ALMOST 70K LIKE WHAT!!! I ALMOST SPAT MY COFFEE- oh wait, I don't drink coffee. Anyway! Thanks so much to everyone making it this far in my story! I'm so grateful to be allowed to share this with you all! I love you very much!
As soon as I reach the boss's office, I push the guard aside and open the door to find Mark and Hoseok looking dejected. They turn towards me with wide eyes but I ignore them and rush to the desk where Park Seo-joon is seated with his arms crossed, seemingly already done with whatever was said.
"Please, I'll do anything you want, anything, please just get my friends, bring them here too" I plead right away, not willing to lose time. "Berry-" Hoseok reacts to my words but I don't even process his words, all of my attention on the man holding all the power in this room.
Seo-joon hums and leans back into his chair. "Anything? Even if it's not fun? Even if you don't want to?" he asks and I nod. "Anything. Make use of my ability, I don't care as long as they're safe. I put them in danger, I told them that I'm safe and now the government is suspicious, I can't have something happening to them because of me" I say, tears trying to force their way out at the simple thought of my brothers being hurt in any kind of way, but I push them back.
Hoseok hugs me from the side, his warmth helping me to keep my nerves at bay as I watch Seo-joon stare back at me in silence. "I accept your offer, on the condition that your friends also offer their help".
I bite on my tongue, not liking having to make that choice for them, but I figure working for him here is better than anything the government could do to them to get answers. With what they did to me while they needed me, there's no knowing what they can do to those they don't need as much.
"Alright... I agree. But only if they all come back safe" I state, see him narrow his eyes on me. "This deal is in function no matter how many we manage to get here" he counters, tone strict and closed to anything else I could say to change his mind.
I nod, not willing to fight against him. We're losing time. "Fine, please hurry then" I plead, watch as he stands up from his chair with a sigh. He motions for someone in the room to get closer, someone I recognize as a teleporter.
"Go to the address she'll give you and get her friends, as many as possible without giving away our location" Seo-joon says before opening the door and motions for all of us to get out. "Thank you, really" I say with a low bow, thankful that he accepted my plea after all, especially since I'm pretty sure he refused Hoseok and Mark.
He waves with a shrug. "We bargained. You went from helping if you want to to helping me even if you don't want to. I won't spit on that. Don't regret it. Now let me work on my shit" he mumbles before heading back to his desk.
We do as requested and once the door closed behind us, Hoseok grabs my hands. "Berry, was that really a good idea? We don't know what he's going to do to you now" Hoseok says, worried and even Mark doesn't seem to really like the idea.
"He won't do anything to hurt her... or he'll make sure it doesn't affect her too much. Either way, he seemed really pleased, so that means he already has things in mind for her" he says, tone concerned and face into a frown.
A throat clearing has us turning around to see the teleporter staring at me. "We might not have much time, where do I need to go? How many? Their names?" the man asks and I proceed to give him everything he needs to know.
"I'll come back in the designated room, Mark knows where it is" he says then disappears. Anxious and hoping everything goes well, I allow my brother to lead us to the room while Hoseok holds my hand tightly and on the way, we see our soulmates rushing to us.
"Kitten, please don't rush away like that again, we couldn't find the way until someone directed us" Taehyung complains while taking me in his arms. "Sorry, Tae, I just didn't want to waste time" I mumble in apology, feel him hum against me.
"We need to go now" Mark says and once Taehyung lets go of me, his hand latching onto mine while Hoseok takes hold again of my other one, we rush after my brother to head to the special room where barriers are set to make sure that there are no magical tracking chips on the newcomers.
"Did he agree? To bring them here?" Jimin asks and I nod. He sighs in relief. "Don't be too happy about this. Berry here offered to do anything the boss wants in exchange for the guys' rescue" Hoseok lets out and the surprise then frustration taking over the bond makes me gulp. Taehyung's hand on mine tightens and I can feel that he's taken aback, unhappy.
"Bun... we know that they're important to you, but your condition... you shouldn't have done that" Namjoon scolds me gently but I shake my head. "You guys don't understand what I'm ready to endure if it means keeping them safe. I'm fine" I retort, hear their collective sigh, bond even less pleased with my words. I free my hands, their annoyed states making me want to just curl in on myself.
