Getting ready
Waiting for my brothers to take the call proves to be a game of breathing in and out deeply, because I can tell it's going to be chaotic.
"Y/N!" I hear many voices scream on top of each other, faces a blur as they push each other to see the screen. I sigh. "Hi guys, please calm down a little, will you? I'm going to be sick at this rhythm" I say when the phone flips down to the floor with a loud noise.
"Everyone stop moving!" I hear Eunwoo order and silence takes over. I giggle when I see his face appear on the screen, worried eyes taking a look at my face before being relieved. "MJ told us about your situation, how are you, Peach? They treat you well over there?". I nod with a smile.
"Mark has been taking me around the place today to meet some of the people here, they're all very nice. A bit rough around the edges, but life has made them that way, they're not bad people" I say, a grin on my face when he sits on the floor in front of the group now on the couch, allowing me to see everyone.
Moonbin and Sanha lean forward to see me closer and blow a few kisses my way. "We miss you a lot, noona" the youngest one says sadly and I lose my smile, my eyes falling on his form. "I miss you a lot too, a whole lot". Moonbin shoots me a tired smile. "It's not the same without you around now, especially knowing that you're not even in the village anymore". I nod slowly. "I know, Binnie, I don't like it either".
"How have your soulmates handled this so far?" Rocky asks, a knowing glint to his eyes, maybe after seeing Hoseok at work. "How was Hoseok today? Did he show up at the dance studio?" I ask him, see as he turns to Moonbin in silence. The latter sighs. Rocky turns back to me. "He showed up, but he didn't seem in his right state of mind. We didn't dare ask him anything, he was trying his best to focus on his students, but even the youngest ones could see something was wrong. We sent him home sooner".
I sigh. "I'll call them later then, thank you for telling me, Rocky. I'd like to think that the smiles they show me are proof that they're fine, but I know it's not easy for anyone. The bond is quite a roller-coaster sometimes. Especially with my health situation... I'd like to ask of you all to watch over them when you can, please" I plead, smile only when JinJin nods quickly, a promise to invite them over very soon leaving his lips, the others confirming his words right after, Sanha being his cute self and making a pinkie promise with me, not minding the a screen separates the both of us.
As we keep talking, Mark eventually comes back and introducing my brothers to my real brother is filled with excitement. They get to know each other and embarrassing stories about me comes out from both sides in horrifying amounts. Am I glad that my soulmates aren't there to hear them.
"You know Peach, I might not be able to hear your thoughts right now, but I can see what's going through your mind and I can assure you it's not going the way you want. I've been recording this conversation to send to the guys. I'm sure this will cheer them up" MJ says and my eyes widen.
"You did not just do that" I blurt out, watch the grin spread on all of their faces. I raise my fist his way and even Mark starts laughing as he moves away from me. "MJ I swear, if you send them this recording I will find you and I will kill you" I threaten him but he only giggles. "I'd like that please" he responds and I groan, hands going to support my head as I despair.
"It's sent" JinJin says and I cry in agony. "I hate you all!" I whine, feeling even more betrayed when they all burst into laughter. "I thought you guys loved me!" I shout before lowering my tone when Mark motions for me to be quieter.
"We do love you, Peach, you know we can't live without you" Eunwoo coos, his creased eyes staring at me with warmth and the urge to hug him is strong. "I miss my favorite cuddle buddy" I mumble, see his eyes widen a little at my words. "Oh Peach... we'll cuddle all you want as soon as we can, I promise".
Everyone nods at his words, each a promise for when we meet, hoping it would be soon but knowing it might be very unlikely.
When it's time to say goodbye, Sanha starts sobbing, his hands gripping on the phone like his life depends on it. I tear up too, wishing I could soothe him myself, but luckily he's not alone, Moonbin hugging him tight for me as I say sweet words to him, hoping to calm him down with my voice.
Ending the call proves to be very difficult and Mark spends the next ten minutes hugging me to help me relax, my body tensing at the knowledge that I still hurt them even now.
When I remember how I woke up this morning, I move out of his arms to meet his eyes. "Tonight probably won't go too well Mark... this morning's memory will continue. I don't know how my body will react"
He breathes in slowly and nods. "I'll go and talk with Seo-Joon, ask him if we can get some healers ready just in case, you can wash up and get ready for bed" he says with a gentle caress on my cheek before leaving the room.
I do as told and enter the shower to clean myself up, letting his bodywash soothe me, the smell reminding me a little of Jungkook's and Jimin's scent. The hot water, although it should make me feel better like usual, this time it acts like a warning that tonight won't be great. It will be a disaster.
I hesitate about telling the guys, but knowing that they'd panic even more by waking up confused, I make up my mind to tell them.
I get out of the shower, dry myself off and get dressed into light and baggy clothes, knowing it'll be better than tight ones. I see Mark is still isn't back, so I get ready to call the guys. It rings a few times before a face appears, a wide boxy smile in display.
"Kitten! I just saw that video sent by MJ! I didn't know you could be even cuter than now, but it just happened". I smile at the way his face beams when he gazes at me. "Hey Tae, glad to hear you enjoyed the humiliating stories" I whisper, see the way his eyes fill with worry, but his smile remains, only softer. "Still no good news, huh?" he asks, voice already knowing my answer. I slowly shake my head. "I'm sorry Tae, it's still not good news. Can you gather everyone in the nest? Is everyone there?". He nods and raises from his bed, knocking on a few doors as he makes his way downstairs.
As soon as he puts a foot in the nest, the bond shifts, like an alarm as we feel his nervousness call out to us, a call for help, for reassurance. I bite my lips, knowing this is because of me, a guilt that digs a little deeper to take place in my soul, stuck there and unwilling to let go of me.
