The struggle
I wake up confused, sweating so much my clothes are wet. I look around the dark room and see blood everywhere. I can't feel my body. I look down, it's not sweat. It's blood. I want to move my hands, my feet, but they're not there anymore. I panic.
I see a little girl being thrown in the room. My daughter. She looks at me and I see her eyes widen. She screams, face becoming filled with hurt and disgust. They're making my beautiful daughter look at me. She doesn't need to remember me like that. "Ta...take... her... a-away..." I whisper, breath leaving my body much quicker than it comes back. I hear laughter. "She needs to know what her mother did for her, why her life became such a nightmare, we're actually doing her a favor. She can resent you instead of living in ignorance". I try to keep my eyes on her, tell her I'm sorry through them, how much I love her. And I feel myself slipping away, soul shutting down. "I'm... sorry".
I jump awake. My body feels like it's on fire. My heart is beating too fast for comfort, I feel dizzy, I feel hot, too hot. I register the colors on the walls, the furniture, I'm in my room. I try to let that sink in, bring me comfort, but the different memories swirl around in my mind. The pain, the panic, the cries, the laughs. It's overwhelming.
"R-Rocky" I let out in a raspy breath. Flashes of limbs, blood, smiles. I'm going to throw up. I try to get my trash bin by the bed, but I fall on the floor. I get it just in time and my stomach empties itself. I hear the door open and feet hurrying towards me. A hand gets my hair away from my face, an other one on my back in soothing motions.
I get away from the bin. The disgusting taste in my mouth makes me gag again.
"Sanha, go get a glass of water please". That's Rocky's voice. He's here. I want to turn around, to look at him, but I throw up again. My body shakes, its overworked state begging for a break.
"Shhh, I'm here, you're not alone" he says in a soft voice, careful to not trigger anything. Sanha comes back quickly with water and hands it to me, hand brushing against mine, giving some of his warmth and comfort before stepping back, I can't be too surrounded in moments like these. It makes me panic even more.
I clean my mouth, spitting the water into the bin before taking slow small sips for myself. I sit up against the bed, Rocky still stroking my back. His presence is comforting and I relax slowly. I see the others' faces appear by the door and I shoot them a tired smile. "Let's get you to the living room" Rocky whispers and I nod, standing up with his and Sanha's help, their arms around me to make sure I don't force too much. They make me take small steps, careful to not go too fast and MJ clears the path, following closely behind with Eunwoo, Moonbin and JinJin.
I sit on the couch, its soft material a welcoming sensation. Eunwoo kneels in front of me and takes my hand in his, his eyebrows furrowing when he feels small weak waves of my pain. He eases some of it away, the weight I didn't know I had on my head dissipating. Tears free themselves from my eyes and fall down my cheeks. "Do you need anything Y/N? How can we help?" he asks in a soft voice and I shake my head.
"I don't know. It was... probably one of the worst sessions I've ever had. The worst" I murmur in a shaky voice. I try to block the memories from coming back, but it's useless fighting against them. I shudder, another wave of pain hitting my body. Eunwoo winces next to me, having felt it too. He works hard to keep it tolerable, to give my body as much comfort as possible. JinJin surrounds us with calm, love, adding in some scents, my favorite one, he knows how soothing it is for me.
All this helps me stay grounded, not let myself be immersed by the memories. I push them away, concentrating on Eunwoo's hand, the atmosphere JinJin encloses us in, the scents that calm my nerves.
Rocky takes his phone and contacts a number. "Hi, Hoseok? I have a favor to ask". I don't hear much of his conversation since he walks away, but I know I heard my soulmate's name. Curiosity pushes any other thoughts out of my head and I wait for him to come back. He stares at his phone with a smile and then looks at me. "I have something that might help, close your eyes".
I do as told, curious. What kind of favor could he have asked of my soulmates? He puts his phone in my free hand. "Don't look, just connect to it". Confused, I let my soul get a feel of the phone, the screen, towards the picture and I let the soft connection take place, bringing me into a memory of happiness.
"Jin-hyung, hurry!" I turn around to see Jungkook waving at me, the others smiling brightly. The bond feels the happiest it's been in a while. Today, we're taking our first group picture with an addition. Our newly found soulmate, Jungkook, is jumping around like a cute little bunny and I can't help the laugh that bubbles out of my mouth. "I'm coming, Kookie" I sing song and walk towards them and into Hoseok's arms that await me wide open. Taehyung gives us a big boxy smile when he's done setting up his camera and runs into Yoongi, attaching himself on him like a koala. Namjoon's arm is around Jimin's waist, the two of them glued together in a warm embrace.