"You can't just make decisions like these without knowing what they include. What is he going to make you do? What if it's somehow worse than what you were forced to do before?" Yoongi says, his sharp eyes on me forcing me to look away. "He took me away from that, why would he do the exact same thing?" I counter but Jungkook groans. "Yoongi hyung is right. We don't know this man, what if it's all a trap in the end?".
"Let's talk about this later, I'm also not really pleased with my little sister's rushed decision but we're here" Mark cuts through the argument and makes us enter a large room in which floats a heavy energy, result of the few barriers permanently in place, making the air almost vibrate with all the power on standby.
Suddenly, a rush of wind hits me in the face, pushing me backward and I bump into a body behind me, arms wrapping around my waist to keep me still. "I got you" Jin whispers and I put my hands on his arms while keeping my eyes on the glowing light in the middle.
Jin's the only one who didn't really show any sign of anger. Maybe because he understands how I feel, to some extent. Anyway, I'm grateful that his part of the bond is calmer than the others. I'm already anxious as it is and their feelings are really feeding that to the point that I'm just about to start feeling sick.
A sulky Jungkook comes to my side and takes one of my hands from Jin's arm to intertwine our fingers and the feeling of sickness goes away, although my anxiety remains. He squeezes my hand in silent love and I squeeze back, his gesture warming my heart. Jin leaves a kiss on the side of my head, as if to say that everything will be fine and I lean further into his hold, appreciating his more than I could say in words.
The light gets stronger and after a moment, I have to avoid looking directly at it. Moving so many people requires a lot of energy and this man's ability is exceptionally strong for being able to do that, especially since he can go to any destinations if he has just enough information about them.
When Mark took me around to meet some of the inhabitants, I got to learn a bit about what they ran away from, from those who were willing to talk about it. This man told me that he was forced to work in the army. He had to teleport group of soldiers to any destination he was asked to and many times, it ended up in rape and useless killing. His mind broke so many times, the heavy burden of having caused that to happen heavy on his shoulders. When Seo-joon found him and took him here, it took him years to finally process that he couldn't do anything to help, his life was on the line, just like mine. It just served to fuel even more of my anger for the abuse of abilities, to be forced against our will for something completely out of our control.
The light fades away and I see my friends and brothers standing in the middle. He did it. Except, I don't have time to sigh in relief when I hear Sanha's panicked scream. "Eunwoo! Eunwoo is still behind!" he shouts. My heart stops and the arms around me serve well to avoid me falling down as my mind processes the words.
Panicked eyes looking around the room until they fall on me, Moonbin's wet eyes are begging me to help Eunwoo, to get him back. I turn towards the man, see him shake his head with a desolated expression on his face.
"He was taken. I'm really sorry" he explains softly, eyes sad and powerless.
I shake my head. Not Eunwoo. Not my heart soulmate, the man who grew to be my other half besides Mark. When the scan on the two groups is over, the buzzing energy lowering to make the air easier to breathe, JB and his soulmates also looking heartbroken and confused, Jin and Jungkook let me go and I rush to them. Sanha grabbing me as soon as I'm close enough into a bone crushing hug, his head weeping in my neck. "Eunwoo's gone" he whimpers, my heart breaking with each of his cries.
I meet eyes with MJ, see the tears in his eyes, Jinjin and Rocky in the same shape. "We can't feel him anymore" Moonbin whimpers and I turn my head to him, wide eyes not believing what I just heard.
"That's not possible. That's not... he can't be... Eunwoo- No" I blurt out, eyes looking for anything they could say to oppose those words. "He's not dead... but he's cut off the bond" Rocky explains as he gathers Jinjin and MJ in his arms. "Our bond is still intact, but they must have done this on purpose" MJ adds, his voice shaking lightly.
I feel my knees give up under me and Sanha slides down to the ground with me, his arms not letting go of me as he keeps sniffing, his head snuggled in my neck. I hug him back tightly, my own head finding its way in his neck, unable to keep the tears at bay anymore.
Moonbin steps closer and falls to his knees to hug us both so strong it almost hurts. "He'll be fine, he's strong. We'll find a way to get him back" he whispers, his voice shaking, but I nod, I nod because that's all I can do, that's all I wish for. For him to be fine.
"I'm so sorry, that's all my fault, if only I didn't trip..." Bambam says and I turn to look at him through the fog covering my eyes to see his soulmates gathering around him. He stares at me with guilt in his eyes. "Eunwoo tried to help me and stayed behind with me, but suddenly, I found myself here and he wasn't with me" he adds, his eyes tearing up.
