The bond
As soon as I take his hand in mine, two bright red strings extend from both our fingers to connect together and then surrounds us.
Yoongi stares at me with wide eyes, surprise on his traits. Then a blooming smile takes place and his eyes crease in happiness. I do too, because something settles in my soul. A hole suddenly filled with his presence, warm and comforting.
It's like a part of me is finally at home, back after a long trip from far away. His emotions and feelings envelop me in their embrace, shouting that the bond is finally happening, that our souls can finally unite to become one.
It's so much warmth that melts my heart, dissipates every worries I was having, makes my body vibrate with newfound energy. We stare at each other as the string starts to dissipate, its sealing mark finally complete, our respective rings now red.
The bonding is done.
Darkness surrounds us again, but the moon seems brighter, happy for us. His hand shyly comes to cup my cheeks, the contact now possible and wanted. I lean into his touch, the tingles that come from his palm a welcome sensation.
"Thank you" he whispers softly. He takes my hand that's still in his and brings it to his mouth, leaving a kiss on it, lips a sweet promise of love as he peers at me through his lashes. I feel myself blush and I try to hide behind my hair.
He chuckles and pushes it behind my ear, gazing longingly at my face. His eyes trail briefly to my lips as I pout before coming back to my eyes. I can feel the bond content, peaceful.
He helps me stand up and his eyes are fixed on me the whole time. He now knows how I feel, what's behind my happiness from bonding, there's no more hiding from him. He furrows his eyebrows. "What did you do today?" he asks, voice assuring me that I can't lie my way out of this. There might be scolding after all.
Suddenly my head starts faintly spinning and he supports my body with his arms on my waist when my body topples on one side. "Never mind that for now, let's get you home. But you're not getting away from this so easily, we're going to have to talk" he declares and when I look down in shame, he slides his slender finger under my chin to make me look up at him. His concerned eyes stare down at me with tenderness.
"I'm not mad against you. I'm just worried about your health. Now that I know how you feel, it's really alarming, just let me take care of you". The sincerity that comes to me through the bond stops me from protesting and I nod. Relief settles down in him and he gives me a small grin before pushing me softly towards the way to my apartment.
When we reach the door, Yoongi gently takes the keys from my hand and proceeds to unlock it, helping me walk up the few stairs to go inside and closes the door behind us. I sit down on the floor to remove my shoes, I just don't trust my balance right now. I hear him chuckle and I look up at him with a frown. He crouches in front of me and takes my hands before pulling me up on my feet with ease. "I'm sorry, you're just so cute, I can't help it".
I gape at his words, the way he just said them so easily and decide to head to the kitchen on wobbly feet, but he doesn't follow. I look back to see him shuffling on place and looking at his feet. I'm about to ask what's wrong but then feel shyness and hesitation through the bond.
"Don't stay there, come in, it's fine" I tell him and he looks up in surprise before breaking into a gummy smile. He removes his shoes neatly and comes to stand next to me. "You go sit in the living room, I'll make you a glass of water". I shake my head and reach into the cupboard to take a glass but he just takes my hand and pulls me away before making me sit on the couch. "Don't move" is the last thing he says before going back.
Satisfaction comes from his end and I can't help but laugh. "Just say you want to act gentlemanly" I tease and I see his face take on a tone of pink as he comes back with water, setting the glass in my hand.
"Shut up" he murmurs and I giggle. "Go on, drink it" he adds and I do under his watchful gaze. When he considers I've drank enough, he allows me to set it down on the table and we sit side by side on the couch, suddenly a little awkward.
"How are you feeling? Do you still hurt?" he asks and I shake my head. "I feel better already, just tired". He hums and silence comes back. He scratches his neck and looks around the room. "You weren't kidding when you said your walls are empty".
I let my eyes wander around me and effectively, there's not much to see. "Does this mean I don't have much personality?" I mumble under my breath, not aware that I'm talking aloud. "Why do you say that? You're allowed to have empty walls". I turn back to him in surprise and meet his curious eyes. "Well... you know how they say that the way you decorate your house reflects who you are? I never really felt the need to decorate". One of his eyebrows raise. "But the pictures you take are proof of the depth of who you are. You're more than just decorations. I think it takes a special kind of soul to do what you do".
I smile and am about to say something when his phone starts ringing, breaking the moment. He grumbles as he takes it out and answers. "Jin-hyung. Ah... yes, well, something happened" he stares at me for a moment. He hesitates and I can already guess what he wants to ask.
"Jin can come". He gives me a bright smile before nodding and repeating what I said to Jin. He ends the call and looks back at me. "The others are sleeping so he'll be coming alone" he says, answering my silent question. I nod and look at my hands, eyes pausing on the red string on my finger. It feels so warm now, a faint pulse can be felt too. Confused, I bring it closer to my face, trying to guess if it's mine. "It's my heartbeat..." he mumbles shyly and it becomes quicker. I stare at him with surprise.
"It's yours? I didn't even know that was possible". He laughs. "Have you never paid attention to soulmate classes?" he asks and I look away, mouth a fine line. "I may... have slept through most of them".
He laughs even more. I get up on my feet quickly when I hear a knock on the door. "Already? I exclaim and he nods as he walks towards the door to open it. "Jin was already outside looking for me when he called". "Oh". He must have been worried then. Seokjin steps inside and it starts.
