It begins
Waking up to soft snores, it puts a smile on my face right away. I open my eyes to see them all sprawled around on the blanket, Jin's arms around me to keep me close against him while Namjoon somehow ended up holding me from the front.
Getting out of this will be tough, but I'm sure I can manage. Slowly pushing myself up to prop my elbow to the floor, I look at my body to see how they organized themselves to lock me up so tightly. The two of them actually linked arms above my waist. They really were scared that I would flee. That thought makes me giggle. They are adorable, it should be illegal.
Luckily, I should be able to slide out of their hold, I think to myself with an amused smile. So that's what I do, one inch at a time and once I finally stand on my feet, I make my way across bodies and limbs to reach the kitchen. It got closed a few times, arms following me like magnets to keep me in bed, but I was agile enough to be faster than sleeping men. My ego would've taken a hit otherwise.
I make myself a glass of water and gulp it down until the last drop with a satisfied sigh. I look around me and decide to start cleaning up the kitchen, removing empty boxes of the takeout food and dropping them in the trash before washing the dishes. I look back from time to time to see how they're all still fast asleep. I should be able to surprise them before they wake up. I get through the dishes and after drying everything, proceed to put them away where they belong. The kitchen already looks a lot better now.
I then start working on making pancakes and eggs with, this time, perfectly crisp bacon. I won't do the same as Jimin and actually forget about them. Making the batter while following a recipe, I actually feel pretty confident about this for once. Setting everything on the stove, I get some fruits out that I cut into normal sized bites for later. The smell starts reaching my nose and I realize it's not entirely good news when I see the pancake start to burn. "Oh snap" I murmur before rushing to turn it over.
I haven't really made breakfasts before, but it seemed easy enough at the beginning. Maybe I really should stick to soups, I think to myself as I burn two more pancakes. The smell of the bacon is enough to make me a little less worried though and the grumbles of soulmates waking up start to reach my ears.
What better way than food to wake up in the morning, right? "Morning" I hear softly and turn around to find Jin walking over with half closed eyes. I smile as he latches onto me from behind and he hums as he looks over what I'm making.
"I may have burnt the pancakes... I don't get why they burn so quickly" I shyly say when he doesn't say a thing. "I think the fire is too high, lower it a little" he responds slowly before kissing softly the side of my head. I nod and do as told before pouring a new batch of the batter into the pan. Sure enough, the next ones end up a lot better than my first ones. The grilling of the bacon stirs more out of their sleepy state and soon Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok make their way to the kitchen so stand around us.
"Good morning" they say in unison before taking a look at what's being made. "You're making a feast" Hoseok whispers with his bright smile and I nod, a little embarrassed at all the attention I'm getting. I have to shoo them out of the kitchen after a while, but Jin decides to stay with me to help with the eggs and supervise the pancakes when I wait a bit too long before flipping them.
It eventually gets done and we sit at the table with a mix of very well done food, and well... regular food. Still, I see the guys react excessively well to what I made on purpose and it puts a smile on my face. I'm not dumb enough to take it as the complete truth, my food is certainly not better than anything Jin has ever made so far, especially not when the man himself agrees to their words with too much smiling and grinning, but their good intention is what makes me hum happily as we eat through everything I made with Jin.
It doesn't take long to empty plates and bellies start filling to the brim until everyone lean back into their chair with satisfaction. I smile at the sight, myself feeling rather proud that it was eatable and enjoyable. I had been craving pancakes for a while now, so to actually manage and not destroy all of them, thanks to Jin of course, puts a smile on my face.
"Well, we should get ready to leave" Jimin says after a while as he stands up to gather the plates. As he does so, he looks at me with a warm smile. "Thank you for the food, Y/N, it really was delicious, filled with your love" he says the end with a wink, which makes me giggle. His eyes crease happily and he walks to the kitchen to set the dishes away.
"I'm leaving with you guys this morning, I need to find that shop for Y/N so I can bring her there later" Hoseok says as he helps clear the table. Jungkook and Taehyung jump at his words with a wide smile. Namjoon, who's usually the first to leave the table, is actually still seated next to me so I turn to him in curiosity.
