The fourth meeting
MJ leaves after a making sure I have eaten all of the food and I tell him to thank Rocky for the food since he made most of it.
"I will, now you take care of yourself, we'll be back tonight. Don't worry about food, we'll eat before coming over, we don't want to overwhelm you. Don't stress too much about what will happen, you won't be alone" he says and I hug him, taking in his smell and his warmth.
I don't feel like being alone today, but it is what it is, they have work too. "I'm sorry, you know we can't just cancel last minute, I swear I would if I could. Just go to the library today, okay? Take a book you enjoy and lose yourself in magical adventures" he says after hearing my thoughts. I nod against his shoulder and I step back to allow him to leave. I wave at his back and once he's out of view, I close the door.
"The library, huh... That's not a bad idea. I could read the next book of my favorite series". After agreeing with his idea, I go get dressed comfortably, the clothes I wore this morning being too stiff to my liking. They're good for walking, not that much for sitting. I wear my gloves since my hands tend to get cold when I read and it makes me uncomfortable. I take my bag and head outside.
I decide against bringing my camera. Today, I just want to relax and recover since I still feel drained from giving life to so many pictures, but more especially because of the dreams. I push the thought to the back of my mind. Today, I focus on something I like.
The air is getting a little bit warmer, different from earlier when it was still dark. I start walking down the path that leads to the library, watching the town wake up slowly. I see people yawning, eyes half closed as they stretch away their drowsiness. I yawn and growl. I hate feeling obligated to do the same just because I see or hear them. Even just hearing the word yawn makes me want to yawn. This has to be a curse.
I eventually see the library and open the heavy wooden door, enjoying the smell of paper that takes over the salty sea. I take a moment for my eyes to get used to the darkness and head over to my usual section and I take the second book of the soulmate series. Yes, I know. The girl can't find her soulmates, so she reads a fake story about someone who found hers. Classic, right?
I take a seat at a table far away from everyone else, sector hidden by shelves, which makes it a great hiding spot and I open the first page of the book.
Namjoon's POV
When I hear the door open and close, I get out of bed, wondering who went out so early. I go downstairs and am surprised to find Yoongi by the door removing his shoes.
"Where did you go?" I ask as I get closer, worried when I sense something weird from him. Happy, but sad, upset. "Did something happen?" I add when he doesn't answer, instead entering the living room and sitting on the couch. I follow him and sit next to him. I make him lean on me, back against my chest as I spoon him, a hand playing with his hair. I hear him hum quietly and I smile at his cuteness.
"I went by the sea, I couldn't sleep. I met our soulmate there." I don't say anything, give him the time to gather his thoughts. "She was really sweet. We talked, mostly about her ability". "And what was said?" I ask, trying to find out what was bothering him and I know I've hit the nail when I sense a rush of upset taking place in his heart. "She couldn't sleep because of some memories. Not hers, someone else's, from pictures probably. I could see the hurt in her eyes because of them. She also thought I would treat her like a monster when I found out about what she could do. Do you think it happens, that she gets treated badly?" I hear his voice crack a little and it breaks my heart.
I set my head on his, reaching for his hand and lacing our fingers together. "I don't know" I reply honestly. I really don't. I would want to say no, but if she thought it would happen, it's because it does happen. "What I do know is that we'll be there to take care of her. Be with her through the bad, through the good". He nods and I feel our bond overflow with love. A blanket of calm surrounds us and I look up to see Jin smiling at us. "I heard everything and I agree with Joonie" he says while walking closer, taking the both of us in his arms, crouching a little to be at our height.
We stay like that for a while, but I feel Yoongi's still upset about something. "What is it, Yoongi?" I ask, nudging him gently to look at me. He turns around and looks at us. "She said someone was waiting for her at home. A certain MJ and a group that would search for her if she took too long. Who are they?"
Jin looks at me, raised eyebrows when trying to think of something to say. "They might just be her friends. I don't think you should overthink this until you get the whole pictures, dear". We try to comfort him the best we can and eventually, he settles and calms down, upset leaving place to content.
"Oh, yeah, she did take my picture" he says while reaching for something in his pocket, shuffling a little to reach the end. "Mine's the prettiest so far" he adds with a smug and I laugh, excited to see it. When he delicately gives it to me, I know I need to be extra careful with it. It's his first memory from our soulmate, it's very important. I look at the picture, stars glistening in my eyes when I look at the contrast of colors, the moon, the sea, both of them making Yoongi stand out even more, making him look so very beautiful. I hear Jin gasp and proudness emanates from Yoongi, like he's the one who took the picture. "She has talent like I've never seen. It's not just her ability, the way she sees the world is something else" he says, voice soft. Jin nods and I gaze at him, enjoying the smile that plays on his face like the sun on a cold day. He takes the picture and secures it in his pocket again, patting the cloth one last time before looking up at Jin.
