"Alright, that'll be all for today, that was a good session" Do-hwan says and I bow in thanks along with Mark next to me for his help as he leaves the room.
It's been a few days now since Eunwoo's kidnapping and although I've been trying really hard to get as much information as I could from the pictures, nothing has given away their position just yet.
One thing that has been going well so far though is the sealing of my memories.
Do-hwan's job in this is to protect my soul from having a meltdown by controlling its nerves. I couldn't really understand everything he explained the first time, but basically, he decides if my soul is to react positively or negatively to the sealing when it comes to the older and bigger memories.
Something I'm extremely grateful for, because even with his ability, I've felt more than once as if something essential was taken from me, my soul trying to get it back because of the hole it left, but Do-hwan could whisper that it was fine, that the hole was going to fill itself with a happier memory and suddenly, most of the panic was gone.
Yoongi would always contact me soon after to make sure I was fine and to let everyone know of my state as well since we've all been sent to different tasks to help the mission progress as much as possible.
Only Jin remains at the suite, something he complained a few times about because he feels useless, but knowing that he gets to see me after my sessions to take care of me seems to bring him relief so he's grown to accept his situation, especially when he's first to notice that the more we seal away, the lighter I feel, as if an invisible weight keeps being lifted off my shoulders, off my soul. It makes us all hopeful for what's to come.
"Let's go, you need to rest before your session with Seo-joon" Mark says as he wraps an arm around my shoulders to help me walk and I nod, too tired to resist. Even if I say that I can keep going, it would be a lie. This session was particularly exhausting although nothing to worry about since we focused on small ones. It was just a lot.
We start making our way out of the room as well and walk through the corridors to head to my suite, happy to know I'll be able to rest in Jin's comforting arms soon. I'm lucky to be able to have him by my side whenever I come back because being alone always gives me more time to think of Eunwoo.
If he's fine right now, if he's hurt. Are they allowing him to eat properly, are they taking care of him, if only a little. If he's getting rest, if he's allowed breaks. Why are they even keeping him? Surely they must have found out by now that he doesn't know much about where I am, or are they keeping him because he knows too much about them? So many questions I have no answers too and I shake my head to try and focus on something else. Worrying right now won't change anything. It'll only make me feel miserable and that won't help him.
I stare at my twin, still unable to resist the feeling of amazement that spreads through me and keeps me warm whenever my eyes fall on his face, the realization that I'm reunited with him again and smile when I see how happy he seems these days.
"How's it going with your soulmates nowadays?" I ask, eyes then falling to his finger to see the rings now bonded and connected to the other boys. His eyes light up at my words. "It's going really well. They're wonderful, I didn't know it was possible to feel so complete. When I found you, I found my second half, but them? It's like I found the missing shards of my soul, I can't imagine my life without them anymore" he says, voice bright and full of hope.
To see my brother beaming like that, I couldn't ask for more. This is what I like to see, what I grave into my mind to fill in the huge gap we have between us. How happy he is, the creases in his eyes, the warmth I can see in them, budding love seeping into it all and making him this ball of contentment.
And I can't help but wish for a world where he can discover and travel without being worried for anyone's life. A world where Eunwoo is by my side, safe and happy along with his soulmates.
A world where I can be free with my soulmates, a normal life that we all deserve to have. One I long for. But instead of this peaceful life, we've found ourselves in uncomfortable situations because of me, the dreams, the attacks-
I freeze in place, not believing that I could have forgotten about that. The fire man. The picture I took of him before he exploded. I never connected to the picture, so much happened that it completely flew out of mind. Mark turns to me, worry spreading to his face and he steps closer, hands cupping my cheeks softly so I look up at him.
"What's wrong, little sis?" he asks but I don't respond right away, brain trying to make sense of the pieces of puzzles. Could he have been a part of the group who took Eunwoo? He was after me, he knew my parents, knew what they did, got rid of them.
"Mark, we have to go see Seo-joon, now" I urge him and proceed to turn around to the opposite direction of the suite to head to his office. I ignored my shaky legs and push through the exhaustion, knowing that this isn't something that can wait.
My twin lets out a sound of surprise before running after me. "Why?! What happened?" he asks, confused. "I'll explain later, I might have the key that will allow us to find out everything we need to know about the enemy" I let out, watch as his surprise becomes serious, quickly understand how important what I'm saying is.
We rush to the man's office and are allowed inside without hesitation as the guard steps aside, now used to seeing me around.
"Seo-joon!" I exclaim as I burst inside. The man lifts his eyes from the papers in his hands, about to sigh but when he sees our serious expressions, he frowns and motions for us to come take a seat in front of his desk.
"Did something happen?" he asks and I nod as I try to get my breath back under control. "I think I know how to find Eunwoo. But we need to head to my home" I let out, watch his frown deepen and he props his elbows on his desk to lean in closer. "Explain" he orders.
