Moving on
Jin's POV
"They're asleep" I say, the bond flowing through us now calm and peaceful. Such a relief because I was getting really tired trying to avoid everything a heartache from these two.
MJ and Moonbin stare at the bedroom's door where I just came from and sigh. "She looked really down and exhausted. Did it not go well?" the latter asks and Namjoon shakes his head.
"Not really. Park Seo-joon is trying to teach her how to connect less deeply to the pictures but... she's been having to connect with her whole soul all her life, it's quite a struggle for her. She experimented a method but it didn't go well at all and got her sick, so we determined that it was enough for today. Still, she's not giving up. She proceeded to connect to important pictures and got a lot of information out of Seo-joon's men. It was almost scary how... used to this she was. The details she said... that was straight up gore she described and she was unfazed by it" he explains, chills running up his spine.
Not disgust by her, but disgust for her. The things her eyes have seen, I can't even start to imagine what she's been through so far. "Luckily she didn't have to endure the pain. Like she said, it was watching the men's memories, things they saw so it didn't affect her" Taehyung adds, sensing from Hoseok and Jungkook that the worry was growing.
Moonbin sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Honestly, I'm really glad that this is all they make her do. She always wanted her ability to be useful, she simply didn't like how she was forced and having to go through all the murders... she's seen and felt death more than any of us ever will. So for her to give this her all? I'm relieved. That means she feels safe and in control. And this is for Eunwoo so I know she's going to do her best. She'll get through this. We'll get him back. Everything will get back in order and we'll get the normal and happy life we all dream of".
I smile at his hopeful words and take a seat at the dining table. "She's strong, no one can deny that. Yet that's also why we're so scared for her. She doesn't see things like we do. Or should I say... we're unable to see things the way she does. And that's normal. It's just hard to not worry for her wellbeing. When we were waiting for our last soulmate to appear in our lives, we never expected such a broken young woman... I wish we could do more for her, but every time we try... it seems to make things worse, doesn't it?" I let out defeated.
Jimin comes to sit on my lap and hugs me, his head resting on my shoulder, strong love flowing right through my veins. I breathe in and hug him back, thankful for his warmth.
MJ takes a chair next to us and turns to me. "Trust me, Jin-ah, we know exactly how you guys feel. We've known her for years, and during all this time, what could we do? Wait for her to come back wailing, heart in pieces and sick like never before. But you know what?" he takes a moment to make eye contact with our group before turning back to me. "That's exactly what she needs. For the people she loves to be there for her when she comes back. She doesn't need knights in armor. She needs her family. She needs her soulmates. As long as she has that, she can get through anything".
I open an arm for Hoseok when I see his face stained with tears and he doesn't waste time coming to snuggle with Jimin and I. Rubbing his back up and down, I give MJ a grateful smile, knowing his words are more than true. And goodness do they help.
The door opens at that time and I watch as Sanha, Jinjin and Rocky step inside with trays filled with food. My hungry stomach grumbles in loud impatience because our worry drained us all today and our body is in urgent need of nutrients. "Are Yoongi and Y/N not here?" Jinjin asks, eyes taking in the missing faces as he sets his tray down on the table.
"They are, they're just sleeping. Barely got ten minutes of rest in their body but that'll have to wait, they need to eat too. I'll go get them up" I say, wait for Jimin to get off me, his hands not letting go of Hoseok while I get to our bedroom's door. Opening it slowly, I step inside and close the door behind me to avoid all the noise the guys are making from waking them up the wrong way.
I quietly make my way to the bed and smile when I see their cheeks squished together, souls begging for them to get closer and closer to heal from the pain they both went through. It pains my heart to have to wake them up, but food won't appear in their stomach by simple thought and I'm not having them wake up feeling sick because of hunger tomorrow morning.
I climb on the bed and push their legs apart to kneel in the middle, fingers going to brush their hair, softly and gently to slowly pull them out of sleep. Yoongi stirs awake first, pout aggravating his baby face and making him look adorable while Y/N leans into the touch, the act melting my heart.
"My loves, it's time to eat, you can't go to sleep on an empty stomach" I coo, watch as Yoongi opens his eyes against his will, dark orbs falling on me before going to Y/N, face softening until he wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her against himself to start laying kisses on her face.
"Wake up you beautiful snowflake" he murmurs, husky voice tickling my ears and causing butterflies to come to life. Gosh, I can never get enough of my soulmates, can I? I smile and start rubbing circles on the side of her thigh, a chuckle leaving my lips when she unconsciously smiles, sleep still shadowing her senses but not enough that she can't feel her soulmates giving her love.
"Come on sugar plum, up with you" I nudge her a bit more until I see her eyes open, lightly confused before her sight settles on me. "Oh, Jinnie, you're here" she murmurs with her sleepy voice and I melt even more, especially when she throws her arms my way, silently asking for a hug.
