Chapter 25: Chair Go Spiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn
Wow, look who it is, the woman with the most INCON-FREAKING-SISTANT upload schedual.
I'm not even going to try to explain the title.
I just felt like it, okay? :/
I got seven hours of sleep.
It didn't make a difference, I'm brain dead.
Remember how the last chapter took me, what, two weeks to upload?
Thanks to the magic of a semi-functioning brain and a sick helper, I got inspired to actually write a chapter in two days.
Without Mel.
Yeah, she got sick or something, so I got to write die-alogue.
Whoopty freaking do.
As you grabbed the quill pen from the inkwell, you could feel Wilbur watching you as you scrawled out 'Schlatt2020' onto the paper. The temperature dropped fifteen degrees as you folded the paper and dropped it into the ballot box. As you raised your head, your eyes met Wilbur's and you have him a small shrug before turning and leaving the voting area. You were still mad that Dream had hastily showed support of Schlatt, even before you had officially. And now you had Wilbur mad at you and nothing to show for it. And if the election rigging failed, you'd be stuck here forever, if Wilbur didn't kill you first.
You turned a corner and ran headlong into Fundy, who, despite being fluffy, still hurt to crash into.
"Hey! Shadow!" Fundy cheered as he helped you up. "Sorry about that. Did you come from the voting ballot? Did you vote for COCONUT2020?"
You laughed at his enthusiasm. "Yeah, I came from the ballots. Sorry, but I had to vote for Schlatt."
"Had to?" Fundy asked, puzzled. "Why? Do ya'll know each other?"
"Uh, yeah." You said, thankful that this was why he thought you were supportive. "We fought a war together, called Minecraft Monday." (Don't believe me? Techno was paired with Schlatt in week six XD)
"That's cool. Hey, did you see anyone voting for us while you were over there?"
You hesitated. "I- I mean, I didn't really look at the other votes, but I know you're getting a cookie fanbase out there, so there's that going for you." You weren't lying. COCO's promise of food and sugar was enough to guarantee at least a handsome number of votes, despite the lack of endorsements. You couldn't say the same about SCHLATT2020, who was probably going to land dead last.
"Oh, really? That's cool! I'm going to go find Niki, bye Shadow!"
You waved goodbye to him and started walking towards the white house. Inside, you found Quackity and Schlatt arguing over something, but they paused as you burst in.
"Ah! Heck, sorry Schlatt, I thought you were alone," you apologized. "I just came from the polls and wanted to talk to you."
Schlatt glanced at Big Q but nodded. "Sure, we were pretty much done anyways." Quackity took the hint and left. "What's up?" Schlatt asked, sitting on the desk.
"Like I said, I came from the polls, and it's not looking good, Schlatt. People just don't trust you after you arrived, well, more or less drunk last night. And I didn't get to endorse you because of the, erm, forceful arguments y'all had. Speaking of which, I do not regret what I yelled at you people last night."
"Eh, it's okay if the f***ing people don't like us. We have a plan!" Schlatt said, picking up a half-empty bottle of beer and gulping it down.
"Or so you keep telling me." You flopped on the office chair, spinning around while you rubbed your neck. You dropped your pack on the floor, thinking.
"Schl- Listen, Schlatt," you said as you dragged your hand down your face. "You and Dream kinda made a mess of things. Why didn't you wait for a bit before having Dream endorse you? Maybe other people would've pitched in, maybe we wouldn't have needed Dream!"
Schlatt snorted. "Wow, you really f***ing hate this guy, huh?"
"For good reason!" You yelled. "He's caused wars, death, he kidnapped me, manipulated me into joining this campaign through bribery, threatened me on countless occasions, heck, he even choked me once! And you expect me to just follow along with whatever this mass murderer says?"
"Why not? You do it with Technoblade."
You flinched back, angry. "Don't bring him up, Schlatt! That's different. He's my father. He does things for a cause. You- you fought with us in the war, you know what he's like. He has voices in his head that yell at him, tell him to do things, it's not all his fault, and you're a lying son of a b*tch to say it is." You sighed as your anger cooled. "I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. We got sidetracked- the election."
Schlatt nodded, but he was still frowning. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever. You said you have a f***ing different idea for what we should've done?"
"Oh. Right. Maybe- maybe we should just try to get more voters, people POG and SWAG haven't recruited." You shifted in your seat, not meeting his eyes. "But it was a stupid idea, there's not anyone el- Oh." You shot to your feet suddenly, eyes bright. "No, wait, there is one person I know of."
You hesitated. "I don't want to bring him into this, but I know he'd help me, especially if it meant I could escape." Turning, you grabbed your pack. "Come on, Schlatt, we need to go talk to a book."
837 words
Why the hell does the length of my little line-borders change every chapter?
You know what, screw me, it's staying like this.
Talking books, you say?
Voters, you say?
Plot moving along, you say?
Yes, that's what I'm saying, shut up dumbass-me.
why am I so erratic today YwY
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