The first meeting
Welcome to everyone! I want to take a moment to ask of you all to please not write insults in comments. You can be mad at anything that will happen (that can give you an idea of you might find in this book) but please, never insult. Insulting a character for being stupid, a bitch or whatever is like insulting me because I am behind the character's choices. So please be careful of your words. Now now, I hope you enjoy this story!
"Okay, camera, let's take some beautiful pictures today!" I say as I step outside, enjoying the feeling of the warm midday sun on my skin. I walk down the street, smiling to anyone I cross path with, locals and visitors alike. I live at a touristic village near the sea. People come here to enjoy the views, the calm, the serenity that envelopes your soul as soon as you step foot here. Most of them are couples, mostly soulmates, although some without the string of fate are seen together as well.
I see a family, happiness seen on their faces, kids running around, laughing. I smile and take my camera, let my eyes and soul take in the sight before I press the button, the clicking sound telling me the memory is now ready to be shared. I walk towards the parents who are sitting near the fountain, see them watching with pride as their kids give pretty flowers to an elderly woman. I take a picture of the scene, press the button right at the moment the old woman goes from sad to crying tears of joy, hugging the two little boys. I look at the screen of my camera, smiling to myself. "These are beautiful" I say and walk closer to the parents, stopping right next to them.
I take out my small printer and connect my camera to it, printing the two pictures. I smile when I see the parents looking at me with curiosity after hearing the sound of the printer doing its job. It takes a few minutes, but once it's done, I look at the pictures and close my eyes, concentrating on the first one, I create a link that connects my soul to the image, letting the world behind it invade my whole existence, putting aside who I am to become one with one of the subjects. I feel myself becoming the smallest boy.
I open my eyes. See how everything seems so big, the smile on my brother's face. The feeling of happiness and a little out of breath that fills me and I run around, jumping next to him. I turn to see my parents smiling at me. My happiness doubles and I feel so proud. Proud that these two humans are there for me, their love visible to the world, love for me, for my brother, for each other. Proud that I get to call them mum and dad.
I force my eyes open, disconnecting the link and watch as the picture comes to life.
I do the same with the other one, ignoring the fascinated looks that the parents give me and create a connection to the second memory, the one of the kids with the old woman.
This time, I feel sad, extremely alone. I feel like crying, looking at my wrinkled hands, ring of fate now dim and almost transparent. Then two pairs of small feet come to view and I look up, seeing beautiful flowers in their hands. I smile, this is the first human contact I've had in ages. When they both give them to me with a big smile, I feel so warm, like my heart will explode. I cry, take the flowers from their tiny hands and give them a hug, using my ability to give them all my love, the love I can't give to my soulmate anymore. See as their faces brighten with the biggest smile I've ever seen.
I open my eyes again, take some time to separate myself from the picture, feel my own emotions, who I am.
"How..." I hear from besides me. I see the mother looking at the moving pictures with tears in her eyes. I gently hand them to her and she takes them with trembling hands. Her soulmate comes to look at the pictures and I see his eyes grow wide and amazed. "This... this is beautiful" he says, his eyes unable to detach from the two specks of living memories he has before him.
Without waiting, I step away. I don't need anything, their smiles enough for me. They don't realize I'm gone until I'm completely out of view. I just feel proud for giving them something they can cherish for years to come. I keep walking around, taking pictures from dogs, birds, flowers. Anything that calls to me, that makes me feel like it deserves to be remembered. I walk into the garden, big flowery field that overlooks the sea. I take in the view, never growing tired of it. The smell of flowers tickles my nose, making me want to bring it back home with me. The multitude of colors around me a sight I want to remember even when I sleep. Then my eyes fall on a man, looking solemnly at the water.
Butterflies fly around him, treating him like he's a flower, his aura making them feel safe and welcome. One of them sets down on his head, his fluffy brown curls transforming into a nest for the little creature. He doesn't seem to realize it. He looks like something taken out of a fairy tale and I can't help but feel attracted to what radiates from him, like a pull. After all, it's not everyday you get to see someone so breathtakingly beautiful.
I get my camera ready and push the button just as the butterfly gets ready to fly again. Without even looking at it, I know it's a master piece. I print it and wonder whether I should feel it or not. Somehow, the idea of intruding in his moment feels wrong. I decide to connect to the picture, but only enabling the link to transfer some of my energy into it, watching as the image starts to move. It feels weird, not feeling the picture, like my soul is missing something. Only giving creates a void, not a big one, but just enough to know that I'm missing a memory. That my soul gave life without seeing the life makes it feel empty, longing for the sight, the feeling. I resist the urge, the need to respect his privacy greater.
I walk closer to him, quietly, I feel bad for bothering him, he seems so lost in his thoughts.
"Where are you, last piece of my soul?" he murmurs, voice tinged with sadness and longing. My heart skips a beat and I breathe slowly, trying to calm its beating. Why am I feeling so shy suddenly? It's not like he's talking about me.
