The sweet promise
We all take a seat on a table, surrounding the food Jin so graciously made for us. I'm so hungry and it must show on my face because soon my plate is filled to the brim as they all look at me with expectant eyes, waiting for me to take a bite. And that's exactly what I do. So when the delicious taste reaches my taste buds, I hum loudly.
"Is it good?" Jin asks with a chirpy voice, smile wide and eyes sparkling. I nod quickly while I take a second bite, my hunger ruling over my capacity to think straight. "Sho goot" I murmur and they all coo.
Namjoon claps his hands and starts to fill his plate too. "Let's eat too before she takes everything" he says with a laugh. I just giggle, because at this point, it's a possibility. Jungkook yelps and hurries to fill his plate too, eyeing me carefully. Hoseok just smiles and keeps putting food in my plate, taking a bite for himself from time to time.
The bond is finally whole. Everyone a part of each other for eternity. I pause mid bite to take the time to look at all of my mates. The sight is beautiful, heartwarming, happy.
Until they start giggling. I stare at them in confusion and then feel a finger poke my very filled cheek. I turn to my right to stare at Taehyung who's just grinning as he keeps poking it. "You look like a squirrel" he coos and the others laugh. "It's true!" Jimin adds with a laugh as he suddenly wipes the sauce at the corner of my lips, taking me by surprise.
The tingles of our skin touching sends sparks to my brain and it takes me a moment to process it, but I know my heartbeat increase doesn't go unnoticed when the grins widen around the table, eyes smiling and taking in the feelings that go through the bond at this moment.
"Take your time, there's enough food for everyone" Jin chirps, happy to see his efforts not go to waste and we resume eating with smiles and a blanket of love covering us all, making this moment magical.
"Say ahhhh" Yoongi says, taking me by surprise as I see him bringing food up to my mouth with raised eyebrows, eyes concentrated on my mouth, waiting for me to part my lips. Everyone stares at me, all eyes on my lips, all unconsciously licking their own as I open them shyly, allowing Yoongi to push the food delicately in my mouth, sending me the most adorable gummy smile as he looks at me fondly until I swallow the bite. "Is it good?" he asks and I nod, cheeks taking on a shade of pink and he grins. "I'm glad, I made this one". I can feel how proud he is through the bond and I can't help but wonder how more adorable can he get.
But what follows is a fury of hands bringing food to my mouth, lips slightly parted as they ask for me to open mine, all trying to be faster than the other. Jungkook eventually shouts at our soulmates to stop being so damn annoying and he uses the confusion to push something in my mouth with a grin.
When he starts giggling, teasing eyes shining brightly, I laugh with him, his happiness taking over all my senses. The others complain loudly but Jin finally manages to get some sort of control over the situation, deciding to feed me one at a time in a circle to keep an order. Bashful but happy for the attention, I accept all of the food they give me until I can't even look at the food anymore.
And as they keep bringing food to my mouth, it's a feeling of being overwhelmed that starts taking over. Namjoon is the first to realize and stands up beckoning for me to follow him further away from the table, but not too far so the others can still see us to give me a little pause. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if they don't quite realize your limits yet, they're just so excited about today" he explains and I shake my head with a smile.
"It's fine, but thank you for helping me". He chuckles with his smooth voice. "Don't hesitate to tell us when it's too much, that way we can learn to know your limits so we don't make you uncomfortable without knowing, it can be hard to be aware of the other's emotions when we're like this" he adds and I nod, a little hesitant. He raises an eyebrow.
"Something the matter?" he softly asks and I prop my arms on the fence from the little bridge, gazing over the flowers, the smell making me more at ease. "I just don't want to disappoint, they seemed and felt so happy, I didn't want to put a stop to it" I murmur and he lets his fingers crawl on the skin between my neck and shoulder, making shivers run down my spine.
"Look at me, Y/N" he asks in a serious tone and I slowly turn to see his warm eyes gazing at me. "We'll never be disappointed because you ask us to stop, never. Your comfort is important to us. You being comfortable enough to tell us when it's enough is what will make us the most happy, don't hide things from your soulmates, from us".
I let his words sink in and the relief loosens my tension. "Thank you, Namjoon, I'll keep this in mind". He smiles and turns to look at the view in front of us. "It is a beautiful garden". I gaze over the flowers and butterflies, humming in agreement. "It is".
We stay like that for a while until some worry starts to step in the bond and I turn to look towards the table to see concerned eyes looking at me. Smiling to myself at how cute they are, I wave for them to come over. They all jump up on their feet and run towards Namjoon and I. Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok laughing quietly as they watch the youngest soulmates dance and spin on the way, making faces and poses to make me laugh.
