Is something wrong with me?
Double update? Yes! I also want to say thank you for the 5.2K views! Just... wow!
"I want to say again. I am not responsible for anything that breaks here again" I whisper into Namjoon's ear as we enter the clinic and he nods, serious gaze on his face as we look around us to make sure we're not getting too close to something fragile.
Jungkook and Hoseok stare at us like we're the strangest people on earth while Jin, Jimin and Yoongi stare at us from behind with curious eyes, wondering what is happening right now. Taehyung has his arms around the both of us to keep us from wandering too far.
See, it's all planned. We enter the building. We walk through the main hall and reach the corridor and into his office. There, we're safe. Then, we leave again, we carefully tiptoe our way back to the front door and leave the building. Easy peasy.
"You guys are way too slow, people are staring!" Jungkook whispers into our ears, but Taehyung makes him shush with a stern glare when he sees our concentration diverge from our goal. "The snails are on a mission today and I will not let you disturb the poor creatures" he mumbles and I turn to glare at him but his hand pushes my face back to the front. "The snails will always look at their environment and not let themselves be distracted by trivialities".
I huff, not sure how to feel about this. "I never agreed to be called a snail" I mumble under my breath, followed by a hum of agreement from Namjoon. But I have to agree that we're slow. Like, very slow. I can see Waffle staring at us with bored eyes from the door to Namjoon's office, he's going to be waiting for a while.
Suddenly, a pair of arms grab me from behind. "Careful! The carpet starts here and if you don't raise your feet, you will trip" Taehyung dramatically declares, as if falling would cause my death. "I can't deal with you guys, I don't know you anymore" Yoongi murmurs while hiding his face from the outsiders staring at us and he runs past our group and into the office.
Mouths wide open, Namjoon and I share a look of amazement. "How brave must he be to run here?" I ask him and his eyes show just as much confusion as mine. "I don't know. But I want to know his secret". I nod quickly and stare at the door with determined eyes. "Me too, let's go".
So we resume walking, one step at a time, not caring even a little about the disappointed look we get from all of our soulmates remaining by us except for Taehyung. He's the only one supporting us on this adventure, I must give him a medal later. Maybe a peck on the cheek.
"Almost there, snails, you can do it, I believe in you" the man says to us as we arrive at a marking point. We stop at the entrance of the corridor and stare at the many furnitures holding vases of flowers and trophies of all sorts. Even picture frames and little... things, whatever they are.
"How can you make twenty steps become thousands?" Jungkook asks again with a bewildered voice and I hear Jimin giggle. This situation amuses him greatly right now. "Well, I don't know why I'm walking at a speed of -5KM/H so please excuse me while I go join Yoongi in the comfort of the office" Jin then speaks loudly, startling Namjoon and I out of our concentration and Taehyung silently swears when he pulls my body away from the most expensive vase of the corridor.
"Hyung!" he whisper shouts as the tall man leaves us behind and we see Hoseok try to act disinterested as he follows suit and walks away. So now only remains Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon and I.
I stop and turn back to look at Jungkook. "Wanna go too? Now's your chance, don't lose the timing" I tell him and I see him bite his lips, lost in thoughts. Just as he's about to nod and move away, I shrug and turn back to the front, blocking the path. "Too late, you lost the timing". And we keep walking ignoring his groans as he pouts behind a laughing Jimin.
"Almost there, my dear snails, don't give up!" Taehyung whispers in our ears and I huff a yes with Namjoon as our eyes are fixing the door. Almost there.
Just as we near the door, our goal finally within reach, Namjoon stumbles on his feet, which results in pushing me a little to the side. My hip bumps into something and I feel my heart stop at the sound of the object falling to the ground. I quickly look to the side to see a picture frame on the ground.
I fall on my knees, faking tears as I slowly grab it in my hands like a newborn baby and look up to Namjoon with betrayed eyes. "Joonie... what have you done?" I whimper and his mouth opens, confused and lost eyes gazing at the object in my hands. "It's not brok-"
Taehyung falls to the ground next to me with a loud cry, resulting in a few doors opening to see what is going on. I can hear Namjoon apologize deeply for bothering them, but we're not ready to stop just yet.
