4. Quartet
Lei's POV
"400 dollars doesn't just get up and walk away!" I exclaim in frustration as I shuffle through my purse, looking desperately for my missing money, with no prevail.
"Are you sure it's not back in your hotel room in a different bag?" suggests Alexandria as she sets down her plate of food and slides into the seat next to mine.
"Yes, I'm sure." I sigh and run my hands through my hair, wondering where the hell my money went.
"Honey, I'm sure it will turn up," says Izzy in a comforting tone. She pats my back and picks at her food in front of her. I'm causing too much tension right now, I can throw stuff at the wall later. Right now I need to be here for my best friend. You only get married once.
"Where is Riley? Did she get lost in the rows of sweets?" I ask Alexandria as I pick up a strawberry from her plate and plop it into my mouth before she can take it back. Izzy smiles at me and bats my hand away as I go to take a piece of bread off her own.
"Go get some food, Lei. Riley didn't pay $60 so you could steal off of other people's plates." Alexandria says.
"That's very true. Be right back, I have to start eating $60 dollars worth of food!"
My feet lead me to the very beginning of the buffet... or maybe it's the end. Who knows? There are endless amounts of meat, sea food, pasta, chowmein, pork buns, a huge variety of cheese and crackers. I keep walking down the row of food and I see delicacies I don't know the names of, menudo, tacos, fruits, vegetables and a dozen of different types of salad.
I pile my plate sky high and promise myself that I'll come back for more. I haven't even gotten to the deserts. As I walk back towards our table an overwhelming feeling of anger washes over me when I remember my "missing" money. Someone stole it because there is no way I lost it. God, only an asshole would do that. Please send them karma.
In my midst of thoughts I nearly missed the table, or at least what I thought was our table.
Wait, where the fuck is everyone? I must be losing my goddamn mind. I could've swore that-
"Lei!" I turn my head to see Drew. I internally sigh, that must mean all the other guys are here as well. Too bad for our girls only breakfast.
"Hey, Drew. Did everyone gather at a new table?" I ask as he walks up to me with his own plate of food in his hands.
"Yes, ma'am. They're over here." He winks as he leads me away from the previous table and farther into the buffet.
I see the table, Izzy is laughing at something Mitchell whispered in her ear. Across the table from her, Alexandria is flirting with a boy with mocha colored skin and a dashing smile. Riley is arguing with the blue eyed boy besides her, who seems amused by her banter. I take the seat next to Izzy that's open and Drew sits down beside me and gives me a smile when we make eye contact.
Let me introduce you to the trio that comes with Mitchell. Spencer Freeman is the boy with mocha colored skin, light eyes and a gorgeous smile. He's friendly and entertaining, he easily gets girls with his smile. It's like his smile is the honey and the girls are the bees. Then we have Harrison Jameson. He looks like your typical golden boy. Blonde hair, blue eyes, plays football and has a massive ego that needs to be shut down. But he's not that bad, Riley would tell you differently though. All they do is bicker, it's really annoying because everyone except them can tell they're in love. Anyways, lastly we have Drew Smith. Light brown hair and light brown eyes, he's definitely a catch. He's sweet and protective over his family and friends. I had the most massive crush on him throughout middle school, not anymore. He's just not for me.
So there you have it, the iconic, energetic quartet of boys that I love even though they irritate every fiber of my being.
"So, what did you guys do last night?" Spencer waves his eyebrows suggestively over his glass as he takes a drink of his orange juice.
"I don't kiss and tell." replies Riley as she waves her eyebrows back at Spencer.
"We went partying on Fremont Street," Alexa reveals and the boys perk up, wanting to hear more about what we did last night. "and all I will say is that Izzy got some kisses on the cheek. And she looked hot as fuck."
"Thanks, you looked hot too." Izzy says and Alexa winks at her, earning a laugh from Izzy.
"Hey, you better not be winking at my girl." Mitchell pulls Izzy into him and sends a glare to Alexa who's laughing.
"Ohhh, Alexa, gonna steal your girl, Mitch" Spencer taunts with a wide grin on his face.
"Shut up."
"Don't copy me."
"Don't copy me."
Mitch smiles widely as he thinks of what to say next.
"I'm stupid."
"You're stupid." Spencer nearly chokes from laughter as he takes a bite from his pizza.
"Can you guys shut up, please. You're quite annoying and loud." Harrison says and Riley nods her head next him. Lovebirds
"Plus you haven't heard the best part of last night yet." Riley says with a wicked smile on her face and she makes eye contact with me. I roll my eyes as I realize what she's going to say.
"Lei fell for a guy." Riley says cheekily.
"Oh my god, I tripped! He caught me, I said sorry. End of story." I say shaking my head but I couldn't help but smile.
"You're smiling at the thought of him!" Alexa squeals and bounces in her seat, giddy with excitement over the mysterious boy I ran into last night.
"Did you find your Prince Charming?" Harrison coos, and clasps his hands together in anticipation.
I laugh and shake my head again. I return my eyes to my food, but everyone's eyes are still on me, waiting for my answer. I sigh and look up, glaring at Harrison.
"Even if I did, I'll never see him again."
"Aw honey, you'll find your Prince again." Izzy says grabbing my hand off the table and holding it tightly. "If not there are plenty of other fish in the sea." Drew speaks up and smiles at me, I smile back.
I know
"Enough about the lost Prince Charming. Who's getting married in 24 hours?" I sing, changing the subject completely and everyone starts discussing the upcoming plans. I go back to my food happy that the attention is off of me and on the wedding.
My thoughts go back to last night. The pretty boy with dark hair and dark eyes, the more time that passes the harder it is for me to remember his face. I remember Izzy's words and they give me hope. Maybe I will see that mysterious man again.
And who the fuck stole my money, don't think I'll forget about that so soon. I'll call the police and ask if there's anyone who hangs around Fremont Street that's trouble. I don't know how it will help me now, but I just want to know who did it.
hi, it's haylizzle with another chapter, a few days late. but here you go. also go check out the characters and what they look like! don't forget to comment and vote!
'til next time, haylizzle
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