I'm what?!
A few hours pass by and I close my book. "Can't believe I finished it already" I whisper, looking at it with sad eyes. "Then I guess that means it was good" I hear Namjoon say and I nod. "So, what is happening, is she with her soulmates yet?" Taehyung asks as he pulls on Namjoon's coat to settle it back on his shoulders. I shake my head. "Not yet. She doesn't feel like she deserves them so she keeps running away. But the thing is one of them accidentally started the bonding process right at the end, so in the next book, they probably will have to complete it, I hope she allows herself to get close to them" I murmur at the end, head bent down.
She went through so much, yet when she finds the one thing that could make her happy, the bond with her soulmates, she rejects it. "I'm sure it'll be fine" Namjoon says to cheer me up and I smile at him while nodding. "I think so too".
I stay silent for a while. I look at them both get back into their books, eyes focused on words, mind lost in worlds. I think about getting the third book now but then decide against it, I'll keep it for another time. My stomach grumbles loudly and the guys flinch.
I look at the time on my phone and my eyes grow wide. "No wonder I'm so hungry! It's already 12:03" I exclaim and they look at their phones too, like they cannot believe me.
"You're right, Jin texted me too, he's asking if we want to meet up for lunch" Namjoon says while looking up to Taehyung who nods, then turns to me. "Do you want to come with us?" he asks and I'm momentarily stunned.
"How many more soulmates am I going to meet?" I ask and he just responds with a deep sexy chuckle. Damn. "We're seven soulmates. Still waiting for our last one to notice us" he says with a wink. So eight soulmates... wow.
"I wouldn't want to intrude, it's your moment" I say, anxious but he shakes his head, like the idea itself is preposterous. "I promise you won't intrude, they'll be very happy to see you again and to meet you properly. You still haven't met Jungkook, Jin and Hoseok but I promise they're very sweet, you'll like them" he says and Namjoon adds with a smile "Food's on me. Don't worry about a thing and come with us. Please?" Taehyung gives me puppy eyes and I already waver. "Okay" I say and laugh as they do a "yes!" of victory.
We head out of the library and walk towards Scenery, my favorite cafe around and Namjoon opens the door wide for Taehyung and I. We step inside and he follows closely behind. I then start feeling eager and anxious for some reason, like I'm about to meet someone very important. We look around and then we see someone wave at us. Taehyung's face lights up and he motions for me to follow him. As we get closer, the feeling becomes more intense.
Confused, I just try to shrug it off, it's probably the nerves. It's a big group full of new faces, some of them I only saw once, it's quite unnerving. A man with black hair surrounding a very handsome face smiles brightly when he looks at me and shares a look with Namjoon behind me. My eyes meet the man from this morning's eyes and he smiles gently, inviting me to sit in front of him. From what Namjoon told me, his name is Yoongi. The one who I would be sitting next to gives me a shy bunny smile, which makes me more at ease with sitting down there.
Taehyung sits next to me and Namjoon goes to sit alone on one of the ends of the table, looking over at the group with a soft gaze that I do not quite understand. The other end is taken by Jimin, who I remember as the man with the kitten. He gives me a warm smile and waves shyly at me. My finger starts to itch slightly, but I try to ignore it, it's been happening quite a lot recently, which is weird.
The man with the black hair looks at me and I feel a blanket of comfort fall over me, calming my nerves. Ah, he can control the ambiance, just like JinJin. Even their names are alike. "Thank you" I say, relieved. "It's a pleasure. My name is Seokjin but call me Jin, everyone does, it's nice to finally meet you" he says and I nod with a smile.
The other man next to Yoongi seems to hardly be able to contain himself as he waits for me to finally look at him. When I do meet his gaze, I'm met with a sunshine of warmth and hope and happiness. "I couldn't wait to meet you too! My name is Hoseok" he exclaims and I laugh at his energy which is contagious. The shy man next to me clears his throat and bents his head to the side while looking at me, his cheeks a light shade of pink. "I'm Jungkook, it's nice to meet you, Y/N" he says with a small voice and the urge to coo at him hits me hard. No, Y/N, don't.
"I guess you're taking a break from being a photographer today?" Jimin asks and I turn my head towards him while nodding. "Yes, I took a lot of pictures and it was quite draining, so I thought today I could take it easy" I reply and he nods, suddenly worried. "Did taking pictures of us wear you out? I shake my head quickly. "No, it's not you, don't worry. I just took many pictures for the gallery and had to see if they could be used. Sadly none of them quite fit what I'm looking for". The men perk up at the mention of the gallery and I giggle. "You're all welcomed to see the exposition if you want, it's in a week. Are you guys staying for long?" I ask after inviting them, curious because maybe we could head there together.
Jungkook looks at Jin expectantly, like everything depends on him. "Where is the gallery?" Yoongi asks and I turn to look at him. "It's not too far from here, it's closer by the sea, so maybe ten minutes?". They all share an enthusiastic grin. "We'll come!". Pleased with their answer, the conversation ends there.
Namjoon hands me the menu and am I glad for that. Food soon takes over all my thoughts, what to eat?! I'm so hungry I could eat everything on the menu. He sees my face and must think I'm hesitating because he shakes his head with a smile. "Just order whatever you want, it's fine". I thank him and proceed to choose (you're the boss, you choose). Soon when we've all chosen, the menus are taken away and we wait.
"So" Hoseok starts, waiting until he has my attention. "Do you have any soulmates?". I stare at him, processing what he just said before nodding. "I do. I'm supposed to have seven of them, actually. I heard you're all missing one?" He nods with a smirk and the others giggle a little.
