The urgency
"Rocky... they called again. I might be late tonight" I say into the phone as I keep walking heavy slow steps. I hear a gasp. "What?! You can't possibly be serious, it hasn't been that long since the last time, they need to give you time to recover!" he screams into the phone and I hear other voices mingle with his. "They said it's urgent. You know I don't have a word in this. It was such a bad timing too. Rocky, I finally found my soulmates, all of them, and I just ran away when I got the call, I didn't want them to find out". "Oh you poor peach... where did you leave them?" "At Scenery, I don't think they'll still be there, they must so disappointed by me..." "No, dear, they're your soulmates, they'll never think that of you. I'll be waiting at the front door for you okay?" I hum, say thank you and end the call.
I stop walking and turn my head to see the building where I'm wanted. Trying to fix my trembling hands, I push the door open and step inside. As soon as the secretary sees me, she pushes a button and a door opens. I head there without without for her permission, I know the way. Too well.
I go down a long corridor and enter a room at the end. There's a bed with straps in the middle with a table and a chair right next to it. Instruments and machines are carefully set at the back of the room in case of emergency. I shudder, my mind is blank. I don't want to stay here.
"You're fast, were you excited?" says a man who probably only wanted to make the situation less dramatic, without success. Like I would be excited to suffer. He frowns when I don't say anything and just motions to the bed where he proceeds to attach my arms and legs to the bed. To make sure I don't hurt myself, they say, but really, it's just so I don't run away. We wait a few minutes, silence making me even more anxious by the second. What kind of case did they get that they consider it urgent? Eventually, a group of men enter the room, the secretary from earlier following at the back to take notes.
"Y/N L/N, thank you for coming after taking our call. I assume you must be confused, since you were supposed to come later, but since this is an emergency, we had to bend the rules a little" the head of the Memory Initiative, M.I. for short, says while making sure the straps around me are tight enough. I fight the urge to scoff. This isn't the place. "Show her the papers, please". I see an other man walk closer, eyeing me like I'm just a kid. He's probably new here, doesn't really know what to expect from this. He'll be off work for a while, that's for sure, sleep won't be easy. He shows me the papers, holding them and switching them slowly since I can't use my arms. Human trafficking. They're selling organs on the black market. Kids probably involved to become prostitutes. They mostly target people that work in the government and their families. That's why they consider it urgent, they're scared.
"We found some bodies, we want you to get to the source, tell us what you see, where, who. If you can't concentrate on their faces, we'll have to try until you give us a hint". I stay quiet and clench my fists. "First picture, please". I open my eyes, tears already creeping out. When I see the picture, I gag. I close my eyes. There's no way I'm feeling this picture. No way. "L/N, I'm going to ask you to cooperate, we don't want to make this harder for you". My whole body is shaking, but I do as told. I don't want them to use their tricks again. I connect myself to the picture and start going back to the beginning, to where the torture began.
Jungkook's POV
We're all very confused. Y/N just ran away after getting a call and we could all see how she was shaking. Did something happen? "She was so scared" Jimin murmurs. "Terrorized, even" Jin adds and we lose her from sight. I have such a bad feeling.
We sit on the bench near the cafe and we just... worry. What was she going through right now? Was she alone? Was she hurting? Hoseok stands up and starts walking in circle. The bond is suffering right now, not knowing what to do after seeing our newly found soulmate in such a state was absolutely terrible.
"Hum... excuse me, are you Y/N's soulmates?" we hear a small voice ask and we look towards the cafe's door to see a lady with a phone in hand. Hoseok gets close to her and nods. She hands him the phone and asks to get it back once the call is over and heads inside. He looks at us, confused and brings the phone to his ear.
"Hi?... Yes, that's us. Yes, she just left... Where?... okay we'll be there soon". The call ends and he walks inside the cafe before coming back without the phone. "It was a certain Rocky. He's one of Y/N's closest friends and wants to talk to us". We all jump on our feet and follow him. We walk through many streets and finally end up in front of a dance studio. We share a look and walk inside, wondering what the heck is happening.
We enter a waiting area and someone tells us to sit and wait for a moment. I stay up and so do the others, we're too anxious to be able to sit still for now. A man, Rocky, enters the room and asks us to follow him to the back. We enter an other spacious room filled with walls of mirrors and he turns towards us once the door is closed.
"Y/N called me, she felt really bad about leaving so fast" he starts and we're all listening very closely. "What do you guys know about her ability?" I start sweating. I know quite a lot actually, but should I say it? The man just sighs and sits down, back against the mirror.
"I guess you at least know how rare her ability is. Most people don't even know it exists. What I'm going to tell your is confidential. Don't even try to search info on the internet, don't put yourselves in danger. The Memory Initiative is well aware of this ability, they need it, they hunt it down like the most vicious criminal in the world. Y/N was the unlucky one to be found quite young". I sit down in front of him, my heart is beating fast and I can feel the bond trembling, everyone's on edge.
