Chapter 36: And Not a Tear was Shed
Depressing and Partially Deep Mel Chapter Time :)
After you got to the top of Pogtopia, Techno bid adieu and left, leaving you alone in the darkening forest for the second time that day. Crickets chirped around you and something large rustled in the bushes next to you. Above you, through the thick tree tops, clouds covered the stars and the moon. Near the horizon, there was an orange glow as the sun fully disappeared.
But that wasn't the east.
That was the direction of Manburg.
Fear lent speed to your feet as you sprinted through the forest towards Manburg, dodging trees and vines and wildlife as you ran onwards. You crossed a stream at some point, exited the forest, and continued dashing towards the wretched place where your friends lived.
The smell of smoke touched your nose.
You ran faster.
The orange glow grew brighter until you crested the hill, sailed off the edge, and landed on the ruins of the walls, staring at the curling flag of white and gold flames. The air was thick with smoke, making your vision swim as you watched the familiar L'manburg flag torched until all that remained were the ashes of a rebellion. On and on the fire burned, filling the world with smoke and sparks until it seemed the very air was on fire, scorching your lungs and you eyes and your heart.
L'manburg had been an annoyance to you, but it stood for things that anarchy also represented, in a way. It stood as a symbol for wanting change, a symbol of freedom and a strive for breaking down the chains of tyranny. You held no love for the country itself, but the ideas it represented... those were ideas mirrored in your own soul.
Vaguely, through the smoke and flame and the burning souls around you, you sensed Fundy step through the destruction, torch in hand, to stand next to you, breathing heavily. He, too, represented things you wanted. His burning off the flag represented loyalty and commitment to new things, as well as not holding onto things of the past. He was unsentimental, unyielding to tears which yet filled your eyes, though that might be the smoke.
Across the country, standing on the balcony of her house, Niki stared at the fire with horror in her smoke-filled eyes. She did not see the qualities in the fire and the torchbearer you did. All she saw was a burning country falling through her fingers, her beloved friends disappearing into curls of smoke and ash. All she saw was a traitor who dared to burn a symbol of freedom.
Ashes filled the air.
Sparks filled the soul.
Fire filled the flag.
None shed a tear.
478 words
Listening to Achilles Come Down right now.
Might've had something to do with the vibe of this chapter.
Au revior, Children.
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