Why Am I Frozen??
Sup I am back with another part hope it is good. also if you guys have have anything you want to say just comment down below okay enjoy this next part. remember to keep reading for updates Thanks ~ Yoru
(Bf/n) called again waving their hand in front of your face.
"Huh?? what is it."
She asked again still waving her hand as I kept staring in instantaneous fear.
"Oh, nothing."
I said moving my head to look at the ground. Yoongi-Oppa seemed to do the same because I saw him look down at a desk when I glanced at him for a sec.
The Bell rang signaling that lunch was over. The Gang noticed this because they exited our classroom and went back to their respected grade levels and classes. I was walking to my seat when someone tapped my shoulder.
"Huh?? OH, Namjoon-Oppa."
I said surprised.
"What is it?"
I asked questioning why Kim Namjoon would even pay me any attention.
"Did our little Jungkook say anything mean to you?"
He asked concerned.
"OH no no no he didn't."
I exclaimed stuttering.
"Oh okay, I just wanted to know so if he did we could scold him later."
Namjoon said rubbing a hand behind his head as he walked off back towards his seat. The bell rang again signaling class would start back up again.
"Okay Class pull out your English textbooks please."
Ms. Jejang said walking into the classroom.
"Today in English we will be working on these worksheets here I have in my hand."
She began handing out some English and Grammar worksheets.
The whole class groaned in tiredness and annoyance.
"Alright "
Namjoon said happily.
"WOW good job someone in this class that actually likes English."
She said amazed.
"Now get to work children."
She said sitting down and grading tests.
As the School Day ended (Y/n) walked up to Ms. Jejang not amused.
"So you asked to see me after class?"
she said.
"I wanted to talk to you about your music grade. As you know this school is know for producing the best and I mean THE BEST musicians in the whole world. Whether you be a Singer, a Dancer, Musician, Composer, Rapper, or Songwriter. You will succeed in the name of the school... because WE HAVE NEVER EVER HAD A STUDENT FAIL THIS SCHOOL THAT IS WHY WE ARE THE BEST."
She said yelling at (Y/n).
"Miss. (Y/n) I better see this 60 in practical music go up to an 80 by the end of the month or I will have the principal expel you."
"Noooooo Please don't."
(Y/n) said pleading for her life. She may have been the average girl to meets the eye, but like everyone she has dreams. This school was one way to make her dreams come true. She was prepared to work harder than she ever had for it as well.
"Then I better see an 80 by the end of the month Young lady."
You walked out of the room head hanging low in displeased sadness. After a while, you soon began roaming the school, after a short while you ended up at the beginning of the school. You look around and walked back into the school again roaming the halls in sadness of your grades and the scolding Ms. Jejang gave you.
"I hope i can make an 80 by the end of the month."
As you roamed the halls you saw all the after school club students (catch my drift A.S.C.) went home to their dorms and you were supposed to either do homework, practice instruments, or vocals for the next day.
"This better be a good month for me the only things I'm good at are (playing desired instrument and/or singing \ rapping... you choose)."
As you kept roaming the halls you ended up on the second floor but you began to hear a beautiful melody playing. Intrigued by the sound you began walking to try and find where it was coming from. You ended up on the 3rd floor following the beautiful sounds. It was a piano coming from music room 2 on floor 3.
"I wonder who is playing that beautiful music"
you said slightly opening the door.
Should I go inside?
*************************************************************** hah you thought I'd tell you this chapter who was in the music room sorry but your wrong well wait till the next chapter to see what happens ~Yoru
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