Don't forget me
I'm at the gallery, finalizing everything with all of the artists. JB is here too, although he's more in his professional mode, no time for fun chitchat. As I take care of my own section, I'm required left and right, answering questions, giving solutions to last minute problems and it's energy consuming, but what I experienced this morning gave me the power enough for an army, so I push through the day.
"Y/N, I'm starting to really doubt the quality of my pictures..." a young lady whispers once near me. I turn around to see tears in her eyes, panic and anxiety ready to destroy her confidence. I drop everything that I'm doing to wrap an arm around her shoulders and lead her to her wall.
"Honey, look at what you did. Look at your pictures" I say, making her stare at one picture at a time. Her theme is Serenity, going from flowers to clouds, from couples holding hands to people reading alone. "What I see is truly a work of art, how you managed to capture all those scenes. There will never be an other picture that will look, move exactly like yours. You captured a time and space of something that already doesn't exist quite the same. I wouldn't have given you a whole wall for your work if I didn't think you were deserving of it. I know it's your first time, it's making you anxious, the thought of people seeing what you see, but I know they will love your work. Maybe not everyone, but some. And that's what you need to focus on, the love of the few, not the hate of the many. Because love keeps you going while hate keeps you down".
The young lady sniffles and wipes her tears before nodding, determined to keep going. "You're right, thank you so much". I squeeze her shoulder lightly before going back to my wall to organize my pictures.
It was quite a struggle to organize them so that the timing works, but once I figure it out, I'm really proud. Proud of my soulmates for working so hard for me, proud of what we managed to do together.
The hours pass by like that and eventually, when the sun starts going down, the artists start leaving too. I do a small round to see if everyone is doing well, if anything seems weird and see JB still fixated on the same picture from earlier. Curious, I step closer and stop by his side to look at it.
It's a picture of his parents. His theme is Family, so he used pictures that he took over the years, like a chronology. I put a hand around the back of his neck in comfort, this was hard for him. When it came to bringing them to life, he asked me if he could see the memories with me and I had been quick to agree, I was not going to refuse him that right.
So when he connected his mind to mine to see the last picture he ever took of his parents, it had been a very emotional moment. The tears and sobs that left him that day would take time to forget.
He turns to look at me with a tired smile. "I'm fine, don't worry. I'm just appreciating their smile again. It feels like so long ago when they last looked at me like that. I miss them". I stay with him until he decides to hang it on the wall in its rightful place, finally showing us a complete wall of memories. His memories. It was a very intimate exhibition for him, but it was important to him. He wanted to show to his family and soulmates how much he cared.
"Do you need help?" he then asks me, but I shake my head. "I'm done" I say and we smile at each other. "Do you want me to walk you home?". I shake my head. "I'm going to eat at Astro's place. He chuckles. "I still don't understand why they chose Astro as a family nickname". I glare at him. "Aren't you one to talk? You all chose GOT7, like does that even mean something?" I retort and he snorts. "Shush".
We leave the building and go our separate ways after a hug and I head towards my friends' house. It's been a while since the last time I went there. I take the time to text them that I'm coming soon and put the phone away. The sun is still lighting the way and I see some families walking back home with smiles.
How I longed to be able to smile with my family again. But that possibility got stolen from me so fast.
When I end up in front of their house, I get ready to knock but the door opens to a very happy MJ. He must have heard me think about knocking, I think to myself. "Exactly" he replies and beckons me inside before closing the door and hurrying to his soulmates. "She's here!" he screams and the others giggle. "We figured".
I head to the living room and am greeted by a hug from Sanha before the others all get a turn. They then make me sit on the huge couch and all take a seat around me. "SO! TELL US EVERYTHING" Sanha shouts to the top of his lungs and I can't help but slap his arm. "Don't shout!"
Eunwoo takes me in his arms so I'm leaning on him and he rocks us from side to side. "How was it? Did you all bond?" he asks in a soft voice, a little apprehensive and I nod with a huge smile. "We did. If only you could see, it was beautiful what they did, they put so much care into making it the best date ever and they treated me so well. This morning was the happiest I've ever felt in so long" I start explaining, not leaving out a single detail and they all gaze warmly at me, just happy to see me talk with so much energy, a light in my eyes that they thought was gone forever.
"I'm so happy for you, Peach, you deserve it all" MJ coos and I giggle in response, making them all coo even more at my pink cheeks. "She's so adorable, I can't handle this" JinJin chirps and the others nod quickly, almost tears in their eyes. Eunwoo's hold on me tightens and I try to look behind my shoulder to see him. He seems weird.
I stare at the others, maybe they know what's up. The eyes I see tell me that there's effectively something going on with him. Like on cue, they all get up from the couch to leave us alone. I shuffle in his arms so I can see him without leaving his arms, the strength he's using sign that he's anxious.
