This is home
I just want to take some time first to thank you all. Almost 3k views??? This is insane, how fast it's going up, I just cannot believe it. I hope I can make this story enjoyable until the end, don't hesitate to comment, I love seeing what you all have to say, as long as it's done in respect, let's be nice to each other!
When my consciousness comes back to me, I feel so warm and cozy. I'm curled up on Namjoon's chest, his arms around me tight and the raising of his chest soothes me. I snuggle my face deeper into his neck and a deep groan makes me shiver.
"Bun, don't do that please, it tickles" a sleepy husky voice says and I hum before going immobile, finally comfortable into his warmth. "Sorry, Joonie" I mumble back, ignoring the jolt that happens in the bond. It soon settles as delight takes place and he hums deeply in contentment.
His hand comes to play in my hair, nails slightly scratching my scalp and I move my head a little to give him better access. His chuckle resonates into my whole body and this moment feels perfect.
When I wake up again, it's from hearing groans from my soulmates waking up. A hand is still moving in my hair and my body threatens to make me fall asleep again when I feel an other hand creep up from down my back up to my neck, a ticklish feeling that makes me try to move away to stay in the comfort of my soulmate.
"How long have you been awake?" I hear a voice ask and the vibrations of Namjoon's voice resonate against my chest and head as he replies. "An hour or two. Watching her sleep is something quite soothing to the soul". "Hmm, I can imagine. Wasn't she between Tae and Kookie when we went to sleep?" I hear and it sounds like Jimin, his sexy satoori accent giving him away.
I try to fight the heaviness of my eyelids and force an eye open to see Jimin looking down at me. Once we meet eyes, his creases into crescents. "Good morning, Jewel" he whispers and I smile as my eyes close again. Namjoon's fingers are making it hard for me to function. "Good morning, Jiminie" I murmur, enjoying all the different feelings going through the bond.
I feel my eyes roll back as darkness starts engulfing me again, but Namjoon's moving brings me back just as quickly. I've never had so much trouble waking up, it's insane.
"I think she could sleep all day if you keep doing that" Jimin giggles and Namjoon shrugs softly, the movement making my head move along. "I wouldn't mind keeping her in my arms all day" he responds and an other voice sighs from the bed.
"The barrier is making it hard for the both of you to separate right? You know the more you stay in contact, the harder it'll become". That's Taehyung's voice. I feel disappointment from Namjoon's side but after a while, a pair of arms take me away from his warmth. I whine a little, the cold reaching my body and making me uncomfortable.
"Aish, little baby... you need to wake up now, Kitten" Taehyung whispers in my ear and I open my eyes to see his face inches away from mine. I grin and cup his cheek with my hand, sliding my thumb on his smooth skin, taking in every millimeters in front of me, his double-lid and mono-lid eyes, his long eyelashes, his cute little nose with the mole on the tip, his delicious looking lips.
"You're so beautiful, Tae" I whisper and his eyes widen, both beautiful round brown orbs looking into mine before his boxy grin spreads on his face. "What's this, aren't you one adorable little cutie when you're still half asleep" he coos and I smile widely, my eyes closing yet another time, but I can't find the force to open them again, so I giggle.
"Alright, I think Namjoon-hyung broke you, Kitten, let's get you out of here" he murmurs before I feel my body move upwards into a strong pair of arms, one around my shoulders and the other under my knees. "Absolutely no regrets" Namjoon says with a laugh and Taehyung's body shakes softly.
He starts walking with me in his arms and I doze off again, only coming back to reality when a hand pinches my cheeks. My eyes open quickly to see a cheeky Hoseok staring at me with his sunshine aura. "Come on now, Berry, you need to try a little harder to wake up" he coos and I pout.
I don't know what Namjoon has done to me, but I really truly cannot function just yet. I can still feel his fingers in my hair, as if my brain doesn't want to forget. "Here, help her drink some water, it should help her wake up" Jin says as he stands next to my sun and chuckles when I look up at him.
"Jinnie... can you hug me? I really like your hugs" I whisper and watch as his ears become red, eyes wide and lips parted. "J-Ji-Jinnie?" he stutters but comes closer nonetheless and sits next to me on the couch, taking me in his arms sweetly, his lips leaving butterfly kisses on my forehead before setting his chin on the top of my head.
His arms hold me tight and I smile to myself. "Just like a teddy bear" I mumble and I feel him laugh. "Okay, can you drink this water for me, please? A few sips" he orders softly and I nod, leaning back from the hug to get the glass from his hands. Hoseok helps me hold it just in case and I start drinking a little, the fresh water helping clear my mind.
Hoseok moves a strand of hair away from my face and I look at him as his eyes concentrate on his task. Once done, his eyes move to look into mine and it feels like a rainbow is shining around him, happiness exuding from him as simply as breathing.
"Thank you Hobi" I say and look at his eyes crease until disappearing, his hearty smile a sight to see.
"Breakfast is almost done!" Jungkook screams from the kitchen and I look back to see him and Yoongi cooking together. Feeling a little better thanks to the water, I try to stand up from the couch with Jin and Hoseok's help, my legs a little wobbly before I can take steps by myself.
I hear feet run down the stairs but decide to keep going to the kitchen to greet my two other wonderful soulmates.
"Kookie, Yoonie" I say to get their attention. I definitely don't expect for the both of them to drop what they're holding, jaws falling to the ground and eyes looking taken by surprise. "What did you just call us?" Yoongi asks me, as if he can't believe it. "Kookie and Yoonie... should I not call you that?" I ask, worry making me doubt that the nicknames are welcomed.
Jungkook hurries to my side and locks me in his arms with a wide bunny smile. "I love it, I thought you'd never get around to using nicknames" he chirps with joy and I laugh. He releases me when he smells something burning and rushes to the oven with wide eyes, whining to Yoongi when he sees him still staring at me, seemingly shocked.