"I don't have school today and work gave me an off day so I can study a little. They know I have a big exam coming soon so they're giving me a bit more time at home" he explains when he sees me staring. I nod with my mouth into a small 'o' .
When it's time to say goodbye to those going to school and to work, Namjoon, Yoongi and I hug them all. Hoseok promises to come back as soon as possible and I make him promise to be safe before excusing myself to my room. Anyway Yoongi is leaving the house to work on a project of his, he says it's almost done while Namjoon studies in his room.
I find Waffle sleeping on my bed and his head raises when he sees me. I scratch his head and lie down next to him. "You must find your days boring, huh, Waffle?" I ask him without really expecting an answer. He buries his nose under my chin to lick my neck and I giggle as I pet his ears some more.
I text with Eunwoo a little, something I haven't done in forever and play some random games on my phone. This morning isn't really anything special and since I need to repair my camera today, I don't feel like leaving the house just yet. Before I know it, an hour has passed. I figure one more hour before Hoseok comes back, so I roll out of bed to walk around the house, try and find something to do. Waffle jumps on his paws and follows me around for a little walk around the living room.
I eventually go to the nest to see the wall of pictures. "Oh right!". I run back to my room to grab the few pictures we made. Not willing to bother Namjoon with his studying, I simply give them some of my energy so they can move without reading them and run back to the room where I proceed to place the pictures neatly next to the others. I put Jin's with those I took of the guys since the beginning and step back to look at the result.
A wall of happy memories, and I'm starting to become a part of it. I find some new ones I never saw before and realize they're photos of me. When I was laughing with them, lost in my thoughts. When did they do that? Moved, I stare at the one where I see Jungkook and Jimin looking at me with hearts in their eyes. They really brighten up the world around them.
My phone takes that moment to ring and I leave the nest to go sit in the living room. Who would call at this time? Maybe it's Hoseok needing some directions. But looking down at the number, all hopes come crashing down. I breathe in and accept the call before bringing it to my ear.
"Hello". "L/N, we need your services for the day, please come right now" is all they say before hanging up. My arm falls on my leg and I stare at my phone without really seeing it. It's like it doesn't sink in right away, that the M.I. still called. Can they do that? Aren't I allowed to refuse since I'm working with a lawyer against them? Deciding to not give in to panic just yet, I make my way to Namjoon's room with trembling legs.
I knock on the door and it doesn't take long before his voice allows me inside. I open the door to see him seated at his desk, a few books in front of him. When he sees how pale I am, he quickly raises from his chair and walks to me. "Is something wrong, Bun? Do you feel sick?" he asks softly, voice full of concern, but he frowns when I shake my head.
"They called. They need me for the day. They can't, right? Not with the case working against that, I can actually refuse?" I ask pleadingly as I see the light leave his eyes. His traits harden and he runs to his phone where he selects a contact before bringing it to his ear.
"If they call her, can she refuse?" he asks right away, not caring for introductions. His fists tighten as he listens to the voice on the other side and he suddenly hits the wall, leaving a dent in it. I jump at the loud noise, but especially as the scowl on his face. His rage is so deep and hitting me like a tornado. "So you're saying she has to go?" he growls into the phone. It goes on for a bit longer and he sighs as he ends the call before looking down.
I step closer to him and grab his large hand with both of my hands. "What did they say?" I ask quietly, unsure of how to go at it. The answer is pretty clear, but I need to hear it. He looks so defeated at the moment. He sits on his chair and makes me sit on his lap before clinging onto me for dear life.
"The M.I. are countering the case with good arguments, so the Court is reviewing everything a second time. Chae Hyungwon, the lawyer is trying to put forward the points about your health so they move faster, but since this is a special organization from the government, they're walking on eggshells right now. So at the moment, nothing stops them from asking for you".
Waffle whines loudly and nudges my leg as if he can't bear too to see me leave. "I can't let you go, they'll just let you die to end this sooner and they'll just be lightly sanctioned, stay here" Namjoon whispers as he holds me tighter.
