Chapter 5: Should've Listened to Wilbur
Sunlight filtered gently through the emerald green leaves as you and H/N walked slowly through the forest. The birch trees rose all around you, sparse enough for it to be pretty and yet thick enough for it to appear cozy. To your left, a small stream trickled, edged with tall roses. The sun was slowly sinking towards the horizon, the sky a brilliant turquoise blue. The only visible clouds were to the north, small white puffs you could barely make out. H/N snorted and tossed their H/M/C mane, dancing uneasily.
"What's the matter?" you asked, on edge. Suddenly, the pretty scenery didn't seem so peaceful anymore. Your E/C eyes darted around, scanning every shadow carefully. "I don't-AH FRICK-"
A strong pair of arms yanked you off of H/N from behind, slamming you into the ground. H/N reared, disappearing towards L'manburg. Your head was forcefully tilted up, allowing you to see a familiar white mask and a sickening smirk beneath it.
"Hey Shadow~" Dream purred, reaching to unsheath Orphan Slayer. The tall green birch-face tossed the Netherite sword over to the side, where a pair of black fingerless gloves caught it.
"Hey Dream, hey Sapnap," you spat. "I suppose blind-boy is here too?"
An indignant noise came from above your head, where a goggled man in blue was perched in a tree. "I am not BLIND!" he shouted, to which Sapnap snorted and rolled his eyes.
"Keep dreaming, George," Dream teased as he yanked off your bag as well.
They were literally joking around while KIDNAPPING you. What the honk, people? You narrowed your eyes, waiting for Dream to look away again before kicking your feet up, nailing him in the groin.
"DREA- GET HER!" Sapnap called to George as you ran to Orphan Slayer. Your fingers closed around the hilt as a gloved hand yanked you backward.
"Oh no, you don't." Dream scoffed, holding his own sword against your throat. You rolled your eyes, knocking the sword away. You hissed as a thin red line appeared through your gloves as you kicked up Orphan Slayer, catching it by the handle. You spun around, slicing the blade towards Dream, who tilted his head to the side to avoid the strike before sweeping your legs out from under you with his foot.
You landed with an oof, rolling to the side to narrowly miss Dream's cleave down. Standing, you swung your sword arm back only to find it being held by an angry Snapchat. The dark headed boy flicked his flint and steel under your chin. "Want to play with fire?" he growled, inching the flame closer to your neck.
"Maybe later," you told him, bringing your other hand around to punch him. The burning stick he was holding was knocked out of his hand, grazing your thigh. You gritted your teeth before finding yourself back on the ground on your stomach. Dream placed his foot on your back, sword pointed at your head.
"FOUND IT!" George called happily from somewhere to your left. He came into your limited field of vision holding a small glass bottle. With a small grin, he held it at arm's length and dropped it right next to your head. The wine-red liquid inside splashed onto you, eating like acid through your clothes, causing you to scream in agony.
As the dark particles drifted around you and your vision faded to black, you felt Dream tilt your chin up to face his mask.
"Prepare a cell in the dungeon."
L'manburg PoV (surprise XD)
Wilbur sat in the cameravan, absentmindedly spinning a potion of instant harming on the table. A whinny outside made him poke his head outside, shocked to see a H/C horse charging towards him.
"H/N?" he asked incredulously. Tommy's blond head appeared from behind the tree he was cutting down.
"What? That's... that's Shadow's horse..." The blond ran over, yanking the reins to keep the horse from rearing. With a shiver, his eyes met Wilbur's. "Wil, what does this mean?"
The president of L'manburg closed his eyes. "Tommy... I think Dream has Shadow."
695 words
Another short chapter sorry :/
Yey, plot moves along!
*glances at word count*
They'll get longer.
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