The shower
I wake up in total darkness, my eyes wide awake and sleep nowhere as needed as it had been when the rush suddenly left my body.
No, right now, it's pure humiliation as I remember my reaction after transferring the drawing from one source to another.
I groan as I bring my hands to my face, embarrassment filling me up when a hand suddenly grabs mine to free my face. I startle out of my skin before a light turns on to see Jungkook's sleepy face staring at me.
"Is everything okay?" he asks with a low raspy voice, causing my heart to skip a beat before his actual words sink in. "Yes. Just remembering yesterday. I didn't expect the experience to get to me that much, that might have been a little too many papers for getting back into it after so many years".
He chuckles and makes me roll to my side so I can hide in his arms. "It was weird, but cute. Namjoon got affected just the same as you, you both were a piece of work" he says with a tired laugh and I can't help but laugh with him. "I know. I should apologize when I see him. And poor Waffle. I owe him some excuses too in the morning" I mumble before setting my head down against his chest.
His hand automatically goes to my head where he proceeds to play with my hair. I would purr if I could and he seems to read right through me when he starts using his nails to scratch my scalp. I moan at the feeling, tingles spreading all over my brain in the process. My strongest weakness.
"I could stay like that forever" I hum and he chuckles, his fingers moving from around my ears, to the nape of my neck and up again to the top of my head. The feeling almost makes me pass out right there and then, but I fight to stay awake.
"Kookie" I groan, my eyes fighting to stay open and I raise my head to set my chin on his chest, my eyes gazing right at his. His eye smile seems proud of the state I find myself in, but he still stops moving his fingers around, instead lowering them to my back in a comforting embrace.
He leans forward to leave a kiss on my head and, after turning off the light, gets back down on his pillow. "Sleep now, it's too early to start the day" he whispers and I nod, wrapping myself around him to be more comfortable. I then fall asleep again after giving up the fight.
I wake up a second time for what seems only a few minutes later. It's still dark outside, so I figure it can't have been more than an hour or two. Slowly making my way out of Jungkook's arms and then out of bed, I quietly walk to the door and open it to walk down the stairs.
What I don't expect to find is Namjoon reading in the living room. He pushes his glasses up his nose and raises his eyes to stare at me. The first few seconds scare me, as if I was caught doing something bad, but he smiles soon after and pats the space next to him.
I sheepishly walk to him to see Waffle sleeping against his side, his soft snores filling the room as his not so small body could easily fill a seat and a half if he wasn't rolling into a ball.
I sit down and look at the book he's reading, something about advanced medicine that I don't understand. "Can't sleep anymore?" he asks with his low voice, his hand darting to remove some hair from my eyes.
"Well, I did sleep almost all day yesterday" I reply in a chuckle, causing him to have a small laugh before closing his book and turning to me. "So, explain something to me" he starts simply, but it's enough to have me tensing since I don't know what to expect. "How is transferring many pages into one moving picture any different from giving life to a picture?".
It takes me a moment to register the innocence in his question, nowhere as bad as being scolded for how it made us both drunk on Jungkook's emotions.
"Hum, well, it's quite simple actually. Using my body as the transfer line, it's just connecting the drawings together to follow an order of movement and so appearing as if it's actually alive. My body doesn't absorb anything, it's just... a mean of transportation. The emotions that pass through are the same, my body can't really process them since they pass by so quick, so it ends up affecting me as if I drank wine straight from the bottle without taking a break".
His eyes are wide, slowly taking in the explanation to try and understand.
"I just didn't think it would affect us that much, it's usually a very light buzzing feeling, like getting near to being drunk, but not quite there. This was... on an other level. I didn't realize the amount of work to be done, Jungkook drew very detailed drawings, and he drew a lot. I'm sorry for getting you in that state" I add and worryingly watch his reaction.
A wide smile appears on his face and he starts laughing, body shaking quietly as his eyes close in amusement. "It's alright, although I wasn't in full control of my body, I did have fun. It's good to let loose once in a while" he replies and ruffles my hair playfully, which earns him a giggle from me. "Just maybe warn me next time" he adds and I bashfully nod.
"What are you going to do today?" he asks after of moment of comfortable silence. I pucker my lips in thoughts and shrug. "I'll probably head to the gallery. There's a lot to be taken care of still and I haven't started taking pictures, I'm still wondering if I should just skip it this time since so much is going on".
His eyes stare at me intently, as if trying to pierce through my soul. I stare back in confusion, feeling myself blush at a slow rate from his intimidating eyes, although they're still holding their usual warmth, he looks much more serious than usual this morning.
"I know the bond is a pretty good way to know how you feel, but I really wish to hear it from you. How do you feel about... your health situation?".