"We've been waiting a long time to meet her, so I guess we're growing a little impatient" Jimin adds, his eye smile making me melt. But... "Her? So you already know who's your missing soulmate?" I ask and they fight hard to restrain their smiles. "We do" Jin says and I'm getting very confused. Why are they looking at me like that?
I hear Jungkook shuffle nervously next to me before pointing at my hand. "Why don't you take a look yourself?". I glance at all of them, noting that Yoongi just smirks while Taehyung raises his eyebrows excitedly. Namjoon just mimes removing a glove and that's what I do, I remove my left glove.
What I don't expect, is to be met with seven bright rings of fate. The itching fades, like all it was asking for was to be seen. I gasp and my mouth opens wide. "It's you, Y/N, you're our missing soulmate" Jimin says, voice sweet with love. But my brain has stopped functioning. I gulp and blink a few times, shaking my head to get out of the daze. "I'm what?!" I look at them and they're beaming with joy.
"I feel so dumb right now!" I exclaim and Jungkook laughs while Hoseok frowns. "You're not dumb! It's not your fault if you didn't know" he says, but Jungkook just shakes his head at him.
"I know what you feel like, Y/N. It actually took me a few weeks myself, I would always wear gloves because I couldn't handle the gaze of the other students on my hand and I always thought the itching was because my gloves were too warm. It got to a point were it would hurt so bad, Taehyung just ripped them open to reveal that my finger was glowing" he recounts with a smile and I feel a little better.
Taehyung chuckles at the memory. "Man, I was so frustrated, I thought you were avoiding it on purpose! I'd always make sure to show you my glowing finger one way or another, yet nothing would do it" he added and everyone laughs. I look at my finger and just can't wrap my head around how I managed to not understand.
"I felt the pull, the attraction, I just thought it was because you're a handsome bunch of men. Or the nervousness because you're people I don't know very well. It did cross my mind once that it could be possible but... when you wait so long, you just shrug it off" I say and I feel a hand on my left shoulder. I look up to see Taehyung gazing at me with warm eyes. "Don't stress over it. We won't start the bonding process until you're more comfortable with us. Also... thank you for the compliment". I blush at that, I just blurted out my thoughts and I hear chuckles all around me.
Then food appears and I can't thank the lady enough, she saved me from further embarrassment. Before taking a bite though, I look at them all. "Thank you for being considerate and waiting for the bonding. I have to admit it makes me a bit nervous and I'd rather we all get acquainted better before." They nod reassuringly, like it's only natural and I breath a sigh of relief. Jin then motions for us to start eating with a big grin. "Let's eat!" We all hum in agreement and take bites of food, filling our empty stomach with fuel for the rest of the day.
Now that the truth is out, it does make sense. I guess a part of me just didn't want to expect something good only to be disappointed in the end, like, how did I manage to get seven beautiful soulmates?! I look average, would I stand out with them?! I hear a small laugh and look up to see Yoongi gazing at me with an eye smile. I could stare at him forever... snap out of it Y/N!
"I bet your thoughts are all over the place" he murmurs in a sweet voice and I just nod, my heart is picking up the pace. I breath deeply and slowly, this is so awkward!
The rest of the meal is spent with Jin telling us every jokes he can think of, and I have to say, they're really funny. I somehow have a weak spot for dad jokes and I can see him sparkling every time I laugh while the others just sigh.
Jungkook starts opening a little more, telling some funny stories from when he was at college with Taehyung and Jimin. It felt nice, getting to learn more about them. They had spent years together already, so it felt a little weird for me to suddenly appear.
When we finish eating, I look at my phone. 13:45. "Is everything okay?" Namjoon asks and I nod, putting my phone away. "Yes, sorry. Thank you for the food, I really enjoyed our time together". They all give me a soft grin, showing me that they enjoyed it too.
"Are you doing anything in particular this afternoon?" I hear Hoseok ask me and I think about it. The guys won't be coming home before around 18:00, so I still have a few hours. I shake my head, looking up to him. He brightens up and shows me a heart shaped smile. "Then do you want to spend it with us? I would love to hear more about you!" I smile and nod slowly. "Sure, I don't have much to say though, I'm quite boring". He shakes his head. "You can't be worse than Yoongi". The said man twists his neck to stare at him with a frown. "Are you trying to make me look bad in front of our soulmate?!"
I see the others stare at them, some apparently scared for Hoseok's life, some finding this hilarious. I just giggle, because they remind me of Eunwoo and Sanha. Yoongi turns to me and softens into a gummy smile. Taehyung just scoffs. "He's already lovestruck. We've found his greatest weakness. Namjoon, note the time and hour, note everything" Taehyung blurts out and we all laugh, even Yoongi who just nudges him softly.
Right at this moment, I feel good. I feel at peace with the situation, with my soulmates. It feels weird to finally be able to say that, soulmates. I wonder what will happen from now on, and will they be able to handle what comes with my ability? I can't help but shy away at the thought.
Suddenly, my phone rings and I startle. I take it out of my pocket, expecting it to be one of the guys, but it's a number I don't want to see instead. Jin sees my expression darken and I excuse myself, walking out of the cafe to take the call.
"Hello" I say simply, they know what to expect by now. "L/N, we're going to have to ask you to come now, it's urgent" the voice says before ending the call. My hands start shaking, this couldn't come at a worse timing. I feel my soulmates surround me outside, their worried eyes glancing at me, their mouth moving, but I can't hear them, I can only hear my heart, it feels like it would burst out of my chest.
"I-I need to go. It's urgent, I'll see you guys soon" I say before running off. This really is the worst timing. Why now?
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