"Eunwoo, tell me what's wrong" I murmur so only he can hear me, creating a soft bubble of intimacy around us by doing so. He doesn't look me in the eyes, instead focusing on our entwined hands. "Eunwoo" I nudge him softly, "look at me". He looks up and sniffles. "Don't forget me" he whispers in a broken voice and I feel my heart shatter.
I cup his cheeks with my hands and wipe his tears that keep flowing. "Peanut, why would I forget you? What's got you thinking like that?" I say, voice shaking at his rare display of such emotions. His lips become a fine line before he opens his mouth again, lips slightly trembling. "You have your soulmates now, I'm scared of them taking you away from me".
That does it, I break down with him and I hug him as tight as I can. His arms sneak around my back too and we weep into each other's neck. "Never, Peanut, never. You're my best friend, my family, how could I? I know they wouldn't do that either, they even told me they plan on coming here to stay. I won't leave, okay? What we have will stay forever, for eternity" I whisper in his ears and I feel him nodding slowly. "O-okay" he stutters shakily.
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and figure it's probably one of my soulmates, but right now I want to focus on the man in my arms. When I don't reply after the third time, an anxious Yoongi knocks at the door of my mind to see if everything's fine.
"Y/N? What's wrong? We can feel you hurting so much right now" he says quickly, like he's ready to come running as soon as I ask him to. "I'm okay, Yoongi. It's Eunwoo, just... we're fine okay? Just some worries I need to settle once and for all". He hums, already feeling calmer. "Alright. Tell us if you need anything, Snowflakes. We'll see you tomorrow". And he's out.
I stroke Eunwoo's back slowly in soothing motions until he's calmer and his hold weakens around me. "Feeling better?" I ask as he looks at me with red eyes. He nods, a little bashful now that he remembers what he was scared of.
"Don't be ashamed, Eunwoo, I'm glad you told me. I never ever want you to think the way you did ever again, you're not getting rid of me" I say again and the smile he gives me brings warmth to my heart. That seems to settle my soulmates when a heaviness disappears that wasn't mine. It would take time to get used to this, sharing everything with them like that.
Rocky pops a head from behind a door. When he sees us smiling, he reaches us and leaves a trail of soft kisses on Eunwoo's cheeks who just giggles at the tickles. "Come on now, let's go eat before the food gets cold" he says and we nod. I stand up first and help Eunwoo before following Rocky to the dining table where everyone's already seated with small smiles. When Eunwoo gives them a wide smile, they visibly relax, shoulders losing the tension and they sigh in relief.
The rest of the night goes wonderfully well. We joke around, cuddle, talk, watch movies. But when I figure it's late enough, I tell them I should go back home to rest to be ready for tomorrow morning.
"Why don't you just sleep here, you can leave early tomorrow to go get ready, I don't feel comfortable leaving you walk home so late" Moonbin says, concern in his voice and I eventually concede that it would be better like that, much to Sanha and JinJin's delight, they were waiting for their turn to cuddle with me when I'd sleep over. "Aright, let's get you to bed now" JinJin says when he sees my eyelids growing heavier and heavier and Sanha runs before us to my bed, already ready with arms wide open for me to take place.
I chuckle at the sight and slide under the covers, letting his warmth envelope me while JinJin takes place behind me. I fall asleep quickly that night, feeling content with the day I had, memories of my soulmates filling every empty space, their love covering me like a warm blanket.
When I open my eyes, I'm with my family on a mountain trail. Mom had promised for so long that we would go hiking and I was beaming with joy. My big brother close behind me while our little sister is screaming atop his shoulders. Dad chuckles and holds mom's hand in his. My grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins are following us too since it's a rare family event. The trail is soft, so it's not too hard and we can climb up the mountain without really being aware of it.
I take my camera and take pictures from everything I can see, but mostly my family. They're the best subjects to take in picture and I love making them come alive to relive the moments whenever I feel sad. Eventually, we reach a long bridge that connects the two mountains and I giggle anxiously. It's so high and wiggly. But when my brother coos saying that I'm a scared chicken, I puff out my chest and take proud steps on the bridge, the others following close behind with laughs.
As much as I want to enjoy the view, my need to take a picture of them on the bridge seems a lot more important, so I run as fast as possible to reach the other side. Mom screams for me to be careful, she doesn't want me to fall to my death. I understand, I wouldn't want them to fall down either, but the bridge is strong, it can't break, so I keep running.
When I reach the other side, I hurry to take my camera to take many pictures of them. They smile and wake, trying to make this memorable because they know how they'll move later on the walls of my room. I giggle, happy to finally be able to spend time with everyone and take one more picture. As I press the button, the click seems too loud. Way too loud. Just as the picture appears on the screen, the bridge breaks.
And I watch as my whole family falls down in the valley of trees. And the scream that leaves my throat is one of pure agony, my body shaking heavily as I almost jump down too, my need to be close to them taking over my sanity. A pair of arms grab me before it's too late and I just keep screaming. Again and again. They're gone. They fell. I captured their death.
Alright, whose POV should we do for the next chapter?
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