"Should we make breakfast now? The others won't wake up anytime soon, but I'm hungry". I slowly get up on my feet. "I'm hungry too, l can help" I say and when I try to walk, I find my body unable to move. "You help by encouraging us, from outside the kitchen" Yoongi orders and I pout. "You don't need to use your ability, I won't walk into the kitchen". Jin laughs and we head towards the kitchen. Except I carefully stay on the opposite side of the counter. As much as I want to show them that I can improve, I find myself still enjoying the view.
Yoongi uses his telekinesis ability to get the tools they need while Jin gets the ingredients. It's not their first time cooking together, but it doesn't happen a lot and it's always a sight to see. I know Yoongi uses his telepathy ability from time to time to impress me, because their teamwork is delicate, well times, no mistakes done, they're just turning and switching places like it's the most natural thing to do.
I hear slow steps walking into the room and I look back to see a sleepy Taehyung walking closer towards me. I open my arms for him and he engulfs himself into them, humming in contentment when he feels the warmth. "Did you sleep well, Tae?" I ask, bringing a stool closer with my foot to let him sit next to me. He nods and looks at the duo in the kitchen. "Oh, it's not often Yoongi-hyung does something other than sleep or make music. The said man glares at Tae, pointing at him with a utensil. "You ungrateful boy, say something like that one more time and you won't get any cuddles from me for a whole day" he says before giving his attention back to the food. I can only laugh because I know he doesn't mean it, the very idea of refusing our small puppy a hug breaks his heart. Taehyung obviously knows it too because he only grins, also enjoying the view.
"It's ready, you all go sit at the table, you too Yoongi dear, I'll take care of the rest" Jin says and we obey, stomach rumbling loudly. Taehyung sits next to me, Yoongi in front of him. Once everything is set on the table, I put some food on my plate, making sure to fill the others' plates too, earning me quite a few smiles and a kiss on the cheek from Taehyung. I take a bite and close my eyes, enjoying the taste. "Good as always, we're really blessed with talented soulmates" I say and Yoongi just grins proudly. Jin's ears go red while he tries to keep a confident look. "O-of course, one of your soulmates is worldwide handsome Jin, only good things can happen when he's present!". We all laugh and keep eating, feeding each other from time to time with a smile.
Once we're done, I help putting the dishes away, Yoongi ready in case I drop something and Taehyung starts cleaning them, singing and dancing at the same time, well awake now thanks to the food.
I linger around while Yoongi goes upstairs with Jin, not wanting to leave my younger soulmate alone. His antics make me smile, if anyone can have fun while cleaning the dishes, it's him.
"Tae, I was thinking about going to the library today, do you want to come with me?" I ask, looking at the time on my phone. "They should be open by now" I add, waiting for his response. I feel excitement through the bond. It's not often I invite him specifically to spend time outside since I'm always busy so I thought I should try and make up for all the time I neglected him.
He jumps of joy and I laugh at the sight. "Yes, of course I'll come!" he shouts and he gives his all into washing the dishes so we can leave soon. "Go wear something comfortable when you're done, I'll wait by the door".
He nods happily and I go put my shoes on while taking a coat in case it's cold in the library, I know Tae likes to be warm. After a few minutes, he appears behind me and gets ready to go out, sing song filling the silence. Seeing him so happy makes me regret being so busy with work, I want to make him happy like that everyday. He takes my hand and starts pulling like his life depends on it. "Let's go!" he screams and I follow him with a deep laugh, our bond exploding with satisfaction.
And while we walk hand in hand, I listen to him as he tells me thousands of stories. About his dreams, his hopes, what he wants to eat, his favorite desserts, the books he hopes to find, how much he loves our soulmates, his boxy smile filling me with happiness when he laughs at his own jokes. So when we reach the library, it feels like the walk went by too fast. I almost want to go back home and start over, I want to spend more time like this with him, put he pulls me inside, forces me to just enjoy what I have right now. Him by my side.
I look around me, eyes sparkling when I take in the old yet clean feel of the library. It looks like out of a fairy tale, a castle that was abandoned only to become the protector of books. Taehyung giggles when he looks at me, but I can't blame him, I know I must look like a fool, mouth wide open and eyes not getting enough of what they see. "You're so cute, hyung. I'll go find books to read, don't search for me, you know I'll find you!" he says before running away, in search of the perfect books that will take him on quests to save the world. I chuckle, he's the cute one. I turn around one last time before heading towards a random section, looking at the books, not sure about what I want to read.