I let Taehyung slowly take it from my hands. "It... it was so young... yet now... over... all gone" he whispers and then starts fake crying as he wraps his right arm around my shoulders in a comforting manner. "We shall not forget its sacrifice..." I add and we snuggle our heads together as we mourn the fall of New York. It will never be the same again.
"Okay... hum... I think we'll join the others..." Jimin eventually says and grips Jungkook arms before making their way inside the room, giving us one last look before closing the door.
I look up from our dramatic scene once I start feeling Namjoon low key panicking when he realizes he's creating trouble at his workplace. Taehyung and I sigh in unison before helping each other stand up and we put the frame back before opening the door, much to the doctor's relief.
I clear my throat and take a seat between Jin and Yoongi, nudging both of their shoulders when they try to ignore me. They don't last long though when a smile creeps onto Jin's face. Or when Yoongi pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue before nudging me back softly, his eyes holding that same warm light they usually have when he gazes at his soulmates.
"So" Namjoon starts once getting himself out of the snail mentality and back into a doctor, which is the reason of our presence here. "Y/N, can I please ask you to remove your shoes and take a seat on the exam table, please" he says professionally and I suddenly straighten up, surprised by the sudden change of behavior. I remove my camera from around my neck and put it in Hoseok's hands when I see them appear in my range of sight. I thank him with a smile, I know he'll take good care of it.
Anyway, the screen is already broken, it doesn't really matter, I'll have to repair it later. Or find someone to repair it for me if the cracks go deeper than the main lentil. But then again, maybe it's time I get a new one, there are so many great cameras now and I can't allow myself to create lower quality pictures than the other artists at the gallery, I'm the owner and therefore I should act like i-
Jungkook tickles my waist, which forces me out of my thoughts and up from my chair with a yelp and I turn back with a frown only to be met with his proud little smile. I frown and ruffle his hair playfully. He tries to swat my hand away with a wide smile, happy with the attention when Namjoon suddenly clears his throat, making me aware of the current situation. This is no time to play. I give Jungkook one last ruffle and slowly make my way to the kind of bed after removing my shoes and sit on it with a very manly grunt.
Because imagine Namjoon's height, that's how high the exam table needs to be. Up to his waist. That's how high I need to jump. My poor small legs.
He gets his notepad and starts entering the basic information that he already knows, which is pretty much everything. He tilts his head from time to time when he thinks about something, his hands writing prettily some words that exist only in his domain. Once done and satisfied, he puts it aside and looks at me with smiling eyes.
"Well, miss L/N, let's start with the basic checkup stuff, okay?" he says with a grin before getting his stethoscope and putting the eartips in his ears. He approaches and tentatively makes his way to my chest with the chest piece, work mode taking over as he starts listening for any anomalies. Not that he'd find any, I'm very healthy.
That's what I think, but seeing his smile fall as he starts listening at a few different places has me slowly starting to worry. He must realize my heartbeat is increasing because he meets my eyes and they soften as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Jimin, can you help her calm down, please, I need to hear more of her normal beat" he asks and I turn to see Jimin's wide and surprised eyes as he stands up from his chair to sit by my side.
He turns to me with his cute smile and lays his hand on top of mine, causing my heartbeat to calm down already and I feel more relaxed. I fix my eyes on Namjoon as he proceeds with the examination and he slides an arm under the back of my shirt to get a reading directly on my skin.
His eyes briefly move to someone from the group and I turn to see Yoongi staring at him intently. I guess I'm not the only one getting worried. Once done, Namjoon starts taking some more notes, a frown still on his face and Jimin starts distracting me by talking about the way he sometimes feels like Waffle is staring at him from a corner only to turn and find nothing there, so he's slowly becoming paranoid at home.
We turn in sync to see Waffle sitting in the corner of the room, eyes on Jimin and the latter gulps before turning to me with eyes that say 'I told you so'. I giggle and call the pup over, enjoying seeing him bounce over with his overly fluffy fur and he stops at my feet. I'm seated so high up I can't even touch him with my big toe and I sigh. Waffle doesn't seem to mind though. He sits right under me and turns to gaze at the door. I should spend some time cuddling with the little boy tonight, I think we would both like that.
