The third meeting
Jungkook's POV
Tonight was pretty great. Jimin showed us his picture proudly and I had to admit it was good. She really managed to capture the essence of the subject, bringing forward the best about them. Watching Jimin move in the picture was something magical and I couldn't help being proud. But I knew that her ability could bring her pain too and that was the part that hurt me, I didn't know if I should tell the others. I had read about this ability a few years ago when I had heard of someone in the world bringing pictures to life and I had to satiate this newfound information.
That's when I learned that people with the ability to give life to pictures were obligated by law to help whenever there's a crime, someone on the run, a murderer, cases of rapes, anything to help them find the person, see the victim's point of view.
It makes me sick to the stomach, because I'm pretty sure Y/N has to go through that too and I don't know how to handle this. Should I wait for her to bring it up herself once we're close enough? It's not necessarily a secret, it's just not well known either since the ability is really rare, but would she be comfortable with us knowing how she's hurting? Memories become a part of her soul, she becomes them for a moment, her mind remembers everything from the smells to the touch, the light, how tired the person was, what was on their mind, their deepest regrets.
I can see memories, but they stay that, just memories, they don't become mine, my soul doesn't grow attached to everything that I see, unless it has something to do with my soulmates. I turn around in bed, expecting Yoongi to appear any time now. I knew the others knew something was bothering me, but I was thankful they decided to give me space. They knew I'd tell them when it would be time.
I hear knocking on the door, then a peeking Yoongi appears. I smile at him and he enters the room, closing the door behind him. He slides under the covers next to me and sits comfortably before turning towards me. "Tell me Kookie, what has been bothering you since yesterday? You know you can tell me anything, it's fine" he tells me and I smile before looking down at my hands. "I just don't know what's the right thing to do, hyung, I don't know if it's mine to tell". He frowns, I can feel confusion through the bond. "Is it something bad? Did we do something to hurt you?" I shake my head. "It's not you. It's about our soulmate and her... ability". Even more confusion. He takes my hand in his and with the other, brushes against my chin, making me look up at him.
"Do you know something we don't? Is it dangerous?" he asks, worries painted on his traits. "It's not exactly good. Although she can create these beautiful pictures, she's also suffering a lot, hyung." I see him thinking, trying to connect links in his mind, trying to understand where I'm going with that. "Does it hurt her when she brings life to pictures?" he asks again. "No, not that. I'm sure it brings her joy. That's not what worries me. I don't want everyone to know before she tells us herself, it should be hers to say when she wants, I don't want to take that away from her" I whisper, feeling upset that I know something of that intensity about our soulmate that they don't.
He hums, playing with my fingers absentmindedly, sliding one finger around the rings of fate. "I understand Kookie. It's honorable that you want to protect her privacy and I will respect it too". I smile at him, the weight on my shoulders a little lighter. It doesn't get rid of the problem, but not being forced to tell them makes me feel less guilty. I really think it's something she should say herself. But I will say something if eventually it gets out of control.
"Let's sleep now, it's late and Jin wants us to eat at a restaurant tomorrow morning. Let's be well rested for that, okay?" he whispers and I nod, cuddling with him, using him as my pillow as he softly pulls me closer to him. "Good night little bunny" he whispers in a sigh, and we both fall asleep.
Your POV
I head towards the beach. The sea always calms me down whenever I have a bad dream and this morning is no exception. I put on my jacket when I start to feel the cold breeze, wind getting stronger with each step. It feels good, it takes my thoughts away from the dream and that's what I want. The moon is going down, ready to give light to someone else's night, but it makes for an amazing view nonetheless, which is why I brought my camera.
I've tried to feel pictures of the sky, of the moon and of the sea, but there's not describing the feelings they bring. It's like being empty and full at the same time, a sense of purpose that doesn't need actions, just existing. It's like being warm and cold, happy and sad, mad and worried, alone and loved, all at the same time. It usually gets very overwhelming and I quickly learned to stop doing it, not liking how I would feel for the next few days, like suddenly my body wasn't enough anymore, like an ant in a nest to the human eye, insignificant.
I stop a few meters away from someone standing near the water. His white hair moving in the breeze, the blue of the water and the sky reflecting in some of his short locks. The big moon surrounds his body, shining his every features. I can't see his face, but I imagine a very worried face, the aura emanating from him the same as someone sad and deep in thought. A bit like the butterfly man.