As a student learning to become a doctor, I take knowledge very seriously. It's what allows me to save my patient's life, what helps me understand their pain. So when I find book about how to understand one's soul, I can't help but be curious. I'm no doctor of the mind, that's Taehyung's domain, but the soul, that's something no one really masters. Because the soul is something so complex, different from one person to an other. So I take it, not really expecting much from it except a good reading time. I walk around, trying to find a table and see one far away from the eyes. Someone's here already so I quietly get closer.
"Excuse me, would you mind if I sit here?" I ask in a hushing tone to not break the calm that surrounds the table. She seems surprised at first but then smiles at me and motions for the seat. "Go ahead, it's fine". I smile and set the book down before taking a seat. I see her gaze at the book curiously and I slide it closer to her so she can see the title. Her eyes lighten in recognition and she raises her eyebrows. "It's rare to see someone interested in books like these". I bring it back in front of me and stare at it.
"I guess it is. As a future doctor, the soul isn't really my expertise, it's no one's really, but as someone who likes to learn, this book just seems fascinating". She hums happily and I give her a confused look. "It's a good book. It doesn't teach how to cure the soul, but it explains how life can affect the soul, both in a good and in a bad way and how it impacts life as a result. How we grow to change so much from experiences and memories. I found it really interesting".
I listen closely to her every words, somehow finding myself wanting to hear her more. The way she speaks tells of someone who likes to learn and share. She wishes me a good time reading and gets back into her own world, eyes losing the smile to become more serious, curious, sad. I guess a lot is happening in her book. I smirk before opening my own and I lose myself in it's knowledge. Yet, I can't help the pull she has on me as my eyes linger from the book to her silhouette. How she seems to pout every so often, or the way her eyes widen when she seems surprised. I try to see her left hand, see her finger, her ring of fate, somehow wondering if it could be her, but it's well hidden in a thin glove to keep her hands warm. I sigh and get back to reading.
"Is it not interesting? You keep sighing since earlier" I hear and I look up to see her looking at me with a sly smile. I blush slightly, hands dropping the book to scratch the back of my neck. "It's not that, the book is really good, it's just-". "Hyung, found you!" I hear loudly from behind and I turn around to see Taehyung running with a pile of books in his arms. Since we're hidden from the others, all we hear is many shush sounds and Taehyung's face becomes one of a guilty man as he steps closer to the table, feet and breath now as quiet as possible. The lady just chuckles, indicating that she didn't mind, which somehow puts me at ease.
I invite Taehyung to sit in front of me and when he walks closer and looks at the lady next to him, his eyes light up and a huge grin appears on his face. Curious, I look at her and I see surprise when she looks from him to me many times, like she's linking some information together in her mind. "You..." she starts, voice stopping there when she doesn't know what to say. Taehyung just chuckles and puts the books down on the table before taking place in front of me. He turns towards me and motions to her with a smile. "She's the one who took our pictures".
Surprised, but not so much, I look at her with renewed curiosity. "Ahhh, I see, I've heard a lot about you, it's nice to finally meet you, Y/N" I say and watch as her face takes a rosy tone. "You all seem to know my name already" she murmurs and I laugh. "Right, only Jimin was smart enough to share his, right? I'm Namjoon" I start and Taehyung jumps quietly on his seat. "I'm Taehyung, I'm glad I finally got to see you again. Last time you ran away before I could thank you for the picture" he says and her face now turns red. "I'm sorry about that, it's a habit I have, leaving as soon as the picture leaves my hands, I'm glad to hear you like it" she says, a hint of proud in her eyes. She's so adorable.
"Oh, the man you met this morning is named Yoongi, he told us about you too. His picture with the moon is breathtaking" I add and she beams at me. "Great pictures need great models, you need to praise him more than me" she says and I shake my head. "Great models need great photographers to show their best traits". She mumbles under her breath, visibly shy at the compliments. Taehyung stares at me, questions visible in his eyes. "Later" I whisper so she doesn't hear and he nods, turning his attention back to her.
"What's your book about?" he asks her and her eyes sparkle, visibly happy to get to talk about something she likes. "It's about a girl who has multiple soulmates. When she finds out about them she-" I stop listening and just gaze at them, smile on my face.
I can't wait for her to realize who we are, for the day when we can have that at home too, sharing and spending time like this, all of us cuddled together, whispering words of love to one another. It's a day that I hope will come to be very soon.
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