The second meeting
Jimin's POV
When Taehyung arrives, we all gather around him like moths to the light. Now that he's here, we all can feel even stronger the emotions that overwhelm him. I tug at his arms, Yoongi didn't tell us anything after contacting him, but I could sense the impatience emanating from him. And I only ever saw him that impatient when one of us would announce that we found one of our soulmates. I don't dare get my hopes up, but it still lingers in my mind, spreading like wildfire.
"Tae, tell us, what happened? What was all that about?" I ask and he brings me with him to the living room, enjoying the suspense he creates, a huge grin taking place on his face. He sits on the couch and I take place next to him, quietly waiting until he starts speaking. The others are following, staying up around us like children listening to a story. "Jiminie, I found her, our last soulmate". My heart stops beating, then doubles over and picks up the pace. "What?" is all I manage, my mind suddenly a puddle. Jin steps forward and and sits besides him on the other side and turns his face towards his gently. "Is that true?" he asks in a small voice, as if scared that speaking any louder will wake him up. Taehyung nods eagerly. "And guys, she's stunning, she's got the grace of a butterfly, so delicate. She has the seven rings of fate, one was red, I just know it was her".
We all look at each other. The calm before the storm. Then we all start jumping around like children, laughing and screaming of happiness. Yoongi sits next to Taehyung and Jin looks at us with fondness, the three of them enjoying the view. I look at Taehyung and see little tears in his eyes. He took it the hardest, feeling like his ability was a waste, so to see us so happy was like a balm on his heart.
Namjoon is the first to calm down and soon we follow suit, quiet excitement soon taking place. "Do you know her name?" he then asks after sitting down comfortably on the carpet. I sit down next to him and let my head fall on his shoulder, waiting to hear more about her. Jungkook sits next to Jin and Hoseok sits next to me, a hand on my knee with a smile.
"Sadly, no. She just gave me a picture and then left" he says while looking down, puppy look on his face. "You mean you didn't run after her?!" Hoseok asks in an almost betrayed tone and Yoongi laughs. "I asked him the same thing" he says when we look at him confused. I sit up straight. "Wait, you're saying you knew?". "Yep" he says, popping the p with a smirk. Mouth ready to spit fire, I look at him like a bad kitty ready to take over the neighborhood when Taehyung clears his throat, forcing us to look back at him. "Don't you guys want to see the picture?" "Yes!" I shout, making my two closest soulmates wince. Tae giggles and takes it out of his wallet. "You all better be careful with it" he adds before handing it to Jin.
Right away, the bond gets a bunch of emotions, awe, love, surprise, realization. "She gives life to pictures! Taehyung, this picture is perfect, you look like a prince" he exclaims, making us all look at him with wide eyes, particularly Jungkook. "Did she feel the picture?" Hoseok asks, curious, but Taehyung shakes his head. "I somehow really doubt it. She seems like someone sweet and understanding, I was lost in thoughts, I don't think she would intrude". We nod, if it's true, then we got ourselves a really good-natured little soulmate.
Jin seems to doubt a little. "I don't know, people with this ability usually feel a strong pull to feel the picture when they give life to it, why would she resist the pull for a stranger?". I look at him, mad that he even thought something like that about our soulmate. "Not everyone give in to their instinct! Maybe she really didn't, you don't know!" Jin shakes his head, I can feel he's upset through the bond. "I'm not saying she's a bad person, Jiminie, I'm just saying that we don't know much about her yet". I huff, but Hoseok's hand on me serves to ground me, to calm me. "It's fine, Jimin, we can ask her when the time comes" Namjoon whispers in my ear and I nod, feeling my anger subside slightly.
I can sense Jin's energy, he feels bad for doubting her and I bite my bottom lip, looking at my hand, at the rings of fate, only one of them dark and cold. We all want to see her and love her, of course Jin is no exception. I shouldn't blame him for thinking something that might be true. A mist of love sets upon me and I look up to see Jin staring at me, eyes warm with a small smile. I respond with a smile of my own, sending him love through the bond and I see everyone relax slightly, feeling the wave tickle them before reaching Jin and I watch as his face beams with happiness. "She's got talent, is she a professional photographer?" Namjoon says simply, ending with a question without really expecting a reply and I look at the picture in his hands. My breath gets caught in my throat. I watch as the moving butterflies fly around Taehyung. This is so like him, to attract even these small easily scared creatures towards him. I notice the one on his head and I giggle. "Tae, even the butterfly thinks your fluffy hair is soft". He giggles softly, his smooth, warm voice sending tingles on my skin.
Hoseok takes it from my hands and looks at it, mouth agape. "Do you think she'll agree to take some of us too? he asks and I can't help but wonder too. I want to see how she sees us, how we would end up on a moving photograph. Hoseok gets up from the carpet to give the picture to Yoongi. All he does is smile, but we all feel how proud he is to have such a talented soulmate and the love he has for her already. "Someone who views the world like her can't possibly be bad" he whispers, but we all hear. And we all agree.
"Jin hyung" Taehyung starts. "Hm?". He looks at his oldest soulmate with a pout. "I'm hungry". Jin coos, both hands on Tae's cheeks. "Such a cutie! We need to go grocery shopping then!" But before leaving, could someone be a dear and go buy something cold to drink for the road? It's getting warmer and we'll need to walk for quite some time".
