Taehyung's POV
While I listen to them talk, something goes through my mind. That emptiness that Yoongi describes, the hole that threatens to swallow her up. It's a hole I had of my own that my soulmates filled. I thought it was just because of their absence, that their presence, the bonding was what my soul needed.
What if it's no different for her? Her soul tries so hard to fill that emptiness, that it uses other people's memories to try and feel complete. What if by us bonding with her, we could fill that hole, make her soul content, then maybe she wouldn't have triggers of memories at any time."What if..." I start before stopping to gather my thoughts.
"What if what, Tae?" Jimin asks and I look up from my hands. "What if... us bonding with her could push aside the space the bad memories take? It's just a guess, but the hole that Yoongi feels, what it causes her soul to use anything at hand to try and make it disappear, less intense?".
I see eyes widen, mouth drop open. "The fact that she has more than just her own memories... her soul would try to stock them somewhere, anywhere" I add and I see Moonbin and MJ nod slowly. "I think that could be possible" the latter says with hope in his eyes. When I also feel hope in the bond, I feel the need to add that it's just a supposition, because it can not work, not be the cause, not do anything. But I don't, because now that I created faith, I don't want to destroy it so soon.
"She has been having them more lately..." Moonbin murmurs, but we all hear him.
"Could it be because now that her soul felt our presence, the longing is ever more present?" Hoseok suggests while looking at me. But before I can say anything, Namjoon gasps loudly and stares at me with wide eyes.
"Tae! Remember the book I read at the library?! The one about understanding someone's soul. I remember reading that when soulmates are close enough that the ring of fate turns red... for some people, it can trigger something without even being aware of it. When the bonding doesn't happen right away, there's a counter reaction. Instead of reaching out to the soulmates, the soul reaches within itself and takes matter into its own hands. They say it's quite rare, because the soul isn't made to be independent of itself. The pull would be there, but the soul doesn't push you towards them the way it should. Could it be what happened to her? To feel better, her soul could've decided to bring back memories, add those that she had recently, they overwhelmed her".
MJ gets up and paces the room. "And then she got the picture, your memories. It soothed her a lot. Appeased her soul, honestly I think it even made the nightmare a lot less worse than it should've been, because it knew who the memory belonged to. A soulmate". I think about it. It could make sense. "But she did say that she felt the pull, she just didn't understand right away" Jungkook mumbles.
I smile at him. "The book didn't mention not feeling the pull. It just probably felt weaker. She must have felt the pull the way we felt for one person when she met all of us together for the first time. I saw her hesitate when she entered the cafe but she recovered quickly, I thought it was weird at the time, but it would make sense now".
"Then we need to bond with her quickly" Jungkook exclaims, fists in the air and Jin nods. "We should set a date tomorrow, ask her to come with us to bond. She already knows we want to do it all together so she'll agree". Namjoon takes his phone and sighs. "We also need to tell her that we're leaving soon".
The mood shifts. I wrap my arms around Jin and set my head on his shoulder. "Do you think she'll be mad at us?" I murmur and Jin strokes my hair gently. "Of course not, she'll understand".
Your POV
When I wake up in my bed, a smile forms on my face. I remember last night and I feel butterflies in my stomach. Feeling Yoongi's soul connected to mine feels good, comforting. It was like his warmth was enveloping me without even being near. But I could feel a slight nervousness in the bond. Was something happening?
I startle when I feel a caress on my soul and realize that it's Yoongi trying to get in contact. Heart beating faster now, I let him in. "Good morning, Snowflakes". My heart skips a beat at the nickname and I hear him chuckle. "G-good morning, Yoongi". "Did you sleep well?". "Like a baby" I reply with a giggle. But then I concentrate on the bond. "Is something going on? You feel nervous". There's a long pause. "A few things happening, we'll explain soon. Are you free tomorrow for a date with all of us?". That also means bonding. I feel nervous suddenly, although the good kind. "I am free only during the morning, if that's okay with you all. I'll be busy all afternoon and night".
An other pause. "Alright, then we'll come to fetch you tomorrow morning. Don't overdo it today, alright? Hoseok will text you everyone's numbers so you can message us if you need anything". I smile at his sweet concern and nod even if he can't see. "Okay, I'll be careful. Thank you Yoongi". He ends the contact and I get out of bed with a huge smile. And the smile widens when I see pancakes and fruits on the counter. I see a paper next to the plates and take it, curious about what's written on it.
