Three and overdose
How many pictures were erased?
It must have been a few hundreds. I was in the process of printing them out but I wasn't nearly done, not with all that was happening. Pictures of my soulmates, of my brothers, pictures that will never exist again. I try to tell myself that I can take more, I will take more, but it doesn't get rid of the ache in my chest.
Waffle whines softly and snuggles into my side, his big body inviting my hand to run through his fur. I sigh and put my camera aside before laying down next to him, then lay my head on his belly, his long fur making him feel like a pillow.
It feels like I lost a part of myself before I could even attain it. All the space that has been made in my soul so far, the progress Mark has made about taking care of the bad memories, I wanted to replace that emptiness with happy memories that happened before we got here, but now even that is not possible and I hate that. I hate that I wasn't more careful, that I didn't think about saving them all on my cloud. Sure, I have many there, but none of my recent time with my soulmates.
My fluffy Waffle licks my forehead and hugs me with his paws as best as he can, something that melts my heart into a puddle. Waffle is the best dog someone could wish for, truly the best. I hug him back and scratch his side while we wait for Jin to come back.
Waffle feels bad for his soulpaw. She's been dealing with so much and there's nothing he can do to help her. He's not really allowed to walk around the place alone so he's mostly always left in their temporary home with at least one of her soulmates. Sometimes though, when he's allowed to go with her, he can see that she's exhausted, anxious and it makes him feel bad. He wishes he could take her away from here, watch her relax at the beach, have a picnic again with the others, he wants to see her be relaxed and have fun, to feel at home. He presses his nose against her cheek and licks lightly, just a little kiss. That is all Waffle can do to help and it breaks his heart.
Jin walks in the room with a cup of hot tea and sets it on the bedside table before sitting on the bed and rubs my back softly. "I'm sorry about the pictures, hun, I can't even imagine how painful this must be for you" he murmurs, my part of the bond unable to hide how I feel since Taehyung brought me here.
I try to shrug it off, to act like it's not so bad, that I'll just take more pictures, but when I look up into his eyes, the sweet and concerned love I can see in his orbs makes me tear up and I feel a lump form in my throat. "I'm okay" I choke out, really wanting to mean these words but watching Jin's face turn even sadder for me tells me that I'm not fooling anyone.
"I'm stealing her from you, Waff" Jin murmurs before pulling me into his arms and while Waffle huffs and makes his way out of the room to give us some privacy, he settles us at the head of the bed, his back leaning against the headboard while I'm sitting across his lap, head resting on his shoulder. He stretches an arm to grab the cup of tea and blows on it softly before handing it to me.
"Drink some of this first, then we can try to make you take a nap, hm?" he encourages and when I grab the cup with both hands, its warmth is soothing, as usual, but nothing prepares me for the amount of pure love that flows through me at the first sip. Jin's beautiful magic, I missed that.
I smile and take a second, and a third sip, loving the way my soul bursts into contentment every time the tea covers my tongue. "So? Feeling better?" he asks, a knowing glint to his voice that tells me he already knows, this was intentional after all.
I nod but turn my head away from his hands when he tries to take the cup away from me, there's no way he's taking it before I'm done drinking this love potion. This is liquid comfort and I need all of it, my soul and heart both. I almost down the rest of the drink and he gasps at the sight, round eyes making me grin when I look up at him.
"Maybe I should've dosed it down, I didn't expect you to drink it all so fast" Jin mumbles when he finally receives the empty cup and I giggle, head snuggling back into his chest with my arms squeezing him tight.
Right now, it feels like no worries could ever pierce the strong wall of tenderness Jin made me drink and when I look up to see him already gazing down at me with the kindest eyes, soft orbs observing me in silence, my heart melts for him.
How much I love this man, how much I love all of my soulmates. I could observe them all the time and never grow tired of it, I could hold them and never want to let go of them, my heart beats for them and it will never stop.