I wonder how to give him the picture when suddenly, he turns towards me, eyes alight with confusion. His eyes are warm, inviting. He stares at me and I can't help blushing, but I still use this moment to hand him the picture. He stops staring at me after a few seconds, as if it was the hardest thing he'd ever done, finally gazing down at my hand. His eyes linger on my hand and then widen. "You-" he starts but I move the picture in front of his face, getting his attention back to it. He takes it, confused and I start leaving, feeling content enough that I could give him this beautiful piece of himself. I feel his gaze on my back, but he doesn't follow me.
I feel my finger itch a little and when I look at it, one of the ring is slightly red, barely noticeable and soon I wonder if I imagined it when it turns completely black. "It can't be, right?" I wonder as I keep walking, not daring to look behind me.
I exit the garden, walking back towards the main square where the restaurants and little shops are. I decide to take a break, feeling pity for my stomach, which has been rumbling for a while now. I didn't eat yet and it was a little past lunch time. I stop at a small cafe named Scenery and walk inside, greeted by the warm ambiance, colors easy on the eyes. I sit at a table near the window and look at the menu.
Taehyung's POV
I decide to spend some time alone. I see the guys hesitate, they know why I want to leave. My worries are overflowing through our bond, my sadness and longing. No matter how many time I try to see our last soulmate, I don't see anything. I need to know them, to see them at least once to be able to see them and it makes me frustrated. How are we meant to find someone if we don't know where to find them?!
Jin had mentioned a small little village where we could go to relax, get out of our routine and enjoy fresh air. It wasn't too far, only an hour by train. At first I didn't want to go, going meant we could miss the day when we'd find our soulmate, what if they appeared when we were gone? But Jin enveloped me with calm and love, his ability making me forget for a moment all my worries while Jimin took my hand, allowing me to feel that everything would be fine. I sighed and smiled at them, knowing how right they were. Everything would be fine, we were together, we were there to support each other through this. We were meant to be with our soulmates after all, the missing one would soon be a part of us.
I leave the small rented apartment and walk around. The old buildings around me impress me. They're so well maintained, they bring a romantic feel to the village. I ask someone which way to go to get to the sea and they point in a direction. I thank them and keep going. The salty air fills my nose and I find a hint of a flowery smell in it. I follow it and soon end up in a big garden. The large trees surrounded by colorful flowers welcome me and I turn towards the sea, the noise of the waves slightly reaching me.
The sight, although beautiful, fills me with loneliness. The wide line separating the sky from the water keeps reminding me that there is a line on my finger that is yet to turn red. While there are six rings that feel warm, proof that my soulmates are well and alive, there's one that is still cold, sleeping, the string of fate waiting for the touch that can link our souls. "Where are you, last piece of my soul?" I feel some worry through the bond and know that I let some of my emotions slip through, so I send them waves of calm and love to tell them that I'm fine.
Then suddenly, I hear the sound of a footstep besides me and I turn to see a face in front of me. I see a beautiful young woman, she must be around my age. Her big doe eyes look at me with wonder and I can't help the tickles of pleasure through my spine as I watch her face slowly turn red. I stare at her, taking in the color of her eyes, her hair that falls down around her face. I see something move and look down to see her left hand reaching to me. My eyes fall on her finger, the black rings except for one catching my eyes. My eyes widen. The pull is very strong and it only means one thing. It's her. I recognize it, the same pull that brought me to my other soulmates. The bright red line that reacts to my own. I finally found her, or more like she found me.
I feel excitement mixed with doubt through the bond, they can feel mine, I feel it buzzing under my skin, making my whole body shiver at the thought. I can feel Yoongi try to contact me, but I don't respond, I don't want to ignore the sight in front of me. "You-" I start but her hand moves in front of my eyes, stopping me in my track. I want to tell her, but the picture makes me confused, taking over my swirling thoughts for a moment. I take it, gazing at it.
The butterflies that surrounded me earlier fly around me while I look away to the sea. She has that ability! It's my first time seeing a moving picture in real life. I get back to my senses, but she's already leaving. Should I run after her? I gaze at her until she gets out of view.
"I know who you are now, little one" I murmur, feeling content. I can finally use my ability and find her, I just know it will show me to her.
I feel Yoongi try to contact me again and I let him in my head. "Taehyung, why didn't you let me in the first time? Did something happen? We're all very confused right now". I smile. "Hyung, I found her. Our missing piece". "What?! Where!" Should I tell them I let her go? "Don't tell me you let her go!". Welp. "Taehyung!" I laugh. I feel their emotions through the bond, going from an extreme to the other. "It's fine, Yoongi, we'll find her easily now, my ability will finally be useful" I say and it calms him. "You're right, sorry, I shouldn't have yelled in your head, come back now please". I feel the connection fade away, leaving his warmth behind.
The others will want to know everything, might as well not waste any time. I start walking, heading straight to the apartment, to my soulmates. And while I walk, my thoughts are only about the face of a particular girl, the shape of her face, her eyes, her nose, her mouth, her hair, her hands. How I longed to hold her hands, feel the connection take place between us, to feel her in the bond, to fill the hole that was waiting for her. "I can't wait to see you again, little one".
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