Yoongi chuckles and pulls her up into a seated position, ultimately bringing her closer to me, which allows me to lock her into my hold, strong and tight as I keep her close to me, kisses peppered to her head and causing her to giggle cutely.
I allow myself a contented sigh, glad to see them both feeling better. "You can both sleep later but for now, Rocky, Sanha and Jinjin brought food for us so let's eat before it all gets cold, okay?" I muse, feel her head nod against me while Yoongi groans his way out of bed, body resisting having to move but knowing that he can't skip this meal.
Y/N stays immobile and I look down to see her already dozing off, head tilting to the side and neck barely holding on before she jumps awake, eyes tired and heavy.
As adorable as the sight is, it's with lips pressed tightly together that I scoop her up in my arms and to my chest, body light and frail. That session with her ability must have really drained her. I get off the bed and follow Yoongi out of the room when he opens the door for me.
Entering the living room area before making our way to the dining table, eyes flit to us quickly and fall on her form, coos resonating in the room and bond melting and dripping with love and awe for her. But that's from our soulmates.
When I notice how her best friends, her brothers seem worried, eyes narrowed on her form as if she could suddenly grow horns, I start tensing up. "Did she wake up?" Moonbin asks, eyes flicking to mine, anxiously awaiting for an answer.
I nod, confused. "She did. She's just tired but I did get her awake for a moment. Why?" I ask, needing to know what is happening. Rocky sighs in relief and shakes his head. "If she woke up then that's good. I think we're just anxious that the memories might act up again" he explains and I release the growing nervousness that was building up in my chest. That sure gave me a fright.
I smile and gaze down at her. "She was an adorable giggling lady when she woke up, don't worry" I soothe the group, watch as their eyes soften, postures relaxing.
"And the doctor Rain did say that her soul is better thanks to Taehyung so dangerous memories are less likely to come to the surface. We'll be starting the sealing process soon" Jungkook adds as he remembers the doctor's explanation, further relaxing them. That's right, things are now getting hopeful and I couldn't ask for more.
Sanha stares at Taehyung in curiosity. "How did you do that?" he asks. A simple question, but it brings back such a terrible memory. I never want to see her lifeless form ever again. Never.
MJ gasps and we all turn to him to see his eyes wide and scared. "Are you for real?" he asks, voice trembling and I bite on my tongue. Can't believe I forgot that he can hear our thoughts. "What? Hyung, what's wrong?" Moonbin asks and their group starts eyeing us, then her with impatience. "Did something happen to her?" Rocky asks, face into a frown.
Namjoon sighs and runs a hand through his hair before massaging his neck, knowing that we can't keep this quiet, not with MJ freaking out.
"Y/N had a memory that caused her to have a heart attack. We... saw her die. We thought it was over, but Taehyung didn't give up. His ability... it reacted and transformed, he somehow called her soul back, brought her back to life. Apparently that gave it enough strength to fight back against the memories but Rain says to not count on that for too long. He's never seen an ability do what Taehyung did, so we're kind of walking on unknown territory here" he explains, their eyes taken aback and shocked as they listen to his words.
Sanha clings onto Moonbin, eyes teary and round, clearly regretting now that he asked the question. Just knowing her dead even once makes my heart squeeze in pain. I'm not sure any of us are ever forgetting that day.
Jinjin suddenly bows in front of Taehyung, the latter not expecting this and grabbing Jungkook's hand in reaction. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I could never thank you enough, what you did was a miracle" he says, voice thick with emotion.
"I... I'm just glad that she's back among us. It still feels like a dream, as if I imagined all of it" Taehyung murmurs and I notice his hands shaking. Jungkook tightens his grip on them and hugs him with his free arm to give him support.
"I can't even imagine having to go through that... I..." Moonbin sighs, no words making it out next. He looks into a state of shock, with good reason. Jinjin make his way to the two cuddled together and hugs them tight, Sanha using the latter's sleeve to wipe his cheeks.
Feeling the ambiance shift around me, heavy and sad, I let my ability flow freely out of me, only calm and positiveness. I might just head to sleep with Y/N and Yoongi after the meal because I'm getting really tired too. Still, I force a smile on my face and look at them all.
"That's behind us now, gone and over so let's not keep thinking about that, alright? Taehyung will be going to get a scan tomorrow so we can maybe try to understand what happened. Until then, we should start eating to keep our strength, the food must already be growing cold and I don't think I can lift her up forever, as light as she is, I'm no muscle man like Jungkook or Namjoon" I let out, arms starting to shake ever so slightly.
Jimin comes to take her from me to avoid me dropping her to the floor and sits down with her on his lap, her body curled up against his. I look around me and notice Waffle fast asleep on the couch. "Did he have something to eat today?" I ask and Namjoon nods.