"I was attacked by someone a while ago, a man of fire, his intent was to kill me but luckily Namjoon had set a barrier on me at that time and Waffle protected me as well. I could take a picture before he killed himself, a human bomb. I need to get this picture, it could hold so much information" I say quickly without taking the time to breathe.
Seo-joon's eyes widen as I explain the situation. "I knew of the attack, but I didn't know you had a picture. That changes a lot" he mumbles before jumping to his feet. "Alright, we're going right now" he urges but Mark grabs his wrist. "Wait wait, we just finished a session with sealing the memories, she's exhausted" he says but the man shakes his head.
"Not her, I'm going with a team. She stays here, but I want Yoongi and Taehyung to join us in the room, you know which one, I'll brief them on what I need them to do there" he says and while Mark nods, reassured, Seo-joon turns to me.
"Follow me and tell me about the house, everything I need to know about it so we don't waste time searching around". I nod and hurry after him as we leave the room, heart beating so fast from anticipation. Am I hoping for too much? Is the picture still there? Does it really hold all the information I wish to find?
Mark separates from our group to go get Yoongi and Taehyung as asked while Seo-joon and I head to the room where they always prepare for dangerous outside missions. I start telling him about the layout of the house, where my room is and where I last remember putting the picture. That if they ever see my camera within sight, I'd be grateful if they could grab it.
It doesn't take long before he has an sufficient knowledge of the house and when we reach the room, he opens the door and enters, then beckoning me to follow in even if I'm not going to come with them.
I stumble into a room filled with bulletproof vests, guns and knives of all sizes and kinds, something I never thought I'd see outside of movies. "Shit damn" I blurt out, fingers grazing one of the knives, the smoothness and coldness of the metal making me shiver slightly.
I've experienced enough times what it feels to be the one sliced open, but to be the one holding the knife, that's entirely different and to have so many around me? I feel like I've entered a mafia movie.
"Kitten" I hear suddenly and when I turn around, it's to find Taehyung running over to take me into a strong hug while Yoongi follows closely behind with Mark. I smile at my other soulmate as he swiftly makes his way over and giggle lightly when he takes me away from Taehyung and into his own arms, mouth going to peck my lips a few times before he pulls back to stare at me.
"Everything okay?" he asks softly and I nod. "Just tired. This session was exhausting" I tell him with a light shrug. He hums and caresses my cheek, a strand of hair tucked behind my ear before Taehyung cuddles the both of us, curious eyes staring at Seo-joon and the few men who entered the room as well as they get ready.
"What's going on?" Yoongi asks after a while of silence and Seo-joon turns to us after having grabbed one of the guns to slide it under his belt.
"Your soulmate mentioned an attack that occurred. A man of fire, you all must remember that one. She took a picture and we need it, it could hold all the information we need" he explains quickly.
Taehyung and Yoongi's eyes widen and both of their arms tighten around me, memory coming back and taking them aback. We all had pushed the incident to the back of our mind after all. I squeeze their hands as I feel the stress climb slightly and send them calming waves, it's over and we don't need to worry about something that won't happen again. The man is dead, he can't do more damage than he already did.
The boss ignores their reaction and motions for one of his men to grab one of the bags at the back before giving us his attention again. "I asked for the both of you to come here because I need your abilities. Yoongi, you're going to stay in contact with me, you're going to be our way of communicating. Taehyung, you'll be directing me around. If it's in the house, if it's somewhere else, you tell me everything you can. Today, we get that picture, no matter how far we need to go to get it".
I feel my soulmates tense up at the mission they're given, something they never expected to have to go through in all of their life, but they nod, more than ready to do as told. I can sense from their tall and straight postures that they even feel slightly proud to be part of such a task.
"Alright, let's go" Seo-joon says and the small group disappears right away, leaving us alone surrounded by dangerous weapons and it becomes oddly quiet as we await for anything to happen.
Mark steps closer to us and pulls out some chairs from under the table behind our group for us to sit down, which I appreciate because I can feel my legs wobble and my head feels heavy with the need to sleep. Still, I try to resist because I want to know what happens next.
Yoongi must see through my facade somehow because he takes a seat on one of the chairs and makes me sit down on his lap to cradle me close while Taehyung stays immobile, eyes closed as he focuses on his task.
"You can rest, it's fine" Yoongi whispers in my ear, arms going to wrap around me to keep me close and I nod, head going to settle in the nook of his neck, a sigh leaving my lips at not having to struggle to stay up anymore but I keep my eyes open, orbs wandering the room and observant.
"The picture is in the house, but it's moving around, I don't think the house is empty" Taehyung suddenly says and I feel Yoongi tense up as he relays the information to Seo-joon. "He wants to know if you can tell where exactly they are and how many".