If only it was that simple. But if I don't go, they'll start going after all of them to force me into coming back. Me obeying them is also to protect my soulmates at the moment. I pat his arm and force a smile, although I feel like breaking down from the inside. "It'll be fine, Joonie. I'll come back" I say softly, but he doesn't react, doesn't move. "You know I can't stay. You know that, don't you?" I try again and feel his arms slowly release me.
I turn around to face him and set a knee between his thighs for support as my hands come to hold his face. His cheeks already filled with tears, my heart aches at the sight. "I'll be fine, I promise. I'm not giving up on you, I'm coming back to you, always".
His face contorts even more and I lean forward to push my lips against his. His arms come around my waist right away to raise me on top of him and he responds to the kiss with despair, as if it's the first and last time it will ever happen. His touch his soft yet strong as his lips take hold of mine in an attempt to confirm my promise, to make sure I keep it. It's such a sad kiss, but the only way to comfort the both of us into believing that I will indeed come back.
Pulling back is hard, but I don't have anymore time. I lay my forehead on his and peck his nose and cheeks, taking his tears with me. "I have to go" I whisper and he nods before letting me back down. "I'll come with you".
It's when we're outside and on the way that we find Yoongi running to us with alert in his eyes. He doesn't need to ask anything to know what is going on and the rage Namjoon had earlier passes through him in waves as he explains why we can't refuse.
"It makes no sense, they'll just- why don't we run away? We'll make sure they don't find us, heck, I'll beat up everyone trying to break us apart, I-" Yoongi screams, hands flying all over the place, his distress very strong in the bond at the moment, a feeling calling out to everyone right now. Namjoon's phone rings and he takes his time into explaining the situation, but it doesn't go too well.
I grab Yoongi's hand firmly and he looks down at me looking all sad and broken. I don't say anything, but what he sees must speak for me. His lips form a tight line and he squeezes my hand tighter. "We'll wait for you by the door. I won't hesitate to break inside if it takes too long" he says and I nod, knowing that he'll actually try if it does happen. I grab Namjoon's hand too and we stay as close to each other as possible.
I'll have to make sure it doesn't go that far. I'll do my best to support the pain, I'll give them what they want and get out of the memories by myself. I won't let them have the last words.
We reach the building too soon and before nearing the stairs, I turn to Namjoon. "The barrier, please" I whisper and watch as his face crumbles. "I can't remove it, Y/N" he pleads but I shake my head. "You have to, for me, please". He clenches his jaw and eventually nods. With his hand on my cheek, I feel our connection weaken as the barrier disappears. It's like breathing becomes harder suddenly, a part of me gone forever. "Just while I'm in here" I add to soothe him a little, to confirm yet again that I'm going to walk out of here soon. He leans down to leave a strong kiss on my head and lets Yoongi hug me once he's done. "You come back to us, no matter what" he whispers and I nod against his chest. "I will".
I leave them behind me, not daring to look back, feeling like my strength would disappear if I do and walk closer to the stairs. I see a few men walk out to force me inside, probably their way of scaring me, of making me regret even trying to go against them.
But just as I near their arms that are ready to grab me, I hear Namjoon's cry of surprise before I realize why.
"We're taking this little doll away from your hands" a voice whispers before arms grab me from behind and just as fast, we're gone.
Namjoon's POV
When I see her disappear with the dark figure, I feel my soul leave me. Yoongi is already running forward and screaming at the confused men, asking them where she is, but they are as clueless as we are.
I can still feel her, but it feels like there's a barrier around her, one that works against me. Not rejecting the bond, but not allowing the link between us to work either. I drop to the ground and watch as Yoongi gets pushed down the stairs. He falls on his back with a loud thud so I quickly crawl over to him, make sure he's fine, physically anyway.
The look of pain, fear that he sends me, I know to be a reflection of my own. Someone kidnapped Y/N. Someone took our baby soulmate away from us. And I can't tell if it's a good thing, or a bad thing, because at least, that means the M.I. can't touch her. But what if whoever has her now is even worse than them? Who was it?
Whoever had plans on hold for her is now starting to take action. And I can't help but mumble lowly. "It's starting. The war".
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