I take small steps to him and wave my hand in front of his eyes. Maybe he doesn't like the nickname? "" I try and his eyes come back to reality, narrowing with a pout. "Why did you use my name?". I gulp. "Then Yoonie?" I try again and a small gummy smile appears on his lips. "That's better. Sorry, I was just really taken by surprise".
He crouches to get the utensils that fell from their hands and uses a rag to wipe the floor clean. "What's with the sudden use of nicknames? Honestly, I thought it would take longer for you to reach that level of comfort since you're shy" he continues as he turns to Jungkook to make sure he's not ruining the food.
"Yah, why are you asking her that? Just be happy and don't worry about small details!" Jin exclaims, taking me away by the shoulders and back into the living room where the others are sat relaxing, some on their phones, others reading or enjoying the light that enters from the wide window.
Jin makes me sit between him and Jimin and they start talking about the strange dreams they had during the night. I see Namjoon's eyes look up from his book to stare at me a moment when he feels my nervousness spike up a little. He sends me calming waves, knowing that his barrier will make it more efficient, maybe not as much as Jimin or Jin's ability, but definitely more than what's normal between soulmates.
I smile at him, grateful and he nods with a small grin before getting back into his book, his glasses falling down his nose and he looks so damn good. Jimin and Jin follow what my eyes are looking at to see Namjoon and they both chuckle.
"I love when he wears his glasses, they make him look so sexy" Jimin sighs and Jin chuckles deeply. "What about me?". Jimin turns around with a grin and winks. "Of course, you too, hyung". I turn to Jin with curiosity. "You wear glasses too? I don't think I've ever seen you wear them" I ask him and he shrugs. "Most of us do, to be honest, except for Hoseok, his sight is perfect as far as we know. Most of us prefer wearing lenses" he explains and I nod at his words.
"Such a shame, really, I'm sure you all look so good with glasses" I mumble and spot a few eyes falling on me for a brief second. "I think from now on, you might see more glasses" Hoseok chuckles as he looks at our soulmates with a grin, ignoring the groans heard from being exposed so quickly.
"Come sit at the table, we are not eating in the living room!" Yoongi screams so we can hear him and we all stand up, going to the table as requested.
Everyone sits down and I decide to help Yoongi and Jungkook to bring the dishes from the kitchen, setting them on the table in front of my soulmates. Once done, Yoongi smiles and makes me sit next to him, leaving me with Namjoon at the end of the table by my left. Jungkook pouts but it doesn't last long when Hoseok and Taehyung beckon for him to sit between them.
"To a new life in a new house with our now found last soulmate" Yoongi says as he holds his glass up and the others all take their glasses to clink them together. I grin and do the same even if my glass is empty, which gains a chuckle and two before I put it down and decide to take a bite of the good looking food in front of me.
Once it reaches my mouth, I hum loudly at the taste. I swallow and look at Yoongi and Jungkook in amazement. "This is so good!" I chirp and they smile proudly. "Glad to hear that" Yoongi says and Jungkook only giggles cutely as he takes an other bite.
"We truly have talented soulmates. Most of us know how to cook edible food, so it's nice to take a break sometimes" Jin tells me with a wink and I hear Namjoon clear his throat, eyes looking down as he knows he's not part of the group that can make edible food. In fact, he's the only one.
I put my hand on his and when he looks to stare at me in the eyes, I smile gently. "What do you think about learning to cook together sometimes? We can learn at the same time and make them the best dinner ever" I offer and his eyes shine as he nods his head quickly.
"Let's do that!" he answers and after one last smile and pat on the hand, I release him to keep eating, not aware of the beautiful smiles I'm getting from the others.
After a while, I hear loud thumping sounds getting closer to the table and turn around to see Waffle sitting next to me. "Oh, I almost forgot about you!" I gasp and bend down to scratch his head.
Waffle is a little disappointed to hear that, but they have known each other for barely a day, so he can understand. Anyway, he only just woke up, so he's too tired to care as much as he probably should. He takes a sniff from the food on the table and licks his lips. It smells good. What are they eating?
"Do you want some?" I coo at the cute big baby and am about to pick at my food to give some to him, but Yoongi's hand grabs mine and he shakes his head. "Human food is not good for dogs, Snowflakes, we'll give him nutritional food once we're done eating, okay?". I pout but nod, of course I should be careful of what I give him.
Waffle glares at the white haired man. How dare he steal such a beautiful opportunity from him. It's not like only one bite could kill him. He pouts and lays down on the ground, eyes still glaring at the white hair. He thought he could try to respect the man, but the man does not respect him, so it's making things hard for Waffle. He huffs when a wave of smell reaches his nose again. So sad, so very sad. It smells so good.
I look down to the boy on the floor and I can't help but feel bad. Just a little, tiny little bite wouldn't hurt, right? I side glance at Yoongi to see if he's watching what I'm doing. He's busy talking with Hoseok and Jin. Great, this is my chance.
I cut just a tiny little part of my food with my fork and quickly drop it to the ground next to Waffle's face.
His nose sniffs before finding the food on the floor and hurries to gobble it up before his owner gets in trouble. He's very grateful for the risk she took for him, but he hopes she doesn't try again, for the food is not as good as he expected. It's what the white haired man made after all, he should have expected such an outcome. He sighs and lays back down at her feet.
I look up to see Jimin and Taehyung staring at me with raised eyebrows, a smirk hidden behind their serious faces. I shyly give them a smile before staring at my own food, suddenly finding it very interesting to examine closely.
Once done eating, I can't help but look around the table, looking at my soulmates laugh and talk together. And I think to myself. This is home.
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