Taehyung frowns and quickly sits down on a chair to focus better. "I can only tell where the one holding the picture is. It's in... Namjoon's room. I can't search for someone I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm trying but nothing happens" he apologizes, the bond buzzing with the weight he currently feels, from being unable to help properly and from knowing someone might currently be messing up our home.
"I'm surprised they took so long to raid the place" Mark wonders aloud and I nod, also uneasy with that part. The timing is... too timed. Just as I think of the picture, here they go taking it. Is it just a coincidence?
"What about my camera? Are they keeping my camera as well?" I ask Taehyung and he closes his eyes again, silence coming back briefly before he nods. "They do, it's moving around in your room".
I bite on my lips, worry taking place in the pit of my stomach. I hope they're not going through my pictures and deleting them. I hate knowing them in someone else's hands, it feels like the only thing I'm truly allowed to enjoy in life is taken from me and violated.
Yoongi's hand on my back starts sliding up and down and I sigh, nose going to nuzzle deeper into his neck to try and calm down. I hate knowing that our privacy is being trampled like it's no big deal. It's a disgusting feeling.
Someone suddenly appears in the room, blood splattered across his face and I startle at the sight. "Take the bag, you're free to go. There will be no session with Seo-joon today" he says and Mark is quick to jump to his feet to grab the said bag before the man disappears again.
Yoongi clears his throat, a lump of disgust passing through his part of the bond, one Taehyung and I share easily. I can already imagine what's going to happen to the people they found and it probably won't be a pretty sight. A look at Mark tells me I'm right and I shiver, knowing exactly how it feels to be tortured and I wouldn't wish that for anyone, no matter who or what they've done.
I get off Yoongi's lap, intent on walking back to the suite by myself but I get suddenly dizzy, balance thrown off for a moment until a pair of arms catch me and lift me up against a chest. I sigh, disappointed by my tolerance to fatigue, one similar to a young child's.
"You really need to rest, kitten" Taehyung mumbles, worried eyes on me before he's looking at Yoongi and Mark. "I'll bring her back to the suite, Jin must still be waiting for her and getting worried, can you tell him? I'll have to run as soon as she's there because I was in the middle of something important earlier" he explains and Yoongi nods as he stands up from his chair.
His hand cups my cheek and he pecks my nose. "Rest well, snowflake. Good job for remembering the picture, that's going to help a lot, I'm sure" he praises and I smile, heart warm at his words. I turn to look at Mark as he opens the bag.
"My camera!" I exclaim, eyes wide when I see it in his hands. Yoongi takes it from him and hands it to me, knowing how important it is to me. As soon as my fingers get a hold of it, I turn it on to look through the gallery, anxious at what I'll find, but when I notice that my worst fear became reality, I feel my heart drop, soul withering in despair.
Everything is gone. I didn't print every pictures in there, didn't save everything I had into my laptop. I had taken a few of the guys when they weren't looking, beautiful pictures that were dear to me, moments of laughter, of pure happiness, pictures I wanted to ask permission to connect to one day, a curiosity I needed to satiate about just what them smile so brightly that day.
A sob resonates in the room before the tears even make it out of my eyes and the bond takes a sudden shift at the feeling of my misery spreading through and taking over like a wildfire. I don't want to react the way I do, but it's a loss so strong to me that it's almost similar to getting over someone's death and I can't keep these emotions from seeping out of me ins strong waves.
"Oh kitten" Taehyung murmurs before cradling me tighter into his hold, my head going to settle into his neck as the tears start flowing onto my cheeks freely, the urge to cry at the loss of memories I'll never be able to grave into my soul taking over my whole being.
"Take her to Jin, I'll tell him about what happened and what to expect, he'll be able to take care of her" Yoongi says softly, his lips kissing both of our cheeks, one last hesitant gaze at me breaking his heart before he disappears from sight as he is needed somewhere else.
"We'll make more new memories, kitten, there will be more" Taehyung whispers, soft and sweet nothings into my ear to soothe me as he takes us out of the room after nodding at Mark.
I clutch my camera closer to me, lips trembling as I try to stay quiet, the tears unable to stop their fall from my eyes to Taehyung's shirt, the fabric getting soaked and cold under my face. I nod at his words, knowing he's right, but it doesn't get rid of the pain. Taehyung sighs, wishing he could help more but not knowing how to.
As we get closer to the suite, seven different bonds send me more love than I can process and although the loss of these pictures breaks my heart, I use my soulmates' feelings to allow my breathing to calm down and become steady. I allow the bond to mend and heal my heart, to soothe the pain, a temporary patch that covers the worst of the wound.
"Just like that, kitten, you're doing good" Taehyung praises me, deep voice helping me focus on what matters right now. My soulmates are safe. I can take more pictures, we'll make more memories. This isn't the end.
And the next thing I know, I hear Jin's voice before I see him, his arms going to take me from Taehyung gently before the latter kisses me on the lips softly.
"I love you, kitten, I'll be back soon".
And with that, the door closes in front of my eyes.
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