Good morning, Hun, Yoongi and I made pancakes with some fruits, take some time to eat, I won't settle for anything less! If there is anything, don't hesitate to message me, here's my number. I can't wait to see you soon, have a wonderful day.
Your most handsome soulmate - Jin
I grin like crazy and decide to send him a 'thank you' message on the phone, taking that time to also add him in my contacts. Once done, I take the pancakes and put them in the microwave. When ready, I take them out, get the plate of fruits and the maple syrup from the fridge and sit at the table to enjoy the delicious breakfast.
Like last time when I ate Jin's food, I'm filled with love and I can't help but smile to myself with each bite. My phone dings and when I look at it, I see it's message from Jin.
Yoongi says you're enjoying the food, I'm glad
Truly delicious
Thank you Jin, you didn't have to
Nonsense, it's a pleasure to feed my loves
Still, thank you
Next time I'll make the food
I owe you all
Have a good day, Jin
If you insist, I can't wait
Have a good day too, Hun
It feels comforting to be included so fast in the love he has for his soulmates. It hasn't been long since we met, but they're already treating me like one of them. The little nicknames both him and Yoongi used too make me shy, cheeks a blushing mess as I keep stuffing them with more pancakes and fruits.
I look at the time and put it down again. I'm not exactly needed right now so I can take my time, take a shower and head to the gallery to start taking care of my part of the exhibition. If anyone needs help too, they'll be more than welcome to ask me, I know most of us will be present today. The exhibition is happening in exactly three days after all, on Saturday.
Once done with breakfast, I put the dishes in the sink and go to my room to take some clothes and a towel. I then head to the bathroom and get ready for a shower. I take my time and enjoy the warm water, scrubbing my skin with my favorite soap, peach scent.
I get out and wrap the towel around my hair after getting dressed and sit on the couch. I take my phone to see if anyone called me and see a missed call from JinJin. I tap on his contact and put it against my ear. It doesn't take long for him to answer the call.
"Hey, Peach, glad you could call back". I chuckle. "Sorry, I was taking a shower. Did you need something?" I ask and he hums. "I just wanted to know when you were going to the gallery. The exposition is soon and I wanted to know if you needed help? I'm off work today and I don't want to stay alone at home". A smile appears on my face from his cuteness. "You can come JinJin, I don't mind. I'm going soon, do you want to come over to my home? We can go together later". "Yes! I'll be there soon!" and he ends the call.
I put my phone down and use the towel to rub my hair softly and try to remove the excess of water. After a few minutes, I head the door open. "Did you run?!" I shout. "I did actually!" he shouts back and we laugh .
He comes to sit next to me once he's removed his shoes and we stay quiet for a moment. "So, how is it going with your soulmates?" I blush a little at the thought of them. "Well, actually... I bonded with Yoongi last night".
He turns to me with wide eyes. "Really?! I'm so glad you did! How was it?" he proceeds to ask with stars in his eyes. "It felt like a part of me finally settled down, I feel more complete, warm, loved. It's still weird for me to feel Yoongi's soul connected to mine, but it's really comforting". He beams at me, wide smile and he hugs me tightly. "I'm so happy for you, you deserve this".
I hug him back and we stay like that for a while. "I'm also going to bond with the rest tomorrow morning" I whisper and his arms tighten around me. I hear a sniffle and know he's crying from happiness right now. I smile and slide my hand in his hair, massaging his scalp to calm him.
He then pulls back from the hug and wipes his face with his sleeves. He then takes a strand of my hair in his hands. "We need to dry that carefully, it's cold outside". He stands up and goes to the bathroom, coming back with the dryer. "Come sit closer to the wall" he beckons me and I do, changing from one seat to the one further away. He plugs the dryer and stands behind me, using a brush so my hair ends up slightly styled.
I love when someone dries my hair, so I just close my eyes and enjoy the feeling. "Tell me if it's too hot" he says loudly over the noise and I shake my head. "It's perfect". The next ten minutes are spent like that, because my hair is hard to dry.
When he deems my hair hair ready and not a source of danger for my health anymore, he puts everything back in place and we head to the front door to put on our shoes. I leave my camera behind since all the pictures I need are already taken and we step out of the apartment after I lock the door.
"Your pictures are ready now right?". I nod with a smile, but I don't say more, I want to keep the surprise. "I can't wait to see them! I bet they are beautiful" he wonders and I giggle. "You'll see".
The next chapter is going to be a long one! I hope you're excited because I know I am!! ☺️
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