"Jungkook brought him a plate of meat earlier, the dog inhaled all of it" he says and I chuckle, easily believing him. Waffle is growing bigger quickly and he must be hungry more often than not. That big ball of fluff's hair is getting so long we might mistake him for a monster soon as well.
"Anyone knows how to cut dog hair? Or am I going to have to do that myself?" I ask as we all take a seat at the table, Y/N now struggling to keep her eyes open while Taehyung and Jungkook keep poking her softly to get her to remain conscious on either side of her and Jimin. She scrunches her nose in annoyance, but it does keep her awake long enough so she can eat the bites Jimin give her so that's more than good for me.
Her eyes search the room at my words before falling on the sleeping dog, eyes softening at the creature. "I want to help, Jinnie" she lets out with a smile for her paw buddy. "I shall take care of it then" I respond, suddenly not finding the task so annoying anymore if I can do it with her.
"I want to help too!" Hoseok chirps and I nod, pleased. This might help bring some sense of normalcy back into our life. "We'll do that tomorrow night then".
Your POV
"Just like I thought... Taehyung's ability mutated... the genetic code changed to adapt to Y/N dying, but that part of the code faded and locked away, now useless, just the same as it would for an old person. I've never seen anything like this before" Rain explains as he scans Taehyung's soul, my hand holding his tightly as he looks nervous.
Namjoon's eyes widen at that. "You mean to say that... this coding of his ability appeared and died just as quickly? Like a single use ability?". Rain nods.
"This is most certainly uncommon. I don't think this has ever happened before, or if it has, nothing was kept on paper. This is actually going to be a very good addition to our case. What better way to prove that her treatment from the M.I. overdid it to the point of killing her than having her soulmate's ability becoming a miracle to bring her back from death? The fact that the coding is dead, sign that it was used, this is a strong proof. They would have to be blind and straight stupid to come up with arguments against what I have here, they can't get around this one" he explains, excitement in his voice.
"When do you think it'll be possible to take this to the Court?" I ask, wondering what planning they have ready so far. Rain hums. "We're actually scheduled to meet them in approximately one month. We have a contact outside the barriers waiting for the call. Don't worry, we'll let you know as soon as we know ourselves".
A knock on the door suddenly resonates in the room and we all turn to it as it opens. A man I remember as Chanyoung peeks inside. "I was told Taehyung would be here. Can I come in?" he asks and Rain motions for him to enter.
Taehyung's hand grows cold in mine and I squeeze in silent comfort, fingers trying to give as much warmth as I can. Rain points at Taehyung and the man gets closer with a friendly smile, hand extended for a handshake.
Unwilling to let go of my hand, Taehyung offers his other. "It's nice to meet you, Taehyung ssi, my name is Chanyoung, I'll be your supervisor during your stay here. I was told of your ability and it's going to come in handy for the task I need to take care of, which is why you were sent to me. If you have nothing more to do here, I'd like to ask you to come with me, please".
The man then notices me and sends me a warm smile, easily remembering me from the walk I went with Mark last time. "Y/N, it's good to see you so healthy, your cheeks are pinker than that white hue I saw last time" he says in form of greeting and I bow lightly, unsure of what to say.
Taehyung pulls on my hand to get me closer to his body and he slightly shield me from sight, unable to help it. Chanyoung grins.
"Don't worry, I'm not here to steal your lovely soulmate. I already have my own girl and she's more than enough, the love of my life. I'm going to steal you though, not because I like you but because I need you so if you could please come with me, we don't have the leisure of free time within these walls" he adds before making his way to the door, body language relaxed but clearly on a tight schedule he wants to follow.
I turn to Taehyung and give him what I want as a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, the people here are very nice and friendly. Don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any, they'll tell you what they can. We'll see each other later" I say, easily accept and return the hug he gives me, lips brushing against my own before he's standing up and releasing my hand.
"I'll see you soon, kitten. You too, Joonie" he whispers, tight smile on his lips before he's following the man out of the room. I send him calming and loving waves through the bond to try and soothe him, his nervousness so strong it might just transfer to me as well.
"Alright, Namjoon, you're going to stay with me, I heard you're a very capable doctor and I need all the help I can get, so I hope this is fine by you. As for you, Y/N, Mark is actually waiting with that dog of yours and... who was it already... Do... Do-h- Ah, Woo Do-hwan. He'll explain the reason of his presence when you get there, his ability is going to be of use to you. You can go now, they're at your brother's office. Once you're done with that, Seo-joon will be waiting for you for today's training. He insisted on being present for that" Rain takes control of the situation and I bow before going to Namjoon to hug him when he stands up.
"I'll see you soon, bun, you be safe" he whispers in my hair and I nod, ready to do exactly that. I can't have them worry again. Training will be tough, but I believe I can do it. Knowing that we can't afford to waste time, I wave goodbye and leave the room, direction for Mark's office.
We're going to win this war, no matter what.
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