I look down and take hold of his hand closer to me with a small smile. "I believe that we'll get through this. I don't want to fall into despair, I want to keep my head held high and enjoy every day with all of you. I'm going to fight until we can finally live a peaceful life without having to worry about everything".
I look up to see him staring at me with glassy eyes. "You're strong, Y/N. I wish I could say the same. I'm scared. Very scared that we might not be able to do enough to save you. That one day, you'll slip through our fingers and we'll lose you forever" he says with a voice that appears strong, but the bond between us is shaking, vulnerable, fragile.
He sets his book on the coffee table and pats his lap. "Come sit here" he whispers and opens his arms for me to snuggle into. I do as asked, knowing how much he needs the contact. I sit across his legs and lay my head on his shoulder as his arms wrap around me.
I can feel Waffle's warmth through my back, bringing even more comfort to my soul as I let Namjoon burrow his face in my hair. I slide my arms around him and we stay still for a long time. No words need to be said, the bond speaking for us. This is very much needed.
We eventually both doze off, not quite asleep, but not fully awake either, until the sounds of soulmates waking up start filling the silence around us. It's the feeling of lips pressed against my cheek that has me opening my eyes to see Jin hovering over us with a small "Good morning, Sugar plum" he whispers and I give a small smile in return. "Good morning, Jinnie".
Namjoon moves a little as he wakes up from a deeper nap than intended and looks around, a little confused. "Is it already this late?" he asks in a deep sleepy voice and Jin nods. "Taehyung and Jungkook are in the shower to get ready, Jimin is in the kitchen to make breakfast. Hoseok and Yoongi have yet to wake up, but it shouldn't be too long before the smell of bacon pulls them in by the nose".
I giggle at the image it brings to my mind and Jin beams before booping my nose cutely. "You both go wash up, you can use the shower downstairs, Namjoon can go join the other two upstairs" he says and helps me up from Namjoon's lap before walking me to the door leading to the bathroom.
I turn to him when I feel his concern seeping through lightly. He sighs and runs a hand through my hair softly, his eyes softening when I unconsciously lean into his touch. "Don't lock the door, please. Don't hesitate to call for help if there's anything going on. I honestly would wait by the bath without looking to be ready for anything, but that would be going a bit too far. Just..." he starts rambling, his heart growing even more worried by the second and I gently grab his collar to make him bend down to my level.
I bring both hands to cup his face and smile at him. "I promise to be careful. If it makes you reassured, I don't mind you staying in the bathroom, as long as you don't look. I understand your worry and I trust you" I say and watch as his eyes widen at my words before creasing in relief. "Thank you" he whispers, causing me to peck his cheeks one after the other with a grin. His ears take on a red shade and he gives me a shy smile.
"I'll get some clothes in my room" I murmur before releasing him and get inside my bedroom, only now noticing Waffle following behind me. He looks still half asleep and oh so adorable. I crouch down in front of him and open my arms to hug his big body.
With what I can only describe as a wide smile, Waffle quickly runs to me and his body bumps into me so strongly I almost fall back down on my back. I quickly grab his fur in a moment of light panic to keep my balance and then start giggling when his attitude seems totally unaffected by the pulling. He starts licking my face and neck before pulling back to stare at me with his smart eyes.
"You did good yesterday with keeping an eye on us. I'm sorry for how I handled you when I made us spin around" I whisper and he barks softly to accept my apology. I pat his head with a smile and walk to my dresser to find an outfit to wear for the day. Hiding the panties and bra in the middle of the pile, I walk out of my room and to the bathroom to find Jin putting a towel in the drying machine.
After setting my clothes down by the sink, I turn to see him already walking to me. "The towel will be all warm waiting for you when you're done with the shower, so just tell me and I'll get it out for you" he explains and I nod, still not moving as I keep my eyes on him. He does the same, growing confused as seconds tick by.
"Jin" I whisper, internally smiling when I see his eyebrows furrow. "I need to undress". He blinks a few time, face not changing its expression until his eyes widen, realization finally kicking in.
"Oh. Right, sorry" he mumbles before shyly turning away, his ears almost smoking from how hot they seem. "I won't look, I promise" he adds and I chuckle. "I know, Jinnie, I believe you". He closes the door and stands guard by it to make sure no one enters and I proceed to remove my clothes one piece after the other.
I mush everything into a pile, my dirty underwear again stuck in the middle to hide them from sight and I drop the ball of clothes into the bin. Then turning on the water in the shower, I wait until the water is warm enough before entering inside.
I sigh as I enjoy the warmth's effect on my muscles and turn to see Jin going to sit on the flat surface by the bath. He doesn't seem to know what to do with himself, his eyes fixated on the floor and I can't help but chuckle at the sight.
