When my environment changes from being in front of the building to being inside an unknown room, I try to escape the arms holding me. They let me go and I turn around to find a man I don't know.
"I'm sure you're confused at the moment, but our boss will come very soon, just wait a few minutes" he says and I frown at the way he talks. For someone who just kidnapped me, he sure is polite. He leaves me be and I look around me. We're currently in a sort of office, official meeting room. But it looks like a place I've seen before...
Before I can process anything further, the man from the memory enters the room and I feel my blood rush out of my face. That's him, the one who killed that man to send me a message.
Completely ignoring me, he walks to his chair behind his desk and only once comfortable does he turn to me. He eyes the man behind me, who then pushes me closer to the desk to sit down on the chair in front of it. I try to resist a little, but they pay no mind until I'm actually seated.
The man's eyes are so intimidating, the eyes of a killer and I can't help but think I'm next. "So, did you think about my offer?" he asks, causing me to scoff. "Why would I accept an offer when you made me feel my eyes being pulled out and killed" I respond, but that only makes a smirk appear on his face. "For someone in a compromising situation, you sure are feisty. The man didn't deserve any less and I knew you could handle it, because you've been doing that for years" he says but I look away as I cross my arms to my chest. "That's a stupid reason".
He props his elbows on the table and rests his chin on his hands. "Was it now? Is it also a stupid reason to use a child who just lost her whole family, promising her a future without worries if she gives them control of her life? Would it also be fair if they were the ones ordering the death of said lost family?". I snap my head to meet his eyes. "What are you talking about?".
He leans back into his chair to stare at me. "Don't tell me you still think the horrible death of your family was only an accident". I shake my head. "No, I... someone who tried to attack me said he was responsible for this. He was ordered to kill all of us because of something my parents did or said" I say and he nods. "You didn't try to dig further than that?". I look at my lap and shake my head. "Never wondered why they never found you before recently?".
I frown and look up. "What do you mean?". He sighs. "You're clearly not as bright as he said... I'm saying that we made sure that stupid group wouldn't find you until you'd be able to handle yourself". My mind blanks. "Why?". His eyes bore into mine. "Because your parents risked it all by telling me top secret information to use against the government. Them dying is me unable to hold my part of the deal. Not fully, anyway".
My heart drops to my stomach and I stand up from the chair. I walk to the middle of the room and pace a little before turning to him. My parents told him top secret information? What kind of information was it that cost them their lives and almost mine? "Why am I here?" I ask him in annoyance, finding it hard to process what I'm hearing so far.
"To make sure you don't die from the fucking M.I., what else? If we took you away any other time, they would have punished your little family, but since they saw you get kidnapped and saw a pure reaction of panic from your two little soulmates, they'll leave them alone. I actually gave you more time to live, so now would be a good time to say thank you".
I hit my foot on the floor as I look down in thoughts. They'll indeed be safe from being accused, so that much puts me at ease. "That still doesn't explain why I'm here" I ask again before looking up to see him sighing, as if deadly bored at the moment. "The deal. I keep you out of reach, in exchange, I need your help". "What for?". He smirks. "To destroy the exact government that destroyed your life and countless others'".
"The doctor's room is on the other side, you'll see, Rain isn't as scary as Seo-Joon, he'll have an overall look of your health" the man says before leaving me alone in front of the door. Before I can say or do anything, the door opens to reveal a tall man with a gentle smile. He steps aside and motions for me to enter inside.
I walk forward and look around me. It doesn't look like a doctor's room, walls warm colors instead of white, but it does have the regular things I'd expect to see. He makes us sit at his desk and stares at me. "I'm glad we reached you in time. If we had messed this up, you'd be dead right now" he says and I look up from the painting on the floor to meet his eyes.
"You sound sure" I say and he gives me a sad half smile. "We have spies everywhere, dear. They themselves said that they would give you a clean death for trying to go against them. That lawyer is good, but the world is a corrupted place. Do you really think they would allow you to just leave? If they can't have you, then you already know too much and so you are to be eliminated. That's how they work".
I tsk and look away. "Now, now, a quick look at you tells me that you don't have over a year left. If you keep having more nightmares. We have someone here who can start locking the memories away, if you allow him. You really did have matching abilities, too bad you got separated so fast" he says but mumbles the end so low I barely hear it. Matching abilities?
"Why are you... helping me? Why did you all save me? How can I possibly help fight them?" I ask, confused by the whole situation. The doctor nods. "A normal thing to ask. You're a victim of the acts of the government. A hurt little doll, a proof that they are corrupted to the core. People like real, concrete proof. By simply existing, you're putting them in danger. We've been trying to get rid of the gang affiliated with them, but it's proven to be quite... hard. Once you're better, only if you agree, we would need your ability to try and find their base. That wouldn't require anyone dead, no suffering for you, simply pictures of who we think are part of them while they're doing random things".
That doesn't seem too bad. "That much I can do, once I understand more about what's going on and who they are. But about my soul, if we lock the memories away, wouldn't it heal? Then, the proof would be gone" I ask but he shakes his head. "I can do a full scan of body and soul and recreate it in illusion. We've found a few people like you who have been overused by them, so once in front of the right people, we intend to show them enough to make them take action. This has lasted for long enough, it's time things change" Rain explains and I hum.
"I have to say, this all seems like a scene made to trick me, but at the same time... I don't feel in danger, so I guess that says a lot about you all. What about my soulmates? How long would I actually have to stay here? Can I at least contact them?". He nods. "You got your phone, you can call them as soon as we're done here, but you won't be able to give them any kind of information about where we are and they won't be able to use their abilities on you. Still, this is not a prison like you imagine it to be. This place is like... a safe place. Out of reach from those willing to do anything to hurt you. Let's do the scan first and then you can go. I bet someone will be impatient to meet you too".
