The 2nd strike of Ms. Jejang
Hi guys ik ik it has been a while really long time for the Author to be not updating well how've you all been??? Oh yeah so I drew so if you were wondering who drew that pic I mean it is obvious it was me so yeah I was bored so I drew please comment if it is good or still needs work ik I am okay at drawing. Well hope you enjoy ~ Yoru
Ms. Jejang noticed that you were spacing out and decided to pick on you for it. "So Y/n how are things over there." The whole class turned around and stared at you. You snapped out of your trance looking state. "I'm good." You nervously said. "So Y/n can you tell me the best way to keep sound in the studio when recording?" She asked sternly. "Uhmmm I am not really sure." You said nervously looking down at your empty paged notebook. "That is what I thought." She then began to speak about the ways to enhance the sound and keep the sounds in the studio and stay in the studio. "next time Miss Y/n instead of failing my class and spacing out PAY ATTENTION!" she stressed out to you
During Lunch
Ms. Jejang walked up to you desk right as you were about to leave for lunch. She smacked a paper on your desk. "Miss Y/n i am very disappointed in you how could you do this to BTS." she said ,and walked away. You picked up the paper and it was complaint letter from Jangmi and her friends along with Ms. Jejang. It said that there were several complaints about you harassing BTS and about how you "Follow" them everywhere. "WHAT!! I don't follow them around and i don't even know how big of a fan people are of BTS but do know i'm probably like the lowest level of the fandom there is. "Someone walked into the classroom and saw you reading the paper. "Hey Y/n how are you?" the deep voice said. "Oh Yoongi...i'm good." You said putting a fake smile on your face. "No that isn't true that smile is fake." Yoongi said laughing and poking your cheek. You flushed deep red and started denying it. "Just tell me maybe we can figure something out." he said. "Okay Fine." you said giving up to his plead. You showed him the Paper that Ms. Jejang had handed you earlier. He grabbed it and looked at it in confusion and had a WTF face on. "what the hell is this someone actually thinks you bother us?" he asked. "Apparently so Yoongi-oppa." he folded the letter neatly and took your hand. "we are going to the other members to talk about this." he said sternly and clearly mad. He began dragging you to the practice room where all the other members are. "Yoongi -oppa that hurts my wrist." you said. he loosened his grip a bit but still dragged you. When you arrived you were greeted by a Sexy Mochi, a Bunny Rabbit, and a Ray of Sunshine. "Noona." Jungkook and Jimin said hugging you. (A/N: You lucky Bitch Jimin and Jungkook man) You looked at Jimin in saddness and Hugged Jungkook. "i missed you guys." you said to them all. "Hello Oppa." you said to J-hope who was opening his arms for a hug. Yoongi looked mad and angrily walked up to Namjoon. "NAMJOON WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" Yoongi yelled. Woah bro what is wrong Suga chill.
HI yeah i promise i'm not dead i know it has been a while since i have updated this book but yeah there have been problems at school i needed to take care of so sorry for the long wait hope my drawing is good BTW see ya next update ~ yoru
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