"Yoongi, I swear you'll make me die of a heart attack some day, how can you not respond to your phone right away when I call because I see you left a message on my bedside table that you're going outside on a walk and when I call to ask if everything is fine because I feel confusion and panic through the bond you don't answer no matter how many times I called and then suddenly I feel happiness and now you're smiling?" Jin spits out words after words without catching his breath and then his eyes settle on me. He strides over and stops in front of me before peering into my eyes and looking me over a few times. "Are you fine? Injured? Is that why Yoongi is here?".
Slightly overwhelmed, I manage a nervous giggle and he gives me a curious gaze before looking back at Yoongi who's now standing next to us. "She'll be alright, hyung, sit down for a moment so we can explain" Yoongi says in a soothing voice to calm Jin. He nods, still seemingly concerned and when we're all seated, he stares at us expectantly.
And we explain the first part of the story. How Yoongi waited to walk me home, the trigger, my panic, him helping me calm down. When we come closer to talking about the second part though, I can feel Yoongi become more nervous, probably because he bonded with me even though they said to wait for the dates.
I take his hand to comfort him and Jin doesn't miss the contact. His eyes widen and he looks at Yoongi with confusion and a little hint of deception. "You bonded with her? Without us!" he exclaims and I get why he was nervous. I just disrupted their plans.
"Jin" I start, getting his attention back on me. I look at his conflicted eyes and smile softly, earning one from him as well. "I'm the one who started the bonding process. At the time, I thought it was the best way to make him understand that I was fine and that it wasn't his fault. I didn't think about what it would do to you all. I'm sorry".
He shakes his head as his eyes melt into warmth. "No, I'm sorry for my reaction. I would've done the same in your place. We just wanted to live this moment together, but we can adjust. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough with him to be the one to trigger the bond. Yoongi can be hard to understand at first when you meet him, but you seem to be close already". They share something as they gaze at each other and when their eyes set on me, I suddenly feel self conscious.
I will need time to get used to their handsomeness. Yoongi chuckles as he slides a finger on my marked finger, his way of silently telling me he's aware of my quick heartbeat and I blush. Jin smirks and his face comes closer to mine.
"Are you shy, little one? Yoongi here says your heart is beating quite fast". "H-how, I didn't hear him..." I ask, voice shaking because he's way too close for me to act normal. I feel a brush against my soul and when I focus on it, I can somehow distinctly tell that it's Yoongi. I let him in and gasp when I hear his voice in my head while his mouth is frozen in a teasing smirk.
"Like this. I was wondering how to let you experience it for the first time but this will do". "Can I reply the same way?" I try to ask mentally and he nods, letting me know that he heard me. "Wow" I let out and Jin hums loudly, making me stare at him again. Where I expect to see a smile, I see a frown.
"In all honesty, Y/N, Yoongi also told me that you heavily overdid it today. You have to be careful. I suspect this had to do with the exhibition? Didn't you say that you could do this an other day?". I sigh and look down at my free hand, the other still in Yoongi's. "I'm sorry. I just... it's making me nervous, there's so much to do and I need to help the artists that are confused before the opening. I was also feeling really great because I had such a good time with you all and I thought I would be fine". Yoongi holds my hand tighter and he sends me waves of love to comfort me even though I know he's concerned too.
Jin exhales slowly. "I understand, but please try to understand our side too. I'm glad Yoongi bonded with you so we can know if something is wrong from now on, your health is important to us, Y/N. We intend to keep you with us for as long as possible". Guilt seeps into me like soft poison and I feel tears trickle down my cheeks. "I'm sorry" I repeat again and Yoongi's arms embrace me, making my body lean against his chest.
"Oh, honey, no please, don't cry. I'm just worried, not mad" Jin says as he takes some tissues from the table to softly wipe my tears away.
"Trust me, Y/N, I know how you feel. I used to overwork all the time, I would put work before everything else. Then one day my body shut down and I got into a small coma. They just don't want to see that happening again" Yoongi whispers in my ears. I hiccup and Jin sends calming waves over us to calm me down.
"You got into a coma?" I repeat, watching as shadows cover Jin's bright eyes. It must have been terrible. "We could hardly feel him anymore. It took weeks for him to wake up again, and even then, we had to fight for him to learn to rest".
He gives me a small smile and tries to push away the heavy mood. "Just promise to try to take it easy. Ask for help, I'm sure Taehyung could be greatly useful, he's always been interested in photography" he adds and I nod, promising to think about it.
I feel Yoongi's arms tighten around me. "I know it takes time to become independent, we're not asking you to stop doing that, just... don't let this prevent you from being dependent on us. We're your soulmates, after". "Alright. I'll think about it and... I'll try" I whisper and a yawn leaves my mouth, muscles screaming from tiredness.
"It's time for you to sleep now" Jin murmurs and I nod, eyes gazing one last time at his precious eye smile.
I take in deep breaths, sleep putting a fog over my thoughts, blurring everything. I let my head rest on the chest behind me and then fall asleep.
"Sweet dreams, little one".
Every time I write these days, I'm like, this needs to happen! But then the characters are like, yeah nah. I'll get there one day, lmao.
Also, can you imagine being back hugged by Yoongi? I'm dying, so sweet.
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