"Then the call she received..." "Was them, yes". Yoongi's jaw is tight, teeth clenching together. Jin and Jimin do their best to try to help, but they're as anxious as we are, still, the tension in our shoulders lessens and our heartbeats calm down. I clear my throat, test my voice to make sure it forms words and not only sounds. "Then... do they force her to-" I start to say but he stops me, eyes cold and hard. I freeze and Namjoon protectively puts an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.
"Don't you dare use your ability on him" he threatens Rocky and I look up in confusion. Did Namjoon protect me from his ability?
Y/N's friend just takes in a deep breath and looks at me with regret. "I'm sorry. Just... please don't say anything. You already know too much. For your sake, and your soulmates', please don't say anything. She'll tell you in time. The reason why I wanted to talk to you is to tell you that Y/N is a broken soul, fragile, more than you can imagine. As her soulmates, I think it's important that you know, because she won't say anything. Please take care of her, be careful with what you say, don't ask her to overuse her ability... especially not for a few days... Fuck, it's such a bad timing, she must feel so desperate" he swears as he scratches his head.
That's a lot of information about her and it breaks my heart that the things we're learning mostly describe just how much she's suffering instead of what makes her happy.
"I'll give you my number, if there's anything you want to ask, don't hesitate to call. Y/N won't be able to see you for a while, please don't take it personally. My soulmates and I will be with her, so if you want to talk to her, text me first". Jin hands him his phone and Rocky types in his number before giving it back. "Now, I'm sorry but I still have a lesson to teach" and he leaves.
Today was supposed to be happy. It had started happy. I could meet her for the first time. We could tell her we're her soulmates. We had fun talking and eating. So why, why is it ending like that? I feel tears in my eyes and start sobbing. Namjoon tightens his hold around me and I put my head in the crook of his neck. I hear Hoseok cry too. This day was becoming really bad.
Your POV
I regain consciousness and look around me, panicked. "Don't touch me, don't!" I scream at the top of my lungs, fighting against the restraints. Don't cut me open again, don't... I feel a liquid enter my veins and my body shuts down, it feels dead, not reacting. My mind is completely the opposite. "Enough... please, enough" I whisper and I hear a sigh. "You didn't give us anything, L/N, nothing. No place, no face, no name. This is the last picture, if you can't give us anything, we'll have to start over".
I feel like throwing up again. My body is rejecting it with all its might. I twist around, my body is burning, hurting so much. I throw up on the floor. I hear a hiss. "Fuck, my damn shoes". Well deserved, I think to myself. I'm pushed back against the bed.
I can remember everything, from the kicks to the stomach to how they cut open my skin. Their voices laughing as I scream in pain. My eyes are forced open, forced to look at the picture. I barely even see it, I still connect to it, become the woman who's missing every single limbs from her body. I shudder and a deep broken sob breaks through my throat. I don't want to, but I do it anyway. I just want to go home.
I'm blindfolded. Someone's pushing my wheelchair and suddenly, I'm pushed to the ground. The cloth is removed and I see a face. I try to speak, not as the woman from the picture, but as me, try to go against the unnatural feeling of speaking through someone's body that isn't mine to control. To describe him. I hear a far away voice, they heard me... I try to look around. She's the first one to be allowed to see. I wish I couldn't. Someone arrives with a seesaw. The man in front of me crouches to my level and smirks at me. "Now, we'll be taking some parts of you, okay? Consider it as... charity. Don't worry, your daughter will receive the money, she'll be debt free, rich even, all thanks to your sacrifice. Aww, don't cry, it won't hurt for long. I think" he then bursts out laughing. The man with the seesaw comes closer and starts with my legs. He does both at the same time. My body convulses, it's like lighting my skin on fire and pouring gasoline to make it burn longer. I scream, shout, cry, throw up.
I want to lose consciousness, just let me die. I don't want to suffer any longer. My throat is burning, closed up, so tight it hurts to even whimper. I try to keep my eyes open, to listen to them, to whatever it is they're saying. I look down at my body, he's trying to work his way through the bones. The pain is so bright, so intense, that I don't feel it getting worse. I see him take my legs away from my body, the blood that seeps everywhere.
Will my daughter really be okay? This was a mistake, they'll take her away, won't they? A chuckle. "You understood too late, Annie. Miranda will be an excellent doll, she's so pretty" I want to kick him, but I can't. He laughs even more. Get out of my head. Again, I try to give them the information through the pain. I try multiple times, but my tongue just got cut off. It's so hard. Can I leave now? Can I leave the memory? My body is shaken forcefully. Shocks of electricity shoots through me. The memory becomes a blur, I'm losing myself.
"We're losing her, sir". "Bring her back, don't let her die". Shocks again and again. My soul just wants to give up. I've done enough, haven't I?
"Sir, a Rocky is waiting at the entrance". Rocky? My Rocky?
I try to fight.
But I lose consciousness.
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