I shake my head and wipe my face, then leaning back to do the same to Sanha's cheeks, his eyes already red and puffy. "Eunwoo knew what he was doing, he knew the risk and still did what he did. It's not your fault Bambam. It's no one's fault except for the attackers. We'll get him back, I promise" I state strongly as I do my best to push my pain to the back of my heart, knowing that they need the reassurance more than I do. I see their heads turn to me as the bond fills me with pride and strength.
I look behind me to see my soulmates nodding at me, their eyes telling me they'll do their best to help as well. Moonbin wipes his face with his sleeves and nods as he helps me stand up with Sanha. "You're right. Our soulmate is strong. We'll get him back, at all cost" he confirms with determined eyes.
Jinjin, Rocky and MJ step towards us for a group hug to give each other the comfort we need to get through this. Their warmth is so comforting and to finally have them with me, although the group is incomplete, it fills a part of my heart that needs them. I can see the same happening to them as eyes gain in strength and determination. We're not giving up.
The moment is broken by a gasp from Mark and I spin around to see him staring at his hand with wide eyes. I frown and step away from Astro to see if he's fine, but then my eyes fall on his finger with six red rings. "Mark..." I whisper, see him look up to me in confusion.
"You..." Jackson mumbles as he too stares at his finger, prompting everyone of GOT7 to do the same. "Our final soulmate" Jinyoung finishes the sentence. With a small smile, I push my brother towards his soulmates. "Who would've known" I murmur as I watch them stare at each other with shy amazement, not quite willing to jump in happiness because of the situation, but unable to act like this is nothing either.
"We should give them some privacy" Sanha says with a tired voice, but eyes smiling a little for his friends. JB looks like he's on the verge of crying and I can tell it's not of happiness. "I'm so sorry guys" he whispers, but Jinjin is having none of it as he goes to hug his friend.
"Sorry for what? For finding the soulmate you all have been longing to meet one day? This day has finally come and although we lost one of ours, it's no reason to not celebrate the appearance of one of yours. You all deserve this, we'll be fine" he says and I feel my shoulders slump at his words, watch as JB bursts into tears until Yugyeom and Youngjae come to get him to soothe their soulmate.
Mark shoots me a worried look and I send him away with little wave of the hand. He nods and motions for the guys to follow him, probably about to lead them to his place so they can talk alone. Once out of the room, I turn back to my brothers and the emptiness of the room only enhances the fact that Eunwoo is not with us.
I try to resist, I really do, but my missing brother, a piece of my heart, not knowing in how much danger he is, my walls crumble just as fast as I had managed to set them up and I let out a pitiful whimper, MJ already rushing towards me to take me in for a hug as I start crying. I wasn't fast enough. If only I had run faster, told the teleporter the information faster, if I had simply agreed to Seo-joon's request right away, every seconds could've made a difference.
"Peach, no, you're wrong, so wrong. None of this is your fault. There are so many things out of our control and this situation was one of them. I can assure you, we'll get him back, at all cost. Don't try to carry this burden alone" he tells me, his voice so soothing and when he pulls back to kiss my forehead, it's to allow another pair of arms to snake around me, my back pulled against a chest.
"He's right, Snowflakes, don't do this alone, okay? We're all here. Let's focus on those who were saved and see what we can do for Eunwoo, alright?" Yoongi says, his chin on top of my head as I watch Jimin stop in front of me to cup my cheeks, sad eyes looking into mine as he wipes my skin clean of tears only to be replaced with new ones.
"Baby jewel, let's go back to our room, okay? We'll let the guys stay with us for a while, there are enough rooms anyway so you can keep them close, what do you think?" he whispers, eyes searching for the lightest trail of discomfort in mine.
"Oh we wouldn't want to bother you all, I'm sure there's somewhere else we could stay" Rocky says but I shake my head as I search him in the group. "Please stay" I let out as I meet eyes with him. His gaze softens and he nods, Moonbin, Sanha, MJ and Jinjin also smiling in relief that we don't have to separate so soon.
"Alright, we shouldn't stay here any longer then" Jin says and without letting go of me, Yoongi pushes me towards the door, Jimin and Namjoon flanking my sides as we start heading to the suite, the guys following behind, their small whispers barely reaching my ears.
That happy day at the house suddenly feels so far away. Where did that peaceful life go?
Eunwoooooo my heart nooooooo what have I done?? 😭
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