"I love you Jinnie" I murmur, watch as his eyes soften even more before he pecks my nose adorably. "I love you too, sugar plum, you have no idea" he murmurs back, a pleased feeling surging through the bond and affecting all of our soulmates. My eyes fall on his lips and I start wondering what they would feel like against mine. Plump cushions of warmth that look so soft to the touch.
Jin chuckles and I break out of my daze before looking up to meet his eyes, desire seeping into the softness of his gaze. With a finger under my chin, he slowly moves my head upwards and leans down, stopping only an inch in front of my face.
My heart starts beating faster and I slowly close my eyes, which is the only confirmation he needs before pushing his lips against mine, a delicate contact that makes butterflies erupt from my stomach and fly around the two of us, an explosion of softness and love and deep satisfaction running deep between the two of us as he moves against my lips, slowly and with the intent to enjoy it as much as possible, to make it last.
My hands behind him tighten their hold on his shirt and I push myself upwards to fully meet his kiss. If the act surprised him, he doesn't show it as he leans me down on the bed before hovering himself over me with his whole body, a hand on my cheek as he keeps our lips busy with one another and I let myself get lost in the feeling.
When breathing through my nose is not enough anymore, I unconsciously turn my head to breathe in properly, my head still filled with all of Jin as I slowly come down from the lovely cloud he brought us onto. I open my eyes to see him smiling brightly, the most satisfied look on his face that I've ever seen. "You're so beautiful and perfect, my little soulmate" he whispers before leaning in for a smaller kiss just as the door opens.
"Well, well, well, what have we here". Jin pecks my lips a few times before laying down on his side next to me and wraps an arm around me to pull my back into his chest, a smug smile on his lips. "Just kissing my lovely woman" he coos as Jimin and Namjoon step inside, a smile of their own on me but eyes looking curious and envious, maybe even hopeful.
"Is that lovely woman available for two more kisses? I would love to have a taste of her lips and I'm sure Namjoon feels the same" Jimin muses as he makes his way over like a feline stalking his prey.
Namjoon hums his confirmation and goes around the bed to sit above my head while Jimin climbs by our legs to reach us, his body lying down in front of me and scooting over to be as close as possible.
"I think it's about time we all get one, hm? I'm pretty jealous watching Taehyung, Hoseok, Jungkook and Yoongi allowed to kiss you freely while we have yet to get our first, and now we stumble upon Jin kissing you while all we wanted was to come love you and comfort you" the latter whispers, head propped on his hand as he stares down at me with darker than usual eyes.
I blush and gulp, something about his aura that makes me shrink against Jin, needing to be shielded but it only results in me being stuck while Jimin gets closer again. "Soft now, Jimin, don't scare her" Namjoon warns, to which Jimin simply hums, a finger going to slide against my bottom lip.
The act is ticklish and when I part my lips, Jimin's tongue peeks out to lick his own. "Can I?" he asks softly, demeanor getting his gentleness that I'm used to back and I nod, unable to deny him. "I want to kiss you and Namjoon too" I admit, feel the bond flow from their end and straight into mine, a too big amount of love starting to affect me as I become light, boneless in their hold.
"You're adorable, baby jewel, the cutest" he whispers before leaning in without warning, his soft and just as plump lips brushing against mine in a fast rhythm, impatience and eagerness mixing in together to create this intense kiss as I feel his love get directly transferred to me. Tears start staining my cheeks, an overdose of their affection that my heart and soul don't know how to process anymore.
When I feel his tongue tentatively ask for entrance, I instinctively give in and allow him in, relishing in the taste of him that spreads on my tongue as he takes us into a dance that he controls entirely, a battle I know he would win were I to try anything and when he sucks on my tongue slightly, my breath itches in my throat, reality around me gone as the only one that matters at the moment is Jimin and only him.
