6. Stalker
Lei's POV
A lot of help the Las Vegas Police Department is. The best piece of information I got is that a lot of people call in with missing money after going to Fremont. And they told me that "there's nothing we can do about it". I'm gonna be mad about this for a while but staying in Las Vegas will not help me find the thief. Plus I'm sure the police department just thinks everyone gets too drunk to remember paying for drinks or a stupid tattoo or something.
It's the day after Izzy's wedding and I just got in after a short flight, but I'm still tired as heck. I got an uber to the cute apartment my cousin and I share. We're currently looking for someone else to live with us because we have three bedrooms and there's only two of us. But we haven't found anyone yet. I want it to be a girl because then we could have girl nights and spill the tea. It's just not as fun to paint Adrian's toenails because they disgust me. And he doesn't let me paint them red.
I drag my suitcase up the wooden stairs leading to the door. I grab my keys from my purse and unlock the door and walk into the living room. On the couch, my cousin lays shirtless and eating whip cream straight from the can while watching Stranger Things. His usual.
"Hello, Sunshine!" He hops up from the couch and gives me a bearhug. I laugh and point at my suitcase, "Want to be a gentleman and take that rock to my room?"
"You haven't even said hi yet and you're already back to bossing me around." He says pouting as he walks to my suitcase, picking it up as if it's a feather.
"Aw, you're the best cousin ever," I call out as he takes my suitcase back to my room.
"How was the wedding?" He shouts from my room.
"It was beautiful, it makes me want to get married," I shout back.
I walk into the kitchen and grab two bottles of water. I hear Adrian walk into the kitchen. "Think fast." I throw the water bottle up and behind me. I hear him catch and spin around to congratulate him but-
"Who are you?"
In front of me is not a shirtless Adrian but a boy who looks to be my age, maybe a little older with emerald green eyes and curly-ish brown hair and a smirk.
"I think a better question is: Who are you?" He says taking a swig of his water and keeping his eyes on me the whole time. I scoff and fold my arms over my chest.
Who does he think he is? I live here and he is in my territory drinking my water, well actually Adrian's water and he looks like the owns the whole place. What a prick.
"I don't have time for people who answer questions with questions," I walk out of the kitchen and find Adrian back on the couch. I turn my head a little and see the prick looking at me still.
"Adrian, can you tell your friend it's rude to stare?" I roll my eyes and walk past the prick, grabbing my phone off of the counter and walking off to my room.
"It's rude to stare." I hear Adrian mumble as I leave the room.
I've spent the last 4 hours sleeping and now I am hungry. I look at the clock and it's 12am. Who doesn't get midnight cravings? I tiptoe out of my room and walk quietly into the kitchen. I open the fridge looking at all of the options. I pour myself some milk and I grab a chocolate chip cookie. I sit down at the island in the complete dark, basking in the silence. All of a sudden the kitchen light turns on.
"What the fuck." he stares at me and I stare back with my delicious cookie in hand.
"What are you doing here?" I stand up, forgetting my milk. He leans against the fridge and towers over me, he's at least 6'0.
"What are you wearing?" He asks and I look down at my Harry Potter pajamas complete with a shirt and shorts. I look back up at him and squint my eyes at him. He's changing the subject.
"Pajamas. What are you doing here, Stalker?" I jab him with my finger and his face remains smirking at me.
"Those are way too short." He says gesturing to my shorts and he breezes past me picking up my milk and taking a sip.
"If you don't tell me right now why you are still here at midnight, I swear to god, I will scream and wake up the whole goddamn neighborhood." I lean over the island and look him dead in the eye, letting him know I'm serious.
"Why don't you ask Adrian? I thought he would've told you before you got back but apparently not." He finishes off my milk and I- well I do exactly what I said I would have done.
I scream bloody murder.
While Stalker literally sits there with his elbows on the table laughing his ass off, Adrian comes running into the kitchen with a metal baseball bat over his shoulder.
"What's going on?!" Adrian asks urgently and looks around wildly for a threat. He waves the baseball bat over his head and jumps on the balls of his feet, turning a courter of a turn with every jump.
"This fucking stalker is what's going on!" I point at Stalker who's grinning from ear to ear, looking like he's having the time of his life.
"Who's a stalker?" Adrian asks confused, looking from me- to the literal stalker and back to me.
"This guy, Adrian, who the fuck is he? He was here earlier and now he interrupted my midnight snack, made a stupid comment on my pajamas AND drank my milk!" I shout and Adrian's mouth forms an O. He rubs his elbow and looks at me.
"Well, I was going to tell you earlier. But you were at the wedding and I didn't want to interrupt that, you know. Then I was thinking I'll just tell you on the plane and then I kind of forgot too... then you were here so I was going to tell you tonight before we went to bed. But I knew you wanted a girl and I didn't even ask you so I knew you were going to get mad. But you went to bed before I could tell you so I just figured he would tell you himself but-"
"Dude, shut up and just tell her." Stalker rolls his eyes looking bored out of his mind.
Thank you.
"Lei, meet Noah. Our new roommate."
Oh god no.
hi, it's yo girl
it's very hot under this blanket, i didn't know you could sweat from writing. anyways goodnight or whatevah. hope you like the chapter, don't forget to comment and vote !
til next time, haylizzle
ps the song at the top is stuck in my head, comment what song is stuck in your head
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