I take my camera and take in the sight, breathe deeply, and push the button. The click of the camera shatters the silence briefly and the man turns around. I bow apologetically and walk closer towards him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. The sight was just too beautiful to not take a picture" I say softly so as to not break the silence. He gives me a gummy smile and I feel my heart skip a beat. His eyes are entrancing, so beautiful and I can't help but stare.
He chuckles and points to the camera. "Can I see?" I gape a little when I hear his voice, sound engraving itself in my mind. He raises his eyebrows, a glint of amusement in his eyes and I break eye contact, slapping myself multiple times mentally. "Picture, yeah, sure" I say robotically and take my printer from my jacket's pocket. I try to connect my camera to it but doing everything while standing up is not easy, so he offers to hold it while I do the rest. I print the picture and the few minutes it take is a little awkward, I can't stop thinking about how I stared at him earlier and I cringe. "It's done" he says and I stare at him, then at the picture. "You're right" I say and I take the printer from his hands, putting it back in my pocket. I hold the picture in my hands and connect my soul to it. The transfer of energy is easily done and when it starts moving, the moon reflected on the moving waves and his left foot moving a little, I hand it to him, observing his reaction.
He hums, a small smile illuminating his face. "That one looks good too" he says and I stare at him confused. He notices my expression because he chuckles softly. "You took pictures of my soulmates too, Y/N, right?" I freeze, definitely not expecting that. I turn towards the ocean, deciding to not say anything. He does the same, picture now in his pocket. "They all really like them, the pictures, they keep shoving them in our faces because we don't have one" he says with a smirk. I laugh out loud, my voice resonating around us with an echo. "I'm really happy to hear that, I always do this in the hopes that it will bring people some joy".
"I heard people with your ability can feel them too, is it true?" he asks and I nod. "It's true. It's something I cherish, really, to feel their joy, their sorrow, their love as if it's my own. I guess it sounds creepy said like that, but it helps me get through the bad days" I answer truthfully, it serves me nothing to lie. Then my eyes widen. "But I swear I didn't feel your picture, nor did I with your soulmates' pictures, I know when to respect privacy" I add, scared that somehow he'll despise me if I don't tell him. "I believe you" he responds with a smile and I relax, shoulders falling in relief.
"Still, it must be interesting to get to see a part of the world in the picture. Do you become the subject or do you watch from an outsider's point of view?" he continues to ask and I stare at him, not used to such curiosity. He's not threatening me or treating me like a monster, he just wants to understand. "I become the subject. Through the good and the bad, all the secrets, everything becomes me" I whisper and I watch as his eyes widen. I expect it to come now, the bad words, the hate, the violence.
"It must be scary then, when you come across the bad".
I feel tears creep to my eyes but I fight the urge. "It is" is all I manage to say, voice caught in my throat. He looks at me with sadness in his eyes and it warms me, to see someone empathize even though he knows just how deep I can find out about him in the blink of an eye, all thanks to a picture. "Is this why you're here so early? Because you saw something bad?" he asks again and at this moment, I feel like I can tell him everything and anything. "Old memories that are not mine. It happens from time to time, it's fine really" I try to say the last part with a smile, but his worried gaze on me tells me that he doesn't buy it. Still, he doesn't push, which I appreciate, I already said more than I should have to a stranger.
We watch silently as the moon disappears, giving place to the colors of the coming sun. "Hm, I should go home now before MJ calls the whole group to search for me, I've been here long enough" I say as I look at the time on my watch. I turn to the man whose frown is a sight to see.
"I had fun talking with you. And I want to say... thank you for your not treating me like a monster, not everyone likes to find out that a stranger can find out anything about them and just smile" he seems stunned but I start walking away, soon almost running when I think about how MJ has been waiting for an hour now.
I think back to the man and smile. I hope to see him again, I think to myself and then realize that I don't even know his name. The only one who asked for my name is Jimin, so I guess he's one of them, so is the butterfly man. I wonder how many soulmates he has, it's rare to see someone with more than one.
I should know that, my seven black rings a reminder that seven people are waiting for me to appear one day. Seven people who will either accept me or despise me. And I'm not sure I want to find out, I don't think I would handle very well being rejected by the most important missing pieces of my soul.
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