And then as if he's finally had enough, a hole now filled, he slows down, tongue releasing mine and he takes my lips into one last tender dance before breaking the kiss, eyes dazed and back to his warm brown. "Gosh, that was amazing, baby" he whispers, stars in his eyes as his fingers graze my cheeks to get rid of the tears, careful as if they're pearls.
I nod, body still trying to catch its breath, but I get reminded that there's one more soulmate in the room when a hand that couldn't be Jimin and Jin's finds its way in my hair, down my neck and along my jaw before making me look up to where Namjoon is.
The whole act of it makes my heart stutter in my chest and before I know it, a familiar feeling envelops me, a protective blanket that causes every single touch of his body on mine to feel more intense, my soul reacting to every one of them as if it's the only thing keeping me alive. I open my eyes, not even aware of when I closed them, body buzzing with so much of everything and I stare at him to see delight in his eyes.
"You put your barrier on me" I manage to say, voice weak as Namjoon continues to slide his hand on my skin, like a tease as he knows that keeps me on edge, focused on him. He smiles with a nod and motions for Jimin to move aside so he can sit in front of me, a strain on my neck gone that helps me relax better.
Jimin settles a hand on my leg, a light reminder of his presence here, but he doesn't use his ability anymore, clearly sensing from the bond that I have enough, more than enough. There's no point in lying when the others get back from their tasks later, they know that I'm getting swarmed by my soulmates' love.
"I put it on you because I want to make sure you remember this kiss for the rest of your life" Namjoon murmurs against my cheeks as he pecks the trails of dried tears, my left, then my right and when he hovers over my lips, his eyes meet mine, waiting for any sign of rejection but he can feel my part of the bond, just how much I want this kiss.
When he finally lets his lips touch mine, it's like flowers blooming in a garden, like bright stars appearing in the night sky, like the sea coming to life when the sun rises, like the nature becoming bright and noisy with bugs and birds singing their happiness. It's so many beautiful things all at once, soul becoming in sync with Namjoon's, something I never felt before.
I breathe in sharply, brain forgetting to send me the necessary signals for my survival because everything of me focuses on everything of him, but he takes his time and allows me to breathe in once in a while, noses pressed together before he dives in again slowly, always leaving me the time to process this mind-blowing experience that he's allowing me to have.
His two hands come to cup my cheeks and he slowly deepen the kiss, taking the time when I breathe in to slide his tongue between my parted lips and when it touches mine, my brain almost shuts off from the intense shock wave that flashes across my body before leaving me soft like butter.
Barely able to responds to the kiss anymore, Namjoon smirks against my lips before pulling back and I would so try to kiss the pride out of his face if I could, but my body has given up on me, its entirety now out of my control as I have to resist falling into a coma filled with too much of their love.
"You okay, bun?" Namjoon teases, knowing full well what he just did to me. The barrier fades away and I sigh out of relief because I was becoming oversensitive of every touch on my body and Jimin giggles, his honeyed voice tickling my senses and causing a smile to appear on my lips.
"I think that nap will be easy to achieve now, right, precious jewel?" he coos and I nod, eyes opening slightly to see the three of them gazing at me, content and now settled, as if a part of them now knows that I'm not going anywhere.
"I don't think I could stay awake even if I wanted to" I mumble, sleepiness already trying to pull me into its arms. Jin kisses the top of my head and slides his arm under my head while the other lifts up in the air to allow Namjoon to draw the blanket over me.
"Can we all cuddle together? Just for a little while?" I ask, not ready to part with them just yet. Jimin looks at the time and shares a look with Namjoon before nodding. "Sure we can, bun, we'll stay a while even after you fall asleep" the latter murmurs before lying down in front of me, but leaves just enough space for Jimin to slip in the middle.
Namjoon and Jin's hand on my waist join together, a complete private cuddle hug that makes me feel like life is back to normal, even if only just for now.
"Sleep well, baby soulmate, I love you" Jimin whispers, his forehead pressed against mine and I fall asleep.
They finally all got the kiss! I'm sorry it took so long, I tend to forget that that's a thing😂
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