I beam at the sight, love overflows in intense quantities and I can't help but wonder what it'll be like when we'll find our last soulmate. Will we be even happier than now? I can't wait to find out. We smile, eyes grazing each others' as we hear the flash from the camera, telling us that the picture is taken. Yet, none of us are ready to break the comfortable bubble in which we've lost ourselves. Their shining eyes, grins that tell of what's to come, beautiful memories waiting to become reality. Hurry and come to us, little one, we can't wait to finally have you in our arms, I think to myself.
I end the memory, coming back to my senses and I can't help the sob that leaves my throat. Moonbin takes me in his arms and envelopes me in his warmth. I cry for many long minutes. Rocky has no idea how much this helped.
Yoongi's POV
When we hear Hoseok's phone ring, we all jump on it, hoping it's a call from Rocky. We'd been so worried about her, not knowing what was happening, how she was feeling. We hadn't bonded with her, so we had no way of helping her right now, not even sending love through the link that connected all of us. Hoseok puts it on speaker and we all hear Rocky's voice.
"Hi, Hoseok? I have a favor to ask." We all share a look. Is there a way we can help? "What is it?" I ask and even if he doesn't know who just spoke, he doesn't waste time on that. "I need a picture. A happy memory, a time when you thought of her while feeling immense happiness. Something that you cherish". I feel my body stiffen. How was she feeling that such a precise demand was made? Jin's eyes light up. "Of course, Rocky, we'll send you one, I have just the perfect one in mind". "Thank you" he says, relief in his voice.
We all stay silent for a moment, trying to find how to formulate what we all thought. "How... how is she?" I finally ask, anxious of his response. A sigh. "Not so good. We're doing our best, she's in good hands, don't worry. I'll keep you updated. I'm sure she'll love the memory, it might be her safest anchor for the days to come, to help keep her grounded". Relief and sadness mix together through the bond. We all wish we could be with her, right now. "When she feels better, I'll ask her if she would allow you all to come see her, okay?" Hoseok nods quickly even though he knows Rocky can't see. "Please do, we really can't handle being away from her when we know that she's not well". A sad chuckle. "I know how that feel, it's even worse since you just met her and haven't bonded. I'm sorry all this happened at such a bad time. I have to go now, please send the picture quickly". He ends the call. Jin stands up and hurries somewhere, coming back with our favorite framed picture. Of course. I smile at him, this truly was a happy day for all of us.
Hoseok takes a picture of it with his phone and sends it to Rocky. We all stand there, breaths still and quiet as we wait for the reply. A simple Thank you comes in and we slouch down on the couches.
"I guess now we wait" Jungkook whispers and I nod. Now we wait.
Eunwoo's POV
"Is she sleeping?" I ask to Moonbin when I hear the sobbing stop. He looks at her before nodding at me. "She is". We all sit around her on the floor once he's placed her comfortably on the couch. I feel their worry and I know mine isn't any better. We don't know what to expect from her sleeping. Is it going to be peaceful? Anxious? Dangerous? Is her new memories going to mix with the old? Is she going to get something new and even more terrifying? Or was her soulmates' memories going to bring her love and calm? There was truly no way of knowing and it was scary.
"MJ, do you want to help me make some food for everyone?" I hear Rocky ask and they both head to the kitchen, trying to use their time wisely, instead of worrying and doing nothing. It was indeed almost time for supper, the sun had left us quite a while ago.
"I'm going to stay by her side" I murmur and they all nod. They know the love I have for her, I was there for her since the beginning. It hurts so much to see that her situation isn't getting any better and I feel so powerless. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up from my fists to see Sanha smiling at me. His eyes are sad, but he's still trying to show that everything will be fine. I put my hand on his, smiling in return.
"She'll be fine, she has us" he says and I know he's right, we all know that. I hear her whimpers and rush to her side, putting my hand on her forehead. Her temperature is rising quickly and I send cold waves of relief, numbing every pain I can find. What I can feel is only just a little of what she's experiencing and yet, I'm already struggling to think, it was devastating for her body.
The bond shakes from MJ's end and I can already guess what he's thinking. If only he could send her illusions of happy memories, take over the bad ones.
But it wouldn't work, he had already tried. It transformed her bad memory and became a blend of both, destroying what she previously held dearly close to her heart. He had felt so bad, saying that he took away her precious memory. She knew it wasn't his fault and assured him they would make new ones, that it was fine. But he never forgot, he still feels indebted to her for that, sometimes saying how he owes her beautiful memories, he's always trying to bring her on the best dates he can think of, bringing us with them sometimes.
He's so precious, to us as his soulmates, but also to Y/N. If only he could see that to her, it's not the memories as much as his presence that she wants. She just wants us by her side, something we can easily do.
And do it we would. Because the state of her soul was deteriorating and it was terrifying.
"Do you think her soulmates can save her?" Sanha whispers from next to me and I shuffle, trying to sit comfortably.
"I really hope they can. I already know that they'll do everything in their power to try. They won't let her die. They can't".
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