HERE YOU GO GUYS I AM UPDATING AGAIN!! Also gUYS we got past 10k reads OML the had no high Hope's great this book lMAO!!!!! So thank you guys and Enjoy I am sorry if i've been gone for a WHILE i had been busy with school and AP exams are coming up please forgive me. I accidentally killed myself this year by taking all honors and AP classes and ended up having to work REALLY HARD because i am dumb af
3rd POV
Y/n ran towards the main dressing room where everyone else was. "SOMEONE SOMEONE HELP PLEASE IT IS YOONGI AND JIMIN!!!"Y/n yelled out towards everyone in a panic. Namjoon stood up and walked over to Y/n. "Okay Y/n what is wrong?" He asked startled. "Jimin and Yoongi...they...they're fighting!!" Y/n said about to cry. Namjoon nodded. "Where are they?" He asked. "In the 3rd dressing room." Y/n said frantically. "Kook console her." Namjoon ordered. Jungkook nodded and went over to his Noona. "It is okay Noona everything will be okay." He said hugging her tightly. Jungkook stood there hugging Y/n tightly and patting her head. "Jungkook thank you so much...you really are a "Big Kid" Y/n said smiling. Jungkook blushed and looked away.
Namjoon had gone to go see Yoongi and Jimin. "Guys what is going on here!" Jimin and Yoongi were full on punching eachother until they heard Namjoon. They stopped and looked at their leader clearly distressed. "I want this perv to stop harassing and assaulting my girlfriend." Yoongi stated angrily. "Jimin looked at Yoongi and scowled. "I just wanted to have fun with her." Jimin said smirking. Namjoon sighed in annoyance. "Guys please put your dicks away we don't have time to be fucking around. We NEED to shoot this music video." Namjoon said grabbing their wrists and pulling them along. He brought them back to the dressing room and smacked them both in the face. "How old do you think we are 5 we are all Teenagers right we are all almost adults so STOP FUCKING AROUND AND FOCUS!!" Namjoon said angrily. The boys sat down in a chair and looked at the ground thinking about how they both fucked up.
The cool A/C draft tingled my bare legs, the lack of clothing and intervention with Jimin suddenly making me feel conscious. Had I just ruined Yoongi and Jimin's relationship? I knew Jimin was in the wrong, but I couldn't help feeling that part of it was my fault. While I was deep in thought, Jungkook peered over his shoulder from the couch seeing Y/N wrapping her hands around her bare shoulders and legs like a cocoon. Jungkook wrapped his hands around the ends of the pink hoodie he borrowed from Jin and stripped it off his broad shoulder, leaving him in his iconic plain white T-shirt. "Here." Jungkook threw a pink ball of thick cotton material at me. I caught it in mid-air, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Once I opened it up, I realized it was his hoodie. My eyes grew soft and teary. All these guys were selfless and did so much for me... when all I did was tear them apart. I couldn't hold my tears in any longer. My sobs weren't loud and wild like I'd expect them to be, instead... silent tears flowed down my face while my lips trembled in self-pity. Is this really how low I've become? I sat in the main dressing room all the stylist Noona's making them look all pretty and making finishing touches. I looked to the door expecting RM coming back with Jimin and Suga. After a few minutes I began to get worried. They were still not back. Jungkook was dressed and came out to sit next to me. I've noticed more and more he is willing to help me out and be kind to me. Jungkook shyly looked over at me and rubbed the back of his head. He came towards me more and then wrapped his arms around me tightly. I was shocked but touched. I felt my face to notice hot tears running down it. "Hey everything will be alright...if you think it is your fault Noona it isn't. Jimin shouldn't have done those things to you earlier and at the mall and Suga shouldn't have hit anyone no matter how angry he was over it. I know this isn't the right time let my feelings be heard but Noona I love you not as a friend but as much more." He pecked my cheek and stopped hugging me. I was shocked. Jungkook loves me too. He noticed my uncomfortable face. "You can reject me or accept me whenever you have time and have thought things over." He said smiling weakly and going over to V and J-hope. Suga came over to me a few minutes later and held my hand. "Y/n Namjoon says that we should give each other time to think over our relationship... I know we just got together but as the incidents have occurred right now...I am basically saying we need a break and we need to think things over. I wanna know if I can really be with you and you should do the same. I love you so much Y/n but i don't want to fuck things up between us and our friends." I nodded but felt more sad. I had felt as if he only used me for a good fuck...and THAT FUCKING HURT!! I felt tears roll out of my eyes. "I can't believe you said that...i understand but really Yoongi on a break...maybe a break up. You are acting like those middle school boys that date a girl for a day and drop them because they can't handle it. That FUCKING HURTS!" I looked as Yoongi's eyes went into a state of shock. He was clearly not prepared for that. I looked as he turned away and walked off angrily. Jin came up behind me and smiled. "Don't worry dear he will be back and want more of you...he just has to realize how much he misses you. Let him take some time though okay." "Thank you Jin." I said going in to hug him. He hugged me back and i felt very safe in his arms almost like a mother comforting her child...Oh wait i guess that is what he is. I Thought keeping it to myself i chuckled softly before looking over at Jungkook who was sighing in annoyance at his phone. "Damn Yoongi- hyung." Jungkook said putting his phone down.
Hey guys i am trying to update this but it HAS BEEN A WHILE I KNOW!! I am sorry as if you read before in the opening i had killed myself in school this year so.......... TT_TT ALSO GUYS Jimin's Nevermind tattoo is real. I am not saying this to be a gossip girl, but because i want you guys to be in with the times. Also i think it is REALLY COOL I like the idea of Tattoos but my parents would probably flip so.....anyways guys please respect his decision to have a Tattoo it is his choice and frankly if he wants one he can have one because it is his body even if it considered taboo in Korea.
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