I tilt my head. "Who?". Just who could be impatient to meet me here? He grins and shakes his head. "I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise".
The scan is long and quite honestly hurts a little, as if he's using lasers to carve every parts of my soul and body, but it's tolerable. It has to take around an hour of rigorous work, but Rain is a very patient man and allows me some pauses sometimes to make sure I don't tire too quickly.
"That's one scary soul you have here, dear" he says when he's done with my body. I huff a small laugh. "I know". "They really have been pushing your limits. I'll have to analyze to see if we can delete some of them, erase them completely, slowly. We don't want to create holes and put you into a panic, but there are too many and since they weren't acquired willingly, your soul is treating them like a threat, yet still holding onto them because they're still part of you now. I bet you have nightmares often" he explains, but that I already know. Still, that goes to show me that he knows what he's doing.
"I do... it's getting harder now to exit them when the part where they die happens. I've... already almost died too many times, it's getting tiring, to be honest. I'm tired of scaring my soulmates all the time. My best friends too, they all take such good care of me and I don't want them to always have to worry if today's our last day together" I reply with a small sad smile. He hums with concerned eyes. "We have some people here who are hiding from the government because of their abilities, I think some of them could help you. You'll meet them eventually".
At that moment, an intense, loud and repetitive knock on the door makes me jump. Rain smirks. "He took longer than I expected. Come in!" he screams and the door bursts open, leaving my heart pounding at the loud sound. Just who the heck enters a room like that?!
I turn around to see who just entered and freeze. I lock eyes with a tall man, a man who looks familiar. In the weirdest way possible. There's something that pulls me to him as I walk down the little low table Rain had me stand on.
"Who..." I murmur, unsure of who it is that would affect me as such. I feel like I know him, deeply so, but, it's impossible... His eyes fill with water and he steps quickly until he stands in front of me. His hands come to cup my cheeks and he looks at me, taking in every millimeters. "You grew up so well... little sis".
My eyes widen. Mark? It can't be. But the eyes... the nose... the lips. His cheekbones. "M-Mark? Big brother?" I whisper, watch as he nods quickly before taking me into a strong hug that could crush my bones. But I don't care, he could crush as many as he wants, I've been craving his hug for so many years.
It's quite instantly that I burst into tears, loud wailing as I grab onto him to make sure he stays in place. He was dead, wasn't he? He died that day. But he's here, in my arms. It makes no sense. Confusion, happiness, sadness all mix into me at the same time and when he breaks the hug to stare at me again, it physically hurts to have him release me. He seems to see it in my eyes because he takes me again into his arms, this time softer, but still firm.
"I missed you so much, little sister. You have no idea how much I wanted to walk to your home, knock on the door and tell you that I'm still alive, that I'm here, but I couldn't. I'm so sorry it took so long" he whispers into my ear, soft voice that I missed hearing. I bury my face in his chest and lean my ear against it to hear his heart.
"It's beating... you really are here, I'm not dreaming, right? This isn't some trick?" I whisper, sobs being soothed by the strong pounding that vibrates against my head. "I'm here, really here. We'll help you, I'll take care of you now. I'll protect you" he whispers before leaving a kiss on my head, just the way he used to.
My brother is alive. My twin, my second half, brought back to me. It's like my soul recognizes his, because I feel so much better, much more complete. Like we were made to be close, in the same space. A link I thought broken, believed to be gone, destroyed, coming back, building itself to be even stronger, even tighter than before.
"You don't know how many times I dreamed of this... of meeting you and Amy again..." I say as I pull back to look up at him. "She didn't..." I ask in silent question, but his sad eyes answer for him. "Just me" he murmurs, the words breaking him as much as they break me.
I make him sit on a chair and I sit just in front of him, as close as I can to take a look at him. He looks just the same as before, but a more handsome and manly version. "I always knew you would be so very handsome" I say with a light smile, living for the laugh that leaves his throat, the clear sound that always makes me smile. How many times I dreamed of hearing this sound again.
My eyes fall on his finger, see six dark rings. He follows my eyes and looks down at his hand. "Never really had the opportunity to find them. I've been here for a long time" he says before taking a look at mine. My seven, beautiful and warm red rings pulse lightly. "You met your soulmates" he whispers breathlessly.
I smile and nod. "The seven most wonderful men. They work so hard for me, Mark, suffered so much because of me, but still they opened their arms wide open and started loving me as if I'm their whole world. They must be so worried right now...". I can imagine them freaking out, absolutely panicked as they try to figure out a way to find me, get me back. Just when I had promised them I'd come back, here I go being taken away. I already miss them, long to see them. But that's not possible for now, is it?
Mark turns to Rain. "Can I take her to my suite? I expect she'll be staying with me anyway?".
Rain turns to me. "We'll put the scanning on hold for now, but do come back later before the end of the day. We really have to make the scan as consistent and raw as possible". I nod and bow in thanks before turning to Mark when he grabs my hand.
"Let's go put your soulmate's minds at ease" he says with a smile. I smile back and nod. "And introduce you to them, big brother".
Heyyyyyyy I've been like dreaming about this moment for around thirty chapters now, so glad it's finally happening! Y'all were scared about this group, right? 😂
Also I wanted to share with you all some groups I discovered recently that I'm falling in love with. Y'all should take a look at : Colde 콜드 , Drippin 드리핀 , E'last , Lovelyz (first time I really enjoy a girl group, they have such beautiful voices) and Victon, ma boys, I love them. Do tell me what you think of them if you want! I'd love for more people to see their talents. There's also Kim Woo Seok, he's really handsome, but has some beautiful songs as well. So many new talents.
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