And I do, snorts and giggles leaving me at every new expression, their faces beaming with fondness at hearing my amusement. Namjoon next to me keeps chuckling too, although I have a doubt it wasn't only because of the jokers since I can feel his eyes burning a hole on the back of my head.
And it's a trio of men that surrounds me to take me in their arms, hold tight around my body as they enjoy the tingles of the bond, smiles and heavy breaths from moving so much, warming me up quickly.
Taehyung lifts my chin up with a finger to make me look at him. The act makes me shy all of a sudden because of the cocoon I find myself in, his eyes give me butterflies. I feel everyone's gaze on the two of us as the intimacy becomes heavy, all of my soulmates surrounding our little group with warm eyes and soft touches.
"You're so beautiful, you know? So, so beautiful" he whispers and I get lost in his eyes, unable to speak. I wish I could say he's the one who's beautiful, from the top of his head to the tip of his toes, all of him screams royalty.
I feel fingers brush against my hair, removing it from my cheek as I feel something plush and warm stick close to my mouth before moving away. The touch is like an explosion of feelings and tingles, the love of a century seeping inside my whole being all at once. I turn to see Jimin looking down at me with crescent eyes, his beautiful brown eyes giving a new real meaning to the word captivating.
And what he just did finally takes place in my mind. He just kissed my cheek. He kissed my cheek?! My eyes widen as realization hits me and I hear chuckles all around me. Jin takes careful steps into our closed circle and takes me away from the trio to start walking on a beautiful path in the middle of thousands of flowers.
Glad and at the same time sad to part with the others, I startle a little when I feel fingers slowly intertwine with mine and I look down to see Jin's hand stealing mine with tender love. A warm feeling bubbles within my heart and I can't stop a giggle.
"What's so funny, little one?" he coos softly and I shake my head with a smile. "I'm just happy. Very happy". I know I don't have to say more, that they can feel everything. Jungkook steps forward to steal my other hand with a cheeky grin and I let him do it with joy.
We trudge our way forward, taking our time enjoying the ambiance, trying to guess the flowers' names, their meanings, which flower suits who better, who would be the prettiest flower, which ended up somehow being me, which I strongly disagree with, have they seem themselves?
It was really peaceful, I don't think any dates I could've have imagined could ever reach even close to this one, it was by far like a dream, perfect and I knew the feeling was shared around us.
But after a while, some nervosity manages to take place in the bond and I look around to try and find who it is coming from. When I meet Hoseok's eyes, I can automatically see it's coming from him, so carefully, I get out of the two hands holding me and make my way to him. He seems confused and surprised at first, but he quickly understands why I'm worried. He gives me a sheepish smile and looks down.
"Hoseok, tell me what's wrong. Are you okay?" I ask with a small voice, as if trying to not scare him. "I... I'm just a little sad" he murmurs softly and I start feeling bad. Did I make him feel neglected, alone? Did he want more attention too? In the start of a panic fit, I take his hands in mine and wait for him to look at me in the eyes.
"Hoseok, tell me, I'm all ears. Is it something I did?". He looks up at me quickly at my words and he shakes his head violently. "No, no, never, Berry, it's not you. I... I think it's time we tell you, let's take a seat at the table over there" he whispers and I nod, taking in the sight of them tensing, sad eyes looking to the floor. I start feeling anxious. What is happening?
We sit down and Hoseok takes my hands again from in front of me. "We came here on a vacancy. For one week only" he starts and I feel my heart drop. Yoongi who's next to me wraps an arm around my middle in support and I'm glad for it, because suddenly I feel a little dizzy. They're leaving soon? Already? "What day?" I ask in a shaky voice and Hoseok's eyes look away. Namjoon takes in a long breath. "This Sunday". Oh. The silence that follows is heavy and troubled, most coming from me.
Yoongi strokes my back in circles and cups my cheek to turn my head towards him. He waits for my eyes to meet his and his dark eyes, burning with the need to reassure, crease ever so slightly. "We'll be back. Give us some time to get ready and we'll be back". I snicker a little. "I don't think your jobs will agree to let you come back so quickly" I try to say with a light tone, but my heartache hits them like a wave.
I found them only to lose them so soon. Jimin hurries to my side after standing up from the table and wraps his arms around my neck, pushing my head against his chest. Soothing and reassuring soft ripples lull me into a calmer state. "No, Y/N, we'll be back for good". I look up with wide eyes at Taehyung to see his proud grin. Jungkook leans over the table with a teasing grin too. "We'll even have a room ready for you for when you want to move in".
I blush at his words, the meaning behind the joking tone a clear invitation that I'm welcome anytime I want, an open promise of a future of waking up together, of sleepy morning smiles and cuddles on a daily basis.
"That sounds great" I whisper quietly, but loud enough for them to hear.
"It's a promise then". And the sweet sound of their laughter is like a song of love to my ears.
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