Namjoon gets up on his feet and helps me do the same. "I'll go" he says and I follow behind him. "Me too! Text us what you want!" I continue as we wear our shoes. "I think I saw a cafe on the way here... Scenery. You should go there" Taehyung says and we agree easily. "See you later!" we say and close the door behind us.
Your POV
I clean my table, putting everything on my plate. I take one last sip of my drink, feeling sad when it's too small to really taste something. "Well that felt good, I could go for a nap now" I think out loud before walking towards the trash area, setting my plate with the others. The bell from the door rings and I hear a strong but smooth voice say "Hello". I head towards the door, ready to exit, but can't help but glance at the owner of the voice. I see a tall man, standing straight and proud. He has a look of authority, but his eyes seem to hold a lot of love. He glances at me and smiles before turning back to the counter, looking at the menu in his hands. I blush a little, I was caught staring, this is the worst.
I step outside, the bell singing for my exit before the door closes behind me. Resisting the urge to look a second time at the man through the glass door, I head towards the fountain. The sun is still high in the sky and it feels warmer now, but I enjoy the moment, closing my eyes.
"You cute little kittie, you want to be pet on the belly, huh? Dawww" I open my eyes to see a man crouched in front of a little cat, scratching its belly with a huge smile on his face. His blond hair shines in the light and his chubby yet defined face makes my heart skip a beat. What is wrong with me today, gaping at handsome men? The soft, caramel giggles that leave his mouth makes me stare again and without thinking, I get my camera. The purring cat, its tail moving in contentment, his eye smile hiding the color away, holding it like a secret as he enjoys himself. I press the button and print it, just like the others before.
The sound seems to get his attention, but I don't realize that he gets closer until I see feet in front of me. He crouches in front of me and looks at me straight in the eyes, a look of pure delight on his face. He then looks at the picture in my hands. "I..." I start but decide to show him instead. It would be awkward to feel the picture right in front of him so I decide against it and just give some of my energy into it. The wind makes his hair move, the cat's happiness now visible as it starts moving. I hand it to him, waiting with anxious anticipation as to what his reaction will be. He's so close, I can't possibly just leave without it being rude. He takes the picture, somehow making sure to avoid direct contact with my skin. His eyes brighten up with stars and he looks at me with amazement.
"You're so talented! Thank you for this, really" he says, giving me his biggest smile. "Y-you're welcome" I manage to blurt out and get up from the ground, ready to leave. "Wait!" he exclaims and I stop in my tracks. "What's your name?" I turn around to look at him. "Why do you want to know?" I ask with curiosity, people never really ask questions about me when I give them pictures, all they want to know is how or why. He doesn't seem deterred by it and takes a step closer to me. "My name is Jimin. We might see each other again and I want to be able to remember your name" he says, eyes holding a glint, like there's one more reason. "Y/N" I whisper before walking away. "I'll see you again soon, Y/N!" he shouts and somehow, hearing my name from his mouth makes me feel warm and loved. I snicker. Like that's possible, why would a stranger love me? I wave at him, not turning around to see him, it feels like I wouldn't be able to walk away if I did.
"Who were you talking to?" I hear, voice sounding the same as the man from the cafe. "It's ou-" I'm too far to hear now and I don't really mind, it's not my conversation and eavesdropping isn't something I like to do. Except when it's for a picture. When the subject isn't aware of my presence. Okay maybe that's a little creepy, but they're usually happy with the results. I decide to head back home, I need to sort out the pictures I took today, see if I could use some of them for the Gallery. I don't have a lot of time left and there are still fifteen spots to be filled.
I take my keys and unlock the door, only to be surprised when I realize the door is already unlocked. I step inside and remove my shoes. The lights turn on and I look to see Moonbin and Eunwoo. "Oh, you guys are here? I was wondering if I had forgotten to lock the door" I say as I head towards the living room, taking my laptop from the kitchen on the way. They stick close to me and hum. "We arrived like an hour ago, where were you?" Moonbin asks and we all sit on the couch, them on either side of me. "What do you think?" I say with a smug expression, pointing to my camera dangling from my neck. Eunwoo giggles and Moonbin just tsks his tongue.
I connect my camera to my laptop and transfer the pictures. I took around thirty, it shouldn't take too long. The guys wait, impatient to see what caught my eye today and I can't help but feel pleased at the sight. They are my two biggest fans, the ones who support me through everything. "Oh, who's this guy?" I hear Moonbin ask and I gaze at the screen. "He's handsome" he adds, pointing at the man with the butterflies. I don't reply and just keep scrolling through the pictures. "That's suspicious" Eunwoo whispers and I feel my cheeks warm up. "Even more suspicious" Moonbin adds and I huff. "That's enough you two!". They just laugh and bring their attention back to the screen. "Oh?" Moonbin points to the guy from earlier. "Another handsome man, you were on a roll girl" he says and I bite my bottom lip. "It's not my fault if they look good... I was taking a picture before I even realized it"
I start sorting the pictures, placing the men from today in a different file, naming one of them Jimin before concentrating on what's important right now, the Gallery. Seeing the resolved look on my face, the two men get up from the couch and head to my room to give me some space. "Don't overdo it, okay?" Eunwoo says with a tinge of worry in his voice. I only hum, already in my own little world as they close the door. And I start connecting to the pictures.
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