A knock on the door can be heard and Jin turns to the door. "Y/N is taking a shower, just wait a little or go upstairs" he says, not aware of the impact his words can have. "What?! She's in the shower and you're- hyung! Are you showering with her?!" we hear from the other side of the door and Jin's eyes widen. "No! I'm just staying nearby to make sure nothing happen-"
"You're watching her while she's naked?! Yoongi-hyung, take over the cooking, I have a hyung to scold" who I recognize as Jimin says before the door opens and closes quickly, eyes avoiding the shower, but glaring at Jin who seems shocked to say the least.
"You're going to scold me?! I'll have you know that Y/N gave me permission to stay since I was so worried about her, you don't need to-"
"Y/N, baby jewel, can I stay too to make sure nothing happens to you?" the man sweetly asks without turning to me and I sigh before agreeing. I can't possibly say yes to one and then refuse an other... it would seem like favoritism, wouldn't it?
They won't look, it's fine, I believe them... But maybe I shouldn't?
"Well, you see, maybe I should actually stay alo-" I start but the door bursts open again. I see Yoongi and Hoseok walk in before closing the door behind them. Oh no.
"I can't believe you two are thinking about staying alone with Y/N while she's showering, just how desperate are you guys?!" Yoongi growls and goes to sit next to Jin by the bath while Hoseok leans against the wall, his eyes on his soulmates who sheepishly stare at the floor.
Everything seems like a good idea at first, until they actually have to face their choices. The same goes for me. I'm about to open my mouth when the door opens yet again, showing a fresh out of the shower trio of men who then again close the door to scowl at the others. "Why are you all in the bathroom while Y/N is showering? You dirty men-"
"But Joonie, you're here too" Jimin flatly says, effectively shutting the man up with the truth. Taehyung and Jungkook lean against the wall right next to Hoseok and a glaring contest starts happening before my eyes.
Feeling incredibly awkward right now, I get the shampoo and smother a good quantity in my hands before starting to scrub my hair clean, my eyes still on the men who are very quietly staying at the side.
I don't really pay attention to what I'm doing, so when my eyes start stinging, I can't help but yelp and groan at the feeling. "I got shampoo in my damn eyes" I whine before quickly letting my eyes open under the water to try and soothe them, unaware of the battle the men are fighting against themselves to not run to me.
I rinse my hair and as I turn around, slowly falling into my happy bubble, I knock a bottle off the shelf, it falling straight on my foot, causing me to yelp again. "What happened?! Are you okay?" I hear Jungkook scream and nod with a wince. "Yeah, sorry, a bottle fell on my toes, I'll be fine" I say and hear a collective sigh.
"You know guys, I think I'll be fine, you can leave" I try, but expect the united 'No' that leaves their mouths. "At this rhythm, you'll trip on something and hit your head, I should've never come in here, now that I know how dangerous you are in the shower, I can't bear leaving you alone" Taehyung mumbles under his breath, causing me to hear only a few words.
"The shower is dangerous? Why?" I repeat in confusion, but the man just shakes his head and sighs. "Just... hurry up, alright?" he says and I frown. "Why should I hurry? This is my moment in the shower, at first it was only Jin to make sure I wouldn't fall victim to my memories, but now it's like I'm about to perform an opera to blind people. Just let me wash my butt at my own rhythm" I retort, not missing Yoongi's wide eyes before a smirk takes place on his face.
"If you need help for that, I volunteer" he claims and I almost trip on my own feet. "Hyung!" "Yah!" "Me too!" can be heard and I don't know how to feel anymore. "Who the heck said me too?!" Jin shrieks and I see Jimin proudly raise his hand. "I did- yaoutch!" he screams as he gets majorly slapped by Jin and Jungkook.
"I can wash anything you want, Kitten, you only need to ask" Taehyung adds after a moment of silence and the bickering starts again.
Oh dear. What have I done. "This is the last time I'm allowing someone inside. Next time I'm locking the damn lock" I whisper under my breath.
"I can teleport inside though" Hoseok retorts and a loud snort can be heard from Namjoon.
"You guys are impossible!" Jungkook whines with despair. "I'll bring you with me if you stop whining" Hoseok tells him, causing the younger one to shut up quickly. Yoongi smirks. "See, you're no better than any of us, kiddo".
I rinse my body after scrubbing it clean and sigh. "You guys do realize that I'm hearing everything, right?".
"We do, dear, we do. We wouldn't be hanging out here if not for you after all" Jimin says with a wide smile and chuckles to himself when he feels my annoyance through the bond.
"Guys" Namjoon mumbles suddenly and we all turn to him. "Who's keeping an eye on the food?".
A gasp.
"Not the bacon!".
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