As night fell over L'manburg, you walked up to the White House and swung the door open. Inside, Quackity and Schlatt were already sitting at the table with two bottles of wine.
"Eyyyyyy, Y/N!" Schlatt cheered, making Quackity jump.
"Y/N?" Big Q asked suspiciously, sipping his wine. You gave Schlatt a shocked glare, but he just grinned back.
"Come join us! We have plenty of wine and we also have Wilbur's stash of liquids." He poured another glass of wine and held it out to you, but you gently pushed it away.
"Nope, sorry Schlatt, don't drink." Quackity spat out his drink in a fit of laughter.
"'Don't drink'? Come on, Shadow, everyone drinks." You rolled your eyes and walked over to the cabinet under the desk where Wilbur kept potions.
"Oh god no, Shadow, tell me you're not making a Milotion," Schlatt begged, but you just grinned at him.
During Minecraft Mondays, every potion was valuable, but your team still knew how to have a good time. By adding small amounts of potion to a bucket of milk, they'd create a flavorful drink without wasting potions.
Schlatt and Quackity continued toasting each other and cursing Wilbur and Tommy (your favorite one was 'screw the child!') as you rummaged through the cabinets and pulled out an invisibility potion and a bottle of milk. After mixing the two together, your poured it out into three even glasses, which you carried over to the table.
"Drink, Quackity," you laughed, sliding one to him and one to Schlatt. He hesitantly sniffed it, then took a tiny sip. His eyes went wide.
"Ohmygosh," Big Q gasped, chugging the whole thing. Schlatt laughed and went full on Russian shot glass, swallowing it without tasting it. You sipped yours slowly.
Ten minutes later, Quackity was drunk, all of you had your feet propped up on the table, there were bottles of wine rolling around on the floor, and Schlatt was struggling to stay sentient.
"Hhhhhey, S-shadow," Quackity laughed, hiccupping. "D-did you know you're a-accent is changing?" You gave Schlatt a 'is he okay' look, but Schlatt shrugged.
"I mean, it is. When I last saw you at the war, you were all 'I'm a Technoblade wannabe, fear me and my deep voice', but now you sound... like a shulker that came alive and started questioning my moral authority."
"Well, I am questioning that, and my sanity, but I guess that makes sense. I used to mimic Techno to make fun of him, but it just became... a game, I guess. 'See how long Shadow can go without breaking voice' type of thing. Now that I'm not around him... Wait, describe the voice, cause this sounds funny."
"It's raspy, but also weirdly thick at the same time. So I guess you could describe it as high-pitched and full, but half of the voice is beyond human comprehension."
"Careful, Schlatt," you joked. "The vocabulary your using might make someone thing you're not the same person."
There was a loud smack and a lot of glasses rolling around as Quackity fainted, his head hitting the table.
"Speaking of Technoblade," you said, sipping your Milotion, "guess who's going home tomorrow!" Schlatt looked uncomfortable, not meeting your eyes. "Schlatt? What's going on?"
"Um. About that. Listen, Shadow, I'm really f*cking sorry to burst your bubble, but Wilbur and Tommy aren't dead. You can't leave." He ducked a shot glass you threw at him.
"WHAT? You've got to be joking. Wilbur. Is. Dead. Punz shot him! I don't know how he was on that roof, but I watched him die. And Tommy doesn't matter! He's a child! You said earlier, screw the child. Wilbur was the main threat, and he died."
Schlatt laughed harshly. "Y/N, people don't just die around here. You should know- 'Technoblade never dies'? Will isn't dead, he died, but he's not dead."
"Thi- this is stupid, I hate you," you grumbled. "Fine. We go and we kill them."
"Sure. Tomorrow. 6:00 A.M. Big Q spotted them yesterday." Schlatt said, shrugging.
"I'll be there," you said darkly, standing up and heading towards the door. "Good night, Mr. President."
698 words
Shorter chapter today, Mel didn't want to write :P
The DSMP Choose your own adventure is out! It's called "Tangled Timelines", please go check.
It's me, Mel, and a girl named Nycto who's kinda always been giving us some help, and there's some truly hilarious polls
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