrowed. "I'm sorry. He's not like this with us."
You paused, looking up at him. "George, he's a monster. He always will be."
George sighed, standing up. "I'm sorry you feel that way." He walked out of the cell, locking it with an apologetic smile. "I'll see if I can find you bread later."
As he walked away, you sat on your bed. Maybe you did have a friend here after all.
994 words
Yay, little longer tonight :D
Savage Dream, geez.
*realizes that this is my book and I didn't have to make him like this*
Sometimes your characters write themselves XD
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