It doesn't take long for everyone to enter the room, bodies getting on the bed to comfort Taehyung before realizing that he's on the phone with me. Something that would bring smiles if the bond wasn't telling that it's not such a good thing at the moment.
"Hey, Bun... is everything alright?" Namjoon asks, his eyes staring deep into mine as I smile softly, knowing it doesn't quite reach my eyes. "Marshmallow, do you hurt again? Is anyone there able to help you?" Jungkook asks next and I shake my head. "I don't hurt, Kookie. Not yet".
The bond shifts considerably at my words, the 'not yet' sinking in slowly and harshly. "I had a half memory last night. The worst will most definitely happen tonight. I wanted to warn you first, because I don't know how it'll happen, Mark went to get some people ready just in case, but I don't want you all waking up in confusion, it's won't be a nice night" I explain, see the hurt flash in their eyes as they process the situation.
I see Yoongi's face shut down a little, eyes filled with despair. Jin and Hoseok take him into a hug, the both of them trying to soothe him while the others keep their eyes on me. "How bad is it going to be, baby Jewel? What is it about?" Jimin asks, his voice so quiet I barely hear it.
I shake my head. "It's better if you don't know, Jiminie. It's not pretty" I mumble, see the tears stream down his cheeks. My heart clenches, unable to help them even though the nest exists for that sole purpose, to soothe them when they need it, here I am bringing them more pain than good.
The door opens at that moment and I turn to see Mark enter with the boss behind him. I tense and sit up straighter.
"Park Seo-Joon" I say, see his eyes meet mine as he nods briefly. Mark comes to sit next to me and takes hold of my phone gently, quietly explaining the current situation to my soulmates while the man walks to me, then taking a seat on the couch.
"I was told of your memory, how it's going to be bad tonight. How do you know?" he asks, going straight to the point. I proceed to explain to him everything I know, what happened this morning without going into details because I don't want the guys to catch up on what it's going to be about. Seo-Joon doesn't force me to go into details, but when he understands how dangerous it can get tonight, it doesn't take long before Rain makes an appearance in the room.
"Seo-Joon, Y/N, Mark" the doctor greets us quickly as he arrives. "Y/N is going to have a heavy memory tonight. It might bring her body into shock. Gather the healers, explain her current state and how we're supposed to maintain it, tonight might be a struggle" the boss says as he stands up from the couch and turns to Mark.
His eyes fall on the phone. "Who are you talking to?". Mark startles and turns to me. "My soulmates, sir. I was telling them about tonight so they don't freak out without knowing what's going on" I mumble, see him nod before he asks to get the phone.
At my nod, Mark is quick to hand it to him and I nervously watch as the imposing man takes a look at each faces. "I'm going to offer you seven a deal, you're free to accept or refuse, but I won't ask again so think about it well". I can feel the bond become more focused, serious but also a little concerned. "What is it?" Namjoon asks, taking on the role of representing everyone.
Seo-Joon turns to me briefly before bringing his gaze back to the screen. "I can see that she's worried a lot over you guys, especially being away from you in her condition. I'm ready to allow you all here, I have a suite available for the eight of you, I'm sure you don't mind sharing beds" he starts and hope is quick to fill the bond.
"But, in exchange for that, I need you all to let me make use of your abilities as I see fit. So no complaining, no disobeying, if I say you do something, then you do it. You would be allowed to be closer to your wounded soulmate, but free days wouldn't be that frequent, no getting out as well".
"We'll accept, of course" Namjoon says, tone firm and confident, hums of approval being heard from the others as well. I feel my heart drop a little. Is he asking them to become slaves just to be able to stay with me?
"When can we get there? Do we need to bring anything?" Namjoon asks, tone calm and pleased, the thought of being able to stay with me doing wonders to their hurt hearts. "I give you all one hour. Make your bags, maybe bring clothes for your little soulmate here as well, she's been using her brother's clothes. Anything you forget, we can deal with it then. I'll send someone to get you all in exactly one hour so be ready".
He then ends the call and throws it my way, my brain barely registering that it's flying towards my face before Mark catches it, avoiding me a black eye or just a very embarrassing moment.
Seo-Joon turns to me. "They agreed to this while knowing what it can implicate, so don't make it hard for them by trying to make them refuse orders. I won't go easy on them, this war isn't going to be won by being nice" he says before exiting the room, Rain long gone since he received his order.
I turn to Mark. "What kind of tasks are they going to be given?" I ask, fear in my voice. He sighs as he sets my phone down. "It'll depend on their abilities. Some of them will have it easier than others. It might go from working in the kitchen to being available to heal, everything is possible".
The idea of simple tasks being given to them makes me feel reassured. None of them have really intense and rare abilities, so the chances of them doing anything dangerous shouldn't happen.
"I honestly think Seo-Joon said that only to make sure they're not completely useless by staying in the room all day, like I told you, he's a scary teddy bear, but not a bad one. But we truly need as many ready to help as we can get our hands on. Still, you shouldn't worry so much. I'm sure they'll be fine".
I nod before starting to feel dizzy. I hold my head and groan.
"I don't have much longer left before I'm forcefully pulled into the memory" I whisper, hissing when my whole body spasms lightly. With worried eyes, Mark helps me lie down on the bed.
"You won't be alone, we're all going to be with you, be strong, little sister" he says, voice reassuring as he runs a hand through my hair. I lean into the touch, letting it soothe my heart for the last minutes I have.
It takes around ten minutes before I whine, soul tearing me away from reality, forcing me out of consciousness and straight into a nightmare.
It's been a while since I wrote a real chapter, right? Here it is, finally!
What do you think the next part of the memory is going to be like? Our poor Y/N is going to suffer so much...
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