Namjoon proceeds with some other tests that are easy and much less worrying and it ends without a hitch. He writes some final notes on the papers and hums to himself before putting it away and he walks over to help me jump down from the bed.
He walks me over to the chair where I sit down and he moves back to his desk where he sits to look through some things on his computer. I don't realize right away when Jimin crouches in front of me to put my shoes back on my feet, but when I do, I try to make him stop, embarrassment flowing through my whole body. He stands his ground, though, and ties my laces with a smile before going back to his seat.
I turn my upper body around to look at my other quiet soulmates at the back and get a smile from the three of them. I grin at them, feeling rejuvenated simply by looking at their handsome faces and before I can do anything, Hoseok hands me my camera back with utmost care. I smile and take it from his hands, blushing a little at the lingering touch of his fingers on mine as I grip onto the object. His chuckle resonates in my head even after I bring my attention back forward to Namjoon typing some things the computer.
I turn to Yoongi to see him lost in thoughts. He eventually meets my eyes when he feels me staring and he gives me a small smile. It just doesn't reach his eyes just as much as usual. "Yoongi... is something wrong with me? What did Namjoon tell you?" I ask him softly and I see him look at everyone in the room with a sigh before shaking his head. "Later, Snowflakes".
I sigh and stare down at my feet dangling from my chair. Waffle comes to me and leans his head on my knees, his cute eyes looking at me, a smart glint in them that always makes me wonder what goes through him mind.
Waffle simply wants to comfort her. He doesn't know exactly what is wrong with her heart, but he felt Namjoon's nervosity spike up just a little when he first listened to her heartbeat. That leads him to believe that there must be something wrong, but Waffle is no doctor. He can only hope it's nothing too bad or dangerous.
"Okay, let's go get a snack at a cafe nearby, then we can go to Taehyung's workplace for the last appointment of the day" Namjoon then says from his desk before making his way to the door. I see his empty hands and tilt my head. "What about the papers?" I ask him and he chuckles before pointing to his printer. "Already faxed them to the lawyer". "Oh". I nod and let Jin pull my hand to make me stand up. Him and Yoongi surround me, conscious of my fear of breaking something but also not wanting to spend hours simply trying to leave the building, so my exit happens a lot faster and without complications.
"Isn't there a cafe near where you work, Tae?" Jimin asks him and he nods, lips pursed forward cutely as he looks around in his mind for the exact position. "It's a little while from here, let's go" he says with happy eyes and we organize ourselves in groups of two on the sidewalk to avoid being in the streets.
Jungkook wins the round of rock paper scissors for who gets to stay with me and his little cheering dance has me laughing as the others mumble and grumble, still happy to spend time with the others, but not living well with the defeat.
The bunny man doesn't waste time in grabbing my hand and starts pulling me along with him at a nice pace. He starts pointing to every little things that get his attention, like the cute dogs running in the park, which then makes him laugh at the sight of Waffle's ears perking up at the mention of other dogs. But the pup's attention darts back to the surrounding people walking past us and I kind of feel bad that he doesn't get to live a normal dog life, even if Jungkook assures me a few times that he's trained for that.
"It doesn't mean he can't have some fun too" I counter, earning me a pinch of the cheek. "I can assure you that Waffle is very happy with knowing you safe. You can always play with him at home later, he loves you to bits". I don't find anything to say against that, because I can feel the truth in his words. "Don't worry, Waffle won't live a sad and miserable life, it's just going to be a little different from other ordinary dogs" he adds when he feels my hesitation.
He side hugs me and kisses the top of my head, a small spring to his step appearing at the sight of the blush on my cheeks and he takes hold of my hand again. The others behind us coo at the sight and I start walking faster to hide my embarrassment, very futile, I know.
Jungkook laughs, our hands swinging back and forth, contentment between us making this walk very enjoyable.
I could see myself living this kind of life everyday, without having to worry about memories and triggers. How great would it be?
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